First story published on Amazon. Check it out if you have a chance. First 20% of story posted so enjoy!

No lunch break today (Sample)

Anna was a sophomore in college. She was working towards a degree she no longer wanted to pursue. Her parents both lost their jobs due to the pandemic and they refused to take out a student loan to pay for her education. Things weren’t exactly going as planned.

Anna was no longer able to live on campus and had to be out her dorm by the end of the month. The cost was outrageous and her parents couldn’t afford those living arrangements any longer. He parents told her that she had to find a cheap apartment near campus and find a job so she could pay her own rent.

In the meantime, Anna stayed with her friend, Lisa who lived with her parents nearby. It wasn’t ideal, but it was better than moving back home. The girls wanted to find a place of their own so they both began looking for jobs. There was one problem. No one was hiring. All the small businesses had shut down many months ago and never reopened. The restaurants had closed the dining areas and were only doing take out orders. Anna needed a flexible job so she could balance her school work, but there just wasn’t anything out there. She feared she would have to leave school and return home.

Everyday Anna and Lisa would check the job posts on online and would take a walk around the surrounding areas by their home. They wandered a little further than they would have liked to. They found themselves walking through an area of town that had a bad reputation for drugs, crime and it was known for its surplus of prostitutes. The girls walked by a building that seemed a little out of place. It was a nice modern facility. It was clean, enclosed and had security posted around the building. They saw cameras every where they looked.

There was a sign posted outside of the gate by the security booth, “Now hiring! Inquire inside”. Anna was curious and told Lisa that she wanted to check the place out. They approached the security booth and asked about the building.

“Hey there! I saw the sign by the gate and was wondering what this place was?”

“From what I understand, it’s a massage therapy office.” The guard said unsure and uninterested.

“Do you know what they’re hiring for.”

“No, that’s a little above me, but if you want to check it out I can give you and your friend a pass so you could go inside and see for yourself. There is someone inside that can give you more information.”

“We would really appreciate that, thank you.”

The guard filled out a pass for both Anna and Lisa and they secured it to their shirt. The girls walked to what appeared to be the main entrance of the building. Anna pulled the door open and they entered the building. Inside was dimly lit with earth tone colors. There was audio coming from all around and it appeared to be sounds of nature.

“Is that a running stream?” Anna laughed.

“Yeah, it’s all very relaxing.” Said Lisa.

Anna saw the woman sitting behind a desk about 20 yards away. The girls made their way over to the woman. She was slightly older than they were and she was very attractive.

“Hi, can I help you ladies?”

“Um, we were just walking by and noticed the sign outside that said you were hiring?”

“Yes, we are looking for new masseuses.”

“Oh, ok. We probably shouldn’t be here then.” She laughed.

“Why not? The position pays well and you keep all your tips. The hours are flexible and the building is very secure. We accept only the best clientele here.”

Lisa looked at Anna unsure of herself.

“My parents would kill me if I worked here.”

“I know. My parents wouldn’t be happy either, but I’d like to hear a little more.”

“It’s getting late and I have to be home when my brother gets out of school. Maybe we should leave.” Said Lisa concerned.

“If you want to wait here for me that’s fine, but if you decide to leave then please take an Uber home. This area is scary.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I can have security bring you back to your place if you’d like. It’s no problem at all.” She picked up the phone began talking to security.

“Yeah that would be great. Lisa, just let them take you back and I’ll be home shortly. There is no reason to sit around here and wait for me.”

“Ok, I’ll take the ride. Please text me when you’re leaving so I know when to expect you and make sure security takes you home as well.”

“I will and I’ll let you know how it goes.”

Both girls hugged each other and Lisa walked towards the door.

“There is a car waiting for you outside. It was Nice meeting you, Lisa.”

Lisa waived and exited the building.

The receptionist picks up the phone and begins talking briefly.

“Anna, Maria will be down in a moment to speak with you. She is the manager here.”

“Thank you so much.”

Anna waited in the lobby looking at a series of ink blots that are hanging on the walls. She has no idea what she is looking at, but that’s probably the point of them being there in the first place.

A door opens and a woman in her late 30’s walks through. She is wearing a black skirt and heels. She has long black hair and looks Hispanic. Anna admired the attractive figure as she approached.

“Hi Anna, my name is Maria. I’m the manager here. What do you think of the place?”

“I love it. It’s so relaxing in here. The ink blots kept my attention while I waiting.” She smiled.

“All the men see boobs when they look at them. Why don’t you follow me and we will talk in my office?”

Maria led Anna through the set of doors. There were a series of doors that followed. There were no windows and everything seemed very discreet. The hallway was dimly lit and easy on the eyes.

As Anna continued walking down the hall she noticed that there was an open door. Anna peered in and notice a red masseuse table. The room looked very comfortable. There were several shelving units with products on the shelves. There were several red lounge chairs in the room also. On the walls there where silhouette figures of woman that looked erotic. Anna then noticed a young girl come into view who was cleaning the room. She had on a black skirt and heels like Maria.

Maria had led Anna through the hallway and arrived at her office. She walked through and the same silhouette pictures were hanging on Maria’s walls.

“I noticed the same pictures hanging on one of the rooms as we walked by.”

“We like to keep our clients focused.” Maria said with a smile.

“So, you are interested in the position of masseuse? Do you have any experience? Don’t worry if you do not.”

“I’d like to know a little more about the position if you don’t mind? I have no experience as a masseuse. I’ve given my boyfriend a massage plenty of times, but I have no formal experience.”

“It sounds like you have enough experience to me hun. We do a little bit more here aside from massages though.”

“What’s the pay look like?”

“Well, that’s completely up to you. Our clients are all very wealthy. I guess it depends on the service you want to offer. The earning potential is only limited by the time you put in and your imagination.”

“My imagination?”

“Yes, if you are creative and don’t mind going the extra mile for your clients it could be very lucrative. We offer a base pay of $50 and hour. You make your own hours, but once you get going you will be working off your clients schedule and not your own. I’d say it would be pretty easy to make well over $10k a month working with just a few clients a weekly. Their tip is where you make your money. You keep 100% of the tip.”

“Well, how do you make money here with such high hourly rates?”

“Like I said, our clients are all very wealthy. They tell us what they want and we give them a price. They always pay. And they pay cash. They do not like paper trails which I’m sure you understand.”

“Yeah of course, I get it. So who are these people?”

“Well Anna, they are you state and government politicians, actors, musicians, athletes. Any one with a large bank account that’s looking for a fabulous, discreet no questions asked experience.”

“What do you mean experience? What other types of services are you talking about?”

“We give our clients whatever they ask for. Within reason of course. If you are only comfortable with massages then I would match you with someone who is just looking for a massage from a young beautiful girl. If you wanted to offer other experiences I would match you up with someone looking for what you’re offering.”

“What exactly do you offer here?”

“Anna, are you sexually active with your boyfriend?”

“Oh wow, that’s like a real personal question. I guess so. We play around a lot.“ She said uncomfortably.

“Have you had sex? Given a blowjob? A hand job?”

“I’ve given a lot of hand jobs.“

“What about blowjob?”

“I gave him one. He came in my mouth and there was so much it almost made me puke.”

“So I take it that you’ve never had sex then?

“No, I’m still a virgin.”

“Have you ever had anal sex?”

“Absolutely not!” She said with a disgusted look on her face.

“Well, Anna, you could make a lot of money here if you really wanted to. The gentlemen that come here would pay a lot of money for a girl like you offering those services.”

Thanks for reading ;)
