The Bet (D/s, M/f, cuckquean, bdsm)

I knelt at the foot of the bed, fingers sliding franticly into my aching cunt as I watched the beauty riding Daddy’s cock cum again. “No, I was so close that time..” was all I could think as I pulled my fingers from my dripping slit. I slapped hard at my clit until the nearly overwhelming need to cum passed and I moaned as I saw that the other woman hadn’t even slowed her pace. I groaned as I slipped my fingers back into my sore slit wondering how much longer I could keep up with the younger woman’s insatiable lust.

Daddy’s voice was thick with lust and condescension as he glanced over at me and said “Regretting your little bet yet?”

My mind brought me back to the moment in the grocery store when Daddy first laid eyes on her, we were in the produce section. She was beautiful, exactly his time. I pouted in jealousy at the obvious eyes he was giving her. He wandered away from me to chat her up. Already in a bratty mood, I pushed the cart to another section of the store, sulking.

Fifteen minutes later he found me and he was practically beaming. He rubbed a folded piece of paper together and laughed. “Raincheck on the cooking tonight, I’ve got a hot date,” he said.

“Whatever,” was the only response I could mutter as I pushed the cart into the checkout line.

He was giddy with excitement in the car, going on and on about what restaurant he was taking her to and how much fun they would have. I had my jaw tightly clinched for as long as I could before I couldn’t hold back. “She’s not even that pretty,” I lied, rolling my eyes. I continued, “She’s plain-looking if you ask me.”

“Nobody asked you,” he snapped, “you’re just jealous.”

“Jealous?! Me?! please!” I replied, “why would I be jealous of her? I could probably do anything she could do better.”

“I bet she can cum more times than you,” was all he said.

Now, I know myself and I can cum a lot in one session and certainly a ton in one day. I was willing to take this bet.

“You’re on,” I stated and we drove the rest of the way home in silence.

When we arrived at home he got ready for his date while I put the groceries away.

He kissed me goodbye and said he’d bring her back by the house after dinner so we could see who would be the winner of our earlier bet.

After he left I sat around waiting nervously for them to return. Three hours later and the key was turning in the front door. I heard feminine giggles and sloppy kisses. He lead her up the stairs to our bed. I knelt down in the corner, eyes on the floor.

He kissed her passionately and undressed her, laying her down on the bed.

He walked over to me, crouched down, and took my chin in his hand, forcing me to look at him.

“So the bet begins,” he said, “don’t forget you’re trying to cum more times by yourself than she does while I fuck her.”

He stood up to walk away and took a few steps… paused, and came back.

He forcefully grabbed my face again and whispered in my ear, “don’t forget, pet… you still can’t cum without permission. Guess you’ve lost already. Enjoy the show. I expect one edge for every time she cums.” He kissed my forehead and walked back to her…


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