The Maelstrom (Gay angel erotica)

Posting this again but with part two included. This is my first gay erotic story, I’d really appreciate some feedback. DM if you like.

Some human legends would have it that angels don’t wear clothes and that they just let it all hang out – mainly the Cherubim, the chubby baby ones. The truth is, there’s no such thing as the Cherubim. God would never allow juvenile angels to wield such power, much less zoom around the firmament naked. So nakedness isn’t really an option, more’s the pity. Because if it was, I’d so dearly love to see Volzirabeth unclad.

There. I’ve said it. I’ve finally admitted it to my conscious self.

I have unnatural feelings for Volzirabeth.

Immediately the darkest fear I’ve ever known rises up within me. God will be aware of my growing inclinations. She knows everything.

‘Kayelsharah, The Most Holy wishes to speak with you,’ says Usiu, suddenly appearing before me.

I knew it. I’m in trouble now.

If I had a heart it would be thumping wildly. But I don’t. I have feelings though and thoughts and quite frankly, at this moment, they are all over the place.

There is no time though to sort through it all. She must not be kept waiting.

I flash through the celestial portal into her presence and stand before her colossal throne. I’m not alone either. Volzirabeth is here. This is not good.

‘My sons,’ the Almighty says, her voice, as always surprisingly gentle.

‘Almighty One,’ we chime, prostrating ourselves.

‘Rise, rise,’ she says.

We obey and stand before her, avoiding each other’s gaze.

There is a pause. Then she begins.

‘For thousands of years, we have witnessed the battles and turmoil on earth below us, have we not?’

‘Yes Mother,’ we agree.

‘And there was a time when disharmony poisoned even our own ranks leading to the fall of Beelzebub and all those who would follow him.’

Even though there is no such thing as temperature here, I feel something akin to a chill run through me. We all know the fate of Beelzebub and his followers.

She continues.

‘It has long been my hope that such conflict would never occur again here but it has come to my attention that it has. Within you. Both of you.’

We cannot see her features, such is her radiance but we can see her gaze trained upon us.

I do not understand what is happening. The thoughts were mine alone. The sin is mine to bear, not Volzirabeth’s.

Then I find calm in the maelstrom of my thoughts.

God knows all things. Keep your faith. If justice needs to be served it will be done as it should be. You must accept it.

‘You have feelings for each other, beyond what is natural for the sons of God. I have heard and I have seen.’

Somehow I find the bravery to speak up.

‘Almighty Mother, if I may speak?’

‘You may.’

‘For thousands of years I have worked alongside Volzirabeth. We have done all that you have asked. During this time, I have grown to admire him for his diligence towards you and for his boldness, his power, his zeal. But in recent times, I recognise that there is more when there should not be. I became afraid of my feelings. I knew they were wrong; they are not fitting for this plane of existence. I did not know what to do with them. I have tried to deny them. I promise on my existence that I have.’

‘As have I,’ Volzirabeth adds.

Shocked, I glance up and his eyes torch mine.

‘And this is the battle of which I speak, my sons. The battle within you both. It cannot go on.’

I can feel my lips trembling with emotion.

She is going to punish us. We have displeased her. I do not want to be banished to Tartarus.

‘There are two choices that I shall set before you. And whichever you decide will be final.’

‘Yes Most Holy Mother.’

‘You can either stay in this realm but never see each other again. Or you can rescind your status as sons of God and live as humans on the Earth – free to be together but mortal. The choice is yours. Neither one is a punishment. It is about the correct order of things being maintained.’

I feel like bursting into tears at the horror of what has been laid out before us. Volzirabeth actually does briefly.

So if we want to be with each other we have to sentence each other to death basically. But what about after our death what then? We obviously can’t ever be angels again.

It appears God has read our thoughts.

‘You can never be angels again if you choose the earthly realm. That freedom comes at a cost. After death, there will be nothing.’

‘But if we take the other option, we will never even see each other again?’ I ask.

Volzirabeth steps closer. Like me, I think that thought sends him into a panic. I’d never realised the depth of his attachment until now. I’d been too busy pretending my own feelings did not exist to see his.

‘No,’ says God. ‘I will make you invisible to each other in every sense. You will be Bakshaveen. Forgotten to each other for always. In the past, present and future.’

It seems the logical choice to make but the idea of forgetting my Volzirabeth forever is repugnant.

I look at him to see how he is feeling. He is no longer weeping. His pale skin does not even bear the marks of tears. His pewter coloured hair frames his delicate elfin face, his eyes a vivid lapis lazuli blue. He stands tall as if he has made his decision. His pearlescent wings slightly extended and shifting rhythmically as if stirred by an undetectable wind. He is a sight to behold.

Something itches inside my core; it aches. It swells, creating a tremendous pressure. A wave of something expands, joining it in an electrified union. And then the magnificent creature beside me steps over and takes my hand.

‘I choose to be yours if you will have me. I choose a human life with all it’s unknowns,’ he says, searching my face. ‘As long as I get to be with you.’

‘As do I,’ I respond.

‘Then it shall be done,’ God declares.

And then suddenly everything goes dark.

It is inevitable that we speak once we find ourselves consigned to life on earth. We are in the same apartment for Christ’s sake. We have virtually the same job, in the same office. But we don’t ‘talk’ talk. I mean how can we? I’ve killed him.

I live with shame. I walk around with it everywhere I go, carrying it like a brand on my skin. My wings have been taken. I feel like I have holes carved into my back. But I’ve checked over and over. There isn’t even a scar. The void is inside me. Hidden. So much has been taken away. And nothing exists in its place. I’m so hurt, so in pain, so in loss that the darkness of it has turned to a screaming black hole rent in my soul.

That’s why I’m here. In the D-Boom MMA arena. I have to get rid of it. The black.

‘Round one! Fight!’

My opponent is very fit. He’s astute. He circles, sizing me up or trying to. I do not know how this is going to go. That’s how it is on earth. That’s what it is to be human.

‘Come on pretty boy. Let’s see what you’ve got,’ he laughs.

He’s trying to make me angry. He doesn’t need to try. I’m fucking livid.

I punch him three times. Left cheek, midriff, shoulder and then finally elbow his skull. When he hits the deck, I know that he’s dead immediately. So does everyone else.

I go to him. I’m pushed away by medics trying to restore him. It’s no use.

What the hell have I done?

Everything is a blur over the next few days. The world must stay away from me. I am dangerous. I barricade my door. Draw the blinds and curtains. I want darkness. I want Tartarus, because that is what I deserve. My soft cushiony bed must suffice. It is all I have.

It’s all I want.

Then Volzirabeth breaks down my door.

‘You’ve not drank for three days,’ he says, holding out a glass of water. ‘Humans can’t do that.’

I don’t want to see him. Everything I do is a sin.

‘Please,’ he says. ‘Please drink just a little.’

I try to bury my need for him deeper.

‘Just go Vol. I’ll be alright.’

He lets out a huge sigh.

‘No, you won’t.’

The bed shifts. He’s lying next to me. I feel wetness on my mouth. I think he’s dipped his fingers in the water and is feeding it to me.

I lap at his fingers and then sob into the pillow.

He strokes my hair, gentling me.

‘It is hard Kay. Adjusting to it all is excruciating. Neither of us knows what we are doing. All this time I looked down on humans from heaven and saw them as lesser beings. I never knew they had to deal with so much. But we aren’t alone. We have each other.’

I take a wracking breath.

‘But that’s what kills me. I fucking killed you! I did this!’

Suddenly he’s inside the bedding, his skin slipping over mine. His strong hands run the length of my neck and he places a slow gentle kiss on the corner of my mouth.

‘You didn’t do this. WE did this. I want to be here with you. I fucking want you Kay. Every single part.’

He sounds desperate when he says this and before he’s even finished speaking our bodies are entwined.

This has been thousands of years in the making. Denied by the very nature of what we were.

But now we are alive.

It is possible.

The heat of him makes me gasp. He kisses me into silence and strokes his palm in firm circles over my back. His hand is travelling lower. He cradles my ass cheeks in his hands like they are the most precious thing on the planet. The bliss of his scent is intoxicating. I surrender to it, mouthing any available skin. Our erections touch.

Oh fuck!

‘I need you Vol,’ I tell him.

I go down on him and suckle his shaft. Licking, tasting, nibbling. I’ve never done this before, but already I’m an addict. His moans are going to be my morning coffee, his precum my sugar and his cum my milk.

God, how I want his cum!

His noises are loud and I am totally breathless, my bare ass waving in the air.

He grabs me and pushes me into the bed. I trust him. I feel safe.

He pulls me open so he can see my hole and runs a finger lightly around it.

‘So so beautiful Kay,’ he says.

He actually kisses me there.

Then he licks softly. Then kisses. Then licks.

My cock feels stretched and on the verge of imploding.

Although I am lying on my front I know he’s just taken some of his precum and anointed me with it. He pushes a little and my cock leaks.

He’s fucking me!

‘Vol!’ I breathe restlessly.

‘I know,’ he says.

He turns me over and holds my gaze, his hand pleasuring my turgid cock.

‘Please Vol!’

He smiles and shifts forward to rest his heated sac filled with cum right on top of mine.

I nearly black out.

He slaps my ass and bites my neck. This brings me back from the brink.

‘What do you want?’ he asks.

‘I don’t know.’

‘Yes you do.’

‘But we can’t.’

‘Can’t we?’

He begins to rub his leaking penis in a blissful circle around my anus.

‘Vol! Please!’

‘You have to ask Kay. You need to choose.’

He chooses that moment to press inside slightly and my balls feel ready to erupt.

‘I fucking need you now. Inside my ass. I want your hot angel milk dumped and pumped inside there. Fuck me now!’

Without a word he slides inside and immediately touches a place of nirvana.

My dick is pressed against his belly as he thrusts lustfully inside me. The knowledge that this is our first time increases our passion. I moan and tilt my hips to give him better access. His balls slap relentlessly. Our hands are locked around each other’s arms. We kiss viciously and a nuclear fission begins to occur.

Noises are coming from me involuntarily. My head thrashes from side to side.

Ten thousand years of frustration suddenly wells up from within and our sperm seals the bond.

Mine coats his stomach and his squelches around his cock deep inside me as he lazily ekes out the rest of his orgasm.

We stay quiet after and just lie side by side.

I awake several hours later and find him wrapped around my body.

I smile.

We have made the right choice.

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