The Amazon (H/M) – Part 2


“It’s never going to fit,” I said as I hovered above the largest cock I had ever seen.

“Yes, it will. But, you need to trust me.”

“Okay, I’ll try,” I murmured as I slowly began to lower myself down. Then, as the massive cock-head touched my cheeks for the first time, I was brought back to the present. No more time for reminiscing. It was time for me to bind myself to Auzora. As I continued to lower, her massive head started to spread my checks impossibly wide, yet they spread. Then it happened. I felt it kiss my puckered brown star. I rested there for a second to calm my nerves and psych myself up for the plunge.

“I can do this,” I whispered in a voice I thought only I could hear, but it would seem Amazons have better hearing than humans because Auzora said, “Yes, you can, and it will feel amazing for both of us. Just take it slow; there is no rush. Take all the time you need and take breaks when you need to. Just remember this fuck has to be all you, and you have to take me balls deep for the ceremony to work. Once you have taken me to the balls, you will have to do the stroking yourself. I cannot help at all other than to stabilize you. This is the start of your new, better life. Having you do all the work on our first fuck is a demonstration of ultimate trust and submission.”

With her confidence-boosting my resolve, I continued to lower myself down. I felt her massive head pressing against my aching hole, and soon my asshole began to open. Little by little, my asshole started stretching; however, there was no pain involved. Whenever I had played with my ass in the past, there had always been a twinge of pain when I had first penetrated myself no matter how much lube I had used, but now as my asshole began stretching to its absolute limits, there was nothing. All I felt was the stretching, of which there was plenty. I kept at it for about half a minute before the head of her cock popped inside my ass. It was fucking huge, and I had never felt so spread open. Yet, despite its size, it was now inside my ass, and I felt no pain, only fullness. Not only that, but the pleasure I felt upon penetration caused my cock to go to total hardness. My new dick was insane, over eighteen inches long and three inches wide. Just a few minutes ago, it was its regular size, while now, it was fucking huge.

“Holy fuck, you’re fucking huge! I never imagined I could ever fit anything this big up my ass. Yet here I am! What has that potion done to my cock? This is insane. To think a place where this was possible was right under our noses.”

“I told you you could, and let me guess, you feel no pain, only fullness, and I bet you are starting to feel pleasure. Your cock is absolutely beautiful, just like you! I can’t wait to suck it and stick it up my ass. But that will have to wait.”

“You’re right; I feel no pain, just fullness and pleasure. I can’t wait to stick it inside you too, but this feels amazing.”

“Amazonian potions are the best. Sometimes I wish we could share them with the world, but we only get to share them with those who manage to survive the storm. Enough sad talk; just wait until you feel me sliding over your prostate. You are about to experience pleasure on a scale you couldn’t fathom until you came here! However, take your time; no need to rush. Let your body fully embrace the pleasure.”

“Okay, here we go,” I said as I started to lower myself onto her hard steel rod. “Oh fuck, it’s so thick.” As inch after inch of thick cock began to disappear inside my ass, pleasure blossomed in my mind. She wasn’t kidding. The feeling was incredible. Then she hit my prostate, and everything went to eleven.

“Holy fuck!” I cried as a massive wad of cum came shooting from my cock, hitting Auzora right between her tits.

“I told you the pleasure would be extreme,” she said as she scooped up the wad of cum on a finger and brought it to her lips. The sight of her large tongue snaking between her lips to snag my seed, combined with the pleasure radiating from my ass, sent me over the edge. My orgasm was by far the most intense of my life, and the fact that it happened without any contact with my cock was a testament to just how good everything felt. It was so intense that I had to close my eyes and just ride out the waves of pleasure. When I finally opened my eyes, Auzora was staring down at me, her entire chest covered in my sticky seed.

“I told you you would enjoy it. However, you still only have my head and a couple of inches inside you. So when you are ready, you should try taking more.”

“How about all my seed on your chest?”

“Don’t worry about it, I enjoy some of it, and when we are done, we can shower the rest off.”

“Okay, it was so intense. When it passed my prostate, combined with the sight of you eating my cum it was just too much for me. Give me a second to recover, and I’ll continue my descent.”

“Take your time.”

After about half a minute, I felt recovered enough to continue. I couldn’t believe that despite the explosive orgasm I had just had, my cock was still rock hard. Instead of worrying about it, I decided that I figured it was due to the potion and began pressing my ass farther down her cock. Now that the head was past the prostate, it was easier going. Inch after fat inch disappeared inside me with little effort. However, I took her advice and took it slow. It seemed impossible, but I just kept moving down. It didn’t take long for a bulge to appear in my stomach. I couldn’t believe it and stopped for a moment to appreciate the sight. The outline of Auzora’s massive cock head was visible in my usually flat stomach. I ran my hand up and down its shape, receiving an appreciative sigh from Auzora. I looked up at her cum smeared visage to see her smiling down at me.

“You are doing great, and you feel absolutely amazing. I have never experienced anything close to this pleasure before. My mother was right. It is so hard just to let you do all the work and yet incredible at the same time. I am ecstatic that you decided to bond with me and can’t wait to return the favor and give you the fucking you so truly deserve. Then you can return the favor. I think we are going to have a beautiful relationship, and even though I just met you, I am really looking forward to our future.”

“Me too! For the longest time, I have dreamed about finding Amazonia, to the point that people called me crazy, but look at me now. I’m here with the most beautiful Amazonian halfway up my ass! So take that, all you critics!”

“You were right about Amazonia, and fuck anyone who ever doubted you. However, you aren’t quite to the halfway point yet. You are getting there but not yet.”

I smiled up sheepishly at her before continuing my descent. It was slow going, but I watched my progress as the outline continued deeper inside me. I have no idea how long it took, but eventually, I was fully seated in Auzora’s lap, her massive balls pressed between my impossibly spread ass cheeks. Finally, I had done it. I had taken Auzora’s mammoth cock to the hilt.

“Holy fuck, I did it! I know you said I could, but there was a tiny kernel of doubt in the back of my mind, saying it was physically impossible for me to take you balls deep. Yet here I am. So fucking full of cock, I feel like I could burst, and yet all I am feeling, besides the fullness, is incredible pleasure.

“I’m so proud of you! I knew you could do it! The feeling of being fully embedded in an ass for the very first time is almost indescribable. You are so hot and tight, yet I can feel your muscles clenching around me. It is fucking incredible!”

I sat there for a couple of minutes, fully impaled, just reveling in the sense of fullness. Though Auzora didn’t seem to mind my inactivity, as she just kept looking down on me with loving eyes, and every once in a while, she would say a sweet nothing. Finally, it was time for action, so I said, “Time for the fucking, here goes nothing,” as I stabilized my arms on Auzora’s body.

“Enjoy yourself, like your descent, take it at your own pace but remember now that the ceremony has begun, you cannot let my cock out of you until I have cum.”

“I remember; let’s do this!” I said, trying to show more confidence than I felt. I honestly didn’t think I could get off if I wanted to, but Auzora didn’t need to know that. So I began to push up, feeling Auzora’s massive head move within me until I got to around the halfway point on her cock before lowering myself down again. The movement felt terrific and produced the cutest moan from Auzora. So I did it again and again. With each passing stroke, my confidence began to grow and grow, until once I got to the height of my strokes, I would just let myself drop down, slamming her cock inside of me. This, in turn, would cause fireworks of pleasure to bloom in my mind. Over and over, I went, getting completely lost in the primal urge to fuck. Soon both Auzora and I were coated with sweat, and both letting out a chorus of grunts and grones of pleasure. I completely lost track of time. It could have been a moment or an hour (though I’m pretty sure it was close to fifteen minutes when I look back at it). During this time, the only noise that could be heard was the slapping of skin against skin and our groans of pleasure.

That all changed when Auzora cried out, “I can’t take it anymore. I’m about to cum! Sit all the way on my dick and quickly!” I did as I was told, slamming back down onto her lap. Auzora grabbed hold of my dick and started stroking at that exact moment. “Cum with me! I’m cumming!”

I felt Auzora get even larger inside me before the first impossibly large shot of cum flooded my bowels. My orgasm hit me at the same time. It was similar to my last one in intensity, but there was something different about it. I felt a new sensation blossom in my mind. I could feel a unique connection literally forming there. It only took me a moment to realize that she meant an actual bond was forming between our minds when she said bond. I could feel her mind inside my mind. Of course, I couldn’t read her mind or anything like that, but there was definitely a new consciousness inside my mind. I could even feel her emotions, a mixture of extreme pleasure and love. It was the most spectacular feeling in the world, and I could not have been happier at that moment.

All the while, Auzora’s cock continued unloading an unending stream of cum inside of me. With her cock acting as a perfect seal, there was no place for all that cum to go except deeper into my body, and once that was filled up, my body had no choice but to start expanding. It wasn’t long until there was so much cum inside me that the once prominent outline of Auzora’s cock disappeared, leaving me looking like I was a few months pregnant. By the time Auzora finally finished cumming, I must have looked like I was six months pregnant.

Auzora let out a contented sigh before asking, “Can you feel my consciousness in your mind? I can feel yours, and it feels amazing. I now understand why my mother always said the bond was something you had to experience to understand truly. It is simply incredible! I am so happy you agreed to bond with me!”

“Yes, I can feel your consciousness, and you’re right; you can’t fathom the gravity of it until you experience it. I am so happy and grateful you chose me to bond with!”

“Well, my mother says, the more sex you have with your bonded partner, the stronger the bond becomes,” Auzora said as a hungry grin came to her face. “Now it’s time for me to show you how Amazonians fuck!”

With that, she wrapped her large arms around my back before lifting me in the air like I didn’t weigh a thing, all the while keeping her still rock hard cock buried balls deep in my ass, and walked us over to her bed. She laid me down on my back with my legs spread wide, with her on top of me though she used her arms to keep herself from crushing me. Then she leaned down and kissed me, long and deep. A kiss between lovers and the first (but not last) of its kind that I have ever experienced. She then whispered into my ear in a husky passion-driven voice, “Now I’m going to fuck you as you have never been fucked before.” Her hips pulled back until only about one-third of her cock was still inside me before thrusting forward, burying herself back inside of me. She did this over and over again until she was genuinely pounding me silly. Her thrusts got longer and harder until only her head was always left inside of me. This had the effect of slamming her head across my prostate on her in and out strokes. I, for my part, could only lay there and take her pounding, not that I minded.

I was in pure bliss the entire time. Eventually, she slammed herself inside of me before letting out a primal roar and once again filling my stuffed ass with more seed. This, in turn, caused me to fly over the edge into my third orgasm. However, it became clear that Auzora was nowhere close to finishing fucking me and, before she had even finished cumming was already back to her furious strokes. At this point, time lost all meaning as Auzora fucked me with a primal need. She no longer bothered taking breaks to cum, just continuing to fuck me right through her orgasms. I soon lost count of how many times either of us came. It all flowed into one long constant orgasm, and with her constantly pistoning cock, acting as a perfect seal, her literal gallons of cum had nowhere to go except outwards. By the Auzora buried herself balls deep inside me one last time, I was so stuffed full of cum that I had to look over nine months pregnant with triplets. I was so stuffed that I couldn’t reach my arms around my stomach and link hands. Luckily for me, Auzora could because Auzora maneuvered us into a spooning position after her final thrust.

With her arms warped protectively around my bloated belly and her hard cock still balls deep inside my ass, she whispered, “Good night, my love. That was by far the greatest fuck of my life, but now I need sleep.” Soon, her breathing calmed, and she fell asleep.

I stayed awake a bit longer, thinking about all that had happened to me. Finally, finding Amazonia, meeting Auzora, and bonding with her before getting fucked to the absolute max. With these thoughts drifting through my head, exhaustion finally overtook me. The last idea I remember having was, “I fucking love Auzora, and I’m going to fucking love my new life. I couldn’t wait to find out what the Island of the Amazons has in store for me next.”

The End?
