Dinner and a Movie [MF]

It’s rare to find someone you can just be quiet with, often sharing silence can be more meaningful than chattering at one another. Sara’ large green eyes were staring back into mine, they were the color of emeralds in candlelight. Every now and then she would take a long blink as sleep threatened to overcome her. I wondered if she too was thinking of her partner, the jilted lover, unaware that another man was holding her lithe frame, my cum bathing her inner walls. I know I was thinking of my girlfriend. I felt my eyelids growing heavy too and I tried to take a mental image of this moment. Green eyes stared into mine, set into a pretty face framed with long, red hair. Her nose only inches from mine above kissable red lips. I leaned in and kissed her one last time before succumbing to sleep.

I had not meant for this to happen. Sara and I had been friends for years, we had occasionally flirted but nothing had ever come of it. Usually one of us was in a relationship and I think the other would feel too bad to act on it. This time though we were both involved and perhaps transgression begot transgression. I had gone over in the early afternoon. My girlfriend was off on a girls weekend and her boyfriend was visiting his parents three states over. Sara had invited me to make dinner, it was a regular occurrence and this was the first time we would be one on one in quite a while. I was actually looking forward to it.

Her apartment was only a few blocks away and I decided to walk there on a fine sunny day, rare for early February in the upper midwest and too good to be true. I arrived a bit before six and was welcomed with an excited hug at the door. Sara wasn’t exactly your classic beauty. She was rail thin and a little gangly, even at five foot three her body seemed a little elongated. She was an occasional runner and had a tight little ass but she struggled to fill an A cup bra. However, her smile and the way she darted around gave her a joyful air. Her features were delicate but overall she was very pretty.

“Hey Sara, how’s it going?” I asked after she released me.

“Good!” She answered quickly, “Better now that you’re here.”

“Oh? What do you mean?” I asked.

“Here, why don’t you give me your coat.” I shucked my outer layer and gave it to her then walked towards the kitchen.

“That was a great dodge,” I yelled over my shoulder.

“Oh my god Johnny!” She yelled with exasperation. “Don’t you even start with me!”

I laughed and grabbed a beer. “Want one Sara?”

“Sure, dinners almost ready though.” I nodded and cracked a pair then handed one to her.

Her kitchen was pretty tiny with room only for one person or two if they knew each other’s movements well. I elected to lean against the far wall and watch her. “What’s on the menu?”

“Just some baked ziti.” She peeked in the oven and some rather delicious smells escaped while she peered in. I won’t lie, I stared at her ass a little while she bent over. Closing the oven, she turned back to me. “Maybe 10 more minutes.”

“Nice, perfect timing for me I guess.” She stuck out her tongue at me and I laughed.

“Grab some plates, Johnny? They’re up high.” Having just seen her scramble onto the counter to grab something I was suspicious but I couldn’t say no. I turned and searched felt her poke something right at my butt.

“Fucking hell Sara!” I yelled as I grabbed my ass and leapt. She cackled like a fucking banshee and ran to the other room.

“Vengeance is Miiiine” She yelled.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the wooden spoon she had used. A few months back we had been in the hot tub at my place. The bubbles were on and we were a little packed in. It was before I was dating Ellie and had been flirting with one of the girls. Anyways, she had been playing footsie across the tub and gotten me hard as a rock. Sara had decided to join and hopped in, choosing to sit on my lap with little warning. Suffice it to say she practically jumped out of the hot tub and was the butt of a number of jokes that night. I was questionably in two girls that night and I don’t think she had quite forgiven me for not warning her. Though you should warn someone before sitting on their lap.

The timer went off and I pulled the ziti from the oven and dished out two bowls. It wasn’t as nice a presentation as a plate but easier to eat on the couch and watch a movie. Sara came up behind me and hugged me from behind. “Is your poor butthole ok?” she asked in some sort of weird accent.

“No, you could kiss it and make it better though.” She laughed but kept hugging me and rested her head against my back while I grated a bit of parmesan. She had always been physically affectionate and this was well in character. After the bowls were dished out I turned and hugged her back. “All dished, let’s eat.”

“Thanks.” She grabbed her bowl which was a bit smaller and headed to the living room where she had cued up a movie. The sun had set already but the indoor christmas lights, which were strung up all year, gave the room a cheery atmosphere. She had chosen some romantic dramedy. I wasn’t expecting it to be good but I was actually quite entertained.

We didn’t talk much while we ate, mostly just watching with an occasional interjection at an outrageous choice. Around the midpoint I took the bowls to soak and grab another beer. I had left my phone in the kitchen and noticed there were a few notifications from Ellie. They were having a blast down in Arizona it seemed. When I returned, both of our phones received an alert.

“Alert: Dangerous conditions, expect high winds, hail, and sleet”

It was around then that the first crack of thunder was heard.

“Shit, Sara. Maybe I should go before it gets too bad.” She got up and looked outside.

“I think it’s already getting pretty bad.”

I walked over and saw what she was looking at. The hail was small but it was coming down along with a slurry of rain and snow. Judging from the trees, the wind was gusting. “Fuck that looks terrible.”

“Maybe it”ll get better,” Sara offered. “If not, we’ll have a sleepover like when we were kids.” She blushed a little, likely remembering how our first exploration of the opposite sex’s body was with each other. Not that we had had sex, we were too young, but we had touched and explored extensively. But of course we grew up a bit and saw other people, never having a good opportunity to pursue anything further.

“Those were good times,” I responded and smiled at her, causing her to blush and look away.

“Well, let’s finish the movie and reevaluate.”

I agreed and we sat back down on the couch. I had helped move it up to their fourth story apartment. It was a deep couch that you could comfortably fit two people laying side by side. Honestly, it was luxurious considering we saved it from a curb when students were moving out of town.

The insulin was flowing and we were both getting sleepy as we sat, eventually Sara let out a long groan/yawn. “Johnny, rub my feet?” she asked.

“Your feet are gross, Sara.”

She stuck her tongue out and blew a raspberry at me as she rotated and stuck them at my face. She was wearing a sort of a modified sundress and a sweater. As she shook her feet at me I caught a glimpse up her skirt. She was wearing orange panties but I could see something of a wet spot over her pussy. Naturally, I was a little stunned but controlled myself to avoid staring despite the slight diversion of blood towards my penis.

“Fine! Fine!” I said laughing. She settled to lay across the couch and put her feet in my lap. I touched one of her feet which was absolutely freezing. “Damn Sara, why aren’t you wearing socks? Your feet are freezing.”

She giggled, “They’re always like that.” I laughed, it had been an ongoing joke for years how she was always cold.

I continued rubbing her feet, working some warmth into them as the movie was nearing its climax. She would moan a little and shift as I would hit areas that felt good. She used to make me do this when we were kids and it was kinda funny to be hit with the old memories of smoking weed in her parents’ basement and watching whatever movie we rented.

I worked my way up her ankle a little before switching to the one further away. As I worked on the second the movie finally hit climax and the guy got the girl, leading to something of an extended sex scene. This was definitely an R-rated movie with nearly full nudity. It was hot. I was watching a little and must have found a spot Sara liked and she stretched out the other foot, grinding it into my crotch a little. I wasn’t fully hard but was definitely sporting a semi, I know she felt it.

She froze for a second and I looked over at her. She had a mischievous look and her emerald eyes were locked on me. “Johnny, are you hard?” she asked.

“Ummm, well…” I didn’t think she was mad but I was little hesitant to push it. She laughed a little at how flustered I was.

“It’s alright,” she said while maintaining eye contact. “The movie was a little spicier than I thought.”

Thankful for the out, I responded, “Yeah, I guess my mind got a little away from me.”

“That said, don’t stop Johnny.”

I laughed and turned my eyes back to the end of the movie and continued working her foot and ankle. Her other foot was firmly pressed against my hardening cock. Contrary to the expected deflation of being caught, I continued to get erect. My heart was beating fast and I was incredibly aroused though trying to hide it. That said, she clearly knew and kept teasing my cock with her foot.

The movie ended and I stopped as the credits started to roll. I stood up and stretched a little before adjusting my rock hard cock in my jeans.

“You want a pair of sweatpants?” Sara asked. “I think I have an old pair of yours hanging around. That way you won’t have to deal with Jeans later.”

I walked over to the window and looked at the storm. There looked like a pretty awful layer of ice and snow had accumulated and the storm was still raging. I sighed, “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere.”

She beamed and said, “Oh I’m so excited! It’ll be just like those sleepovers we used to have!” She half ran over to her room and I followed.

We walked in and I noticed a pretty solid pink dildo laying on the side table with her computer. She must have forgotten it and she pulled out a pair of sweatpants. I recognized them and I thought of something of a problem. I was low on laundry and had just gone commando. I didn’t think I’d be staying or that Sara would be teasing me. These sweatpants were thin and soft. They made it pretty clear if you were sporting anything and you could feel everything through them. My ex had bought them for me and would give me lap dances when we role-played.

Sara laughed at me looking at them in my hands. “I know you’re not wearing underwear, you don’t need to be shy.”

I laughed with her, and looked into her eyes. This was Sara, my lifelong friend. I don’t know why I was acting like a twelve year old boy again. Raising the ante, I just shucked my pants and folded them to place on the chair. I looked back at Sara and she was staring a little stunned. She had been teasing but I don’t think she was ready for the tables to turn like that.

“Ahem,” I sounded as I cleared my throat.

She straightened up and blushed redder than I’ve ever seen anyone before turning around. “Sorry!” she squeaked out as I slipped the sweatpants on then walked past her back into the living room.

She followed and we drifted over to the kitchen. By the time we were over there, I was back down to a semi and she had cooled off a little. “Wine or beer?” she asked.

“Either one,” I answered. She pointed at the wine rack and I pulled one at random. It was then that lightning must have struck nearby. There was a flash then it sounded like a bomb went off right above us and the lights flickered. She yelped and grabbed me, putting her face into my neck. Three more crashes sounded and then relative silence.

She didn’t move and I could feel her breath against my collarbone. I wrapped an arm around her, still holding the wine in my other. “Good thing I stayed huh?”

She released me, “Sorry, I just hate lightning and thunder.”

“I know,” I responded and took the opener from her hand. “Go back to the living room and I’ll grab glasses.”

She nodded and headed over while I opened the wine and poured while I cleared my mind a bit. Bringing the glasses over I hear her swear which was a bit of a rarity.

“Something wrong?” I asked.

“The internet is out.” She went over to the modem and the no internet sign was flashing.

“No worries, we can watch a DVD,” I said looking at their shelf.

She came over and gave a bit of a laugh. “Well our player is broken. I think I have one or two things downloaded though.”

“Sounds good to me” She went to grab her computer and I switched around some cords so we could play the computer on the TV. She returned and I joined her on the couch while her computer booted up.

She logged in and the last thing she was doing popped up. Redhead fucks childhood friend while husband is out on pornhub was about three quarters finished. She yelped and tried to close the tab as I started laughing. Of course rather than close the video started playing.

“Damn Sara, is this what you were doing before I came over. She’s pretty hot, kinda looks like you.” The weirder thing is that the dude looked a little like me but I didn’t say that. The girl though looked very similar if a bit thicker.

Sara smacked my chest, “Oh shut up, she is hot and so am I.” The tab finally closed.

“You don’t watch porn on incognito?” I teased. “Good to know, I’ll clear your browser history if you die.”

She raspberryed again and pulled up her downloaded movies. “Have you seen any of these?” Two were horror movies and the third was another romantic comedy.

“I haven’t but I don’t think I’m not too game for another romantic comedy right now. I’ll eliminate that one if you pick from the other two.”

“Oh shocker you aren’t trying for another chick flick. You didn’t use to care if we watched a bunch in a row.”

“I was too high to care.” I said laughing. Also she didn’t mention she would sit in my lab and tease me relentlessly. We were young then though and neither of us had the confidence to push it any further.

Sara went over to the thermostat and flicked it a few times then went over to the radiator. “Piece of shit, never works when it’s cold.”

“Probably just a bit overwhelmed,” I volunteered.

“Yeah, I know,” she sighed and opened up a chest of blankets, pulling out a particularly giant, fuzzy blanket. She tossed it over and I pulled it over me and spread it out a little.

She turned out the lights except the kitchen ones and then dove under the blanket. I reached over to turn on the movie and grabbed our wine glasses and handed one to her. She rearranged the blankets around her and leaned against me.

“Oh, you’re so warm,” she said and then pushed her way under my arm. I smiled a little and pulled her close as she leaned her back against my side. She pulled away and took off her sweater leaving her in just the thin address she was wearing. I could feel her thin frame when she pressed back against me.

We sat and watched the movie. Wine glasses might not have been the best choice for a horror movie but we managed to keep it in the glasses. The wind was howling and thunder cracks caused Sara to flinch but overall it was warm and nice to just sit quietly with each other.

The movie was a little boring with a few isolated jump scares. Sara handed me her wineglass when she finished and settled back against me. I could feel her drifting off towards sleep and losing the battle when she finally repositioned to lay her head in my lap facing the TV. I ran my hand up and down her back, lightly scratching and occasionally massaging. I eventually stopped and set my hand on her hip. Her dress had ridden up under the blanket and I could feel smooth skin under my fingers.

Thoughts of her wet orange panties, the promise underneath, the smooth lithe curves of her body, went through my head and once again sent blood rushing to my flaccid member. She made a sound and repositioned a little. “Thanks sexy,” she mumbled and I froze a little.

She must have dozed off and meant her boyfriend. Slow breaths were emanating from her as she slept and I started running my fingers up and down her back and side again. She awoke for a moment at a particularly discordant jump scare and moved her head further into my lap. I was mostly hard again looking more at the shape of her body beneath the blanket than the movie.

If she was awake she definitely could feel it now. Her head was against the base of my abdomen and my cock was pressing lightly against her cheek. I was barely breathing as my heart was beating fast and I thought about her body. She shifted again and this time I froze. She turned over to face into me. I saw her eyes open and watching me for a moment before nuzzling in again.

I had a raging erection and there was no way she didn’t realize. My left hand started rubbing her head and playing with her hair a little. She grabbed my right hand and pulled it to her chest where I could feel a nipple hard through her dress. I pressed my thumb against it and she moaned into my crotch causing my dick to press up towards freedom and her cheek. She was a thin girl and hand wrapped around her side while my thumb gently circled her nipple.

“Fuck..” I heard her moan a little. There was no more pretending she was asleep. One of her arms wrapped around me and the other pushed my hand down.

“Touch me please.” she said and I obliged. My hand slid down her hard stomach and gently slid between her legs. I slid fingers around the sides of her sodden pussy and pinched closed a little, not touching her sensitive bits but applying some pressure. She nearly convulsed and pulled her head back a little, allowing my dick to spring up and against my stomach.

I took my time, teasing around her most sensitive areas while not quite touching where she wanted. She made a desperate sound, “Please, Johnny,”

Finally I slid a finger from teasing the bottom of her pussy lips up, grazing her tight hole and spreading her lips apart. I started making small slow circles applying light pressure to her clit which started to engorge. She moaned and pressed her face back into me and pressing her mouth where my sack and cock met. She continued to moan and interspersed kisses which drove me wild. I wanted her soft lips directly against my flesh, to feel them wrapped around my erect cock.

I moaned a little, my own need was desperate and I started moving my hand faster as my other touched her face. I stroked down to her mouth and she took my thumb into my mouth and sucked on it for a second. As my hand was moving I finally penetrated her with my middle finger and she orgasmed as I plunged into her wet hole and pressured her clit relentlessly. She kicked out her legs and pushed herself further onto my lap.

Finally she pushed my hand away and breathed a little. I started touching her again and she moaned desperately before pushing my hand away. “We should stop, what about Mike and Ellie?”

“Fuck.” I said and moved my hand away. Guilt hit me a little and her too it seemed. “I’m sorry, I got carried away.”

“I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have teased you like that.” She replied. “We’ve been having some problems and the bedroom’s been a little dead. You started touching me and it felt so good. You know I’ve loved you since forever right?”

She had sat on my other side, back against the armrest and legs pulled up, her feet resting against my right leg. Her wet pussy was pushed against my left thigh and I could feel her wetness seep through. “I know Sara.”

Tears ran down her face and then she sat on my lap and flung her arms around my neck. “I really don’t want to lose you.”

I put my arms around her and held her tight, “You won’t.” My erection was still raging and I was a little lust addled especially with her vagina right there and her tight ass against my hard cock. My mind raced at a million miles a minute, lust and desire clouding my thoughts.

Finally I turned her head and kissed her. She pulled back and a flash of fear shot through me that I had gone too far. Instead she practically headbutted me as she pressed her lips to mine. She unfolded and straddled me, rubbing her pussy against my erect cock in desperate short movements.

Finally she sat up for a second, lips still glued to mine and pulled my pants down and freeing my cock for as long as it took to position herself over it. She was soaking wet and I slid in slowly with little resistance. She was unfathomably tight and paused about halfway down. “Oh fuck Johnny, you’re so much bigger than Mike.” Moaned into my ear. I wasn’t huge by any means but my 7.5 inches put me a bit above average.

I started to kiss her neck and collarbone as she settled a bit more weight over my penis and slid down further. I wrapped my arms around her again and pushed up into her. Our hips met and she shuddered on my cock. “Fuck, I need it.” SHe moaned again then started grinding her hips in short strokes. I grabbed her ass and slowed her down to more controlled thrusts which were deeper and longer. It took only a few until she orgasmed again.

She ran her hands through her hair and writhed over me repeating, “Yes Johnny, Yes, more.” I let her control the pace as she drove herself to another orgasm. Sounds of flesh slapping flesh filled the room and provided percussion to our vocalizations.

“Oh fuck Sara, you’re fucking amazing.” My hands roamed over her lithe body, occasionally stopping to ruba an erogenous zone. Pinching the pink nipples tipping her tight breasts caused her to moan like a banshee. I grabbed her ass, tits, and legs as she pressed her hot wet pussy down on my iron rod. She finally stopped as her orgams drove control away from her and she doubled over kissing me.

I stood up, still inside of her and carried her to the bedroom. Her legs wrapped tight around me and rather than dump her on the bed I pushed her against the wall. I started pounding into her, slamming her back against the wall with each thrust as she babbled a mix of “Yes, fuck, and me.”

She came again and I pivoted to the bed and threw her down on it. She flipped over and thrust her ass in the air. Once again I penetrated her, pushing her hips down and kissing her as I started to thrust in and out. She whispered, “Choke me.”

I snaked one hand under her body and wrapped it around her slender neck, squeezing just hard enough that she knew I was there, allowing her to press harder against it if she wanted. It drove her crazy. Her body tightened around my cock and I felt a rush of liquids squirt around it. She reached down and started working her clit as I sped up and she came again, then again, and again.

I tightened my hand and she moaned before flopping a little limp. I pulled out of her abused pussy and rolled her over. Her hand was still glued to her clit and started kissing her moist inner thighs, approaching her pungent hole. HEr fingers were speeding up until I displaced them with my mouth and she chose to grab my head and grind it into her sodden pussy. SHe was already close and I worked her clit with my tongue as my fingers played inside her and I teased her asshole. She came again.

I climbed over her and kissed her as I entered her again. We kissed as I fucked her. He legs wrapped around me and started to shudder as she came again. I kept going as I approached orgasm, she released my hips and laid there while I pounded her and she moaned.

“I’m getting close, Sara.” She pushed me back then off her and onto my back. “I want to be on top. She faced away from me and I had an amazing view as her ass started bouncing and grinding. Felt the familiar churn deep in my balls as my release approached. I started arching into her, trying to push my cock as deep into her as possible. As she ground down on me I felt her hand roughly grab my balls and she said, “Cum for me!”

I arched up into her and basted her insides with my hot cum. She fondled my balls, eeking every last drop out between the wringing action of her tight pussy and her soft hands. IT was honestly one of the most intense orgams I ever had. She lifted herself off of me and turned back around, flopping next to me. Her lips sought mine out and we kissed deeply and gently. She wrapped her slim legs around my cock guiding it back into her leaking pussy, lubricated by both our juices.

We kissed and she gently gyrated against me until my penis softened. We kissed gently, our exhaustion, emotional and physical, driving us towards sleep. We were entangled in each other’s bodies, toe to toe, nose to nose, staring at the other’s satisfaction. Sara’ large green eyes were staring back into mine, they were the color of emeralds in candlelight. Every now and then she would take a long blink as sleep threatened to overcome her. I wondered if she too was thinking of her partner, the jilted lover, unaware that another man was holding her lithe frame, my cum bathing her inner walls. I know I was thinking of my girlfriend and my betrayal. I felt my eyelids growing heavy too and I tried to take a mental image of this moment. Green eyes stared into mine, set into a pretty face framed with long, red hair. Her nose only inches from mine above kissable red lips. I leaned in and kissed her one last time before succumbing to sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/snuqiz/dinner_and_a_movie_mf

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