I (26F) have a crush on my friend/boss (47M) 👀

Since I was around 12 I’d spend every summer horseback riding at a ranch near my grandparents place. It’s a gorgeous place run by what was once a lovely couple. I became friends with them over the years. As a teen I always admired them, they’re both gorgeous people and seemed so in love and had this beautiful farm.

In high school I moved in with my grandparents and spent every waking moment I could there riding and helping out. I always felt completely safe and there were never any sexual feelings, comments, vibes, nothing.

After high school I went on my merry way and lived life. I ended up dating people older than me, by 7 and even 15 years. I guess being so independent from a young age I never connected with my peers. I love the wisdom and better communication I’ve had with older people.

I ended up coming back a couple years ago and got my own little homestead nearby. I was shocked to hear rumors that the wife in the couple had started seeing another guy and cheated on her husband for FIVE YEARS. The whole time I was gone. I’d go help out and it broke my heart. I remember when I realized the guy had finally found out. He was a bit of a mess, we were out in a pasture and he broke down a bit. As these things go, he had been the last to find out and knew that everyone else had known for years. What he thought was a crumbling marriage he was trying to save was complete betrayal and he was the fool.

That day in the pasture I felt all the usual feelings of seeing someone you care about getting shat on… Sadness, anger at her, wanting to be there. But I also couldn’t ignore this other feeling. I pushed it away, it definitely didn’t seem appropriate and I had absolutely no reason to think it was reciprocated (and I don’t think it was back then).

Feeling like he probably didn’t have other people to talk to this sorta stuff about, because we live in such a small town, I’d always open the door to the conversation about it for him when I was over helping out. Eventually he started inviting me in after work for a coffee or a beer and we started talking more about it. How he’d imagined things would be, how he feels like his life is sort of over.

Inside I could feel myself screaming, DUDE you still got it. He’s got these rough weathered hands, salt and pepper hair, he’s in shape and he still rides his little gray arab out on the trails. More than that he’s the most polite and honest man I think I’ve ever met. He always treated me as an equal as a woman, driving tractors and all sorts of stuff. Never once made an inappropriate comment or gesture. Still hasn’t.

In my mind I’ve tried so hard to push away these feelings but when we hang out and talk I can’t help it. I know I’ve subtly been giving off a vibe despite myself He’s doing so much better than that day in the pasture, ready for the divorce and all.

It feels so taboo! I feel like we’re both in the same boat, “this can’t be happening”. It’s probably even weirder for him. But imagining something happening between us makes me feel excited and wet. Those rough hands on me … All the experiences he has that I don’t. And the fact that he’s known me in my purest form, out there in the mud, covered in blood, sweat and even tears.

This weekend we went on a trail ride and when he brought up the divorce I couldn’t help it. “You will have no problem finding someone, you’re a catch!” He turned bright red.

I got a text that night! He thanked me for the company and added, “I’ve been wanting to bring something up but I need a few more beers for it to happen.” I couldn’t believe it, I’m hoping it’s what I think it is. I responded that we’d have to have a few more beers next time then. 😁

Who would want updates on this if it goes anywhere? 👀

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/sy2y7d/i_26f_have_a_crush_on_my_friendboss_47m


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