Under the Covers (true story) [FF] [F18 + F18]

Last weekend, I had the most intense sexual experience of my life – and I never even took off my pants.

Let me set the scene: I was hanging out at my house with two of my friends, Delilah and Anna, this Saturday afternoon while we waited for the rain to clear up. We decided to get comfortable in my bed and watch a documentary on my laptop while we waited.

For ease of understanding, I need to explain some of the history between the three of us. I became friends with these two back in October, which was only about six months ago. They already knew each other because they dated about a year prior before Anna broke things off. Delilah is still a bit sore over the way things ended, and though I don’t know exactly what happened, I know it’s a miracle that they’re still such good friends. All of this information was irrelevant until about two months ago at my New Year’s Eve party.

It was more of a small get-together, really, but both Delilah and Anna were present, as well as some of our other friends. After plenty of liquor and bad decisions, we decided to end the night with a game of Truth or Dare – as teenagers often do when they’re drunk and desperate for some physical contact – and of course, one of the guys dared me to give Anna a hickey.

As juvenile as it seemed, I felt myself getting nervous. As far as sex goes, I’m relatively experienced with girls, guys, and some people in-between; but I know from our past conversations that Anna hasn’t even gotten to second base. With my friends and acquaintances’ eyes on me and Delilah also watching closely, I wasn’t exactly sure what to do. But the alcohol apparently loosened my inhibitions a bit, because after looking to Anna for approval, I pulled down the neckline of her shirt and began to work my mouth dutifully over her soft skin.

When I began, I had just thought of it as a dare; a funny moment with a friend. But when I grazed my teeth against her playfully, I heard her breath hitch in a way that made my stomach drop down to my feet. Her reaction had sparked something in me, and I found it difficult to pull myself away after the socially acceptable amount of time. When I did, however, I found her eyes dark and clouded, her pale cheeks flushed red. Her bottom lip was swollen and shiny, presumably from where she had been biting down on it just moments prior. That’s when I realized that my touch must have affected her in a way that she had not experienced before. That had to be the only explanation for her completely unbridled lust over a simple hickey.

Since then, our once-platonic relationship had been riddled with sexual tension. I found myself eyeing her tall figure more often than usual, admiring the shape of her back. I listened more carefully to the sound of her voice at night and in the morning, when it was filled with rasp. Most importantly, I paid attention to her nonverbal cues – and she was sending just as many as I was. I caught her, on multiple occasions, with her eyes glued to my naked figure as I changed clothes. I noticed her taking more opportunities to be physically closer to me. It was clear that her desire for something more had not changed.

The only issue with our delicious sexual tension was that Delilah had noticed. When I was alone with her once, she had specifically warned me not to try anything with Anna, or she would be upset. Of course, knowing that we were forbidden to act on our desires just heightened them.
So now, lying in such close proximity in a bed together, I felt myself relishing the feeling of Anna’s long, slender fingers against my back as she pulled me in for a seemingly innocent cuddle. Delilah lay on Anna’s other side, putting a bit of distance between herself and us as she watched. This was nothing unusual, however, because Delilah was never as physically affectionate as the rest of the friend group.

Wanting to encourage Anna’s touch, I decided to reach around and place my hand over hers. I traced little circles over the back of her hand with my fingers. Anna reciprocated this gesture, occasionally giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

The movie progressed for a few more minutes like this before I felt Anna’s hand lower, now closer to my waist. My breath hitched quietly in my throat as I reacted to this shift. I’ve always been very responsive to touch, especially from someone as beautiful as Anna, so hiding my reaction was difficult. Anna, however, seemed oblivious to the effect she was having over me. It was surely impossible that she was doing this to me on purpose, right? I risked a glance upward and found her eyes still trained on the documentary, no sign of mischief or lust in her expression.

I shifted my thighs together uncomfortably. I could feel the beginnings of my own arousal begin to culminate between my legs as I felt her trace her fingers in lazy circles over my waist. Still either truly oblivious or feigning it, Anna still showed no visible signs of noticing my responses to her touch. I brought my hand over hers, delicately interlocking our fingers in a way that still left hers room to move. I then spent the next couple of minutes deciding what to do next; surely, there had to be something I could do to get just a little more satisfaction out of her touch.

An idea came over me just then that made my heart flutter irregularly. With her long, slender fingers still loosely intertwined with mine, I dragged our hands up until they came to rest on my breast, with her middle finger just grazing my nipple through my shirt; thank god I had decided against wearing a bra today. Now, I was sure she had noticed, because I felt her heartbeat quicken and her calm breathing become irregular. I loosened my grip, worried I had scared her, but soon felt Anna drag her middle finger over my hardened nipple. I gasped at the pleasant surprise, then closed my mouth quickly. I had almost forgotten the need to be quiet.

Delilah, from what I could see in my position, had gotten bored of the documentary and was scrolling through her phone. I let out a quiet sigh of relief. D would probably scroll mindlessly through social media for the rest of her life if we let her, so I knew it was unlikely that she would put her phone down any time soon. Still, I felt my heart quicken as I reminded myself that I still needed to be quiet. At the exact moment that thought passed through my head, Anna’s hand grasped my breast gently. Now there was absolutely no going back; this was a free-for-all. I let out a sigh of pleasure, quietly as to not disturb our friend, and felt Anna’s legs shift. I buried my head in the blankets and smirked.

I had found her weakness.

As the minutes passed, Anna took more liberties with her exploration of my chest, squeezing them occasionally but mostly focusing on my nipples. She couldn’t see my face from the position I was in, so I made sure to let her know what I liked with my breathing and small whimpers, which were evidently something that she liked. Every time something she did elicited a reaction in me, she reacted; rubbing her thighs together, touching me more boldly, or sometimes muttering a soft “fuck” under her breath. Both of us were getting off on the combination of wanting to hear each other and knowing we had to be quiet; I felt her head shift every once and awhile to check on Delilah or the door.

All of this time, I was acutely aware of the wetness pooling in my delicate areas. My panties had soaked through a long time ago, and my arousal was now dripping down the sides of my thighs and onto the bed. It was almost painful how much the simple touch was affecting me, but something about the circumstances had turned Anna’s simple actions into an erotic tease.

When I thought about how little Anna was actually doing, I decided to try something else. slowly, I reached my hand down into the covers, keeping an eye on Delilah as I did so; if she saw my slinking my hand down toward Anna’s, there would definitely be some questions brought forth. When I saw that she was still completely engaged, I pulled up the hem of my thin t-shirt and guided Anna’s hand to my bare skin. When she touched me, we both jolted. It was like an electrical current ran through her perfect, slender fingers, and their sudden connection to my warm, bare skin was exquisite. Anna, no longer bashful, snaked her hand up my shirt, making small circles that incited me to shiver, gasp, and – once – buck my hips ever so slightly. When Anna saw this, she buried her head in my hair, and I felt the hot air of a sigh on the back of my neck. I wasn’t even touching her, but my reactions were affecting her, too.

Anna explored my breasts, more roughly this time, and I relished her newfound boldness. I arched my back and held back a moan as she rolled my nipples between her fingers. She moved her hand with a sort of comfortable ease, which made me think she must have spent a lot of time playing with her own breasts. The thought of her touching herself like this just turned me on even further. I was truly soaked at this point, both my cotton panties and shorts not being enough to hold back the flood of juices that were now soaking the bed below me.

I sighed with relief and also loss as Anna’s hand moved back down toward my waist. I thought that maybe she was bored of our activities – but I was soon proven wrong. When her hands reached my bellybutton, she kept going, lowering her touch at an excruciatingly slow pace. I held my breath, waiting for her next touch. At this point, I was gone. I was hers to play with, to tease, and would do whatever she wanted. When her touch graced the bit of bare skin just above my waistband, my stomach dropped all the way down to my toes. Her cold fingertips on that warm area, so close to my pussy, was so exciting that I could hardly stand it. The fact that someone so virginal was unraveling me so easily should have been embarrassing, but I was too lost in the sensations of her touch to care.

She slipped just the tips of her fingers under my waistband, pulling them out, and putting them back in again while tracing circles on my lower torso in between. I wanted so badly for her to touch me more, to slip her fingers under the fabric and feel just how soaked I was for her, but she didn’t. For what felt like eons, she continued her pattern.

The whole time, my pussy was filled with white hot heat. It felt like I was pulsing, and even just the friction of the fabric of my pants and underwear was pleasurable against my clit. This wasn’t surprising; I was painfully attracted to Anna, and. I hadn’t gotten myself off in a couple of days. What did surprise me was when I felt that familiar clenching in my abdomen.

*She’s not even touching me there,* I thought. *Am I about to cum from just her teasing? That would be so embarrassing.* Still, against my will, I hissed through my teeth and circled my hips in search of extra friction.

“Are you going to cum?” whispered Anna suddenly against my neck, sending goosebumps all the way down my spine. I scarcely held back a yell as I felt my pleasure building. This was pressure like never before, pulsing throughout my whole body and preparing me for the most embarrassing orgasm of my life: without any direct stimulation, at the hand of a virgin, and right next to our oblivious best friend.

I simply nodded frantically in response to her question, shame flooding my body at equal rates as the pleasure. As I did this, Anna kissed the top of my head and dragged her hand until it was over my shorts, resting motionlessly on my hypersensitive bud.

That was it. As soon as I felt her long, cold fingers over my pussy, I released. It was all I could do not to let out wild moans of pleasure or buck my hips frantically. Wave after wave of sensation engulfed my body as I sank into her arms, relishing the feeling of another warm body next to mine. When I finally came down from my high, I looked directly up at Anna for the first time. Her cheeks were flushed bright pink, and her lip was shiny, presumably from biting it. I mouthed a “sorry” at her, so embarrassed by the circumstances of my orgasm. I had never cum like that before. Anna smiled and waved her hand as if to say, “don’t worry about it.”

I quickly checked on Delilah, who was astonishingly still glued to her phone. She had missed me having one of the most intense orgasms of my life with her ex-girlfriend; thank god for technology. I buried my head further into Anna’s chest and we both let out long sighs before turning our attention back to whatever random movie was now playing.

So yeah, that’s the story. I had to drive Anna and Delilah back home about thirty minutes later. If you’re wondering if I ever repaid Anna for the pleasure – don’t worry, I did. When i got back home from dropping Anna off, I discovered that she had sent me videos of her getting off with captions telling me how much I had turned her on today. I sent her some pictures and scenarios that helped her reach the finish line at home. I’m not sure if I’ll hook up with her – we haven’t discussed it – but I’d be satisfied with just this memory if it’s all I ever get.

TL;DR: I guess true tops do exist after all.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/szzcx1/under_the_covers_true_story_ff_f18_f18


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