Royal Treatment, part 1 [cei][cuckold]

Ben’s phone chimed, “You have reached your destination!”

He slowed his car down to a crawl. Looking to the right, he saw a gorgeous apartment building, one that resembled a boutique hotel or honeymoon destination. A sign stood over its rod-iron fence that read ‘The Roosevelt.’ To his left was the Pacific Ocean. Coincidentally enough, Ben had visited this beach every summer as a kid. Childhood memories flashed through his head, but they were quickly overwhelmed by anticipation. He was moments away from seeing his Queen’s apartment for the first time.

Lost in a daydream, Ben suddenly had to slam on the brakes to avoid driving through a stop sign. A group of college kids crossing the street didn’t seem to notice. Three girls skipped towards the sand in their crop tops and denim shorts. Bikini strings and long brown hair bounced behind them. The two boys following carried their beach chairs and coolers.

Ben gulped and turned on his blinker. Shaking legs and sweaty palms made parallel parking more difficult that it had to be. When he finally turned the car off and paid the meter, he checked his watch. 12:52.

Perfect timing.

He fumbled into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

“I’m here, Queen. :)”

Upstairs, his brunette domme ran into her living room and jumped into her husband’s lap. He was surprised but graciously accepted her slow kiss, while his hands caressed her butt in its silky yoga pants. Her kisses moved down to his neck. “He just got here, I’m so excited!”

Ben’s phone beeped, “Good boy! Wait outside The Roosevelt gates, I’ll be down in a sec”

Ben, already standing outside of the apartment building, glanced over to the beach. The college kids had just staked out their spot in the sand. The girls were slipping out of their daisy dukes while the two boyfriends put the towels down and opened beach chairs. The girls were squealing with excitement over each others’ bikinis. Ben would have given anything to be one of the guys.

Ben heard flip flops walking through the courtyard. He spun around and was transfixed. Queen (her name was Laura, but Ben knew better than to call her that) was effortlessly beautiful. She was much shorter than Ben, around 5’1” or 5’2”, he guessed, yet she was impossible to miss. Thick thighs and a round ass narrowed to a tight stomach and perky boobs that bounced with each step. She was wearing a loose-fitting hoodie, and clearly did not have a bra on. Her brown hair was parted down the middle with curls that hung past her shoulders. Despite her hourglass figure, what attracted Ben most was her smile. Pearly white teeth in between red lips with the cutest dimples on either side of her mouth. She practically skipped up to Ben as she approached, he couldn’t believe how happy she was to see him.

She held her arms out but did not offer a hug as she approached. Ben looked like a deer in the headlights. She thought it was adorable. Stopping just a foot in front of him, he took a deep breath as his eyes went straight down to her freshly painted toes.

“Are you so excited to finally see our place?”

The reality of his day snapped Ben out of his trance. He was going to serve the Queen and her husband today. This was actually happening.

“Yes! Oh my god, I am so excited! Thank y…”

Queen didn’t let him finish his thought. Ben had a tendency of stuttering and tripping over his words around her. She turned around and beckoned him to follow. As fast as she was walking, Ben was transfixed by her butt wiggling with each step in her pink yoga pants. She knew exactly what she was doing.

He followed her through an ornate lobby and up to a single elevator. She reached into her sweatshirt pocket and pulled out a tie.

Noticing Ben’s puzzled look, she explained, “I wanted to use a cute blindfold but I only have one of those pink sleeping masks that I wear when I’m on an airplane. So my husband let me borrow one of his ties for you!”


“Yeah! We need to see how today goes before we let you know which apartment is ours, duh!” She winked. Ben’s heart fluttered.

He looked around at the people in the courtyard and started to open his mouth.

“Oh don’t worry about the neighbors! Everyone loves us. If anyone asks, I’ll tell them we’re throwing you a surprise party!”

Ben gulped and tried to protest, but words couldn’t escape his dry mouth before she hopped behind him and wrapped the tie around his eyes. He had to bend down a bit so she could tie it behind his head, but within seconds he was in complete darkness.

A moment later, he heard the ring of the elevator door opening.

“Watch your step!”

Seconds felt like hours. Ben could suddenly hear every detail of his Queen’s breathing next to him. He could smell her shampoo, her perfume, the detergent she used on her clothes. He imagined what it would be like to be blindfolded and naked in front of her. His penis started to grow…

Ring! He could hear the elevator door opening in front of him.

His Queen gently placed her hands on his shoulders and ushered him forward.

“Okay turn right. Walk forward. Forward. Don’t worry I won’t let you bump into anything. Keep going. Maybe 20 more steps. Perfect, stop!”

A door opened. Ben was guided forward into what must have been her apartment. Despite the darkness, he felt a glowing sensation. He had fantasized about being her servant. Her sissy maid. Her cuckold fluffer. And now here he was.

The door closed behind him. Locked.

He could hear a TV on in the distance.

The Queen’s once-giddy voice was now a soft whisper. “Okay Ben, on your knees.”

The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He slowly knelt down. His knees met the hardwood floor, and he felt like he was one foot tall. He still could not see, but he his Queen’s presence next to him felt stronger than ever.

Her whisper pierced his trance once more, “Crawl forward.”

Ben crawled forward on his hands and knees. Blind but guided by his Queen’s footsteps and her hand gently touching his shoulder.

The sound on the TV grew closer and closer. A stirring in front of him the first indication that someone else was in the room with them.


Ben stopped and the blindfold was removed. He found himself in the middle of a living room, with a TV and fireplace behind him, and his Queen and her man on the couch in front of him. Suddenly he wished he still had the blindfold on. He felt his blood run cold in the presence of this couple. He looked at his Queen’s reassuring grin, then her husband’s skeptical eyes, then straight down to the floor at their feet. He felt his penis shrink and retract into his body. He had never felt like less of a man.

Surprisingly, it was her husband who broke the silence. “This is him?” There was a hint of disappointment in his voice, which stung Ben.

Laura hopped onto the couch and nuzzled into Her man. “Yep, this is Ben! And he is SO EXCITED to be our maid for the day. Well I guess you’re a guy so, butler? That doesn’t sound right. Slave sounds too mean, I like maid!”

Her husband smiled at her. Ben felt like he could faint.

Laura smiled, sensing what was going on. “Don’t be shy, Ben. Tell him about yourself.”

Ben stuttered and stumbled through his story of meeting Laura online, first begging for ways to serve her, then eventually meeting her for a shopping trip at the mall, and finally earning the honor of coming to do chores at her apartment. Her husband just looked on, studying this strange man. Trying to figure out his angle. He couldn’t believe that his wife really found a guy who just wants to buy her clothes and clean her house, with nothing in return. Yet, Ben sounded so pathetically sincere, he was beginning to believe it might actually be true.

As Ben finished his story, his Queen started giggling and clapping. Her husband, despite his cold demeanor, had let his guard down enough to chuckle as Ben confessed his love for his wife.

The Queen spoke up again, “Ben! You totally forgot to mention the funniest part.” She held her feet out in front of the couch and looked at her husband. “Ben is, like, so obsessed with my feet! Aren’t you?”

They both turned their heads to the quivering, kneeling cuck.

“Y… yes I do, Queen.”

She wiggled her pink toes in delight.

“Isn’t that so cute?” She asked her husband.

“You were right. I can’t believe there are guys like this out there.”

The Queen clapped her hands together, “Okay, I can’t wait any longer. Let’s get started!”

Her husband winked at her. They looked at Ben. He nodded. Game on.

“Okay, first off, you already know to call me Queen, but I also want you calling my husband Sir. Got it?”

“Yes, Queen. Yes, Sir.”

“Good boy! Second, give Me your phone, keys, and wallet.”

Ben obeyed immediately. The Queen handed them to Sir.

“Put these in your safe, baby.”

She winked at Ben. Sir casually walked past him and closed the door to their bedroom.

Ben looked desperately at his Queen. She held a finger up to her mouth to, ‘Shhh…’ him as she raised her pink toes towards his face.

Ben’s thoughts melted as he pressed those toes and soles into his nose. Their warmth calmed him. Their scent intoxicated him. He opened his mouth to plant a soft kiss on the bottom of her foot.

“Holy shit,” Sir’s voice boomed as he emerged from the bedroom.

Ben’s eyes opened and he immediately retracted his face. He felt like a puppy that has been caught chewing on its master’s shoes.

Queen giggled, “He needed a little reassuring, that’s all. He knows he has work to do.”

And that’s where Ben’s day truly began. Queen and Sir had written an extensive list of chores that they wanted done around the apartment. Clean her juicer. Scrub the inside of the oven. Dust every bottle on the wine rack. Make their toilet sparkle. As the Queen went over his jobs, and showed him where to find all of the necessary materials, reality sunk in for him. He was going to be treated like a maid. Given several hours’ worth of work and otherwise ignored while they went about their afternoon relaxing and chatting. Queen made sure to warn Ben against waking up Sir if he ended up taking a nap.

The cuck spent the next four hours meticulously cleaning every inch of their kitchen and bathroom. While the work was difficult, what Ben found most irritating was the fact that he was not allowed to talk to the Queen at all while he worked. He was completely ignored, forced to listen as she talked to her husband, chatted with another couple on FaceTime, and went out to the balcony for an afternoon drink.

Jealousy. Angst. Exhaustion. Ben had not anticipated the less-glamorous side of serving a couple.

Finally, his forearms burning from scrubbing underneath the rim of their toilet bowl, Ben was finished. He put all of the cleaning sprays back in the hall closet and threw the towels and rags into the washing machine, as instructed.

He walked towards the living room. The TV was on but he did not hear any talking. He desperately hoped that they were not asleep on the couch.

Ben turned the corner and froze in his tracks.

His eyes first locked onto his Queen’s soles. She was on her knees in front of the couch, her pink yoga pants giving way to her wrinkled soles beneath her bottom. The next thing he noticed were Sir’s feet, spread wide with his gorgeous wife kneeling in between his legs. Ben held his breath and realized that they must not have heard him approach. The Queen’s head slowly bobbed up and down, both of her husband’s big hands wrapped around the back of her skull, controlling the pace. His head was facing the ceiling, his eyes must have been closed. Ben could not see his cock but he could tell it must have been twice the length of his own, given the motion of Queen’s head. Up and down. Up and down. So focused on pleasing him.

Ben slowly took a step backward so he could peek from around the corner. The sun had set, and the only light in the room came from Their TV. His held his breath. He had never actually received a blowjob before, so he felt like he had to be sure this was really happening.

After what felt like an eternity, Queen’s head tilted up as Sir’s head looked down. His manly hands gripped her head and held it still as he bucked his hips up off of the couch. Queen was audibly gagging and moaning. Soft whimpers every time his massive cock hit the back of her throat. Ben could tell that she was struggling, but trying her best to take all of him.

Sir started to grunt. He shifted his weight and sat more upright on the couch. Still holding her head in his hands, he slowly pressed her mouth down as far as she could go, and Ben could see his muscles tighten. He looked like a Greek god, holding his prize and making her submit to his pleasure.

Ben realized what was happening. Sir’s grunting turned into a low growl, and Ben could see Queen’s toes curl and her feet shift as he held her in place. He was cumming into her mouth. This was not one of the humiliating facials that Ben had seen in so many porn videos. This was a Goddess giving her man unbelievable pleasure. This was her way of thanking him for being Her protector, her king, the future father of her children.

As soon as Sir released his hands, she turned and reached for a tea mug on their coffee table. Ben turned away and panicked. He heard them whispering to each other but could not make out the words. Had they forgotten he was there?

He heard Queen start to stand up and he knew he had to act fast. He tiptoed over to the bathroom. The Queen’s footsteps were approaching. He didn’t know what to do, so he grabbed a hand towel and began scrubbing the sink. Not a second later, the Queen was standing in the doorway.

“Wow, it looks good in here,” she purred. Ben looked into her eyes and saw that they looked glazed over. Like they had been watery. Like she was getting her face fucked only a minute earlier. Her brown hair was ruffled behind her head. Her lips stayed perfectly parted.

“Th… thank you, Queen. There was a lot to do in here.”

She smiled and stepped towards him. Her head tilted, and she let out a long sigh as if it had been her doing housework all day. She stood so close to Ben that he could practically smell the cock on her breath.

“You have been such a good boy for us. But, unfortunately, we have things to do tonight, I think it’s time for you to leave.”

It was at this moment Ben noticed she was holding the mug that had been on her coffee table.

“My husband is grabbing your things from our room. You must be parched, you’ve been working all day and we haven’t offered you anything to drink. Here, finish the rest of my tea before you drive home!”

She held out the mug. A seemingly sincere, sweet gesture from a thoughtful Queen.

Ben took it from her hands, desperately looking into her eyes. Could she be this cruel?

He had seen her reach for that very mug, seconds after Sir had emptied his balls into her mouth.

He looked down into a nearly empty mug of milky chai tea. He looked up to see his Queen smiling at him. She winked at him, “It’s good, I promise.”

Ben lifted the mug to his lips. He opened his lips and tilted the mug. It slowly flowed into his mouth, sweet but earthy, seemingly sticking to his lips and tongue as he took a drink.

Queen noticed he took a small sip.

She stared directly into his eyes.

“Finish it.”

Ben’s eyes welled up. Would she really make him drink Sir’s cum? After everything he had done for her?

The bottom of the mug was particularly thicker than the rest of it. He held the mug up as it slowly ran down into his mouth. He had to flick his tongue to get it off of his lips and into his mouth.

At that very moment, as the last bit dripped into his mouth, Sir walked into the bathroom and handed Ben’s wallet, keys, and phone to his wife. He planted a kiss on the top of her head and spanked her ass as he walked away.

Queen was beaming. She gently placed a hand on Ben’s shoulder and started to turn him around. Ben’s tongue was coated in an unfamiliar slime. He felt like gagging.

A familiar whisper came from behind his back. “Set the mug on the sink, I’ll pick it up later. Now turn around so I can blindfold you and get you downstairs. I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

Ben turned around and knelt.

“Good boy.”
