Banged by the Boss [MF] [MDOM]

“*Christina!*” Aidan called from his office. The young assistant moved quickly, making sure her boss wasn’t waiting too long. She cursed herself for wearing stilettos today, though she knew she looked incredible in them.

“What can I help you with?” Christina asked when she reached the office. She smoothed her pencil skirt down, and despite her leg itching, she resisted the urge to scratch it for fear of ripping her new pantyhose. Working in a publishing house, there was a certain expectation of uniform, though she wondered if she was toeing the line between professional and sexy. She anxiously tucked a stray golden hair behind her ear and waited for a response.

“Could you please take a look at this book synopsis?” Aidan said, handing her a few pieces of paper. The author in question was seated on the other side of Aidan’s desk and visibly sweating. He squirmed in his seat as Christina’s boss gave him a once-over that she knew wasn’t the first.

“Well?” he asked impatiently. It was bad. The manuscript ignored everything about the genre it fit into and wouldn’t appeal to the market at all. Christina hesitated, but there was no way around it.

“What research did you do before you wrote your book?” Christina asked instead, avoiding giving criticism since she knew he would likely have received a beat-down before she came into the room.

The young man shrugged, though, and said, “I didn’t do research, I just wrote what I wanted to write.”

Wrong answer.

“And this is the sort of story you enjoy reading?” she asked, internally cringing. Aidan did not take too kindly to people who just assumed that all there was to writing was, well, *writing.*

“Yes…?” The young man had walked in with a sense of bravado but certainly wouldn’t leave with one.

“Well then,” Aidan said smoothly, “I think we’re done here.”

“No, wait, I have more! I haven’t just written one book!”

“You think I would waste my time reading *more* of this trash?” Aidan sneered. Despite how brutal the rejection was, Christina couldn’t help but feel a small thrill go down her spine. A tiny part of her would love for Aidan to talk to her like this, just *once*. She twirled a pen in her hand, the smooth plastic moving effortlessly through her fingers.

“Get out,” Aidan snapped. The boy rushed from his seat, grateful for an opportunity to escape. Christina wanted to laugh; the image looked so pathetic. But because she witnessed so many of these teardowns per week, she didn’t. One day, that could be her.

Aidan gestured for the pen, which Christina willingly handed over. She could see pens all over his desk, but he had a penchant for stealing hers, which was why she always carried one with her.

“That was awful,” Aidan said pleasantly. “What did you think of the story, Chrissy?”

The nickname was not new, but Christina loved hearing it. It always felt like the first time he had called her that, and despite remaining completely professional it made her a little wet hearing it.

“… there was a *lot* of female violence in it,” Christina said, vocalizing one of the issues she had with the text. “And it felt like the entire story was ‘the female love interest gets captured, the protagonist frees her, rinse repeat’. It almost could have been reworked into a romance.”

“Yes, it could. You’re familiar with the romance genre, aren’t you?”

“I’m familiar with a lot of genres working here,” she replied wryly.

“If you were to take that and turn it into a romance, what would you do?” Aidan gestured to the seat that the young man had previously occupied. When she had seated herself, he rested his elbows on the desk and leaned over. “I see the books you leave on your desk, and there’s a lot of romance.”

Christina frowned a little but quickly stopped, aware that it would be wrinkling her brow. She hadn’t realized he noticed what she read, though she shouldn’t have been surprised; everyone knew what everyone else read in the office. Still, she felt herself redden since she knew that her books were filled with a lot more than just *romance*.

“I do like romance,” Christina admitted, and then looked down at the manuscript. At the top of her gaze, she noticed Aidan chewing lightly on her pen, and that action went straight to her core. Aidan was attractive, for sure; it was one of the hottest topics for gossip. His personality was so off-putting no one wanted a relationship with him, though they were certainly gunning for one-night-stands.

Except Christina. She had never experienced any of the rudeness that was directed at others. Aidan had always been kind to her, almost like a friend. She would be more than happy to date Aidan as he was, though she was always completely professional at work.

Christina gathered her thoughts. “Well, I would change this from the guy’s perspective and go for the girl. Because of all of the trauma in the story, she is the most interesting character, and that fits closer with the genre’s tropes.”

“What else?” Aidan said, almost a purr. His voice was like liquid gold, and Christina loved hearing it. She wriggled a little in her seat, trying to offset the tingle that had started. She could feel the smooth leather through her tights and tried to focus on the sensation. Anything to get her mind off her throbbing bundle of nerves.

“I think this guy’s best friend has to go. He’s constantly angry, does things guided by emotions when everyone else seems to be logical, and he’s responsible for 90% of the tangents. He doesn’t add anything to the main story.”

“Mmm, I agree,” Aidan said, almost surprised. Christina straightened her shoulders; that was nearly praise coming from him.

Christina continued. “The mother. I would probably kill her off to give the male love interest some motivation. He’s too good, too perfect. Nothing in his life is driving that force. I would add some more motivation for his behaviors. Maybe his dad was awful but his mom was good, and the death of his mother makes him want to be better.”

“You don’t think the motivation is strong enough?” Aidan leaned further over the desk, the pen between his teeth getting practically mutilated.

“I think in real life it’s perfectly fine, but I’m thinking more about what the audience would want. Things need to be spelled out to them, and someone who beat the odds of being influenced by his father is something they eat up.” Christina grinned, before dropping her smile at the look on Aidan’s face. “You don’t agree?”

“No, I do, I just didn’t expect for you to be so good at this.”

“I love reading… and I love writing,” she admitted.

Aidan’s head perked up at that and he sat up straight. “You write?”

“Not much, and it’s definitely not good enough to publish.” Christina gave a nervous giggle. “But I do enjoy it occasionally.”

Aidan lounged back in his chair, the leather creaking with the action. His dark eyes lingered on her. She nervously tucked another hair behind her ears, and she was grateful she hadn’t gotten her fringe trimmed the other day; it felt a little bit like a shield against his intense gaze.

“I’ll have to read it,” he said as if it was a given. Christina blanched.

“No, no no no no no,” Christina protested in a joking tone, though she was panicking inside.

“Why, is it like the smut you read?” Aidan smirked. He got up and walked around his desk until he was beside her. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Oh yes, I know what you read in your spare time.”

His voice skated over her ear, the breath caressing it lightly. Goosebumps rose upon her skin, starting at her head but then descending all over her body. She resisted the urge to shiver. All she wanted to do was close her eyes and enjoy the sensation.

Christina felt like her entire body was on fire, and she knew she was beet red. *This cannot be happening*, she thought to herself while she tried to think of an excuse. She got up to leave, but as she turned, there he was, towering over her.

She took a nervous step back. Aidan took a step forward. Her backside hit the desk, the sharp edge shocking her. She panicked, looking behind herself, and her boss threw her pen onto his desk.

“What are you so afraid of?” Aidan nearly whispered. He was close, too close, and Christina felt her panic rise up within her. His voice was doing things to her.

“I– I’m just not that good a writer, I’m afraid,” though that wasn’t true. Christina didn’t think that based on her own opinion; many of her friends had read her writing and loved it. They were often begging her for more.

“Somehow I doubt that,” came the reply. “What do you struggle with the most when you write?”

He was still towering over her. This didn’t feel appropriate for a work conversation, but Christina avoided leaning away from him, afraid it would cause him to lean in more.

“Inspiration,” she whispered, her mouth dry. After all, wasn’t this exactly the sort of situation she would write about?

“Well,” came a *very* sultry reply, “that’s a good problem to have.”

“Yes,” she said. “Yes, it is.” *No, it isn’t,* she said to herself, but she could bring herself to disagree with Aidan when he was standing over her like this. She felt like if he asked her to conquer a country for him she would agree with no hesitation.

“I suppose your… boyfriend would help you with that.”

“No, sir,” Christina whispered, then she cleared her throat trying to diffuse the tension. “No, I don’t have one of those, sir.” She glanced down, and then could barely contain her shock.

He was hard.

Christina had barely wrapped her head around this fact before he replied: “That is certainly a surprise.”

Before she had a chance to think, Christina had been turned around, pens and paper scattering to the floor. His large hands were gripping her, and she wished she was naked so she could truly know what she felt like.

“I’ve noticed you looking at me,” Aidan said, his voice tight and low. “And then you walk in here in that… *delicious* outfit and don’t expect me to notice?”

His hands wandered over her back, her hips, her ass. She resisted the urge to moan when he did so, but then a short sharp *smack* sounded as he spanked her. If her skin was bare it would have left a crimson mark. Christina whimpered, and the sound stopped her boss from continuing.

“Isn’t this what you wanted?” he said, a slight growl entering his tone of voice. Christina whimpered again, pushing her ass up a little using the desk as leverage. This was all the answer he needed, and he pushed his clothed manhood into her behind. Her skirt had hiked up enough that all that was between them was his pants and her pantyhose. She hadn’t worn any underwear for fear of ruining the silhouette of the skirt.

She felt how much he wanted her. He was rock hard, and everywhere she felt his length was so sensitive she was afraid she would go numb. Her pantyhose was uncomfortably wet with her arousal, though even *feeling* how wet she was made her leak more. She felt like a faucet.

He pushed down on her back, and her breasts met the desk, the chewed pen digging into her side. Through her shirt, she could feel the cool oak of the desk, and her nipples hardened despite being well secured in her bra. Thank God she had closed the office door when she came in before.

“Good girl,” he said, and his fingers nimbly slipped under the skirt at her hips and hooked around the pantyhose, pulling them down lightly. The movement was far gentler than Christina was expecting. He groaned at the sight of her and wasted no time pulling himself out of his pants to meet her sopping wet pussy.

His cock was nestled in between her lips.

Her lips had parted easily for him, and he let out a groan, presumably when he felt how wet and ready for him she was. The delicate skin burned in response, making it impossible for Christina to lie to herself. She wanted this, and every facet of her being wanted this.

Christina couldn’t believe it was happening. The thought of this had long invaded her nights when she was trying to sleep, the story of how the two might come together writing itself over and over and over again in her mind. This exact scenario had played out countless times in her dreams, but she thought it would only be a fantasy.

He hadn’t pushed into her yet, and she whined, bucking her hips a little. She got a little taste of what their coupling might feel like when her movements caused his thick head to nudge her entrance. If he hadn’t been so tense, she thought he might have slid all the way in with no resistance.

“Hold on, dove,” he said softly, the pet name making Christina even wetter, though she hadn’t thought that was possible. She was worried she would leave a wet patch wherever she would go after this, since she wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it.

He pulled away a little bit, his cock no longer making contact with her center. She whined again, earning a chuckle from him. The space where it had occupied felt cold and lonely now, and Christina realized that for the first time she felt complete with his erection nestled tightly against her.

“Protection first, dove,” he said softly, slipping a condom onto his thick, hard cock. Christina leaned back trying to get a glimpse of his size and was pleased to see he roughly matched her favorite dildo. She assumed the position of the dutiful assistant who just wanted to get fucked by her boss. Clearly, Aidan was satisfied by this since he let out a heavy groan before sliding his length in her.

Christina was shocked. Nothing could have prepared her for the sensation of his dick sliding past her, caressing her inner walls. It was exhilarating, and perfect, and right. The smooth skin glided against her slickness, and she knew she was right when she thought he would slip right in. Previously, Christina had been embarrassed about how wet she had gotten with previous partners, but her boss was obviously enjoying it.

Christina felt full, so full, and she was proud that she could take him entirely. His balls pressed against her, and he grunted before pressing a fully clothed front to her back.

“Hold on,” he said, his tone of voice changing from gentle to forceful, and Christina couldn’t have asked for a better warning. She leaned a little further over to grab the other edge of the desk, and once she was situated a sharp sting echoed off her backside. He had just spanked her again. She had heard the sound before feeling the effects, and with her backside now bare she felt the full force of the spank. Heat rushed in, and she knew a handprint remained. An imprint of his desire.

“You’re a good little slut,” was all he said before pulling almost all the way out and driving in again, the force slamming her hips against the sharp edge of the desk. The pain bit into her, enhancing the pleasure of his vigorous fucking, and his strong hands held her hips in place as he bucked into her. Now she could feel the callouses on his hands, their rough texture adding to the commanding grip he had on her – metaphorical and physical.

Christina moaned, not worried about being loud. She knew the walls were thick, and had often listened in to yelling in this office through the phone, but hadn’t been able to hear anything through the door.

Aidan’s grunts served to heighten Christina’s arousal, and despite wearing very tall heels she raised her ass even further by stepping onto her tippiest toes, earning a growl of approval.

Heavens, she wanted to hear that noise again and again.

“Good girl,” he added onto that growl, his hips slamming faster and faster into her. Christina’s orgasm was rushing toward her, and she didn’t think she would be able to hold on to the desk once she came. She felt sweat on her forehead, it making its way down the side of her face leaving a cool trail. Her entire body was sensitive now, and Christina could feel every single thing. She felt the cheap fabric of her shirt scratching her skin, her skirt doing the same right above her hips, Aidan’s hands tightening as he felt her tighten around him and then–

She cried out, the pleasure flooding her body. It started at her core and spread out, making her legs unsteady in her tall heels, her hands weaken their grip on the desk, and stars flashed behind her eyes. This wasn’t like when she played alone at home. Her entire body tingled wonderfully, and somewhere in the middle of it, she lost control. When she came to, she was quietly moaning, and Aidan had stilled.

He spanked her again, the sharp action startling her. Christina lifted her head, but before she could turn around and say anything Aidan had grabbed her wrists and slammed them back into the edge of the desk.

“I said: *hold on*,” he said in a guttural tone. Christina whimpered but tightened her grip on the edge again, though this time she struggled a little more, still weak from the orgasm. There was a small part of her that knew she would do anything he said, and she would like it.

Satisfied, Aidan starting ramming into her again, really letting loose. Christina didn’t think it was possible for her to be fucked any harder than she was before, but now she knew he had been holding back on her. With her disobedience fresh in her mind, Christina realized that he was punishing her. His hands pressed into her back this time, forcing the breath out of her. Her breathing was now labored, and the last tendrils of her orgasm lingered before fading out completely.

He was hammering her so hard that the heavy desk shifted a little, and his moans, groans, and labored breathing filled the room. And Christina took it. She took the brutal thrusts, the occasional spank, and knew she would take so much more if it meant she could get fucked by him again.

Soon enough, Aidan’s movements changed from thrusting to uneven bucking and Christina could feel him come in her. His movements were desperate and his grip tightened as his moans grew weaker and more strained. Finally, he shuddered and completely stilled inside of her. She couldn’t help but feel disappointed he was wearing a condom, as she would have liked to feel his cum dripping from her afterward, but they were at work, and clean-up needed to be easy. Still, she was glad she had received the most glorious sex in her life.

Slowly, Aidan withdrew from her, forcing another whine out of Christina. She felt well and truly empty after their coupling.

After removing the condom and throwing it in the trash, Aidan collapsed in the chair that Christina had previously occupied. She stayed where she was, splayed out of the desk like a fresh meal for her boss. Her heavy breathing caused her breasts to strain the buttons on her shirt, and she felt the breeze from the AC cooling her hot sex.

She was satisfied. Christina had never been satisfied before.

Slowly, she collected herself. She grabbed a tissue from a box on the desk to wipe at herself before carefully pulling her pantyhose up and her skirt all the way down. Amazingly, her pantyhose hadn’t ripped from everything that had gone on. Her shirt was a bit rumpled, but she couldn’t remember if it had been completely smooth when she walked in.

She turned around, and there he was. She couldn’t help but think about how perfect he was, how wonderful he looked right there. He looked unphased, though Christina wasn’t sure if he had ever done something like this before. She supposed he had, based on how nonchalant he seemed, but she had never even seen him in his office alone with a woman long enough before.

“I uh… have to get back to work,” Christina said, turning pink at the thoughts running through her head. She nodded her head to the pieces of paper containing the synopsis the author had left earlier and said, “Thank you for the great exercise in story planning.”

And then she left, worried that she smelled like sex. Aidan’s entire office had, though he would usually open a window in the afternoon, so she was reassured by the fact that any evidence of their *activity* would soon be gone.

Christina reached her desk, conscious of her bruised hips and sore side. She remembered the pen that Aidan had been chewing on during their encounter and blushed, knowing that it too had somehow taken part in what had happened in his office. Embarrassed, she realized she was still holding the tissue in her hand, and she quickly threw it in the trash, disguising it under her lunch.

Smiling, Christina checked her emails, eager to get back to her work and her mind off of Aidan’s cock.



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