Online Chastity – Parts 1-3

*Hi. I’m Fict. This is an ongoing story that I have been posting to* [FetLife]( *and Reddit. If you enjoy it and want to find out what happens next, follow my page here for updates or come say hello on FetLife. Hearing from people who enjoy the story is really what has kept me motivated to keep writing, so don’t be shy. It truly means a lot.*

**Online Chastity** *explores (or will explore in future parts) the fun and peril of meeting a partner online, phone app controlled chastity, D/s (F/m), latex catsuits, bondage, punishment & reward, and perhaps even falling in love in a kinky world. It won’t be for everyone, but remember that it is a work of fiction, and as such, is meant to be enjoyed from the safety of your mind. Together, we will explore fantasies that may not be suitable for the real world. The chastity device talked about in this story is, however, real and under no circumstances should anyone give control of a device like this to someone they don’t fully trust. In here, allow your imagination to run wild. Out there, be safe and consensual. Always.*


“Hi. I really like your profile. I’m kinda new to this, but would you be up for talking? I’m Alex by the way.”


Sam had recently posted a photo and it was the first time she had shown her face on FetLife. Needless-to-say, the messages started to roll in. She loved the attention, but most people’s opening lines needed some work. They ranged from “Hey” right through to “Please make me your bitch, Mistress. Sit on my face. I’ll do whatever you say.” Now, Sam has had experience with guys who took control in the past, and liked the idea of being in control herself, but she hadn’t found the right person to explore it with yet. She also hadn’t listed herself as a Mistress on her profile, and even if she had, this is not how you introduce yourself to someone online.

Alex was different, though. His message wasn’t particularly interesting, and if Sam hadn’t clicked on his profile out of curiosity, she most likely would have moved on… but he was cute. Wavy hair, cute grin, relatively good shape. His account was only a few months old, and he hadn’t posted anything you wouldn’t see on a regular dating site. Normal pictures, a description of his actual life and who he was… but his list of fetishes was a mile long. He was clearly discovering and exploring his kinky side for the first time. The thing that Alex didn’t realize, and coincidentally the one thing that tipped the scales and enticed Sam into writing back, was that they lived the same city. Sam had listed her location as Antarctica, so he wouldn’t have known that when he sent his message. He would have just seen her face on Kinky and Popular, body clad in a latex catsuit, and thought to himself… wow, I sure would like to talk to her. Let me go deal with this erection first so I can think straight and then I’ll send a message once my hands are free again. At least that’s how Sam imagined it, smirk on her face as she wrote back.


“Hi Alex. I like your profile too. You seem very sweet. Maybe too sweet. Have you ever explored your fetishes in real life? Be honest, when’s the last time you tried anything kinky? Oh, and you only get one short message with me. You wasted yours on your introduction, so I want to hear the full story of your kinkiest experience. Spare no detail, tell no lies, and if you can do that… I’ll tell you mine.



Alex was shocked. Literally. He had just bought a new chastity device. It was called Cellmate 2. This particular chastity device had a few unique features. Firstly, it was controlled remotely by an app. Your ability to unlock the device was dependant on this app. There was no physical key. Because of this, you could assign anyone else on the app to be your keyholder and once that keyholder role was set, they could hit a button that disabled your ability to unlock the device, thus giving them complete control over your cock no matter where they were in the world.

Secondly, it could deliver a small shock through the same app. This is what Alex had just tested. It kinda hurt. Pain wasn’t really his thing, so he didn’t think he would be using that feature much.

The chastity device had arrived earlier in the day, but Alex had 5 more meetings on zoom and knew he would be embarrassed to be locked up while talking with clients, so he held off. The anticipation was driving him wild. The box sitting on his desk kept pulling his attention away from work and he found himself incredibly turned on all day. When the last meeting had wrapped up, it was about 3:30. He opened the box, pulled out the device, washed it thoroughly and then looked down at his fully erect cock. It was in this moment that Alex realized the problem with getting turned on by chastity. It’s hard to get the damn thing on. This was Alex’s first chastity device as well. This moment represented years of fantasizing and anticipation. Just the idea of locking a chastity device on had him so turned on that there was very little choice but to jerk off just so he could get it on. At least, that’s how Alex justified it.

Opening Fetlife, Alex clicked on kinky and popular. There was videos and photos for every kinky taste. A couple having sex… Always a good watch. What about this slow-motion video of a woman pulling up her shirt and letting her tits bounce out? Very hot. Maybe this video of a woman sliding a plug that seems way too big to be enjoyable up her ass. It just looked painful, and yet… Alex couldn’t look away.

Then he saw her. Alex had followed this mysterious woman previously. She always posted photos of herself in latex catsuits. Aside from the latex, the thing that intrigued Alex most was that she always posed as if she was doing something completely ordinary. Playing piano. Watching a movie on the couch. Sipping coffee at table. For reasons unknown, even to Alex, seeing her latex covered body in these ordinary situations drove him wild. This time she was wrapped tightly in a rose gold coloured latex catsuit. It was perfectly fitted to her body and just opaque enough to make your imagination go wild. He knew her nipples were pierced from previous pictures, and he could see the barbells making indents in the latex. She was beautiful. Her curves captivated Alex. She had high heels on that must be 6”, and yet, as before, she was doing something completely ordinary. She was reading a book in a leather chair in front of a built-in bookshelf beside a big bay window. Aside from the latex, it could have been an architectural or home design magazine cover meant to showcase a beautiful space. This photo was different from all her previous photos in one way, though. Normally she would be wearing a full latex hood, or a mask. This time, she wasn’t. She’s looking over her book as if catching the gaze of a passerby in a library window. Brown hair, brown eyes, freckles, pigtails, the picture of innocence… and yet there she was. Latex covered on a fetish website looking over her book as if there nothing out of the ordinary about reading in latex at all.

Alex imagined walking into the room and her looking over the book at him. He imagined her pulling out her phone and tapping a button and as he frantically realized that she has taken away his permission to unlock his chastity.

Alex stroked his cock five times and came on the sixth. He wasn’t sure how much of that was chastity anticipation or because this woman seemed to be doing something to him on a primal level… either way, he cleaned himself off and used this brief window of flaccidity to lock himself up. As the device locked shut, he could feel himself already getting hard again. The chastity device became very tight, very fast. It was in this moment that Alex realized the second challenge with being turned on by chastity. Being locked up turned him on, which made the device tight. This was a reminder that he was locked up, which turned him on… This cycle was going to make things very uncomfortable.

Thinking about chastity had always led to jerking off in the past, and now he couldn’t. Not unless he unlocked it… He didn’t want to back out so quickly though. This was something he had been fantasizing about most of his adult life. Before he lost his nerve, he set up a timer on the chastity app. One hour. He didn’t want to overdo it. This was his first time, after all. Plus an hour was already starting to feel like an insurmountable hurdle. He already felt the overwhelming urge to stroke his cock again and that urge was quickly turning into desperation… but he hit the button and the timer started counting down. Fifty nine minutes remaining.

Alex’s heart rate doubled as he tested the “unlock” button to no avail. He pulled at the device and found it was surprisingly secure. Steel ring around his balls. Solid resin tube encasing his cock. He might be able to break it off somehow, but not without severely injuring himself in the process. He was locked in for the hour and there was nothing he could do about it. This was one of the features that had drawn him to this app-controlled device in the first place. He didn’t have anyone to hold his keys and he was currently single, but the app allowed for a timer to be set that could not be undone. It basically just greyed out his option to hit the button that unlocked the device until the timer had reached zero. It was how he could experience this fantasy without having to admit it to anyone else. As incredible as it was, it was also driving him wild with need.

Alex opened up his laptop and realized where he had left off. There she was. Sitting. Reading. He noticed the book she had for the first time: The laws of human nature. Beautiful, playful, and a sense of humour. Alex had tried dating apps enough to know that you can’t make assumptions about people online, but there was something about this woman that made him want to send her a message. What do you say to someone like this though? “Hey, I’m locked in chastity thinking of you” Isn’t exactly the best introduction to a stranger. Even if she’s into it. She probably gets a thousand messages every day with photos like this. She was on the front page of FetLife after all. Whatever, he’ll say hi, probably never hear back and in 53 minutes he can just jerk off again and move on with his life.


“Hi. I really like your profile. I’m kinda new to this, but would you be up for talking? I’m Alex by the way.”


As soon as he hit send, Alex regretted it. What a dumb first message. He just stared at it for five minutes wishing he could take it back. He hadn’t said anything that might pique her curiosity. Nothing about himself. No interesting questions. For the first time in the 14 minutes his cock has been locked in chastity, it did not feel too tight. He just felt like he had ruined his chance at a conversation with this incredible person. Oh well. That’s what he gets for messaging while horny. Looking at his phone, Alex realized that he had 45 minutes left. Probably best to put on a movie and try not to think about it. Just as he was about to close FetLife… that little red mark appeared by his inbox signifying that he had a new message.


“Hi Alex. I like your profile too. You seem very sweet. Maybe too sweet. Have you ever explored your fetishes in real life? Be honest, what is the kinkiest thing you have ever experienced? Oh, and you only get one short message with me. You wasted yours on an introduction that left much to be desired. So, I want to hear the full story of your kinkiest experience. Spare no detail, tell no lies, and if you can do that… I’ll tell you mine.



Alex’s chastity had become very tight as he read Sam’s message. He needed this timer to be finished… He wasn’t thinking straight with his cock locked up. The problem was, he was living his kinkiest moment. Being locked in chastity, desperate to be let out, knowing that she had specifically asked for the details, made him feel an overwhelming desire to admit it all.


“Hi Sam. I must admit, I’m surprised you wrote back after that first message. I promise I’m not always that boring… hahaha.

So, here’s the thing… I’m currently in my kinkiest moment. I’m not sure if that’s the reason I’m going tell you what I’m about to tell you, or if I just regret my opening message so much that I’m compensating with way too much info… but you did ask, so I might as well be honest. I’ve always been interested in control. Mainly bondage and chastity. My fantasies have always revolved around some sort of physical restraint that you can’t get out of. I told a girlfriend about this once and she bought those fuzzy handcuffs with the quick release lever. I appreciated the effort, but she didn’t really understand why the quick release ruined it for me.

Anyway, I’ve never really explored it properly in relationships in the past, but when I heard about a new chastity device called the Cellmate2 and read that it’s controlled by an app… I thought it might be a way I could experience this fantasy on my own without having to admit it to anyone. I debated buying one many times, but never could pull the trigger.

Here’s where it gets interesting… So, I actually met someone from Fetlife a few weeks ago. I think she was looking for someone with a bit more experience in the end, but it was nice. I had never talked about kinks and fetishes with anyone so openly, and even though we both knew there wouldn’t be a second date early in the evening, we decided to stay and talk for a while. It was liberating. We ended up having too many drinks and at the end of the night she suggested that for our last drink we swap underwear. Just for one drink. It would be a story that we would both remember forever. She would head to the bathroom, come back with hers, then I would go to the bathroom, swap, and give her mine. Then she would go put mine on and we would share our last drink with a kinky little secret that no one else in the restaurant would know. Well, she took hers off, I put her panties on, came back and gave her my boxer briefs under the table, and then she went to bathroom and never came back. The waitress came back, gave me another beer, and told me that the person I was with had paid the bill and left. She then told me that my date had mentioned finding out that I was wearing panties and that she decided she wanted someone more masculine. My cheeks went red, and I was speechless. I think the waitress knew it was true from my reaction. I couldn’t even form words. She was nice about it though. The fact that I was wearing panties, not to mention this waitress knowing about it, left me both humiliated and way more turned on than I ever thought I would be. I was also drunk… so the waitress called me a cab and giggled as I bent over to get in. She told me that pink was a nice colour on me, and I realized that she had seen the panties when I got in the cab. My cheeks flushed again, and the cab pulled away.

When I got home, I was hornier than I had ever been. I stripped off my regular clothes and lingered a second with the panties still on. I was rock hard. I didn’t even know wearing panties was something I was into. Was it the panties, though, or the humiliation? For some reason I decided another beer might help clear my mind, and that’s the last thing I remember before woke up in the morning… Panties still on, though pulled to the side. I had clearly had some fun.

There was a message waiting on Fetlife from my date as well. It said she enjoyed meeting me and even though we weren’t the right fit, when it comes to venturing out into the kinky world, a little sub like myself should be equipped with panties to protect me on the journey ahead. She was right, we weren’t a good match, but the experience had opened my eyes to something I hadn’t thought would turn me on. That’s when I saw the email receipt that I had ordered a Cellmate2 in my drunken horny state as well. I felt a wave of humiliation again, and… more excitement.

Skip ahead a couple weeks, and I got the chastity today. I’m not sure if you know anything about it, but it’s all controlled by an app. You can give control to someone else on the app and they can remove your ability to unlock it. It’s almost like something out of a sci-fi story.

I quickly learned that when chastity turns you on… it’s hard to put it on, no pun intended. So, I went on Fetlife, stumbled across your most recent photo… fantasized about you locking me up, got off embarrassingly fast… and then I locked it on. I set a timer for an hour, opened my laptop again, saw your photo again… and felt compelled to send that terrible first message. For some reason you wrote me back… and here I am. Locked up for another… 23 minutes and telling you way more details than I probably should.

So, that’s it. I’m currently living my kinkiest moment. Locked in Chastity telling you the humiliating tale of how this came to be. Now what’s your kinkiest story?



Sam was impressed. Alex was almost as inexperienced as she had thought, but his story, his panty humiliation, and the fact that he wrote this whole thing out while locked in chastity really did something unexpected to her. She hadn’t realized it, but at some point while she was reading, she had slid her fingers into her panties and was slowly circling her clit with her middle finger.

23 minutes wasn’t very long though. And it would be less than that now, since she had taken her time reading his response. A grin spread across Sam’s face.


Alex was just watching the timer count down now. All he could think about was how much he had told Sam. Why did he just reveal everything like that? He felt very helpless with his cock locked up and this beautiful woman was asking him to reveal all… and he did. He just told her everything. Why did he admit that he had jerked off to her photo?

That’s when he saw that little red marker at the top of FetLife again. It was a new message from Sam.


“Alex, you did not disappoint. How would you feel about you and I playing with your chastity online a little? I’ll be honest with you, my experiences in the past have mainly been with dominant men, but I have been wanting to explore my dominant side with the right person. Your little panty humiliation and having you here, locked in chastity, admitting all your desires to me, has really made me feel like this is something I could explore with you. That is… if you’re up for it. It would all be from the safety of the internet of course, but I must admit, I like the idea of having control over when you can take that thing off. I hadn’t heard of the cellmate before, but a quick search revealed some very interesting features.

There is no pressure, of course. I’ll tell you my kinky fantasy either way… I am a woman of her word. But since you seem to have already used me to get yourself off, I think it’s fair that you return the favour. Wouldn’t you agree? So you have two options ahead of you right now:

Option 1

You make me your keyholder so that I know you’re locked up while you read about my kinkiest experience. I also want you to read it while you’re out in public, and I want you to be wearing those panties. I’ve been to your hometown before, and there is a coffee shop on 53rd Street and 14th Ave. You are going to go there, change your profile photo on Fetlife to a picture of you in front of the coffee shop, then go in and get yourself a coffee. Once I see your photo, I’ll send you my kinkiest story. The idea of you in public, reading about my kinky experiences while locked up and under my control, in panties, and in a coffee shop I can imagine perfectly will help me get off…. Making us even. Then, if you’re good, we’ll let you out to get off again too. I just downloaded the app, here’s my ID: xxx xxx

Option 2

You tell me that you aren’t interested in doing these things and exploring your fantasies with me, and I will send you my kinkiest experience right now… but you’ll also never hear from me again.

Choose… wisely. (I love movies… and if you imagined your face melting off after picking the wrong option, we’re going to get along just fine)



By the time he had finished reading Sam’s response, Alex’s chastity was unbearably tight. Thankfully there was only five minutes left on his timer. He would unlock it and jerk off before he responded. There was no way he was thinking clearly… because he desperately needed this thing off and simultaneously wanted option 1.

Four minutes left.

Alex knew that the thing that Sam probably hadn’t realized was that there were two modes for the Cellmate 2. The normal mode gave the keyholder control of the device and when it could be unlocked. She would have complete control over it… but as a safety mechanism, the person locked up could always remove the keyholder from being the keyholder. Once removed, control would revert to the wearer. So, Alex could technically make her his keyholder and if it got unreasonable for any reason, he could just remove her and unlock it.

The second mode was called “hardcore mode.” Once enabled, the person locked up could not remove the keyholder and the only way the chastity device could be unlocked is if the keyholder allowed it. This was not something you did with an internet stranger. As horny as he was, even Alex was thinking clearly enough to know that would be a bad idea.

3 minutes left.

This wasn’t even that risky. He could explore a fantasy with someone he had fantasized about… and it would be safe. A taste of control. He always had the out.

Alex was constantly tugging on the chastity, looking for any sort of sexual reprieve.

2 minutes left.

He was going to do it. Why not explore these desires? Alex pulled on the device some more. Okay, this was really hot. Alex had the picture of Sam in her Catsuit open as he waited for the timer to end. He’d never felt more turned on.

1 minute left.

Okay, this was it. He’d unlock it, clear the log on the app that revealed when it was last unlocked, jerk off, put it back on and then make Sam the keyholder. Best of both worlds.

The timer hit zero and Alex immediately unlocked and pulled the device off. His desperate cock immediately sprung to attention. Alex looked at the picture of Sam, pumped four times and came on the fifth. Sam really did something to him on a primal level. He could usually last a lot longer than that… but he supposed that in this case the speed actually helped.

Before he could really think it through, Alex locked it back on and sent Sam an invite to be his keyholder. To his surprise, she almost immediately accepted and within seconds, Sam had turned off his ability to unlock the device himself. The “unlock” buttone greyed out for Alex. He tapped it and nothing happened. He was actually locked in now. Short of removing Sam as his keyholder, he had no control of when he might be let out… and with that came the realization that if he removed Sam as Keyholder, she probably wouldn’t talk to him anymore given the options that she presented him with… so if he wanted to explore this with her, he wasn’t able to remove her as the keyholder. Alex’s chastity became tight again and he wondered just how it was possible that he could be this turned on by something. Having just jerked off twice, he was already eager to do it again… and now he really couldn’t. Not if he wanted to talk to Sam again.

This was kind of fun though. His little secret. Might as well go the whole way. No one would ever know. He put his panties on and found that this made his cock strain in its cage even more. This feeling of being forced to wear them. Forced while locked in chastity… He had never thought of himself as a sissy before, but it was kind of hard to deny his physical reaction to the situation. He put some jeans on over top and you couldn’t really tell he had a chastity on with them, but he could feel it as he moved. This was turning out to be a very unexpectedly interesting day.


Sam, having immediately removed Alex’s ability to unlock his own cock, hopped in the shower and started getting ready. Alex was probably feeling pretty submissive right now. Locked away… living a moment he had fantasized about for years… Sam thought it was hot. She remembered the first time she explored one of her kinky fantasies. It was just her ex holding her down and taking her, but that moment where she realized that she couldn’t get out had done something to her. It was a moment started her on this journey. It changed her. She liked that Alex was going through that right now. She also liked that in Alex’s mind, he was going to the coffee shop with a secret no one would ever know. He would read her kinky story in the corner, and then he would go home, no one the wiser. Little did he know, Sam intended to meet him in person. It would be an entirely different experience for him looking across the table at the very person who had his cock locked up. Sam couldn’t stop grinning as she showered. Her soapy fingers lingering on her body as she imagined what she had in store for poor Alex…


Alex sat in the corner with his coffee refreshing his FetLife page. He had changed his profile picture to one of him outside the coffee shop as instructed by Sam and his cock was straining in it’s cage as his situation sunk in. He bought this chastity device on a drunken whim and now this incredible woman he had been fantasizing about on the internet was making him read her kinkiest experience out in public while wearing panties over the chastity device she controlled. It felt like a dream.

He refreshed again and there it was. The little red indicator beside his inbox with the number 1 in it. He had a new message.

“Look up.” Was all it said.

Alex looked up and there she was. Sam stood in front of him in a trench coat. Her hair was done up in pigtails just like the photo he had jerked off to earlier that day. She had glasses on now though and they just made her look even more innocent.

“You okay big guy?” Sam said with a smirk.

Alex realized that his mouth was hanging open in shock and awe. “You’re here?” he asked.

“Is that a question?” Sam replied.

“No, I just. You’re… Is this… What’s going on?”

“I’d like you to offer me a seat, Alex.”

Alex stood up so quickly that he bumped the table with his chastity, making a loud knocking sound. Aside from drawing everyone’s attention, the table tilt also spilled his coffee. “I’m sorry. I… Please will you sit? I’ll clean this up.” He grabbed the chair opposite where he was sitting and pulled it out for Sam. She grinned and sat down as Alex pushed her chair in. “Be right back.” Alex said.

At the counter, Alex asked the barista for some napkins, apologizing for making a mess. She was mid milk steam but pointed him to the creamer bar at the back of the coffee shop. “You want another coffee?” she asked. “On the house.”

“Oh, thanks so much.” Alex replied.

There was a mirror over the creamer bar and Alex looked at himself for a few seconds trying to make sure this was actually happening. Looking at Sam in the mirror, she was… effortlessly cool. Sitting on her phone at his table… How was this happening? One deep breath later, Alex grabbed some napkins and turned back to the table.

“That was embarrassing. Are you… so… How are you here?” Alex asked as he started to clean the spill, moving from the table to his chair.

“I live here. That’s why your message stood out.” Sam grinned.

“Oh. Wow. I had… no idea.” Alex bent over to wipe up the coffee that spilled on the floor. It was here, under the table, that he noticed Sam’s pants. They were latex. He hadn’t noticed at first… maybe because she was wearing Converse All Stars on her feet. Sneakers and a catsuit under a trench coat? Alex had to admit that the look was working for her. She was incredible… Alex’s cock strained in its cage.

As Alex wiped up the coffee on the floor. Sam noticed that he seemed to have stopped cleaning to stare at her legs. With Alex bent over, it wasn’t the only thing she noticed. “Nice panties, Alex.”

Alex stood up quickly, banging his head on the underside of the table, once again spilling his coffee. “Wow. That was… This is going great.” Alex looked around the coffee shop to see if anyone was close enough to hear Sam mention his panties. A couple people were looking in his direction. Was it because he slammed his head on the table, spilling his coffee once again, or did they know his secret? His cheeks flushed.

“I’m enjoying myself.” Sam replied. “How’s your little cage feeling?”

Alex’s cheeks darkened further. “Please don’t say that out loud”

“Oh, no one is paying any attention to us.” Sam looked into Alex’s eyes. It was too much. She was too much. Alex diverted his gaze and looked around only to find that everyone in the coffee shop was in fact paying attention to them. Was it Sam drawing their attention? Was is him spilling his coffee like an idiot? Or… had they heard everything Sam had said. All Alex could think was that everyone in the room knew about his locked-up cock and the panties he was wearing. “Look at me.” He did. “Who cares what they think.”

“Right.” Alex found that surprisingly calming and sat down.

“Here’s the thing. I think you’re cute. And I have your cock locked in chastity.” Sam spoke with the casual ease of reading a grocery list, despite vocalizing Alex’s deepest humiliations loud enough that others might hear. “I’m going to set a timer for three hours now. We’re going to have a coffee and get to know one another a little, and then you’re going to go home and think about the situation you’re in while you wait for the timer to reach zero. At that point, you will most likely unlock the device, pull up one of my pictures, and get yourself off again. I don’t mind. I like seeing what I’m doing to you.”

Alex was speechless.

“This is your trail run, Alex. I want to explore real control. Chastity, bondage, restraints, maybe some humiliation since your cheeks turn such a cute shade of red.” Sam grinned as Alex looked around again smiling meekly at those nearest who couldn’t stop themselves from listening in. “But I want you to understand that I’ve been where you are right now.” Sam continued. “Sitting across from someone I was sexually captivated by, ready to submit to their every whim. I have explored the things that I want to put you through. I have gone down that road, I found great pleasure in it, and now I want to experience more. I want to experience the other side.”

It felt like Sam was staring into Alex’s soul as she freely admitted to playing the submissive role in the past and her newfound desires to control him. For the briefest of moments, he forgot they were in the coffee shop with strangers who continued were failing horrifically to conceal the fact that they were eavesdropping.

The barista placed a latte in front of Sam and a fresh coffee in front of Alex, snapping Alex out of his daze. “Seems like a once in a lifetime opportunity to me.” The Barista said with a smirk as she walked away.

“Wait, did she? How did she know…” Alex stammered.

“Don’t worry about Tam. She’s harmless.” Sam grinned.

“You know her?” She knows about… what does she know?”

“Tam’s a friend. And I may have told her you locked yourself in chastity for me when I ordered my latte.”

“Seriously!” Alex’s eyes went wide, and his cheeks flushed again.

“If your cock isn’t straining in your cage right now or perhaps you feel like this is unfair, if your mind isn’t racing about what might happen next, and you aren’t interested in continuing, once this timer runs out, this can all stop.” With that, Sam pulled out her phone, opened the chastity app, set a timer for three hours, and hit enter. “Done. The timer is set, and I don’t want an answer until you’ve had a chance to… clear your head. Sound good?”

Alex was trying to come to terms with his humiliation and how much his cock was straining in its cage. It was becoming difficult to think straight. He could only nod in agreement.

“Good. Now tell me about yourself Alex. What do you do for a living?” Sam leaned on the table genuinely curious.

The next hour was a blur. Alex told Sam all about his career as a graphic designer and how he had always worked from home. His hobbies included photography and travelling. Sam was impressed. Cute, creative, passionate, and clearly desperate to explore his kinky side. She wanted to let him stew in his chastity for a couple hours before the timer ran out, however, so it was time part ways.

“Alright Alex. Considering your first message, I have to admit, you have pleasantly surprised me at almost every turn. It’s time for you to go home and watch the minutes count down until you can touch yourself again. As promised, I’ll send you the story of my kinkiest experiences and you can decide if you want to read it before or after you are unlocked. I imagine waiting will be almost as difficult as reading it with that cage on, so choose wisely.

Alex was once again speechless.

“Your next choice, and this is a big one, comes in the form of your next message to me. Once again, you have two options. Option one is that you tell me you can’t continue. I will relinquish control of your chastity back to you, no questions asked, but you won’t hear from me again. Option two is you lock yourself back up and messaging me three simple words: ‘I’m locked, Sam.’ No more, no less. Do you understand?”

Alex nodded.

“Good boy.” Sam smirked, got up, and left.

Alex was stunned as he watched her walk away. Catsuit under a trench coat with Converse All Stars to keep it playful. What a look. She was… more than he ever fantasized she would be. Alex picked his phone up off the table, opened the app, and saw that there was still two hours and five minutes remaining. They had talked for an hour and yet he felt like he still didn’t know anything about Sam. She just kept asking him questions and diverting the topic back to Alex any time he tried to ask about her. And now she was gone, and he had some choices to make.

When Alex got home, he still had an hour and forty-five minutes left and his cock hadn’t calmed down for a single second. It was becoming exponentially more difficult to think straight. He was aching for release. His need to take the chastity off was making it hard to imagine ever putting it back on, and yet the idea of losing this opportunity to explore his fantasies with someone as incredible as Sam felt like it would truly break him.

Alex sat at his computer, opened up Fetlife once again, and saw that red notification that he had a new message. Sam’s kinkiest experience was in his inbox waiting to be read. His cock was aching in its cage already… but he had to read it. He wanted desperately to know more about her.

Alex opened the message and began to read…

To be continued in Online Chastity – Part 4
