[F4M] naked in the cinema. wanna get fucked

Sometimes I go alone for a movie in the cinema hall. I purposefully wear revealing outfits specially a strip crop top, and a mini, with a tong and a bikini bra inside. I choose the corner seat and I book another next to me. sometimes a guy would touch my big boobs or try to finger me. they know i want it.

During one movie a guy who seemed middle aged saw me alone and sat next to me. i knew what he was upto and he slowly brushed his arm on my boobs then started slowly touching and then gradually squeezing it a lot. i pretended to not like it but he kept touching it and then whispered if i did not let him, he will rip my top open and make me naked.

i let him take off my top and expose my naked boobs. he went crazy and started sucking my boobs making them soaking wet. His hand went under my mini and he took off my tong. he kept fingering till i was wet. my mini was removed and i was fully naked in the cinema. i got on the floor and he made me suck his dick hard. he touched every inch of me and i was fucked like a bitch. two hours of being a slut for an unknown middle aged man. he took my tong and left me in his cum naked.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/t2kh1l/f4m_naked_in_the_cinema_wanna_get_fucked