“”Holding my ear to the wall. Listening to the lonely sound of nothing. Shaking my head in disappointment with a sigh I said, “I just wonder what has been going on.” I crash into bed though laying on the covers. Everything is going through my mind. Even as I reached for the lights I.. I… could hear them!”

“Drive@5, say what? Drive@5… What now? Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with your perfectly naughty DJ Maeve taking the helm! This is going to be a rough ride all night long!” Nova ReBoot stammered out with the myriad of voices.

“Who here has listened? Who has heard a fight, the slamming door, the wild and passionate slapping of skin in the dead of night? Cum on now we all have heard the naughty goings on cause if not then this society would not exist today. This is DJ Maeve cuming all over your speakers with the hottest tail this time from a neighbor! And I’ll tell you something! This is hot! H Ooo T, hot hot HOoot! Right down to the soaked panties that the neighbor shed! Only here on Klit 96.9 The Rave!”

“Have you done wrong, taken the walk of shame, have been out performed by a Vibraphone… Cum by Lustful Chocolates to pick up your chocolate filled dicks. These minty little suckers will lead to your dick being sucked as a finisher. Lustful Chocolates pounding at the Thrust Mall, a place where Orgasms are abound.”

“Feeling his growl in my ear. His rough voice only matched by his hard touch! “Mmm, is there something you want” barely able to contain my giggles.
Waiting for it… I passed through his fingers like the lube he was trying to cover his cock in. “Okay, I’m going over here and am going to watch the boob tube” still wondering how I was able to keep a straight face. Laying a pillow down just before my body laid on it. “This will bring him running” I giggled.

Plunging my fingers so deep into my slit! The instant my muscles felt that they tensed up! With the slightest of movement I knew what was cuming next! Panting, hard and long! Feeling his hands grip my tits just before! “Ooo shit…” biting my tongue for the simple fact if they knew I was spying on them then my weekend would becum a boring mess again.
Rolling to my knees. Spreading them till my muff just skimmed off the surface of my bed. Reaching back to tickle my opening. Ear pressed against the wall in hopes of catching a moan that was missed.

“What, what are you (the laughter erupted from my mouth) doing to, tOoo Mmm” his cock a little too big for him to slam it home without any lube. My muff was already a mess of orgasms and cum just to have his cock try to enter the wrong hole!
“What are you doing!” Shouting at him and jerking back with my hips. The pressure was released when his cock pried open my tight hole. Feeling the next pressure from his hand as he pinned my chest down to the bed. Hearing, “Don’t make such a pretty target then” slamming his cock fully inside my ass!
Moaning at his cock, moaning from the enjoyment he always seemed to pry out of me. Moaning cause his cock was not finished with my ass any time soon. From the top of his tongue that now grazed my back to the head of his retreating cock. It only took one heartbeat till my whole world rotated around whether he was going to pull out or plunge.. back… in!
Never having a cock in my asshole. Not to say that I don’t enjoy a little anal entertainment from my own fingers. My daring little twins that are always up to the challenge. And a vibe, well… its not that I didn’t think hard on that butt to sacrifice a perfectly good vibe from my pussy. Not to let it take me to the erotic dreamland! Right now using both hands, plugging up both holes, biting my headboard as the next major O quaked my world!”

“This is Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with your Sinfully Naughty DJ Maeve.

Cum by Quaker’s to get your lunch on the go! Looking to get something butt don’t have the time to wait? Then lick us up @quakers.cum and get the speedy app to let you customize your meal and pay for it Before ever stepping into the store! Or for those who want the same knee quaking service you are more then welcum to swing by for a great munch and lunch! Cum by Quaker’s your leg shaking home of great burgers!

And now back to the tai! Ooo, you are such a bad girl…”

“I want you in my muff” taking a pause after every word. My breath was short at this point. If I raised Mmm voice any higher… I would… …. “Ooooh fuck yesss!” My ass strangled his cock in a desperate attempt to stuff it back inside.
“You tease! You are such a fucking tease!” I pouted over him not being in my ass. “I want this cock buried so deep in Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm!”

With all that yelling, with all that screaming my heart seized until I heard that sweet sound of a major orgasm that slammed her headboard into the wall! My own juices, my own flood of emotions came rushing back! As my twin fingers were now all the way in! Three knuckles deep in my butt! The tightness that I felt not only triggered one of the biggest O I had ever felt! Butt one of the longest orgasms ever! “Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss fuckkkkkkkkkk Mmmmmmmmmm sOoo hard!” Was blurted out with no care as to who heard!
Pulling my head up and off the headboard. Staring at my teeth marks on the white fabric as both of my hands were now thrust in so deep! “No, no” I mouthed! Shaking my head in desperation not to cum! Hearing the loud moans as she was slammed against her headboard! As both my hands with all four fingers started to get wet without me moving a muscle! Struggling to take a breath. With every inhale there was a desperate moan that followed! My knees are quaking to the point of me collapsing. As every muscle in my body just seized up with me pressed against the wall.

Breathing hard as he spanked my bottom with that cock. Trying not to beg for it butt everything is not how we want it some times. “Please…” I grumbled. “Please…” I let the sugar fall from my mouth. “Please… Ooo please…” I begged for it to be put back in my naughty hole! Spreading my ass. Wiggling my bad girl hole! “Please…” I started butt he found my ass… “Ooooh yesss yessssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss!” Pulling on my tits with his cock buried inside my ass once again! Feeling his hand as it wrapped around my throat. Pulling me back from the headboard, pulling me back from the wall that was my new pillow!
Having a hard time breathing, face turning red! Hips lunged back to hump his dick! Feeling his skin, feeling his hair as my ass grinded against his cock! Hands plastered against his hand! Squeezing harder as my final orgasm was trapped in my throat!

Wishing that these walls could talk. Wishing they could tell me every position she was in. Every moaning phase she was going through! Abandoning my booty. Feeling my fingers as they left leaving a giant void in my sexual prowess! Spanking my tit as this hand passed by! “Ooo why! Why couldn’t you…” The feel of a hand squeezing against my neck! The feel of my hips jerking off at the blatant sexual attack over my body! “Yes yesss yessssss” I cooed as my twin fingers just happened to sprout a third! With each pounding I felt it was like a new world opened before me. Filled with countless orgasms, each one just leading to one more! Squeezing just a little harder, just a little more!
Laying on my bed. Head down in between two pillows. Ass sticking straight in the air with a long trail of spent cum that led down to my fingers. All three of them! Checking the time cause this was not like me. No, I usually finish with a shower then bed. My eyes focused in on the clock. “What 8:59″ seeing the seconds tick by. Seeing 9 o’clock just about to hit!
After a long shower. Me rinsing off last night’s activities, getting incredibly turned on by the pulsating water that left the shower head. I threw some clothes on and headed for the lobby. Closing my door, seeing that woman who was my sexual conduit. The same one I heard though the wall that drove me to play with myself. We talked as we were waiting for the elevator about the weather, current events, horoscopes everything that we could think of besides the incredible nightly affair that happens between us and the wall.”

“Tell me, tell me who has listened to the erotic activities of someone else? Who is guilty of masturbating over such crude, lascivious eavesdropping? I know I have, and the orgasms that I had given myself, Wow! This is DJ Maeve cuming all over your speakers from our home in Easygate this is Klit 96.9 The Rave! Next up is DJ Andy with the hottest walk you will ever see (sexy whistle). Only after our Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie. What’s up girl!”

“I knew it was you. (Giggles) I have and I’m sure if there is one person listening who denies it that means they exploded and got caught. Naughty naughty.
From the looks of things everything is flowing great from up here. There is nine EST ambulances making the call. Thank you all for using them for their public service and keep the roads safe this is your Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie.”

“Thank you for that report Traffic Girl Callie. This is DJ Andy with your Drive@5 streaming through your speakers with the hottest music only on Klit 96.9 The Rave!””

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/sx5nbc/klit_969_the_rave_042_if_only_walls_could_talk