Vegas: City of Dreams PART 1 [FFM][FF]

Trailing a handful of steps behind, Chase watched as Maeve and Alexa, arm in arm, opened the door, laughing as they stumbled into the waiting suite. It had been an evening of dining and dancing. The bright lights of the Vegas strip had sparkled in the cold, dark night as they bounced from casino to casino until they had found themselves nestled into a VIP booth at Club Omnia. They had been part of a larger group but as the night got longer, their crew dwindled until it was just the three of them still out on the town.

With Tiesto headlining that night, but it had been loud, hot, and crowded. All three of them had worked up a sweat as the bass kicked and the party raged around them. Alexa wore a tight mini skirt that clung to her like body. Her skimpy top worked hard to disguise her modest bust but she compensated by a well-rounded ass that she was not shy of shaking. Not to be outdone in the slightest, Maeve dazzled with a tight little black dress with a slit that ran almost all the way to her hip, accentuating her curves. She rocked a pair of dangerously tall, red heels that caught the eye and encouraged them to wander up her slender legs to gaze upon her hourglass frame. The plunging neckline commanded attention though, revealing ample cleavage. He had caught more than one lustful stare from guys stuck in the mass of bodies packed into dance floor that extended out in front of the booth.

With hips locked together, Maeve and Chase had spent most of the night dancing. His hands had felt her every curve as her hands ran through his hair. Intermittent make out sessions interspersed their feverish dancing. Alexa found a good-looking stranger to use as her dance partner and use him she did. Reaching back to grasp his hips, she had repeatedly dipped and shoved her ass against his crotch. From the look on the guy’s face, he thought he had it in the bag. But the funnier look, was when Alexa decided she was done with him and dismissed him with a casual flick of her wrist, shooing him back into the faceless masses surging in the pit.

With a laugh, Maeve had broken away from Chase and bounded over to wrap Alexa up in her arms. Chase couldn’t help but smile and watch as Maeve began dancing with Alexa their bodies pressed against each other. Their heavily inked arms intertwined as their synchronized seduction mesmerized those around them. Perched on the top of the booth, they were elevated above the crowd and seemed to revel in the attention garnered by their sensual embrace and genuine chemistry. Catching his breath in the seats below, Chase, content to watch as the two friends let the music wash over them, lights from the impressive light rig cascading down upon them, and watched as Alexa bent over and jiggled her ass against Maeve’s hips. His jaw dropped as one of Maeve’s hands gripped Alexa’s hips and the other slid up to grasp a fistful of hair, yanking back her head, arching her back. While the music was too loud to hear, he was sure that Alexa had let out a gasp of surprise and pleasure at the move, but he was more distracted by the look that Maeve threw at him while she did it. Staring right at him, she bit her lip and disentangled herself from her friend.

With a playful slap on the ass and a quick hug, Maeve climbed down from the top of the booth to join him while Alexa danced on, flushed with the energy of the room and the heat of the moment. Gingerly, but seductively, Maeve sashayed her way across the booth, placed a hand on either side of his head and leaned in close, putting her mouth right next to his ear. Her hot breath tickled the tender skin and brought a near giggle to his lips.

“Well, hey there sexy lady,” Chase said. “I’ve been enjoying watching you and Alexa…” that was as much as he managed before she cut him off with a hand over his mouth.

“Make sure you shave that stubble,” she said, loud enough for him to hear but still laden with sensual innuendo, “I have big plans for you later and am going to need that face to be clean-shaven.” And with that, the giggle was gone. Replaced by a wide-eyed stare accompanied by a surge of blood flow between his legs.

Maeve slid closer, with her legs straddling one of his, and leaned in to make out. Aggressively exploring his mouth with her tongue, she gripped his lip between her teeth as she pulled back. Not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough to get the blood flowing to all the right places. Before she stepped away, Maeve dragged his face through her cleavage and then shoved him, hard, back against the seat of the booth.

“Keep watching,” she said in a tone that commanded obedience.

She rejoined Alexa on the elevated platform above the booth and Chase spent the rest of the evening watching as they two friends made all the other guys in the club jealous.

When the time came to leave the club, he had emerged with a lady on each arm. They hailed a limousine to whisk them back to the Venetian where they could do some gambling and retire to their suite when they became partied out. Waiting in the cold, Chase had wrapped his arms around Maeve to keep her warm while Alexa huddled close. Both their nipples were rock hard, but Alexa’s were clearly visible poking through her tight top. She had definitely caught him stealing a glance but said nothing. Maeve didn’t seem to have noticed, but then again, she had slipped a hand into his waist band and was teasing the top of his package with her ice cold fingers.

The limo ride had been uneventful but entertaining. Riding the wave of adrenaline flowing from the riotous environment of the club, the ladies commandeered the music controls and blared their favorite tunes. They belted out the lyrics to their favorite songs and rehashed their favorite moments of the night. Maeve laughed as she recalled dancing atop the booth, Alexa had wrapped her arms around her from behind, and in the embrace, one of Maeve’s tits had fallen out of her top, partially flashing the crowd below. Chase wasn’t sure how he missed that but was sure that the envious fellas in the crowd hadn’t. The next story, he had witnessed. Alexa had bent over, put her hands on the ground and begun twerking with her ass to the crowd. Violently shaking her ass and flipping her hair, she continued long after her skirt rode up over her hips exposing her bare ass and the skimpy thong underneath. But the best story of the night surely was when some bold guy had approached Maeve and asked to join them on the booth, but before she could reply, Alexa had nearly smothered her with a sloppy kiss, remarking, “I think we’re good, thanks. Byeeee.”

Arriving at the casino, they took their time meandering through a sea of roulette tables. They found a table with two open seats and the ladies pounced. Grinning deviously, they had shooed Chase away so they could wield their sex appeal to curry good favor from the gabling gods.

He wandered over to the electronic baccarat machine to bide the time while the ladies played at a nearby table. From his vantage point, he could see their table clearly. He played patient, safe bets as he kept an eye on the ladies having their fun. Alexa knelt on her chair and leaned against the table seductively. Her ass was practically hanging out of her tight, short dress and he couldn’t help but laugh at the couples walking past. The guy would try to catch a glimpse with his date none the wiser, but often, he would receive a disgusted look from his companion as he was called out for staring. Maeve stood at the table, allowing her ample tits to practically spill from her plunging neckline.

They both laughed as they won, and lost, and quickly made friends with the other gamblers at the table. His own luck at the baccarat machine was fleeting. He made a few good bets, but more that cost him dearly. As his interest waned in the electronic game, he decided to cash out and simply watch the ladies from afar for a moment. He watched as they leaned out over the table and placed their bets. With Alexa still practically laying on the table and Maeve leaning provocatively, he watched as the other gamblers stared unabashed. As the dealer spun the wheel, he saw Maeve’s hand move to Alexa’s shoulder and begin to slide down her back. With a small smile, he saw Alexa give a sultry smile as Maeve’s found her ass and gave it a quick smack. Maeve shocked him further when she grabbed Alexa’s face with one hand and kissed her. It was a passionate, deep kiss that surely featured plenty of tongue. The look on Alexa’s face when they separated told him she wanted more. The look on Maeve’s face as she turned and looked across the casino to meet his eyes told him that she was toying with him. He shook his head slightly as she blew him a kiss and returned her attention to the table.

Having been caught out as a voyeur, he contented himself to find his own table. He settled in and began betting on his staple of numbers. He hit it big a few times but struck out even more. It wasn’t until a heavily tattooed arm slid down his chest and an ass found his lap that his luck began to change. With Alexa using his knee as a seat and Maeve draped over his shoulder, her bust practically spilling out of her top, the gamblers around him certainly took notice. At that exact moment, the ball fell into place and landed on his number. As the dealer congratulated him on his win, Maeve pulled his head back and stuck her tongue in his mouth. A short but intense make out session, he smiled at the dealer and asked to cash out.

They wandered around the casino floor at random looking for opportunities to test their luck. Placing bets at whim, where she fancied, Maeve had hit a definite hot streak. Alexa even won big on a few spins. Without even realizing it, several hours passed as they gambled late into the night. By the time the ladies were ready to call it quits, they had each amassed a small mountain of chips. Still laughing and gossiping about the night, they had cashed out and made their way to the elevator bank.

Chase retreated the corner of the elevator and both Maeve and Alexa had squeezed close to accommodate the four other guys who stumbled in behind them, clearly drunken revelers heading up to their waiting beds. Alexa, fueled by an evening of fun and winnings, engaged the other group with mild banter full of flirtatious innuendo. Chase listened as the group downplayed their losses at the tables and boasted of their ability to keep the party going. They clearly hadn’t had as much luck as the two ladies but seemed to be buoyed by the attention of Alexa, who oozed seductive sex appeal. Maeve, meanwhile, had used the distraction as an opportunity to reach back and work her hand into Chase’s pants, stroking his fast-growing package. With a sly look cast coyly over her shoulder, she had rubbed his swelling member until finally she had a nice, hard cock bulging through his pants.

With a chime, the doors to the elevator slid open and the other group drunkenly stumbled out. “Goodnight fellas, maybe I’ll see you later,” said Alexa as she latched onto Maeve and bent over to give the guys a quick peak of her ass. Loathe to leave, the guys stood awkwardly outside the elevator as the doors slid closed.

Maeve planted a quick kiss on Chase’s lips and said, “Don’t forget,” miming the action of shaving his face.

Stepping away, Maeve returned to her friend’s side while they giggled about Alexa’s fleeting elevator interaction with the more than willing strangers. Moments later, the chime sounded again, and the doors opened to their floor. The ladies, arm-in-arm, had emerged and made their way quickly down the hall toward their door. The sounds of their giggles and gossip chased them down the long corridor to their suite. Chase, on the other hand, struggled to keep up, having to adjust the residual bulge that had pitched a tent in his pants.
“What are you doing back there?” Alexa called out as she and Maeve made their way down the hall.
Before he could muster a response, Maeve said, “He’s busy wrestling with the third leg I gave him in the elevator.” Both ladies burst out in laughter as they sauntered on down the hall. With a wry grin, Chase situated himself and followed along, not at all disappointed by the view from behind. The ladies got to the door first, leaning against the frame and fumbling momentarily with the keycard before the door swung open suddenly. They practically tumbled into the room, howls of laughter echoing down the hallway.

Chase just barely caught the door as it was closing and followed the ladies inside. While it surely wasn’t the most extravagant room in the casino, it was still a suite. It held two queen size beds, a separate living space with a sumptuous couch and, importantly, a luxurious bathroom featuring with both a jacuzzi and a steam shower. When he entered the room, Maeve and Alexa were already kicking off their shoes, talking animatedly about the highlights of the evening and comparing their winnings from the tables in the casino below.

“What a night,” said Chase, sitting on the edge of the bed to untie his shoes, “I am going to get cleaned up and crawl into one of these beds.”

Wriggling his toes as he tossed his shoes aside, he made his way to the bathroom. The ladies were already stripping out of their club attire. He had obviously seen Maeve nude an untold number of times but let his eyes linger on Alexa’s naked back before taking his leave. Closing the door behind him, he could barely make out the muffled sounds of the ladies gossiping in the other room. He set about brushing his teeth and, remembering the not so subtle sultry reminders from throughout the evening, dug his shaving cream and razor out of his bathroom kit. The hot water threatened to fog up the mirror as his steady hand guided the razor with practiced ease across his face. While he wasn’t totally sure, he had a general idea of what lay in store for his freshly shaved face when he got into bed.

Emerging from the bathroom, refreshed and clean shaven, he was surprised to find the ladies had already changed into their pajamas and pushed past him to invade the bathroom. He picked a bed and threw himself back, sinking into the comfortable mattress. Laying there, he replayed the evening in his head. Man, what a wild night, he thought. Between Maeve’s teasing and the titillating glimpses of Alexa shaking her ass, I have been carrying around a half chubb for most of the night. His mind bounced from one scene to the next until the ladies emerged from the bathroom, refreshed and ready for bed. They made a beeline for their respective beds and dove under the covers.

Smiling mischievously, Maeve asked, “I forgot to turn off the lights, can you pleeeease do it for me?”
With an exaggerated sign, Chase hauled himself out of bed and made a production of shuffling across the room. Hitting the lights, Chase called out, “Marco?”
Laughter emanating from both beds gave way to Maeve replying, “Polo,” guiding him toward their bed. He pulled back the covers and slid into bed next to her. She instantly cuddled against him and nestled herself under his arm. Instinctively, he began to lightly trace irregular patterns across her back as she settled her head against his chest. She sighed deeply, pulling up the back of her shift to offer him more direct access to her bare back, and returned his caress by massaging his free arm. This continued for a matter of minutes before her hand reached up to his face and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. Her tongue teased the tip of his and then explored his mouth greedily. At the same time, she slid her leg across his body and pressed herself against his side. It was immediately obvious that she was neither wearing pants, nor panties, she was totally naked from the waist down, her warmth radiating through him.

Chase broke off their kiss and gazed into her upturned face. She was biting her lip again, just as seductively as she had in the booth at Club Omnia.

“Do you think Alexa is still awake?” said Chase, his voice arriving in a hushed whisper. His eyes had yet to adjust to the pitch black of the darkened room, but he cast a glance over toward Alexa’s bed and detected no movement.

“Not a chance,” replied Maeve quickly, “she was so tired, I am sure she is already passed the fuck out.”

“Good,” said Chase, as he rolled her onto her back and slowly disappeared under the covers. His hands traced the outline of her form as he worked his way down her body. He pushed her shirt up to expose her big, perky tits and perfect little nipples. Tenderly teasing them with the tip of his tongue, he squeezed them both firmly between his hands. She had amazing breasts and he never passed up the opportunity to worship them. He tickled his tongue around the outside of each nipple, which were now growing hard from the stimulation, and made sure to divide his attention equally between the two. Taking them into his mouth, he sucked and nibbled at her nipples while soft sighs of pleasure filtered through from the other side of the covers.

After several minutes of massaging, pinching, and playing with her tits, he continued his journey down. Planting kisses every few inches or so, Chase slowly slid himself down between her legs until the warmth of her thighs pressed against his ears, her legs stretching down over his back. Breathing heavily, he could tell she was turned on. He kept his touch light as he ran his hands along her sides and gripped her hips. His mouth kissed the soft skin down the inside of her legs as he methodically worked his way – further and further, closer and closer. Each touch elicited a corresponding sign or gasp as he hovered his mouth mere inches from her thigh. His cheeks smooth and his breath hot, he let the tension build as she quivered in anticipation. Finally, with her trembling, he made contact. And then, with a strong, broad stroke of his tongue, he took a full taste of her. This time, it was not a hushed whisper but an audible moan of pleasure.

“Nnnnngh, fuck,” gasped Maeve, as her hips hungrily rose to meet his lips.

With a smile, Chase began to explore her with his tongue, tracing the outside folds with light flicks of his tongue. Holding her hips with his hands, he licked every inch of her. She was practically dripping by this point and his face was buried between her legs. Still trying to be quiet, her pleasure sounds seemed to be muffled. She must be using a pillow to try to stifle her moans, he thought. Reorienting himself, and repositioning his hands, Chase reached one hand up to grab at her breasts while the other spread her lips and pulled back the hood of her clit. Exposed and engorged, his tongue had no problem finding the sweet spot.

“Unngh,” came the response from the other side of the covers as his tongue massaged her clit. Occasionally, using his lips to gently suck it into his mouth, Chase went to work. Maeve squirmed in his arms and pressed her hips against his face in obvious delight. Minutes passed and her breathing started to become more ragged and labored.

“God, fuck that’s good,” she breathed, in a voice louder than a whisper. Chase felt her hands reaching down and grabbing at his shoulders, pulling him back up. That was the cue he had been waiting for. Grasping her wrists tightly, he held her down while his mouth and tongue went into overdrive. The full-throated moans that ensued were clearly audible and Chase wondered how Alexa could still be asleep. This time when her hands raked at his back, pulling him upward, he followed her direction, he slid his way back up the bed and forcefully grabbed her face, locking lips and intertwining their tongues. His chin was covered with her juices and his jaw a little sore from the work down below.

Suddenly, Maeve pushed Chase onto his back, swung herself on top and straddled him. She quickly pulled her shirt over her head to expose her perfect tits. The lights from the Vegas strip were flooding through the big windows and allowed his eyes to adjust, outlining her exquisite form clearly. Squeezing her boobs together, she lowered them back down and buried his face between them. After a few moments, of suffocating him with her bust, she drew back and slid her hands down toward his waist. Her nimble hands found his throbbing cock and snaked it out of the slit in the front of his boxers. Before he knew it, she was guiding the tip of his dick into her tight little pussy.

“Oh my god, you’re so tight,” said Chase, in what he knew wasn’t a quiet voice, as she lowered herself down onto him. He could feel her stretching to accommodate him as she slid it all the way, deep inside. With her chest laid against his, they mouths locked together, she began to ride him. Slowly rocking her hips back and forth, up and down, he could feel her moist little pussy gripping at the thickness of his cock. Chase wrapped her in his arms and held her tight as she pressed her hips into him, grinding her clit against his pelvis. Her moans mingled with his groans as they fucked. Their sounds of pleasure were matched by the wet sounds of her ass and pussy slapping against his hips. The steady clapping increased in pace as Maeve began to bounce up and down, twerking her ass while she gnawed on his lip. As she found her rhythm, she drew herself up over him and let the covers fall away. Up until then, all the action had happened under what modesty the blanket provided. But now, with one heavily inked arm stretched down to his chest and the other squeezing her own breast, she sat exposed on top of him, gyrating her hips in smooth circles.

Chase could only grasp her hips and hold on as she rode him vigorously. She leaned back, with her tattooed hands stretched behind her, gripping his thighs, and slid his cock in and out. He watched, transfixed, as he plunged deep inside her, only to reappear moments later glistening.

“You are so fucking sexy,” said Chase as Maeve went to work. Gripping her hips, he thrust deeply from below. He could hear her gasp in pleasure as he rammed into her, so he kept going. Once, twice, three times he drove powerfully from the bottom, with each thrust producing a loud clap and causing her to squeak in pleasure. Chase pulled her down towards him, secured her arms behind her back and fucked her with long, hard strokes that penetrated deeply. She cried out in ecstasy as he pounded into her. When he finally stopped, they were both panting but thoroughly warmed up. Maeve pushed herself back away from his chest and sat back on his dick. She returned to her slow, rhythmic rocking and stretched her arms up to run her hands through her long, luxurious hair. Coming to a stop, he saw her gaze shift slowly across the room and linger on the bed next to them, where Alexa had crawled in to sleep. Following her eyes, Chase glanced over as well, His eyes locked with Alexa’s. She was still nestled beneath her covers, but she wasn’t sleeping.

“You’ve been watching for a while now,” said Maeve in a loud, clear voice.
Wordlessly, Alexa gave a subtle nod.
Maeve continued, asking, “Do you like watching him fuck me?”

“I can’t take my eyes off you,” replied Alexa

Chase lay there transfixed, still buried inside Maeve, who began to rock her hips, slowly beginning to ride him again.

“I don’t mind if you keep watching,” said Maeve, with a seductive edge to her voice. Chase watched, in awe, as Maeve then planted her feet on either side of his hips and began to raise and lower herself on his shaft. Squatting over him, she stared directly at Alexa as she worked his thick, veiny cock in slow motion. He could clearly see her tight pussy grasping at his slick member as it slid in and out.

“Holy shit, I didn’t even know you could do that,” exclaimed Chase as Maeve continued to impale herself on his cock. At this point, it was obvious that she was putting on a show. Glancing back over toward Alexa, Chase could see that she had propped herself up to get a better view and, though still obscured by the blanket, the movement underneath betrayed her own activities. Returning his gaze to meet Maeve’s, he saw a devilish smile come across her face.

“Alexa,” she said, in a clear voice, “we are about to switch things up. Why don’t you slide over here so you can get a better view?”

Alexa seemed to hesitate for a moment, but Maeve dismissed any dissent when she called out again, “Alexa, get the fuck over here. I want you to watch him fuck me.” Her tone didn’t leave any room for argument and Alexa began to pull back her covers and crawl out of bed.


1 comment

  1. First time posting a story, so I apologize if the formatting is off. I welcome any feedback or advice. Hope you enjoy

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