Pokemon: Adults Only Tournament prolouge two

“Fuck fuck fuck.” I exclaimed, throwing on whatever clothes I could find. “i overslept, dammit.” I pulled the door to my temporary bungalow open to the outside world. Just yesterday I arrived at the Zeelin Islands, a tropical paradise, and the battle ground for my first ever pokemon tournament. After some excitement on the airplane, I guess my body wanted to rest more, cause I was over an hour late for my meeting with the profesor.

The rules of the tournament were fairly simple, trainers from all walks of life and all experience levels were given new pokemon and told to travel and fight. Well, orientation was an hour ago, and that’s when everyone was supposed to get their new partners.

I ran outside, it was warm here, the sun beamed brilliantly in the sky. if it wasn’t for the shade from the forest surrounding the town I think I would melt. the town itself was definitely. My flip-flops barely contained the heat from the pavement. I found the large white building, and a sign in it told me it was the laboratory.

I breathed deep and opened the glass doors. Either wall was covered in complex machinery with various dials, displays, numbers, and more things I couldn’t understand; the air conditioning was nice though. A few men in lab coats were distracted with reading the complicated readouts. I walked down until I saw a woman bent over a table, a pleased expression on her face.

She was pretty. She wore a lab coat like everyone else with a cute red vest under it, her green hair was tucked under a brown beanie. She was moaning.

I took a tentative step forward and saw her pants were around her ankles and a Gardevoir with her face buried in her nether regions. The Gardevoir had light blue tints instead of the normal green ones they had.

I was stunned by the sight. The erotic display seemed strange like I shouldn’t be watching, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

The woman eventually opened her eyes and saw me.

“Oh, hey dude.” her voice was so casual. “Give me like five minutes.” she closed her eyes again and began moaning louder. “You can watch, I won’t stop you.”

I stood there in shocked silence as the poke in ate the woman out, her moans were deep and sensual. Her face was twisted in pleasure, her eyes half lucid and her mouth open in sexual motion.

Fuck it was hot.

I watched for a moment longer. When the woman gripped the table and began moaning louder. “Oh shit Azure, right there.” she moaned. Her body began trembling in orgasmic pleasure, she opened her eyes, her green pupils rolled up and her tongue flopped out of her mouth as she came hard from the Pokemon efforts.

She laid there breathing as the Gardevoir finished up and pulled the women’s cargo pants up around her waist. She saw me, nodded, and walked away, taking a seat in a chair.

The woman stood up and stretched. “So kid. What’s up? Late for the orientation huh?”

“Uh. Yeah. I was.” I responded.

“Cool. Well, good news. Bad news.” she walked over to a large circular machine and hit a few buttons. The glass dome lifted and a Pokeball was sitting on a red cushion. “Good news. I have a Pokemon left.”

“And the bad news?” I asked.

“Well. It’s not what you probably were expecting.” She picked up the Pokeball and released it. The red beam hit the floor, after the flash stood a brown Lopunny. Except for two, rather large differences from the usual specimen.

Art by Cervina7

It looked at me with a joyous expression, hoping slightly, making her large breast jiggle with every movement.

I looked at the woman in disbelief. “Why, why is she, why does…”

“She have huge tits?”

“Yea, that.”

The professor laughed a little and began pacing back and forth. “Well, this island has some strange properties that make the local Pokemon evolve differently than normal. Take Azure, my Gardevoir.” she gestured over.

I looked and saw the Pokemon with a white-skinned cock in its hands, its other hand fingering its pussy. It was such an erotic display.

“She evolved with a human esq cock and vagina and a sex drive to go with it. This Loppunny obviously has breasts. and there are many more examples of this. I’ve seen Machamps with giant cocks, Tangrowth with cock vines, and many other strange, albeit, sexy deviations.”

“Wow. That’s a lot to take in.” I said.

“I know, but that’s the purpose of this tournament. It gives us a reason to study this phenomenon and allows us to pay for the staff and machinery necessary to do so,” she said, taking a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket and lighting one.

“So.” I began. “Who are you? Exactly.”

She snapped a finger. “Knew I was forgetting something.”

She took a drag off her cigarette and smiled.

“Well kid. Welcome to the world of Pokemon. People call me Kiwi, the Pokemon professor. And this is the Adults Only Tournament. Where the strongest trainers from across the world have gathered to duke it out and put everything on the line.” she paused for a moment.

“I do mean everything. The benefactor of this tournament has a sick sense of humor and has announced that not only money and items are on the table, but also the trainers themselves. So, if you and your battle partner agree to it, well, you can go at it any way you want. But our benefactor has clearly stated that both parties must agree to sexy time.”

I was stunned. That’s so much information all at once. Why were Pokemon evolving this way? What’s the purpose of betting on sex?

“Well, kid. There’s a plane heading out of the island in two days, if you don’t want to compete, there’s no pressure,” she said leaning against the wall.

The Lopunny began sniffing at me, walking in circles around me. It found my crotch and lingered for a moment. Then it purred. I put a hand on its head, it was warm and soft. I gave it’s head a few rubs and scratches. It purred loudly, it was really cute.

Well, I was here now, wasn’t I? Besides, I can always say no if I don’t want to do anything, well, sexual. My heart fluttered in my chest. The Lopunny’s black eyes stared into mine. It was weird, but I liked her. She was cute.

“No.” I said “I’ve always wanted to go on my Pokemon journey. I didn’t get to do it ten years ago, but I’m going now.”

Kiwi smiled wide. “Fuck yeah.” she pumped her first. “Well, gonna name her?” she gestured to Lopunny.

I thought about it for a moment. “Hazel.” Hazel stood up and jumped up and down, again sending shockwaves through her bare breast.

“I think she likes it,” Kiwi said. She produced a small light blue backpack and tossed it towards me. I caught it and looked inside. Six pokeballs. A couple of potions, a technical machine case, and a random assortment of survival items.

“You’ll want to wear something a little more robust while traveling,” Kiwi said. “So go change and get ready.” her smile was genuine and warm.

I nodded and picked up the Pokeball Hazel came from. I shrugged and put it in my new backpack and motioned for her to follow me.

I waved goodbye to Kiwi and went to my little bungalow to put on some good travel clothes.

I looked through what I had and decided on a nice outfit

Art by emcee82 on deviantart

A white button-up, denim shorts, and my favorite boots. My heart was pounding in my chest, I’ve always wanted to go on an adventure like this. I looked at Hazel, she was looking around the room, sniffing and looking around, eyes wide with curiosity.

I giggled. It was weird seeing something like her, a creature so different than anything I’ve ever seen. She was a little shorter than me, her legs were wide and thick with muscle. The way she looked at everything with fervent curiosity was cute.

I put away what I wouldn’t be taking with me and grabbed the backpack Kiwi gave me. I took a deep breath. Today was the start of something great.

I opened the door and walked outside again, this time ready to… Well, I didn’t know. Hazel was behind d me, and that was enough.

I began walking down the road to the entrance of the town. I assume that would be the best place to start.

I felt a buzzing on my back in my pack. I opened it and found a Rotom phone lighting up, saying I had a call. I blinked before answering it.

The screen lit up with Kiwi’s face, her skin was deep red.

“Uh. Hi?” I said. She was moving a lot in the video.

“Fuck.” she whispered. “Heya, umm, kind of slipped a phone in your.” she paused, closing her eyes and breathing. “Put a phone in your pack. So, I can…” she grunted before turning her head. “Azure slow down I’m on the phone. I want to keep an eye on you, a certain someone told me you saw Ho-Oh.” she moaned.

“Uhm yea, I did. Professor, are you okay?” I said

“I’m perfect, Azure on the other hand, well, she’s almost at her limit.”

As if on cue I saw the head of a white-skinned cock on screen. Kiwi gripped it and began slowly stroking it. “Oh, by the way, you should head north to Brazza town, that’s where you’ll find out what you’ll be doing here.”

“Umm. Okay, thank you, professor.”

She winked with a smile. I heard a loud moan off the screen. The cock in her hands twitched and unloaded onto Kiwi’s face, covering her with thick white fluid.

“Have fun out there kid, and call me when you get to Brazza town.” I nodded and the screen went black.

“This island is weird.” I said aloud.

(hey all, prologue two on the bank, what do you think is going to happen in Zella’s new adventure? If you enjoyed let me know in the comments and leave me a like. If you really really enjoyedand have a dollar to spare, check out the [patreon](www.patreon.com/queen_creme) live you all. Have a nice day!)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/t7ctff/pokemon_adults_only_tournament_prolouge_two