NEW! Choose Your Own Adventure Erotica: Hostage situation turns into turbo-charged suck and fuck. Parts 1 and 2 (M/F) (STRANGER) (ADVENTURE)

Thank you all for participating in Choose Your Own Adventure Erotica! The most popular choice was:

**D.) Corey and Emma call the pharmacists bluff.**

You can find the previous adventure [here](

“Looks like we got ourselves a dilemma.” The pharmacist snorts “If I don’t cum, I ain’t gettin’ shit. So what’ll it be? You gonna get me out the way or what?”

“So it’s like that, huh?” Corey utters with distain.

“It’s like that.” The pharmacist smugly replies.

“Give me a moment to confer with my colleague.” Corey concedes.

“By all means.” The pharmacist smiles.

Corey leans into Emma. “Look, I’ll take this one for the team. I’ve never sucked a dick before, but I’ve gotten my fair share of blowjobs. I’m pretty sure I could get this guy off.” Corey looks over at the pharmacist. He’s picking his teeth with a piece of finger nail that he bit off.

“No.” Emma sighs “I’ll do it. There might come a time in your life when, for some reason or another, you choose to suck a dick. Your first time shouldn’t be like this. It should be for love.”

“Are you sure Emma?” Corey touches her arm reassuringly.

“I am. I’ll make this piece of shit cum. It will be quick.” Emma looks at her nails and tosses her hair back “I’m pretty good at it, if I do say so myself.” She winks at Corey and slides over to the pharmacist.

“At a girl…” The pharmacist grunts, dropping his pants, exposing his sock-like balls. His pale white skin, even paler close up. Corey watches on with rage, feeling protective over Emma.

Emma wraps her hand around his dry, pink dick and prepares to go down. She notices his lanyard, it’s a picture of an Indian guy. “Dr. Pranav Singh” the name tag reads. She looks over and sees empty cough syrup and pill bottles on the desk.

“You gotta be kidding me.” Emma mumbles to herself.

She slides her hand down and forcefully grips the pharmacist’s balls, hard, like she was ringing out a dirty rag. Simultaneously, she slaps her hand over his mouth, muffling his screams of pain.

“Shhhhhh shhhhh don’t say a fucking word.” Emma says through gritted teeth. “You’re not the pharmacist *are* you?”

The man shakes his head. Emma tightens her grip on his balls. Another muffled cry of pain.

“You’re just a dirtbag pill-head whose been hiding, drinking cough syrup and snorting ADHD medication, *aren’t* you?” The man nods.

“I’m gonna remove my hand from your mouth, and you’re gonna tell me where the REAL pharmacist is or I’ll rip your sack clean off. Understand?” The man nods again.

Emma removes her hand and the pathetic, horny imposter whimpers “He… He’s in the storage room. He hid there when the first shots went off. Now p-please let go of my balls.”

Emma turns to Corey, who has been watching Emma work in awed silence. “What do you think Corey, drag this piece of shit back with the others?”

“No, I think not.” With one quick jab Corey cold cocks the fake pharmacist, knocking him unconscious.

“Wow!” Emma said “I’m impressed.”

“Four years of Division III college boxing.” Corey says, sending a flirtatious glance at Emma. “I like how you handled yourself, or should I say, handled him.”

“I grew up with three brothers.” Emma said “You learn a thing or two about how to inflict pain. Come on, let’s find the *real* pharmacist.”

Emma and Corey head to the storage room and gently knock on the door.

“Dr. Singh” Corey says quietly through the door. “My name is Corey and this is Emma, we are hostages. LAPD directed us to find a bottle of Clozapine. It’s the gunman’s psychiatric medication. They think if we can somehow slip it to him, he will deescalate. Do you have any Clozapine?”

“Yes, yes it’s in the safe.” Dr. Singh replies “The combination is 54434.”

“Thank you doctor.” Emma says “Stay here until help arrives.”

Corey opens the safe and grabs a bottle of Clozapine, some pain killers, antibiotics, a syringe, and gauze. He shoves them in his pockets.


“Fuck!” Corey yells “He knows we escaped!”

“I have a plan.” Emma says “This time you’re gonna have to trust me. Let’s go.”

Emma takes Corey by the hand and leads him through the side door of the pharmacy into the grocery stores general stock room. She finds a stack of boxes by the door that looks out onto the grocery aisles.

“Ok, we are gonna need to get hot and heavy. Fast. If we make it look like we snuck away to hook up, he won’t know we are up to something.” Emma says. “Here.” Emma hoists herself onto a stack of boxes so her legs are wrapped around Corey. She unbuttons her work shirt, exposing her round breasts, barely contained in her bra. She takes Corey’s shy hand and places it underneath the DD cup. She moves his hand, caressing her soft, heavy breast. She lets out a breath of pleasure.

Emma begins passionately kissing Corey, pulling him closer. Corey, genuinely turned on, wraps his other arm around Emma, feeling the small of her back. What started as a ruse, was slowly turning into earnest and sincere lust. Emma pulls Corey closer. She can feel him pressed against her leg.

“Found you!” yells the crazed gunman.

“Excuse you!” Barks Emma, and she quickly covers herself.

“Yoooo! I’m trying to fuck here homie!” Corey claps, doing his best frat boy impression.

“You don’t fuck! No one fucks! Get back to your cage! This is not a time for fornication!” The gunman leads the duo back into the storage room with the others. He strikes Corey with the butt of his rifle. Corey falls to the ground. The gunman discharges a round next to Corey’s head.

“Let this be a lesson to all of you. No one will be fucking. I am GOD. I am the GOD of sex, not you, ME! If anyone is exchanging fluids, it is me! Next one who disobeys me will be sacrificed.”

The gunman shuts the door, making sure to lock it snugs.

“Oh my God! Are you ok?” Asks the professional brunet with the nice legs. She runs over to help Corey up. Emma is hit with a pang of jealousy.

“I’m fine. I’m fine.” Corey assures the group. “Here’s the deal. I have this psychopath’s medication. We all need to brainstorm how to slip it to him. Let’s go around the room, no such thing as a bad idea. Let’s start with you.” Corey points to the young professional brunet.

“If there is one thing Facebook as told me about men his age, you know, boomers, they are horny as fuck.” The brunet says. “I walk over to him with my blouse undone, and two glasses of champaign. We crush up the pills in the bubbly. He will be so eager to fuck he’ll drink down his meds and won’t give it a second thought.”

“No no no.” says the store manager “Here is what we do. I get him going, talking crazy about how I want his fluids. I drop down and take every inch of his hard dick in my mouth. With I’m sucking, I diddle his asshole and low key slip the pill up there like a suppository.”

“Both ya’ll are crazy.” says the mother “Get me over to the hot bar. I will start to cook up some food so good, he won’t be able to resist. It’s been hours, he *must* be hungry. Then, we slip him the pills in his food!”

“You guys are thinking about it all wrong.” says the teenage store clerk “Fuck the pills. I’ll strip down nude, grease myself up real good, and wait for him to wander to the far end of the store. Away from ya’ll. I bum rush his ass and pull the pin on his vest. BOOM! I sacrifice myself for the greater good. I’m rewarded in the afterlife, spending an eternity in the warrior’s kingdom of Valhalla.”

“Let me reason with him.” Chimes in the old man “He said he’s a sex god, right? We wants to exchange fluids, correct? We challenge him to a sexual pentathlon. Out best stud against him. Five events. Quick-Cum. Long-cum. Cum amount, cum double blind taste test, and finally cum accuracy. If he loses, he has to turn himself in. If he wins, he will go down in history as the greatest sexual deity to ever walk the earth.”


A.) Brunet’s pills in the champaign

B.) Manager’s blow job suppository

C.) Mom’s home cooking

D.) Teenager’s suicide mission

E.) Old man’s ejaculation Olympics

**Sound off in the comments! I will write the most popular choice as the next installment of this sexy adventure!**

**Up vote for more engagement**



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