It wasn’t Java Script

My (56m) wife (41f) and I have an amazing connection when it come to intimacy. A short time ago we both entered a phase where we decided to let go of all of our preconceived notions about sex and intimacy to discover what we enjoy sexually. It has been life changing when you drop all of the religion and societal stigmas of what is good or bad and experience freedom.

We watched porn together and it turned into an open and frank discussion about what arouses us and what works vs what doesn’t work for us during intimacy.

A week or so ago while we were being intimate I was attempting to run her clit. While typically this isn’t a challenge our changes in attitudes and behaviors have resulted in a flow of vaginal lubricants that could rival the mythological “great flood”. Her clit was very hard, and far more mobile than usual. She will periodically adjust my hand if she knows of a spot I need to touch that I am not hitting. I have no problem with this as my goal is to please her and who better knows where she needs touched more than her.

But that night, her clit was highly mobile and she was growing frustrated. The corrections were more frequent. After the 10th correction and a growl of frustration, I said, “Listen, it is like fighting a greased up Jason Stathom down there! Every time I think I get an angle on him he moves!”

I knew when it left my mouth that I had just killed the mood. That there was going to be no coming back to the sexy place as she burst out laughing. We laughed, I apologized for killing the mood and the forgiveness was instant. During the laughter and talk that followed we agreed to call her clit “JS”.

Last night I smoked a new strain of marijuana called “glue ball”. At almost 25% THC, the reviews warned that it was a creeper that required only a couple of hits to effectively launch the user into a full body high. What the reviews failed to mention was the tingling that covered me from head to toe that compelled me to touch my wife. So I rested my hand on her inner thigh absentmindedly tracing circles with my finger tips. She then decided that she would try the strain. Given that is was before 8 pm and we have one of our adult children living in the house, we were trying to hold out. She was reading Reddit and I was debating what to put on the TV. Our adult son had stuck his head into the room to chat as I asked if she was in the mood for a Jason Stathom adventure. I almost burst out laughing as she reacted by grunting her disapproval. Never to let things go easily, I suggested the Transporter Movie where he covers himself with oil during a fight scene. And Quickly followed it by saying I do love “JS” which is also now the nickname for her clit.

Our son is autistic and his thought are always unique. At that moment he asked, “did someone mention Java Script?” We both started laughing and he took off for another part of the house. Last night, I pinned JS in the best out of three falls.


1 comment

  1. I’m really glad to hear you and your wife were able to finally let go of preconceived notions about sex to experience everything you would like to without judgement. I’m (43f) trying that now my my husband (45m) He’s not as ready for it as I am.

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