Ocarina of Time Gaiden

Ugh, here we go again.
I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes as I sat up. The orange morning light shone through the window of the barn, lighting up my hay bale bed. The rooster crowed again as if the first one didn’t wake me up.
Those fucking chickens.
I dressed myself in preparation for my daily chores. Feed the horses. Feed the cows. Feed the chickens. Fetch water from the well. It had been my routine for as long as I could remember.
Easy enough, I’ve done it so many times that it’s practically muscle memory.
As I filled the last trough with water I realized it still wasn’t yet midday; I guess I’m getting too good at this. I went to the chest beside my bed in the barn and took out the only thing which brought me entertainment, my slingshot. Given to me as a gift from a visitor to the ranch a few years back, Perhaps they felt sorry for me, maybe they get some weird sense of joy giving kids dangerous weapons. Either way, it was one of my only worldly possessions, and something any boy my age would cherish.
Time for some target practice. I went out behind the barn and set up some old pots along the wall. As I took my aim at the vessel, I imagined it was an octorok. I pulled the stone back and released.
Right on target!
The pot smashed into a thousand pieces, creating the most beautifully satisfying noise. The kind of sound you just want to hear over and over again. I took aim again at the next pot.
My aim was flawless. Someday I could be a royal archer, or maybe a champion of horseback archery! This next pot doesn’t stand a chance. I lined up my sights and pulled back.
My shot flew through the air, smashing straight through the helpless pot, and ricocheting off the wall behind it. As it careened towards the chicken coop my heart sank. Time seemed to stop as the rooster let out a bloodcurdling cry. As if rallied by a war horn all the other chickens immediately stopped and looked straight at me. The rooster let out another bellow. Before I could react the whole flock surrounded me.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
All I could see was a blur of white feathers while they pecked and clawed at me. I ran as fast as I could around to the entrance of the barn and fumbled with the door as the chickens tore at my skin and clothes. The latch released and I frantically entered and slammed the door behind me.
As I was panting and shaking I surveyed the cuts on my arms. It wasn’t anything life threatening but damn it stung like hell.
“I saw all of that”, a sly voice chimed. “From the window. Just now.”
Her red hair seemed to light up the room as the light reflected from it. Her mischievous smile and striking features outshone her hair though. It’s probably a good thing she lives to torture me, otherwise I might find myself being attracted to her.
“Don’t you have a horse to go talk to or something?”, I replied trying to hold back tears of embarrassment.
“You’re such a wimp, it’s no wonder your parents abandoned you.”
“Go fuck yourself, Malon.”, I grunted before retiring to my room.
I looked behind myself back at Malon only to see her smile and give me a little wave as if she didn’t just stomp my ego into the dust.
Laying in my bed I kept repeating my short conversation with Malon in my mind, fueling my anger and resentment. Why did she have to torture me? She spends all day pampering the horses and sweet talking the chickens, what did I ever do to her? It’s not like I chose to be here.
In fact, why even stay? I could leave tonight, nobody would miss an orphan like me.
I went to my chest and packed what few belongings I had. Slingshot, extra tunic, and a glass jar with my pet beetle.
I waited for the sun to set so I could sneak out without any more harassment from Malon.
The moon shone brightly so I kept my movements to the shadows. As I left the barn I made my way to the wall of the ranch out by the pasture. No sense in trying the gate, I knew it would be locked. Besides somebody might see me. The wall, though intimidating at first glance was actually rather easy to scale. I climbed to the top and surveyed the vast field before me. I knew this was the right decision. I gently let myself down on the other side of the wall.
Free at last!
I decided to head to the lake. There I could swim and fish to my hearts content! What else could a guy want?
I was hardly a stones throw away from the walls of the ranch when the darkness and still of the night began to weigh on me.
Don’t wimp out this time…I’ve got to have courage…
The clouds covered the moon, laying a blanket of even more intense darkness across the field. I could feel my skin tighten up and goosebumps forming.
I thought I heard a feint rumbling so I stopped in my tracks to listen. It slowly grew louder as did my heartbeat. I could now feel it underneath my feet. My heart was pounding as I was frozen by fear. Should I run?
The moon returned from behind the clouds bearing light on the horrors happening right in front of me. A skeletal hand protruding from the ground, grasping at the air, slowly rising. I let out an undignified noise, something between a gasp and a scream, as a skeletal semi-human looking creature arose with its hollow eyes set on me. As it slowly advanced towards me I let out a shriek of terror but my body still wouldn’t move.
At the exact moment I knew I was going to die, I heard a valiant cry and the smashing of bones. Before me lay a pile of bones, and beside it, a young man.
His sword shone in the moonlight and lit up his face revealing his timid yet determined eyes. There was a moment of silence between us as he seemed to be studying my features as well.
“Umm thank you….”, I managed to say before I heard a familiar voice in the distance.
It was Malon’s father, Talon.
“What the hell is all the screamin’ about?!”, he barked as he rode up on horseback. Then his eyes seemed to adjust to the dark and he recognized me.
“And what are you doing out here, boy?”
“Well, I uh…….”
“He was being attacked by a Stalfos”, the stranger interjected. It was then that I noticed what appeared to be a blue glowing bug of some sort hovering next to his head.
“Stalfos? Out here?”, Talon replied, seeming no longer concerned with the reason I was away from the ranch. “We’d better get inside, quickly.”
Back at the ranch we gathered in the house, next to the warm fire.
“Stalfos? I thought the other farmers were just bullshitting me when they said these things were appearing at night.”, Talon said, “What is this world coming to?”
Inside with the firelight glowing I finally got a better look at the stranger who saved me. He seemed like a normal boy to me, but he wore strange clothes. A green pointy cap along with a green tunic. His sword and shield hung on his back bearing a strange symbol. Was he one of the forest folk? I’d never seen one but I heard they wear green clothes.
“Who is this?”, asked a sultry voice descending from the loft.
Ugh, Malon.
“I am Link”, the boy said, “and this is my fairy, Navi”, he said gesturing to the glowing blue thing next to him.
A fairy? I squinted as I examined the floating blue light and I could make out the outline of a woman’s bare body. I didn’t think fairies were real but here one was, and they were more beautiful than I could possibly have imagined.
“What brings you out this way, young Link?”, Talon asked, “If I’m not mistaken, you came from the forest, right?”
“Yes, Kokiri Village is my home.”, Link replied, “I was sent by the Deku Tree to Hyrule Castle. I have urgent business there.”
“Well you’ll never get past the castle gates at this hour.”, Talon said, “Tell you what, I got a shipment to bring to the castle tomorrow. You can stay here tonight, and ride with us to the castle tomorrow.”
“Link, you can sleep in my room!”, Malon blurted out grabbing his arm. I could see Links serious expression broken by embarrassment.
“Ohh, no!”, Talon said half chuckling but very seriously, “Not happening. Link, you can sleep in the barn with my helper here.”
He gestured towards me and I could see the slight relief on Link’s face.
“Humph”, Malon uttered disagreeably as she went back up to her room in the loft.
“It’s settled then!”, Talon said decisively, “Now its late and I think we should all retire.”
We all said our good nights and Link and I left for the barn.
I took Link to my room in the loft of the barn and got a warm fire stoked in the tiny stove.
“I hope you don’t mind sleeping on hay bales.”, I said to Link.
“I think that’ll do just fine!”, he replied to my relief, “I don’t suppose you have accommodations for me to bathe, do you? I’ve been traveling a couple of days now..”
As his voice trailed off I led him across to the other end of the large loft where I repurposed a large trough into a bathing tub.
“I just filled it with fresh water today, I could use a wash myself too.”, I said.
“Thank you so much for your hospitality”, Link said earnestly as he began to undress himself. This caught me off guard as I had never seen another person naked before.
His body was a lot like mine. Skinny, but well toned, he obviously did a lot of hard work in his day, as have I. I couldn’t help but inspect his body, the sight of his penis excited me in ways I had never felt before. As I was staring at his perfect body I noticed Link looking back at me with a blank expression.
I could feel the embarrassment welling up inside me. He totally thinks I’m a creep.
“Aren’t you going to bathe too?”, he said unassumingly.
“Oh right”, I said, my heart pounding.
I took off my clothes as Link submerged himself in the trough.
“This water is nice!”, Link said in a playful tone, “I think there’s room for both of us!”
The trough was large, but for two boys, it was a little tight. I lowered myself in next to Link. We positioned ourselves at either end of the trough, but facing towards each other our legs had to interlock in such a way that our penises were almost touching.
As we washed the dirt and grime away I couldn’t help but stare at his wet body. I couldn’t understand why this was exciting me so much. Suddenly Link grabbed my foot and began washing it.
“Would you mind getting my feet too?”, he asked innocently, “Seems easier this way since we’re so crowded in here.”
“Uh huh, sure”, I said awkwardly as I began to scrub his feet. How was he so comfortable with this? Must be different in his culture. I tried to act as naturally as possible, but my heart was swelling with emotions. My penis was also swelling in response to all this stimulation. Soon it was stiff with excitement, almost poking through the surface of the water.
Link took notice. “I’ve never seen another boy get aroused before”, he said curiously.
My face flushed with embarrassment. “Sorry, I….”
“Don’t apologize, where I come from, we’re taught to embrace our boyish desires”, Link said, “I like to rub mine when I get excited.”
Link scooted an inch closer to me pressing his soft penis against my raging erection. I let out a sigh of pleasure. He put is arms around me and pulled me in for an embrace. Our warm, wet bodies were twitching with excitement as he whispered in my ear.
“Is this okay?”, he asked
“Um..yes..”, I replied, too excited say anything else.
I could feel Link’s member growing against mine. Soon they were both standing at attention next to each other. I could feel our warm balls nestled cozily together while we gazed into each other’s eyes. He moved his face closer to mine and opened his mouth slightly.
This is really happening. Our lips met first, then our tongues. They danced playfully together between our mouths as we still held each other.
Link soon reached down, grabbing both of our members in his hand and started pumping this up and down. I gasped and tightened my arms around Link. I had never felt another person touch me like this before and I couldn’t help moaning with pleasure.
Link was also making noises in pure enjoyment. He then stood up in the trough putting his erect penis right in front of my nose. I admired it as the water dropped off while he twitched with anticipation.
“Could you rub mine, please?” Link asked politely.
I nodded and wrapped my fingers around his dick. I slowly pulled back his foreskin revealing his head. I gave it a kiss before I continued pumping. I placed my other hand on his well toned buttocks, giving me better leverage to rub his member with. I could feel him twitching as I longingly stared at his penis.
He placed his hand on my head, running his fingers through my curly black hair. I couldn’t stand it anymore, I had to taste it. I stuck my tongue out and gently placed the tip of his erection on it. I could taste his precum oozing out as I continued pumping. As I inched my head forward, slowly enveloping his dick with my warm mouth, I felt his grip on my hair tighten.
His dick hit the back of my mouth and I gagged slightly, but I kept my mouth on it, savoring the bittersweet musky taste. With his hips he began to thrust, gripping my hair and softly moaning. Harder and further he went with each pulse. I was now passively sitting there with letting him use me as he pleased. I did owe him my life, after all.
I could feel his member engorging in my mouth. He was getting close.
With a soft moan he tightened his grip even further and gave one final thrust before filling my mouth with his seed. I could feel his load pumping through his dick onto my tongue. It was warm and it tasted funky, but in a good way. I was too turned on to even care.
As he pulled his member out of my mouth, his semen dripped down my chin. I held my mouth open half hoping he would put his dick back in.
“Thanks for trying that with me”, Link panted.
I swallowed the load in my mouth so I could reply, “Well I did kind of owe you…”
“Well friends don’t need a reason to make each other feel good”, he said. “And besides I owe you just as much for letting me use your bath and bedroom.”
Friends? Come to think about it, nobody has ever called me “friend” before.
I washed my face off and got out of the trough to dry myself. I was still quite erect and Link took notice. He led my to my hay bale bed where he laid me down and began to stroke me.
“Now it’s my turn to help you finish”, Link said.
He placed his wet mouth on my penis and began sucking it while excessively drooling. I could feel the sloppy wetness surround my cock and I moaned in ecstasy. His drool slowly ran down my balls as he cradled them with his hands. Finally he pulled his mouth off, revealing my erection glistening in the dim torch light.
“I want to try something”, he said.
He straddled me and grabbed my dick, and slowly sat down on it.
He pressed down but then gasped and stopped before slowly pressing down again.
He repeated this 4 or 5 times before my tip finally slipped in.
We both gasped and moaned. Neither of us had experienced anything like this before.
He moved up and down a bit, not yet able to take it all the way in. I saw his face contort with a weird mix of pleasure and pain.
Then at once it happened, he slipped and sat all the way down on my dick.
We both let out another lustful groan as I felt him clenching around the base of my erection.
As he sat there for a moment gathering himself I could feel his soft, dripping penis laying on my belly. It was quite aesthetically pleasing in the dim glow of the barn loft.
He began to move up and down once more, this time running the full length of my shaft.
“Fuck this is amazing!”, he gasped. “Do you want me to finish you like this?”
I could only nod affirmatively.
Faster and faster he moved.
Up and down. Up and down.
I couldn’t take it anymore, I was going to explode!
I grabbed his hips and pulled him down onto me, and released myself inside of him.
We both released sighs and moans of pleasure while we remained interlocked together.
He looked at me and smiled.
“I think we should be best friends”
He laid beside me and we both quickly fell prey to the sleep in our eyes.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/szw5a1/ocarina_of_time_gaiden

1 comment

  1. I’ve never written anything before and don’t know if I ever will again, but I had a “stroke” of inspiration and this is the result! Constructive feedback welcomed!

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