I Start a Sex Cult in Another World! Ep. 2: I Get Captured In Another World?

*~~Authors~~* *Pervert’s Note: This is a lot of world building and set up for future plot and has erotic moments, but if you’re here for strictly horn, it’s the next chapter. In the comments is a link to a rough draft of the cover. Again, suggestions are welcome as I’m constantly seeking to improve – including if there’s a direction you want to see the story go next (though of course, in the end, I do what I enjoy). Including next chapter’s beau and the MC’s new name! Thanks for reading!*


*He runs home along endless sidewalks then stops three driveways before the cul-de-sac, panting, a bag full of condoms and lube bouncing at his back. His heart is pounding. Tonight would be the night! The cheap drawstring catches on a branch as he dives behind a bush. Her parents pull out of the parking lot.*

*They spot the bag.“They just left,” She says as he bounds up the steps. They kiss messily, fall over each other, drop the bag in the living room and tumble into the hallway to fondle and roll. He falls into her lips. Her parents later found the bag.*

*They stand in the park, shivering, a few years past. They giggle and gossip. He got into a local community college. He’s proud, his grades were a struggle. She’s made it into a law school but doesnt want to tell him yet. When she does, he’ll be devastated. Long distance never works. But now, she glances around. She pulls down her scarf, tucks her mittens in her pockets, pushes him against a tree under a flickering lamp post. Her knees left prints in the thin snow.*

“Wake up!”

*He’d always remember her lips. They were thin. When they went out, she always overdrew her lipstain. On nights when they would dress him in her sunday best, she would blush and rant at how much lipstick he needed but always through a huge smile. Hers were thin, yet somehow, they were so soft when his cock was between them.*

*He put his hands behind her head… since when did he have four arms?“Wake up, ruffian!”A heavy, hard pressure weighs upon my stomach. She holds her breath and pushes down until his entire shaft is down her throat. An intense friction flares at the tip of my dick. He looks down at her. She looks so proud of herself. Her head had become a boot.*


I blink, suddenly awake.

“I SAID UP! Cerya, the rope!” Still here in this strange, autumnal forest, still in the beautiful body with smooth skin and a huge dick, I stared down the valley of my cleavage towards a boot. The boot was planted on my stomach, its heel dug into my skin and the toe slowly grinding across the tip of my quickly hardening penis. It twitched under her step, the thick lower vein tapping noisily against the toe. My gaze traveled up the boot, the metal grieves, and the loose, airy white pants she wore to lock eyes on an incredible ass.

“Oh, you’re awake, are you?” The ass swung out of view and the boot stepped back onto the leaves with a noisy crunch. She seemed tall, but impossibly bottom-heavy at first glance. On closer inspection, it appeared that her long red horns provided most of the height. Instead, she was short and only very bottom-heavy, with black hair in a sharp bob and an intricate, orb-topped cane in one hand. The cane was firmly planted against my hip on the opposite side from her, locking me in between it and her boot. “Thought you could rest after a little poaching on the King’s grounds, could you?”

“Sorry, what? King’s what?” I tried to push myself up on my lower two arms but her hand on the orb twisted and an invisible force enveloped my chest like a warm blanket and guided me back to the forest floor. “What did you do? What ARE you?”

“I could ask the same of you, poacher!”

“Poacher?” I furrowed my brows in confusion and from across the clearing, a suit of agile-looking armour – which appeared to be a composite of ceramic panels tied in intricate patterns – stepped out of the bushes. The suit lifted it’s visor and a handsome, if tired, man with a comfortable mustache peaked his face out. In his hand, a large rabbit hung, cold and stiff. A moment later, I realized it was not covered in frost, but rather frosted by cum, the trail clearly having led to the nude pervert a few feet away. I sigh and let my head hang back, tired.

“Definitely dead, Lady Morasia.” the man said, tapping it against a tree idly with a loud clunk. He cast a glance down at me, an eyebrow raised in ambient curiosity. I tried to look away, but I could feel his gaze on me. He didn’t devour my flesh with his eyes, didn’t drink me in at all. Instead, I could sense him deconstructing my form into shapes and lines of motion. How any of this information had entered my head, I couldn’t say.

“Thank you, Grey’art.” Lady Morasia said dismissively. He stepped away, but shot back, under his breath, “Greyhart, my lady.”

I could feel the demon, Morasia raking her eyes down my body with scorn and… confusion? I opened my mouth to say something, but a third set of eyes affixed on me. This set could barely hide its desire, flittering across my hips and locking onto my cock, then tearing away to flutter down my legs, then snap up to stare deeply into my breasts. I felt them try to look away and I took a deep breath, keeping their eyes on me. Something about how these eyes – she? – looked at me felt good. The demoness glanced away from me and I opened my eyes. She snapped, “Cerya, dawdle not. Bring the rope, woman.”

Cerya came closer and I relaxed the arch in my spine that I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. She was huge, probably well over six foot, in armoured boots and a ceramic-plated kilt. I noticed her hair before her face, which was made of two huge afro-puff balls and a waterfall of curly hair that cascaded down her back – all a bubblegum pink. Her face was heavy-set, with a large, hooked nose, an eyepatch over her right eye, and a third eye framing it all in from above on the forehead. Her thick candy-bright lips were set in a perpetual pout. She knelt and Morasia stepped away. Cerya flipped me over with ease before I could think of getting away, then pinned me with her torso by throwing her elbow over my side. It was visible from afar, but especially tucked under her body, I could feel that she was very muscular.

Cerya tucked and tumbled up into a standing position beside the red-skinned Morasia. I realized at that moment that she’d bound my four wrists together, left a long length of rope, and then bound my feet with some slack between for short steps. I was too busy marveling at Cerya’s speed to register her lifting me up. She held me in a princess carry and we started to traipse through the woods. Up close, I noticed she also had horns, though these were short and the same delicate pink as her skin.I took as much time as I felt like to appraise my ride. I took in her small tusks and her top, which seemed to be a single cloth wrapped around her body many times. She blushed under the inspection, her two remaining eyes locked ahead of her.

It didn’t feel real. Any of it. Why not go where these lovely dream people, these hot, tired knights and beautiful, shy oni might take her?

“Put her in the other one,” Morasia commanded and I glanced about, locking eyes with a huge man stuffed into a tiny cage. The cage was mounted on wheels that whined under the weight, which in turn were attached to a grey, heavy, cat-like creature with six legs and a shorn tail. I heard a squeal and turned to see another cage looming, door ajar. “Excellent. We make for the castle of the marquis at once.”

Around me, the apparent traveler’s camp burst to life. An old woman and her three identical assistants or body guards or lovers followed her, attending to her every command. A dozen or so humans shuffled around, picking up everything that a stoic man with beautiful auburn hair and pointed ears pointed to. Cerya and Greyhart prepared the cat-beasts-of-burden, including a pair of much larger ones affixed to a covered hardwood coach. Among them, a tall, elegantly alien creature prowled. It stood well over the coach, as though the silhouette of a western dragon had been cast in various banded layers of quarts and then shaved down to the most essential lines and vertices. It stepped gingerly, but authoritatively. I felt the occasional hungry glance from passers by, but when this creature turned its attention on me, I felt no eyes nor intent. Only infinite curiosity barely masked by unlimited patience.

In a few brusk minutes, we were ready for travel.

“Ho!” Lady Morasia called from the carriage’s driver-shelf. The set of three carts lurched into motion, the crystal dragon following a short distance behind. I spotted three figures remaining at the former campsite. The knights chatted amiable with a tall, slender woman with taloned wings instead of arms. Cerya pointed to me and the harpy looked, then seemed to laugh uproariously. She took off and the other two knights mounted a new set of strange monsters. These appeared to be large stones at first, but then unfolded and stood to their full height, becoming slender rabbit-like quadrupedes. They bounded after the departing set of wagons, and easily caught up. Greyhart took the front and the oni positioned herself between me and the dragon in the rear.

I sat in the cage and finally took a moment to think. What I thought was a particularly erotic dream was quickly turning out to be worryingly real. I brushed my hands over the rough wooden slats that made up the floor, shifting loose stalks of silvery hay. Beneath, scratchmarks from enraged captives were layered throughout the wood and a shiver ran down my spine. What if this was a “die in the game, you die for real” situation? What if this was always real, that my old life in modern america had been induced with whatever head trauma had erased my memories of this world? Or- OR!

I was so wrapped in my concerns that I hardly noticed the dragon shiver, eliciting a clattering like a series of bells made of glass. By the time I was drawn from my concerns, a brand new threat had presented itself in the form of a dozen tiny mushrooms. Each had huge eyes ringed with gills and a curved spear that glinted with a mean fishhook at the tip. The guards had already dismounted their rabbit-rocks. For a moment, everything went still.

A flash from above caught my attention and the harpy suddenly appeared, screaming. She landed glaive-first, splitting a mushroom in half. She kicked forwards and pulled down on the weapon, scissoring another critter between the weighty blade and the ground. With that initiation, the road erupted into chaos. Cerya had a pair of strange swords, each curved near the tip with a second handle, tipped with a pyramidal point, jutting into the inside of the curve, nearly forming an f shape with a keen blade on the outer edge. She turned in slow, gentle circles, the curved blades shearing through the grass far faster than she seemed to be moving. A perfect ring of mowed lawn surrounded her as she advanced, blending a few mushroom-men into a fine dust. It seemed like, despite having two eyes still, she struggled to find her targets and several managed to hustle out of the way of the dervish.

On the opposite side of the caravan, Greyhart stood in full armour, his sword and shield pushed into the dirt to stand upright on either side of him. He held a bow in his hands and calmly, leisurely, he fired off arrow after arrow. He had pinned a small constellation to the ground that he was carefully filling in as each one charged at him. Greyhart looked focused, his jaw tightening just before he released an arrow.

As though in response to each death, a dozen more poured out of the underbrush from the forest on either side. The guards were getting pressed back to the caravan by the second.

“Return to your mounts!” Morasia called. She had a strange flower wrapped around her hand and took a delicate shooting pose, a hand on her far-thrust hip, flower pointed straight out, shoulder cocked to look down to her wrist. She tensed and a series of beautiful red beams bloomed through the air, melting everything they touched.

A squawk from behind had me turn around and I scuttled back to press my back against the far set of bars. The cage rocked as the harpy woman slammed into it. A pair of spears had stabbed into her leg and side. The curve in the weapons had caused them to skim under the surface and lodge in, rather than pierce deep. Five more mushroom monsters bore down on her, but they were quickly evaporated in a rouge blossom. Spatters of the stuff, apparently some form of liquid, brushed the harpy and the cage, singeing holes in feathers and wooden boards alike. Dream or not, I was not ready to find out how much that would actually hurt. Her shouts were enough.

They started charging down the road at top speed as soon as they could. The harpy had been unsanctimonious loaded onto the carriage and the cats whipped into motion before the mushroom monsters could regroup from the barrage.


I woke up when the cart suddenly lurched to a stop and a dozen eyes fell upon me. At some point, the road had transitioned into a strange, hard moss that seemed to function like pavement. Patches had died off, leaving hard bumps in the road from time to time, but it was otherwise an unlikely smooth ride. After we had gained some distance, the harpy’s wounds had been treated, though she still lay in the carriage and groaned with every bump.

Cerya pulled her mount up beside me as Morasia conferred with a gate guard. Beyond the gate, a small hamlet casually rested, burrowing through the only large hill for miles around. The forest had vanished far behind us and had been replaced with silver waves of grasses and grains.

“I- Er…” Cerya tried, keeping her eyes, forehead and left, trained on the road ahead. We lurched back into motion and I scooted closer. She glanced, then turned purple and added “How uh… How did you sleep?”

I had never been an overly observant person before, but the effect this body put on a person was a magic of its own that even I could see. I replied with a dramatic pout, trying to elicit the tone of some of my favorite anime characters, “Like a four-armed prisoner! How could you keep me here you ba-… bully! You should free me!”

I marveled as I watched her seriously consider it, then shake her head. “N-no the cap-Mor-… uhhhh.. What’s your name?” she finally blurted out. I opened my mouth to answer, but considered the opportunity. My old name wouldn’t do. It was boring and dropped off of the tongue like a weight. I needed something new, something more lively without sounding porn-y. Instantly, lurid puns rose to mind and I struggled to suppress a giggle.

“Ahhh, haha I’m your capturer so of course you wouldn’t want to tell me! It’s okay, I understand, sorry!” she said suddenly and veered her mount back before I could respond. I followed her travel, scooting to press my shoulder against the bars to see her, but she was already out of earshot. I sighed and rolled my eyes, then leaned my head towards the vertical bars.

Occasionally, my still-bare boob would swing out and brush the cold metal, causing my back to straighten in surprise. Each time, I felt more eyes affixed on me. The town was fairly small and thus, word traveled fast. We gained a parade of curious onlookers as we made for the doctor’s hut on the far end of the semi-subterranean town.

Back in the real world, or maybe just the last world, I had been in a stage production of Cats for highschool. I’d been in awkward positions, looking strange, with a couple hundred eyes on me. This, however, this new power of perception was an entirely different experience. Not only could I detect that I was being looked at, I could feel exactly where they were looking like a laser-point tickle on my skin. It was barely noticeable, but built up with groups traced along my skin in lazy, curious patterns like schools of side-eyeing fish. It was like a swarm of pleasant chills and I had to wrap all four arms about my chest just to suppress the heady feeling. I had done my best to tuck my penis under and between my legs as I kneeled but the treacherous member quickly threatened to escape as it grew hard.

“No you don’t…” I muttered, two hands pressing into my thighs to pinch them together. In the process and as the cart came to a stop, a soft breast jostled free of my arm to peak out at the crowd. In an instant, I could feel my nipple enveloped into the eager mouth of attention. Fireflies of eyes flickered away in curiosity as I moved to re-scoop my chest back under control. However, I took my time in doing so. The gazes felt so good, even the scornful, the jealous, the hateful, the disgusted, every look felt like it fed my soul and already-soaring confidence.

The looks flicked over my nipples, swirling my puffy areolas that stood out so tall from my breasts. They cupped my body, tracing carefully along the crease between breast and chest. Most circled around to the other boob, but a few rose to caress my cheek and alight softly on my lips. Many stares had flowed down my belly to grip my thighs tightly. They tried to pry them apart, to see what was hidden between them. I idly wondered how surprised they would be to see that fat cock bouncing up to greet them. Before long, my entire body was buzzing.

I idly considered presenting myself to them, considered squeezing my breasts in big, round circles to knead the bees out of my flesh – or to turn around, to bend over and present myself, dripping from both sets of genitals as I stroked and fingered and… and…

I cracked an eye open as the cage suddenly lurched back into motion. The gazes loosened their hold on me and I realized I had been panting heavily. A pair of hands had been balled up into my lap, the other crossed under my chest as I thrust it out. Cerya fell in behind me and squirmed on the back of her mount, then glanced over and gave the slightest of smirks. I followed her gaze and noticed Greyhart struggling to find a comfortable position in his saddle.

I turned back to her and our eyes locked. I gave her a wink and she struggled to hold my gaze as her face got brighter and brighter. Who knew all you needed to flirt well was to be hot? Who knew flirting was this much fun? I would have called myself a tease in the old world but I also knew, given the opportunity, I would be overwhelmingly eager to follow through. Who wouldn’t want to bed a big strong oni? And then, who knows, maybe the knight? And that thick demon, for that matter! The half giant in the cage, the elf and the matron and her triplets! While I felt no obligation to fuck them just because I was now hot per se, I sure as hell wanted to try some wild things while I could.I didn’t have to wait long for my chance.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/sujw27/i_start_a_sex_cult_in_another_world_ep_2_i_get

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