Her Request — Femdom story ahoy!

Her request seemed pretty ridiculous at first, but I went through with it.

I’m 6’2” tall, 200 pounds, and my tiny girlfriend Maya comes up to about my chest. She’s Filipino, sort of shy and reserved. We been dating for 6 months or so, and our sex life was definitely good.

She loved getting down on her knees and giving me head, and I loved shooting my cum all over her face and down her throat… but we always did what I wanted, until the night I asked if there was anything she wanted to do sexually that we hadn’t tried. You know, like a fantasy…

"So, What is it you want to try?" I asked finally.

She shook her head, too embarrassed to tell me.

"Well, if you ever change your mind, I just want you to know I’ll do it. Whatever it is, I’ll do it."

I forgot about the conversation all together until I got an email at work a few weeks later.

"Eric," It read. "You will come to my apartment at 6PM tonight to fulfill my fantasy. The door will be unlocked. Enter the bathroom and await further instructions." Weird, definitely. But, hey, I told her I’d do anything, and I was going to go through with it.

I spent the entire workday basically hiding my hard-on. I was totally keyed-up, my mind playing over hundreds of kinky scenario I could come up with for what Maya’s fantasy might be. I thought maybe she’d bring one of her hot friends in to share our bedroom and I get two chicks at once… Turns out I wasn’t even close.

Fast forward to that night: I enter her apartment. “Mayaaaa?” I call. “Your man is home!” No answer.

I remember the note, go to the bathroom, so I enter the tiny room, expecting my honey in there nude and waiting, but the room is empty except for some scraps of fabric and another note.

"Put these on and keep silent. Then come up to the bedroom" The note reads.

Shit. This is gonna be odder than I thought. She’s left a sheer, pink bra and panty set on the sink, along with hosiery and a garter belt. I feel like a total fool, but I have to go through with it. I told her I’d do anything, and I will.

I slide the silky fabric up my hairy legs, and try hard to wedge my growing hard-on into the sheer satin. God knows where Maya had found women’s clothing in my size, but she did somehow. I feel ridiculous, but totally turned on.

When you’re a big guy wearing pink panties, you sort of have to drop any sense of cool and masculinity you have. it’s actually sort of liberating, even though I still feel completely foolish. The shiny fabric of the thong rode into my ass crack, and I could barely fasten the bra around my broad chest. I rolled the hose up over my hairy legs and fastened the garter belt around my waist; then I looked in the mirror.

Jesus, I’d make an ugly girl. My chest is hairy, my legs are wide like tree trunks, not to mention my huge hard dick mashed against my belly, the head creeping out of the top of the panties, and the conspicuous bulge of my balls filling out the crotch of the panties.

Still, though, I was pretty turned on. I’d never done anything like this before… I was used to being in charge with sexual matters, but I was VERY turned on. I couldn’t help but stroke my hard cock through the satin while I looked at myself in the mirror. Shit, the note.

I left the bathroom and waddled towards the closed bedroom door… I couldn’t believe I was doing this, but I had to go through with it… I knocked timidly on the door. The ridiculous outfit changing my personality a bit, making me unsure and a little embarrassed.

"Come in, slave… but keep silent." Maya said. I pushed the door open.

My Asian goddess was sitting on the bed, back straight, staring at me. She was dressed in a black panty and bra set, with thigh high boots and a riding crop in her hand.

I caught a hint of a smile at my appearance, but she quickly set her features on "strict," a look I'd rarely ever seen on her face.

"My god…you look great…" I said.

"Did I say speak, slave?" She shot at me. I shook my head no, suddenly a bit afraid of the little woman I tower over.

"Keep your eyes on the floor, boy." She barked at me. I cast my eyes downward, staring at the ground. I wanted to see her so bad, but I kept my eyes downward.

I could feel her presence as she walked around me, slowly, admiring me. A hot flush of shame lit up my cheeks when I realized how silly I must look, dressed up in panties and bra… then I laughed.

Bad idea.

SLAP… my mistress slapped my face hard.

“Is something funny, slave?” She spat at me.

"No…No…it’s not."

"Don’t you mean, ‘no mistress’?" She asked mockingly.

"No, mistress." I said immediately.

"Now, are you my little slut?" she asked. My faced reddened as I stared at the floor.

"y-yes, mistress…I’m your little slut." I managed.

"Then I’m going to fuck you like a little slut…" she whispered. "take your panties off, little slut, and don’t you dare look at me."

I lowered my panties, pulling them over my enormous, throbbing cock… I’d never been so hard in my whole life… the anticipation of what she might do to me was overwhelming.

"Get on your hands and knees, like the little slut you are," She said.

I immediately dropped to the wooden floor, still staring downward. She ran her hands over my back, her touch like electricity… she reached between my legs and grasped my bat hard in her fist and I moaned involuntarily.

"Looks like my slut is pretty turned on," she said. I nodded furiously. While she roughly stroked my hard dick.

"Do you want to get fucked, little slut?" She asked.

"Yes…God, yes, mistress…" I said—thrusting my hard dick into her pussy was all that I could think of.

"Good. Crawl over to the bureau and get your surprise." She said with a smirk.

Dutifully, I crawled across the room, feeling her eyes staring at my ass I made my way on the floor. I opened the bottom drawer.

There was no way. In the drawer was a black strap-on dildo and a bottle of lube. I stood up, feeling ridiculous with my hard-on flopping.

"Maya, there’s no way I’m going through with this…" I looked up at her… so sweet and beautiful, perfect body, looking so commanding at me.

She said this quietly: "Slave, you’ll do what I tell you. I’ll have you begging me to fuck you, slut. Now bring that strap-on over here. On your knees."

I don’t know why, but something in her tone of voice made me do it. I crawled over and brought her the strap on, then resumed staring at the floor. I heard her putting it on, but I could see nothing.

"Get over here and kiss my dick," She said. And I did it. She was sitting on the bed, and I crawled over and put the tip of the rubber cock against my mouth, kissing it—blushing furiously.

She slapped my face. “Good slave. Now lick it like a good cocksucker."

I ran my tongue up and down the fake dick, tasting latex but smelling Maya’s juicy pussy just inches from my face. She must be so wet right now, I thought longingly, and I wanted to taste her so bad.

"Suck it, slut." She said, and then forced the rubber head into my mouth. So there I was, wearing a bra, stocking and a garter belt, kneeling and sucking a fake cock, but the weird part was, I liked it. I was totally turned on.

Spittle was running down my chin as she shoved that dick in and out of my lips. She was loving the power she had over me. I desperately wanted to do a good job sucking "her" cock, so I sensually ran my tongue up and down the sides and took as much into my mouth as I could.

"Good. Now stop." I did as I was told. "Now, slave, lie on your back and put your legs way up in the air, as close to behind your head as you can."

I knew what this meant. I assumed the humiliating position, made powerless by my lust for her. My legs parted, my asshole opened, I was totally at her mercy, lying on my back, curled up and staring upwards at my own hard dick.

Finally she let me look at her, but only from between my own legs. She towered over me, hands on hips, big black dildo sprouting from between her legs, looking all powerful and SO sexy. I wanted her so bad. I was a total captive to her.

She slowly, teasingly coated the big dildo with lube, running her hands up and down her cock.

She pressed the head against my asshole and I gasped.

'Something wrong, slave?” she asked.

"I’ve never had anything… up there." I managed.

"But you want it, don’t you?" She said quietly.

I did want it. At that moment, I wanted it more than anything on earth.

"I..I want it," I said.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to…fuck my ass…"

"Is that how you ask?"

"Please… Please, mistress, please fuck my ass. I need it so bad…."

She laughed. ‘I told you you’d beg for it.” She said, then she slowly pushed the fake cock into my ass.

Bright lights.. Stars… and god, did it hurt. I gasped as she slowly forced more of the thing into my chute. It stretched out my hole, beads of sweat broke all over my body and I thought I wouldn’t be able to take any more… but then it started to feel good. Something mixed with the pain…and she slowly withdrew… I moaned. God it was good… I was so full of dick, staring up at the woman fucking me was SO hot.

I stared up at her as she fucked me. She grabbed my hard dick and began stroking it in time to her ass fucking, running her hand up and down the length of my dick as she made me into her slut.

I was just inches from licking my own cock, and she stretched it toward my lips.

I could tell from the look in her eyes that this depravity was exactly what she wanted.

"Try for it, slut," She whispered, hoarsely.

I bent further, trying to force my body to conform to her wants, desperate to please her. I stuck my tongue out, further, as she stretched my hard dick toward my mouth. I moaned when I felt my wet tongue on the head of my own dick. Just the tip could touch, but it was enough.

She gasped as I licked my own pre-cum from the head of my dick.

"Such a good slave," she whispered, and began jerking my cock hard in time to her sliding the fake cock in and out of my asshole.

It was so filthy, and it felt so good. I was her total fuck pig and would do anything she asked me to.

She fucked me faster, humping her clit on the other side of the strap-on, riding me like a cowgirl and fucking me so hard I could barely breathe while yanking my dick.

"Are you gonna cum for me, slut?" She asked, stroking my dick even harder. "Go ahead," she said. "Cum all over your own face, slave."

It was too much for me. With violent force, my orgasm overtook me… I shot jet after jet of warm jizz downwards, all over my red face while she buried the strap-on up to the hilt in my ass. I tasted my own salty sperm on my lips, coated my face with hot cum.

She bent down suddenly and began licking my cum off my face, and it was too much for her — she gasped and moaned, I felt her orgasm through the my ass as she came hard.

She looked down at me, almost amazed at her own power over me, and slowly slid the strap on out of my ass.

"Such a good little slut…" she sighed.

I nodded back at her, ready for anything else she might dish out.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2afu2v/her_request_femdom_story_ahoy


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