Her Magic Rings (pt 1 & 2) [mc] [hypnosis] [softcore] [gentle] [ff]

AN: This work is very softcore. I plan to take it further in later parts. For now, enjoy the beginnings of a story about mind control and intrigue, as Alicia is pulled deep underwater by a bewitching encounter at her local bar.

————- Part 1 ————-

Alicia’s eyes slowly fluttered open; they felt exceedingly heavy. Scrunching her eyes together a few times and attempting to stretch, she sat up in her bed. Everything felt stiff – was she hung over? She had definitely had a couple the night before but nothing to suggest the effects she was most certainly experiencing. Rolling onto the floor of her dorm room, she scuttled to her dressing table to look into the mirror. Everything seemed alright; her eyes were a little bloodshot perhaps, and the dimly navy bags under her eyes may have been a little deeper than usual – but nothing out of the ordinary, she thought.

Glancing at the clock, she noted she must’ve skipped her alarm and cursed under her breath. It wasn’t the afternoon.. not just yet anyway.

Feeling the need to ward off the hangover, she reached for the can of coffee she kept for emergencies in her bedside drawer. As she did so, her eyes scanned past something that didn’t belong to her, politely sitting in the front corner of the drawer far from her other belongings; a small, golden ring. As she saw it, flashes of the night before began to come back to her. It had been on the finger of someone she had met. As the night’s escapades washed through her mind, she saw the girl’s face, heard her voice, remembered taking her back to the dorm room. Where was she now? The details were hazy, but she recalled clearly the ring, surrounding the finger of the mystery girl. They had talked about it at some length. Why was it in Alicia’s possession now? Where had her strange companion gone to? Alicia realized she didn’t remember the final hours of the night. She knew they had come back to the room together, but the rest was hidden behind a murk of gray, a thick haze she couldn’t yet break through. With time she might remember, she reassured herself.

The ring stared at her, filling Alicia with curiosity. It felt odd to characterize it that way, but she was sure it was watching her somehow, and her attention kept being drawn to it. It occupied her more and more as she watched it silently taking up space in her drawer. Her mind wandered back to the night before, to the many rings adorning the fingers of her encounter. She couldn’t shake the feeling that they had some kind of weird importance. For something so important, it seemed unbecoming of her acquaintance to leave it behind. What had they talked about?! It was getting more frustrating to Alicia the longer she felt the presence of the ring eating away at her. Absentmindedly, she let her hand slip down toward it, hoping to bring it closer to inspect it. Lifting it to her face, she noted the intricate detail of it. It was a pretty rose gold color, with a tiny green stone set into it. Alicia wasn’t much of an aficionado, but the jewelry struck her as being quite special and beautiful. Almost instinctively, she slipped it onto her finger to see how it looked in its proper place. It fit snugly onto her ring finger, perfect. She held it at arm’s length, watching it glint in the sunlight that was streaming in from her uncurtained window. It was gorgeous.

Fixated by her new treasure, she strained her head to recall more details of her encounter. She had been out at her regular bar, she knew that for sure. Perhaps they had met there; she had definitely been with her there. They had sat at a booth for a while, just the two of them – talking for what felt like a very long time about this and that, getting to know each other better. That must’ve been when Alicia observed the plethora of adornments on her new friend’s hands. There were similar looking rings on half her fingers at least – sometimes multiple ones on a single finger. It was still too hazy to discern the words they had exchanged. Everything felt decidedly muddled and unclear.

The image of the girl’s hands moving as she talked, her rings glinting subtly in the bar’s lighting, drawing attention to themselves; the conversation growing more and more personal; the silky and low patter of her voice, like thick, sweet cream – it drew her in even as the blanket of gray clouded the details. Thinking harder, and sipping her emergency coffee, she summoned an image of them walking on the roadside near Alicia’s dorm building. It had been quite late indeed and they were talking about… something. It was getting more frustrating to not be able to recall the events, the discussion. In a flash, a memory popped into her mind.

They had exchanged phone numbers! Her head filled with images of her handing her phone to the mystery girl. She had punched in her number and handed the phone back. Evidence! Evidence of her existence! She could find out what happened, she could see her again. Relief came to her in that moment. Alicia hurriedly searched her bedroom for her cellphone. It couldn’t have been far away, even if she did have a penchant for misplacing it. Finding it in her jacket pocket hanging on the back of her bedroom door, Alicia opened the Contacts and started screening for a name she didn’t recognise. Someone who Could be the ring’s owner.

It took a little while, but she eventually got her girl. Partway down, she found the name. The girl had entered it herself, that was for certain. The thing that gave it away, but that also filled Alicia with a pang of nervousness and dread, was that she had styled it.

Jaeger 💍

With a ring emoji. This was deeply frightening to Alicia. They had exchanged numbers before making it to the apartment, and now she had Jaeger’s ring?! Had she styled it this way because they had spent time talking about all her jewelry in the bar, a way to recognise her, or was there something else?

Alicia reassured herself that this was a game that her new friend liked to play. Like the apocryphal tales of people stealing mail to have an opportunity to start a conversation later. This was simply a way for them to reconvene at a later time, a trick to give them a reason to meet up. “How sly!” she thought to herself. It was peculiar to say the least, but it gave her a little comfort in that moment, even if she could not place why. Well, there would be no better way to find out what happened last night than to call the number and ask the lady herself how the night had progressed. After all, she reasoned, Jaeger had left the ring on purpose to bring about this exact situation. Alicia didn’t mind that she had been played. It was kind of cute really.

Her thumb wandered over to the “Call” button. She didn’t quite understand what it was about tapping the button that made her so nervous. After a short internal fight with herself, the kind one sometimes feels when doing something that feels a bit nerve-wracking, she depressed the button and the dial tone began to ring out. The other end picked up quickly. Oddly quickly.

“Hello, Alicia” sounded a smooth and joyous sounding voice from the other end. The soft and sonorous tone catapulted Alicia to the night before. It sent waves of curiosity and a rush of excitement through her entire body.

“Woah” She thought.

“Ahem” Alicia cleared her throat, trying to shake off the tingly feeling of her nerves off her skin ”I think I have something that belongs to you.”

“Yes, very good. I’ve been looking for it.” came the slow and deliberate reply from the other end of the phone. “You’re still wearing it I hope?”

Alicia paused, mouth slightly agape in the realization. Looking down to her free hand, the ring shone back at her, still glaring at her in a way that felt oddly right and comfortable. It was like not being alone – something tantalizing about feeling its presence. She almost didn’t want to give it back.

“Yes, I suppose I am.” Alicia stuttered, feeling the nervous tingle of excitement pass up her neck, through her head and into her forehead. What was this sensation?! It was so moreish but unfamiliar, she thought, a unique feeling; she had never had this kind of reaction to someone before. It coursed and waved through her every time Alicia spoke to Jaeger, and every time Jaeger answered. It was scintillating, and very strange.

“Very good. I’ll be right down.” whispered the intoxicating voice. Jaeger hung up the phone, leaving Alicia in only the company of her ring. She had so many questions, and she would not leave any of them to interpretation. Whatever happened last night, she was determined to know, and it filled her with a rush of excitement to know that Jaeger was coming to see her. Her eyes fluttered and she reached out a hand to steady herself against her desk. She couldn’t still be drunk, could she? Everything felt very loose and undefined again, almost like the murk of the night before was penetrating her present. Fascinating.

Feeling self-conscious, she came back to herself and rushed to dress, in anticipation of Jaeger’s arrival. She didn’t know how long she had to compose herself before her visitor would arrive. Rushing to the kitchen to make a fresh cup of hot coffee, Alicia prayed that it would help her to get a grip. She needed something to steady her, to sober her up – she believed – something to help her come back to herself and push the queasy murk to the back of her mind and let her talk to Jaeger with clarity, without these washes of nerves and prickly blushes clouding her. She would satiate her thirst for understanding, she would make sure of that.

Feeling determined, she took her coffee back up to her room and patiently anticipated the buzzing of the tannoy which would signal Jaeger’s arrival. Trying to calm herself, Alicia envisaged letting her guest in, waving her up to the bedroom and locking the door behind her. The visualization calmed her, knowing it would make the real thing feel less daunting. She would invite the girl to sit at the desk, and She would sit on the bed. They would talk about the night before and Alicia would get her answers – if Jaeger remembered. Christ, what if she didn’t?! They had been together in the same space so recently, but Jaeger had slipped away into the night at some point. Had they… slept together? How did the night end? Alicia was overcome with her burning desire to know, and to know Jaeger.

The seconds and minutes ticked by while Alicia finished her steaming mug, the liquid inside giving her the feeling of control, of awareness, of clarity. Towards the end of a moment of lapse, she noticed that she was playing with the ring – rotating it slowly as it rested on her ring finger. She studied it again, its tiny etchings and markings captivating her. It looked truly lovely sitting there on her finger. It would be a shame to return it to its owner. Despite only having held it for what felt like a few moments, it impressed on her. It felt good to wear it, to feel the slight weight of it on her hand, to see its subtle gleaming in the light of day.

The intercom by her door buzzed frantically, breaking her away from her fixation. All semblance of composure Alicia imagined she had, vanished in an instant. It could only mean that Jaeger was here.

Leaning on the wall to help her stay upright, she answered the intercom.

“It’s me, Alicia”

The silky voice invaded Alicia’s head and sent her spiraling again. The anticipation of encountering Jaeger again was doing inexplicable things to her head. Still dizzy from the brief intercom call, Alicia rounded the corner in the hallway from her dorm room and caught sight of the girl, peeping in through the narrow window that separated her hall from the outside. Her eyes were incandescent, gazing into the hallway they were impossible to ignore. They seemed impossibly bright, a shining emerald green and strikingly shiny, like how a full moon penetrates a pitch black night.

For an instant, Alicia felt fear.

Taking a short breath in, she reached for the handle and opened the door.

————- Part 2 ————-

The bar was crowded and noisy; not the perfect way for Alicia to unwind, but good enough. She had been here so many Friday nights during her stay at college. She wasn’t much of a party girl, but a drink here and there and making a fresh friend or two – it helped keep things interesting and helped her flex her social muscles. Sipping her cocktail, she let her eyes flit around the room at her fellow revelers. Few seemed to entice her. Turning to the other side, she glanced over the seating booths and felt her hackles spring as she sensed the gaze of another on her. She had been caught looking around; she felt stupid for a second and her instincts told her to turn away and pretend nothing had happened. The gaze didn’t abate, though, and Alicia felt the compulsion to meet the eyes of her watcher. Across the room, a young lady sat alone – much like her – with her eyes locked on Alicia. This made her very nervous, and the flutter of intrigue gripped her stomach and pulled at her, all but forcing her to stand from her stool and drift across the dancefloor to sit next to her observer.

“What are you doing?!” Alicia screamed to herself within her own thoughts. “Why are you going over there? She’s staring at you, you should know better!” but it didn’t slow her down. As she approached the booth containing her new fascination, her eyes darted to the floor unconsciously, ashamed or… something. Of course, to the lady sitting in the booth, this was correctly interpreted as a subconscious admission of subservience. The girl was weak.

“You were staring.” Alicia spluttered, trying hard to look composed in the face of the watcher.

“Yes.” came the slow and drawn out reply. The voice struck Alicia like a gong. Deep and creamy. How could a manner of speech so gentle be so easy to hear over the throng of the club? She didn’t expect to feel so disarmed by a single word. And that really was the perfect word to describe this person; disarming.

“Why?” Alicia’s eyebrows tensed slightly, trying to hold back a glare.

“So you’d come over.”

“What?! What kind of an answer is that?” She thought, as the mild infuriation plainly visible on Alicia’s face made the corners of the mystery girl’s lips curl slightly.

“Please, sit with me.” the girl cooed, her smile widening. She seemed so joyful, full of life. Looking up, her eyes locked intently on Alicia, leaving her uneasy. Perhaps it would be best to sit, just in case she fell. Despite being on her first drink, she already felt unsteady. “I am Jaeger.” the words effortlessly flowed from her mouth, holding Alicia’s fullest attention. “Pleased to meet you.”

“What, like the drink?” scoffed Alicia, trying something – anything – to shake off the easy appeal of being absorbed by the girl’s soft tone.

“Sure, if you like.” Smiling again, Jaeger raised a hand to her chin and rested her face on it, studying her new captive closely. She looked Alicia up and down covertly – by far the prettiest creature she had drawn in of late. The thought of sharing a bed with her was deliciously tempting. She pushed the images to the back of her mind for now – she needed to focus all her energy right now on the present if she were ever to get what she wanted.

Alicia, too, was studying the girl across from her. Still doing her best to seem composed, she noted the perfectly kept hair, the carefully chosen outfit, and her sublime makeup – obviously designed to draw attention to her big, green eyes. Those eyes; wow! They were undeniably intense, and appeared to exude energy. They seemed in such contrast to her soft, smooth face and benign smile. They were diamond-tipped drills, boring relentlessly into Alicia’s skull. It should have frightened her, but the fear never came. Instead everything felt dulled, as if her needle-like pupils were injecting sedatives straight into her head.

“Is something on your mind?” Jaeger’s honey words snapped Alicia back to herself for a second. She couldn’t admit that she had grown lost gazing into the mystery woman’s eyes.

“No, just staring into space.” The lie was obvious, especially to Jaeger, but she let it go, releasing a gentle sigh from her lips as she smiled. Looking at Alicia through her lashes, she reached for her glass on the table. It was a calculated move – meant to show off her highly decorated fingers, most of them adorned with gorgeous golden rings. They glittered in the light of the club, the glare flashing across Alicia’s face and drawing her attention.

“Wow! That’s a lot of jewelry.” remarked Alicia, falling easily for the move, giving Jaeger renewed assurance that she had already eroded the newcomer’s higher functions. It had been almost too easy – or had she just grown far too powerful for anyone to be a challenge? Even their conversation had become cloyingly simple very quickly. They had barely exchanged a handful of sentences and her conquest had already grown dumb. For a moment, she missed the challenge.

“Do you believe in magic, Alicia?” Jaeger pressed on rapidly, getting confident. Only then did her heart jolt as she realized her rookie mistake.

“I… never told you my name?” Alicia’s brow furrowed and she grew confused and frightened. How had… What was the… She knew? Wh..

“Shhhh…” whispered Jaeger, bringing an outstretched finger to Alicia’s lip. “I told you, I’m magic after all!” Jaeger focussed her eyes harder on Alicia, gripping her head like a vice. “Isn’t that something?” Sighing internally at the relief of the recovery, Jaeger waited eagerly for her new friend’s response.

“Wow, that’s crazy! How’d you do that?” The expression of genuine childlike curiosity flashing across Alicia’s face let Jaeger know that she had won. For an instant, Jaeger resented it, despising how much the thrill had diminished as the chase had grown more and more easy. It was child’s play now. A pang of hatred for Alicia flourished and then popped in Jaeger’s mind – if only she had not been so easy – but she would press on.

“I don’t believe in it.” Alicia stammered. “I know better than to believe in something like that. I’m pre-med, I don’t have time for card tricks.” Her will was coming back to her. The honesty forced Jaeger to sit up a little.

“And what about mind games?” Jaeger pressed on. “I was a Chemistry student, I was just like you once!” The relativism of the story, Jaeger knew, would help Alicia to crush her supposition and push past any bias. “But I learned that ‘knowing better’ is just something we like to tell ourselves to feel in control.” Her smile returned. “Only Now, have I found it.”

Alicia felt drunk. Too drunk. She’d only had a single cocktail, she believed, this was madness!

“Control?” Alicia repeated, trying to understand. “Mind games?”

“I don’t have time for card tricks either.” giggled Jaeger coyly. “But I do have time for these.” She flashed the rings in front of Alicia’s eyes again, their shining beauty calling out to her in the bar’s lighting. They seemed the brightest things in the room, aside from Jaeger’s piercing eyes.

“What are they?”

“They are my tools.” Jaeger smiled. “I spend my days channeling my energy into these trinkets, saving up my power for when I need it.” She played with her hair absentmindedly. “For when I can use it.”

“Use it?” The parroting from Alicia told Jaeger that she was completely captive. It became a reflex for the bewitched to repeat what they were told, to help it sink in, to internalize it.

“Yes.” The affirmation glided easily from her lips. “I use them.”

“What for?” Alicia’s head was spinning. She wasn’t fully aware that the question had even escaped her mouth. It was too hard to stay in the moment, to focus – at least, not on normal things like thinking and breathing and talking. All she found herself able to focus on was her companion and her apparently mystical accessories. Of course it wasn’t real, it couldn’t be, but it didn’t stop her from feeling fascinated. Momentarily, her eyelids fluttered and she lost her balance, catching herself just short of landing on the table between the two women. She turned rose red with embarrassment.

“Are you okay?” Jaeger feigned urgent concern for her prey, reaching out a hand to hold Alicia’s shoulder and keep her upright. “Maybe we should get you home, I think you’ve had too much to drink.”

Jaeger was right, she must’ve had too much to drink. She remembered little of her binge. Only one of the cocktails was clear to her in her mind, but that meant little when she was obviously so deeply intoxicated.

“I… I feel” Alicia struggled to get the words out.

“Come on, I’ll get you back to your dorm.”

She wouldn’t remember everything, Jaeger knew that far too well. The memories of the specificities of the night would fade behind the multitude of drinks that Jaeger had plied her quarry with, and the coded words she had been spoonfeeding Alicia all night, designed to plant little seeds in the soil of her mind – ready to grow and flower into exactly the behaviors and outcomes that were desired of her controller. Alicia smiled and tittered to herself as they made their way down the sidewalk close to her dorm.

“Here.” Jaeger said, quietly. “Give me your phone.” Silently, Jaeger punched her number into the girl’s phone, for her to find later. Putting it back in Alicia’s jacket pocket, she continued to lead her home.

Stumbling in through the hallway and on to her door, Alicia felt for her keys and unlocked her dorm room. Jaeger quietly followed, glancing behind her to double check that they were not being watched.

“Let me help you.” Jaeger whispered, guiding Alicia into the nightclothes that awaited her on her pillow. As she did so, she took a complimentary glance at her body. It was as divine as she had expected. Her skin looked deliciously smooth, and the gentle curvature from the top of her hips, up her waist and toward her chest – it made Jaeger shiver uncharacteristically. She let her eyes continue, flitting across her small perky breasts and up to her short brown hair that was flowing from side to side as Alicia struggled to hold up her head.

Jaeger helped Alicia slip on her top, hiding the temptation away safely. Then, taking her frilly shorts and helping slide them up her freshly shaven legs. Jaeger let the tip of her index finger brush the skin all the way up, just barely touching. Her thighs were wonderfully soft, and Jaeger imagined exploring them with her fingers, her lips, her tongue. Letting go once the shorts were around Alicia’s hips, she let out a gentle sigh. It would be far too easy to ravish the girl right now and take what was hers – but there was a procedure to follow. She would wait.

“Listen carefully, Alicia.” Jaeger began, letting her voice grow more deep and silky. Adjusting herself and sitting back on her bed, Alicia rested her head against the pillows that Jaeger had neatly stacked on her headboard. She was struggling to keep her eyes open.

“I told you about my rings. Do you remember?” Alicia gave a sleepy half-nod and a small whimper of agreement escaped her voicebox. “Very good. And do you remember that they are powerful? Very powerful?”


“Very Good.”

Jaeger carefully slipped off a ring from her finger. It was one of a matching pair that shared her left pinky finger. Being a little bigger than Alicia, Jaeger knew the ring would sit perfectly on her new subject’s ring finger.

“Look at this.” Jaeger let the ring glint in front of Alicia’s sleepy, fluttering eyes. “It has a twin that stays with me.” Showing the ring beside its freed counterpart, Jaeger ensured that Alicia understood. “When you wear this ring, we are connected, and my energy is with you – there to make you feel drowsy, dizzy, and subservient.”

“Drowsy…” repeated Alicia, her eyes holding themselves on the brink of sleep in order to fixate on the ring.

“Dizzy and subservient.” pushed Jaeger.




“Very Good.” Alicia smiled vaguely at the affirmation. Inside it made her feel tingly. She could feel Jaeger massaging thoughts into her head. It made waves pass through her, the strange feeling collecting in her forehead and infecting her mind. Every drop of energy she let pass through made the next drop flow faster and easier.

“Melting away, pouring away, dropping down. Give me your will. Let me guide you, fill you with joy. You won’t want for anything when you’re under my spell.”

“Your spell…” Alicia repeated thoughtlessly. The signal for Jaeger to try the ring had arrived. Carefully, she slipped the rosey gold ring onto the finger of her thrall. It fit perfectly. Alicia’s eyes began to close again, too heavy to hold open.

“Under my spell.” Jaeger gently whispered, close enough to Alicia’s ear to nibble away at her soft round lobe.

“Your spell…”

“Sleep.” She guided Alicia. “I’ll be back for you tomorrow, and it will fill you with unending excitement and pleasure to see me again. You’ll be so good for me tomorrow – I can feel it.”

Alicia finally let her eyes close for the last time, relaxing down and sighing into a deep sleep. For a moment, Jaeger played with her hair, looking down at her new toy with a caring smile.

Gently slipping the ring away from Alicia’s finger, Jaeger placed it in the girl’s bedside drawer where she could find it later. If Alicia wore the ring next time they met, she would have passed the test, and Jaeger would know the girl was truly hers to do what she pleased with. Pawing at the alarm clock, Jaeger made sure that it had no chance to disturb the girl’s slumber. She would need a long, long night of rest in order for all the seeds of thought to germinate and penetrate every facet of the girl’s mind, their roots stretching deep into her psyche, inseparable.

Quietly, Jaeger made her way across the room – pulling the door quietly closed behind her.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/syvhwp/her_magic_rings_pt_1_2_mc_hypnosis_softcore