Claiming Bella [BDSM] a D/s obedience tale.

Claiming Bella

“It’s time, Bella.” His face was more serious than it had been previously.
She was still smiling as she took the last sip of her drink. They had been having fun at the hotel bar just chatting and enjoying their time together. With his words, she quieted a bit and shifted in her seat.

“Bella, I want you to come upstairs with me. We are going to take this conversation to somewhere a bit more private. I have a few things I want to show you, and of course, it’s the perfect time to have you demonstrate a bit of your training. Will you come upstairs with me?”

She knew what he meant, and she knew it was her choice. There wasn’t any hesitation. She couldn’t wait to see what he had in store for her.

“Yes, Master. Of course.”

After paying their check, he grabbed her hand and led her from the bar. He was deliberately quiet as he strode toward the elevator knowing the silence further built her anticipation. As he pushed the button for the elevator, he rested his hand on the small of her back. Just that small gesture made her shiver, and he smiled.

“Relax Bella. It’s just me.”

Relax he says. Pshh. “Easier said than done,” she thought.

They approached his suite, but just before he ushered her inside, he paused.

“Bella sweetheart, You’re mine. I mean you’re mine all the time, but in this room, you are completely mine. All of You. I need you to fully understand that. So to ensure there are no misunderstandings, I want you to do something for me. Once you cross the threshold of this room, you turn yourself over to me. If you agree to this, you will enter, kneel, and recite your sub creed to me while looking in my eyes. Do you remember your sub creed Sweetheart? Then, and only then, will I know you have agreed to fully submit to me. Do you understand?”

She blinked back at him forgetting her words for a moment.

“Yes Master.I understand.”

With that, he unlocked the door and entered the room holding the door allowing her to weigh her decision. It didn’t take long. With more confidence than she actually felt, she strode into the beautiful suite. She attempted to cross into the sitting room, but he caught her arm tightly in his grasp.

“I meant it, Bella. If you are here, I need to know you agree to submit to me. Not a step further until you do so. Now.”

She was startled. His tone was a bit more ominous. She caught his eye and dropped to her knees.

i am Yours fully and completely. Heart, body and soul.
i will respect You as my Dom and do my very best to please You in all things great and small.
i will communicate with complete honesty my needs, desires, and limits.
i will keep an open mind about trying things that i am not accustomed to and fully trust in You to care for and protect me as Your sub.”

she waited as He stared down at her.

“Good girl, bella. Such a good girl. Almost perfect. Let’s fix that. I have something for you that will make this completely perfect. Come. Kneel in the center of the room for me.”

she began to rise, but he stopped her.
“Crawl for me bella. Let me watch my slut crawl. Then position one sweetheart.”

she didn’t hesitate. she crawled to the center of the room. It was so different to crawl with someone watching her, especially in her dress. she tried her best not to be self conscious but only mildly succeeded. she assumed position one and waited. He watched each movement until she was situated, and then He disappeared into the bedroom. she felt Him return before she saw Him.

“my good slut, I said you are mine. Let’s mark you as so.”

First, He opened a small box and removed a simple but elegant collar.

“You always look wonderful collared. You will look even more wonderful in my collar.”

He slipped the black leather around her neck and fastened it firmly in front. She wanted to leap from her knees, scream, and wrap her arms around him. However, she didn’t dare move. She briefly touched the leather wrapped around her neck

“Thank You Master! i love it,” she whispered.

“We aren’t finished yet bella. Stand please.”

she took His hand and rose to her feet. Without hesitation He loosened the knot of her halter dress and let the straps fall exposing her tits. It fell to the floor. she fidgeted a bit but didn’t say a word.

“Your panties bella. Hand them to me. Now.”

She stared at her shoes.

“Now, Sweetheart.”

she felt His eyes on her as she shimmied out of her panties and placed them in His palm.

He examined them a bit and then rolled them into a ball. “Open, bella”

This….. this surprised her. she reluctantly opened her mouth. she had promised Him she would submit. This was just unexpected.
He filled her mouth with her panties.

“Good slut. Now, position 9. Stand. Legs spread. Hands over head with wrists crossed and head to the left.”
She obeyed immediately. He walked around her inspecting. His hand slid slowly down the curve of her breast. she moaned a bit as He tweaked each nipple til it was taut and erect. He circled her again and swatted her ass making her jump.

“The collar looks lovely but let’s mark You further. Hold your position bella.”
He removed a marker from His pocket and began to write. He wrote His name prominently across her tits. Then he kneeled. He was so close she could feel His breath on her. The cool tip of the marker glided across her pussy until “Master’s cunt” was displayed.

“Perfect, bella. Now You are mine.” she wasn’t certain as her head was turned to the left, but she thought she saw Him commemorate His art with a quick picture.

“Let’s see what other positions You remember. Position 3.”
she dropped on all fours, head up, and arched her back. He watched her as he strode to the minibar and grabbed a beer. He returned to one of the beautifully upholstered chairs and had a seat. He was silent as he watched her hold the position with her mouth stuffed with panties while He slowly sipped His beer.

“What to do with you, my dear?”

He thought a bit more but didn’t speak. she couldn’t take it. she did something very unsub like. she crawled to him. He didn’t command it. He didn’t ask for it, but she didn’t think He would forbid it either. she approached him and put her hands behind her back. With just her nose, she leaned forward and nuzzled His crotch. He took another sip of his beer and just let her enjoy.

“What would You like, sweetheart? Ask for what you want.” He removed the panties from her mouth.

How could she say this, but at this point what was there to be shy about? she was naked, collared and marked as His.

“Master, let me enjoy Your Cock please.”

“Of course, Sweetheart, but not too much. i am not through with you yet.”
He unzipped His fly and slid His jeans lower. she didn’t hesitate. she inhaled His scent as she grazed His Cock with her cheek. He began to harden as she licked and teased. she was exactly where she wanted to be, on her knees pleasuring His Cock.

Abruptly, He stopped her. He grabbed her hair and yanked her from His Cock.
“Fuck, Bella! That feels lovely, but it is my turn to play. Stand for Me and spread your legs.”

she pouted a bit but obeyed. How could she possibly say no to Him wanting to play? She spread her legs before Him as she stood. At first, He just leaned back in the chair. Again, He watched her. Every so often, He lightly grazed the lips of her pussy with His fingers. She was wet, and she knew He knew it. She could feel her juice beginning to seep down her legs.

“Stay still bella til i tell you to cum.”

He began to finger her as she stood. Gently at first teasing her clit. Then moving deep inside her. Alternating back-and-forth until her breathing was labored.

“Please Master!”
“Please what, bella?”
“Please may i cum, Sir?”
He smiled up at her. “No, no you may not.”

He continued to teasing her pussy as she fought off the orgasm. She rocked against His fingers, but He spanked her ass hard making her yelp.

“Stay still bella. Don’t cum,.” He growled.

Fuck…… His fingers tormented her again and again. she couldn’t last.

“Please Master. i beg You. Please let me cum!”

“No, bella. We aren’t even close to letting You cum as He increased the pressure on her throbbing clit.”
The game was over, and she knew she lost. Her orgasm exploded through her body as she fell into His lap. He continued to play as He held her and worked her through her tremors. He slowly eased and stroked her hair as she lay panting against His shoulder.

“Bella sweetheart, what happened?” he practically purred knowing full well what He had done to her.

“i came, Master,” she replied meekly.

“And did you have permission?” He inquired.

“No Master. i did not.”

she could almost feel His whole body smirk at her answer.

“Well my dear, this night just got a whole lot more interesting! Position 2 Slut! Now!”


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