These cases are the real reason why the Internal Sex Bureau Gangland has been formed. Any case, name, event is purely fiction. Butt the search for the truth will continue! With ISB Gangland insurgents inserted into every facet of organized and gang type activities.
This is their case, their story…

Giving the position over the radio. Two clicks on our end followed by dead silence. For a whole second nothing. Then “Go Go Go” greeted the ears of every taskforce member.
Following my temporary partner Swat Agent Cin command. The other eight agents hanging outside just like us. Each of us ready to swing in on the ten window top floor. As soon as the go came, in the next moment everybody leapt out and crashed through every window on that floor!

“I am so fucking horny” glaring down at Hector. My hands running over my tits. My cunt bucked as this happened, as I pinched my nipples. Twisted my areolas! Still skulking over my man, still seeing that same look that we had five years ago.

“Take me Debbie” as I went to move she leaned forward. Grabbing my wrists in which was a easy hold to break butt those tits! The thing that got me hard in the first place bounced in my face! Oh how I wanted her to quit fucking around with my polla. Quit masturbating on it. I wanted that culo and…
The feel of a coño as it orgasms all over my polla. As her culo cheeks help it grind over my polla, that look on Debbie’s face! That feel of the autumn chill as it seemed that the windows where busted in!

Following Cin’s lead and taking the top player. That lung coupled with the slide. My hands had this creature by the tits! My cock was just, just… Penetration into that tight cunt!
Now I don’t know if it was the surprise or if she was just sick of… Wait, reading that face! It’s, it is Debbie Diamond.
Wrestling for her legs. Hooking each one of them over each of my arms. Seizing her wrists as my cock slammed against her pussy! The whole wearing a condom thing as every Agent did as part of the breach tactics required. Didn’t seem to deaden the swelling of my baton as her body responded. Debbie’s clit spasmed, her mouth opened to give a moan!

Taking his partners place. My mind quickly registered the main target. The one who is Rey, king of the 69th street! After a quick tussle, my tits helping as they were drug over his face. My hands pinned his above his head while my cunt plunged down onto his cock! The rapid slamming, the grinding that going on! Trying to fight back my instincts as.. as my cunt spasmed! My cunt, it.. orgasmed at that second! “OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss” I screamed slamming my cunt forward!
Maybe it was the position, maybe it was Hector’s way butt his cock slammed right back into my cunt! Trying to defeat me by any means necessary! The next thing I knew he had my wrists behind my back! My orgasm tightening my cunt so far that…

Not sure who was trying to mierda me over butt not today you maldita culo! My polla made the crossover! Now looking to impale this coño! Sinking my polla so deep inside of her culo that it would either split her in half or give me the advantage!
Holding her wrists tight against the small of her back. Using my arm muscles to pin her against me. As my free hand drifted from her hair down to her culo. Legs spread as my polla was right at the apex. One little thrust and, and… “Santa mierda! Qué está haciendo?”

Having this big hard cock thrusting in and out of my cunt! Trying to resist butt.. it’s not… “Oh no” as the color drained from my face. Any resistance and, my legs pushed as his cock was on its way out. “Yesss” I screamed not knowing what I was saying! His head as it came so close to.. to leaving my cunt!
I could not do it? No, no my legs they gave out just as his crown was about to be shoved out of my hole! That one moment of weakness brought a huge O to my lips. Wanted to milk his cock. Wanting to escape his grasp. Wanting to cum so fucking hard all over his cock! “Fuck Mmm shit!” Flooded from my mouth! My hips bucked hard at the impact of his cock against my clit. The rubbing that I tried, the torture that my cunt was going through! My tits needed some attention, needed it bad. My nipples where so hard, so pointed that they could scrape against a brick wall and ask for more. Even with all my practice my cunt could not, “OooOoooOoooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkkkkkkk!” What is going on my hips? My pussy it is… “Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss!”

The bad thing about a take down is you have to listen to all the foul moaning that cums from their mouths. Using this as a distraction my thoughts where of pinning that ass to the ground. Fucking her asshole till my cock just vomited all over the insides of my condom. Thinking hard as my cock continued to pump that pussy. The feeling of my crown as it battered against the exit just to be pounded back in. “Ok now I have her” played in my mind.
Ripping my cock from that tight cunt. Pulling Debbie to her stomach and with one final move to have my cock sinking so deep into that ass, the sinful metal teeth echoing from my cuffs as both wrists were in position! Having her, Debbie bow down to my commands in that instant where a million to one. Butt it, it’s working!
My cock slammed against her asshole. The grip she had wavered for just a moment. My baton was on its way out. On its way to see her pucker swell, to start to open up. Butt my thoughts where in a different location. One last ram. One last orgasm so I can watch her spasm all over my cock. From the stretch of her asshole to the mind numbing battering of my cock being fully inserted. Debbie’s wild bucking, her moaning as it happened.
The smooth slide of a metal pole. The quick way that I had her ankles spread, her cuffs attached to the center. Pivoting around to help my partner!

Riding that cock was nothing. The same thing that I had been doing since I was a teen. The feeling of his cock slamming against my skin. The way my hand slipped from his grasp. Now playing with, teasing his nuts. Pulling on them while licking my lips. Whispering into his ear, feeling his grasp loosening till.
“Mmm Mmmm, cum inside of me! I want your cum to leak from my ass so I can play with my cunt! I want your hardness to spark my.. my… Ooo Ooooh yesss” yeh giving that fake orgasm always works.

“¡Me voy a correr! Ahora ahora… OooOoooOoooo!” Fuck she is good butt I.. I don’t have her? I am sucking my pillow?! Jerking my wrists as the metal cuffs… “Santo mierda ni siquiera…” It happened, the one little thing that will stop any respected Rey. The J as it is placed right where the sun don’t shine.

“You must be good” I said to RJ. “To have her in cuffs and on a spreader before I could get this cerdo. Maybe I’ll talk to Sam about borrowing you for one night” a wink as the same device was used to ensnare Hector. Weapons drawn as RJ took the lead.

Seeing five cruisers blocking the road. With guns drawn, lasers pointed right at the driver. Made this bust as painless as they cum. Me standing at the rear of this semi. Having the lock sheared from its position. My gasp caught everyone by surprise. “Over 300 girls locked up and caged. With fresh batteries to last them..” I paused. Reading the destination. My skin turned pale as I broke radio silence. “This is Agent Rei , we got it. Notify the port authorities to arrest the crew of the…”
