My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 2 [Incest]

My Jealous, Lazy, Sexy Aunt : Part 2
– 4:36 PM (5/17/21)

“I’m surprised you bathe.” I half whispered while warm water ran through my fingers into the tub below. “You surprised what!?!” Yelled Aunt Liz from the living room couch. I exited the bathroom and surveyed the living area’s damages. Soda and beer cans already engulfed the cocktail table while unopened luggage bags still sat on Aunt Liz’s bed. I honestly don’t think she’s even been in there yet. I’m not a clean freak by any means, but at this rate I’ll need to hire a maid. “Your bath is half full, you should check out your room if you haven’t already.” I didn’t want to admit it but I had spent hours of yesterday’s afternoon prepping it for her. “Thanks Charley!” Aunt Liz said gleefully. “If you don’t mind me asking, was my room that girls?” Something about the way she said ‘that girls’ felt more than a little venomous. “Yea it was, why do you ask?” Aunt Liz took one more sip of her Corona before responding. “Oh no reason at all, just curious…”

After her bath Aunt Liz became a bit more productive while I was locked away in homework mode. For starters, she picked up most of her garbage and managed to unpack her stuff at record speed. She also unexpectedly threw pizza in the oven for us both. It wasn’t until I was halfway through a slice when she said something that made me gag. “You wouldn’t mind if I wore your ex’s underwear would you?” I could tell by the look in her eye that she knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my cool with that line. “W.. Why do you ask?” Without a second thought she responded. “Your ex left some nice accessories and as you can imagine the police kinda rushed me out, so I only have what I got on at the moment.” My eyes began to wander again. Even with a winter coat you couldn’t deny what my aunt was carrying. “I’m going to be honest with you Auntie, I don’t think Luna’s underwear is going to fit you…” Aunt Liz’s eyes lit up while her lips switched to a smirk position. “I appreciate your concern, but I only have need of the bottoms if you can spare them.” The kitchen became dead quiet at the admission, and my face dead pale to with it. Luna had all the time in the world to leave with everything, so why didn’t she? “I wouldn’t think Luna would come back asking for them, so I guess so..” With a mouth full Aunt Liz responded, “Thanks Charley, you’re the best!”

– 8:03 AM (5/18/21)

I woke up thirsty and rock hard as always. Yesterday’s kitchen incident made it difficult to sleep through the night. That and Auntie’s snoring didn’t do me any favors. I never realized how thin the walls were in this apartment until she came along. Thoughts of cheap soundproofing methods entered my mind while getting water out the fridge. It didn’t take long for Luna to crawl out her room like she always does in the morning. It took three sips of water and several seconds to realize who it really was. I half to admit, Luna’s underwear does look good on Aunt Liz. Then again, this is the same woman who made me half mast while looking like a hobo.

Aunt Liz had on Luna’s pretty snow white underwear and presumably her own light gray top too boot. The light shining from her room’s door outlined the curves of her underwear, making my cock shift. “Ahhhhh-haaaa, morning kiddo.” she said, stumbling into the kitchen with her phone in hand. Thankfully she seemed too sleepy to notice my hard on. If I’m to avoid the embarrassment, I would need to make it to my room before she gets a good look at me or my boxers. As I try to make my way past her she looks up at me from her phone for a moment and smiles, “Hey, like what yo–.” In my own sleepy haze I had let some water spill out the bottle onto the kitchen floor. Luckily, Aunt Liz managed to fall forward into me. Unluckily, my reflexes couldn’t keep up. We were both on the ground now, illuminated by the light of the open fridge and a cracked phone. I was stunned not by the fall but by Aunt Liz’s reaction. She was blushing again. I followed her hand as it left the floor and moved to touch something on her shoulder. I stopped half way to view the outline of her left niple in the blue hue of fridge light. It was hard, just like me.

*This story is entirely fictional. Multiple parts are coming so make sure you do as well!*
