Sean and his mom (Part 3) True story from Sara in tumblr

So, Sean and his mom Paula had been set up to consummate their new phase of their relationship. I had done what I could to convince them that it was the right thing to do, and I went to bed to let them take things from there.

The next morning when I woke up, Saturday, I was alone in the bed Sean, and I normally share. So, it looked as if Sean and his mom spent the night together.

I went down to the kitchen to make some coffee and get things ready for breakfast. Just as a pot of coffee was ready, Paula walked in. “Good morning” I said in a cheerful way as I poured a couple of cups. Paula smiled a little uncertainly and said “good morning, Sarah” in a quiet voice as she sat down at the table.

I gave a cup of coffee to Paula as I sat down next to her. Paula took the cup and took a sip her hand shaking a little. She set the cup down and said “I can’t believe it… I had … sex with my own son”. Then she grinned, “and God, I can’t believe how fantastic it was!”. And she laughed a little as I put one hand on hers and squeezed it. I told her I was so happy for her, and she thanked me for talking her into having her own son become her lover. She said that she loved Gene, Sean’s dad, but really missed the physical aspect of her marriage. She hadn’t realized how much she missed it until last night when Sean made her feel like a real woman again.

A moment later Julie walked into the kitchen, followed soon after by Jerry. Neither of them knew yet what their grandmother and father had done, or that anything had even been planned. After saying good morning to Paula and me, they each got their cereal and juice and sat at the table to eat.

I was in the process of thinking how to reveal the news when Sean walked in a few minutes later. He smiled and said good morning to me, giving me a kiss. Then he said, “good morning… again, Mom” and gave Paula a kiss. Paula smiled back and said, “good morning honey…I love you”. Sean said, “I love you too Mom” and gave her another, longer kiss.

Julie saw this and stopped eating her cereal with her spoon held mid-air, her mouth open. “Wait… what? Daddy… grandma… did you two…?” she stammered. Sean just grinned, and Paula blushed a little. I smiled and said, “yes, your grandmother is in on our family secret”.

Julie swallowed hard and grinned. “Oh my god! That’s so awesome!” Julie said as she got up and hugged her dad and grandmother. Then she went over to her brother, “c’mon Jerry, I need you to fuck me, now that we don’t have to hide it from grandma anymore”. She grabbed Jerry’s arm and pulled him from the table. Jerry took one last spoonful of cereal and followed Julie out of the kitchen. The rest of us shared a laugh and shared the good feeling of love that we had for each other.

For the rest of her visit, this was in the autumn of 2019, Paula and Sean spent the nights together. On a couple of those nights, I joined them. Paula went back home to Sean’s dad with a renewed sense of well-being and a determination to get him to see his doctor to treat his erectile dysfunction problem.

And she did succeed in convincing him to get treatment. By the time Christmas came around, Sean’s dad seemed a new man. And Paula said she was happier too. Although she had her husband back, she still found an occasion for her son to fuck her. And each of her grandsons too, Eric was home for winter break while they were visiting.

Sadly, Sean’s parent’s happiness did not last as long as hoped. In mid-January of 2020, Sean’s dad had a heart attack and passed away suddenly. His funeral was held here in the Twin Cities, where he could be buried in the military cemetery here.

While she was in town for the arrangements and funeral, Paula stayed with Sean’s brother and his family. They did not know anything about what our family or Paula was doing, so we kept it that way.

And after a period of mourning, Paula decided to return to her home in Northern Minnesota, intending to stay there indefinitely.

However, as the pandemic began in March, we told Paula that she should come stay with us during the lock-down time. She readily agreed that that would be a good thing to do. So, we packed up things that she would need, fortuitously including a supply of cleaning products, food and most importantly toilet paper (she said living in Northern Minnesota during winter taught her to stock up on essentials early).

We managed to all get through the worst of the pandemic together as an extended family, with some interesting accommodations. Maybe I will write about that later.

Take care everyone, Keep your loved ones safe.

Love from Sarah J.


1 comment

  1. How beautiful mum and some got together and they had a great time . Reminds me of me and my mum and our life together 😉

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