Would you Believe? [MMFF]

In September last, (’21) I wrote a story about a surfing trip I took that ended up in Santa Barbara, Cal, where I met this beautiful young woman, Toni. I had a week of some really great sex with her, she loved it too, she said. She talked me into being a watch dog for her while she had a gang bang with five other guys, in return I would get a rather special reward. Toni had her gang bang and was safe all through it, and I got my reward, Nat, her mother. If Toni was gorgeous, Nat was simply stunning. I found that Nat could suck dick like very few women I have ever known and she too loved to fuck. It was building up to our horizontal excesses that Nat informed me that Toni was under aged, so a long term relationship wasn’t possible. I cannot honestly recall if I had any such intentions but to that find out she was graduating from Middle School to High School, not High School to College as she kind of indicated, was, well, not a pleasant experience.

There were never any repercussions about it, after all, Toni had deliberately withheld her age from me, and I failed all my basic mind reading classes. I can tell you how old a tree might have been when it was cut down, but young women don’t have perceptible growth rings. I was honest with her and had no reason to think she wasn’t honest with me, but the idea of going to jail wasn’t attractive at all. Anyway, never happened, so not going to worry about it now. I know you could say that fourteen year olds don’t look like eighteen year olds, which is ordinarily true, but when they are taller than you, built like a Amazon warrior, with an all over California tan, it’s easy to be fooled.

I logged into Reddit one evening and found several messages for me. Some were from well-wishers, some were replies to comments I had made, but one was a Chat. I don’t do a lot of chats, I don’t really spend a lot of time in Reddit, unless uploading or if something in a Forum catches my eye. I opened it and the first thing I saw was, “I loved that gang bang, it was my first. You got my name wrong, but it’s okay. My nose wasn’t that big, but I’m glad you thought I was beautiful anyway.”

I was stunned. No, not possible, I thought. Well, okay, possible, but certainly not plausible. Surely there would be a greater chance of winning a Powerball than this really being her, I thought. I nearly didn’t reply, but I had to find out for sure. I wrote back, “Hi, I can’t believe it is you. Reading my story, about you! I don’t really want to sound incredulous, but I find it unbelievable!” A day later I got my reply, “Well, I couldn’t believe the story you wrote when I was reading it. There was a lot that was not quite right, but memory will not always be accurate. Close enough to recognize you though.”

I wrote back that if I recall she had a small birthmark, a strawberry cluster and a mole. She replied the strawberry cluster was still on her ass and the mole under her left breast was removed years ago when she finally had her nose repaired. Fuck me! It was her! For the next few weeks we corresponded, mainly by texting, then as we approached Xmas, I asked her where was she living? After her Mom passed, she and her second husband moved to Sacramento, he worked for the State Government. I must admit I was saddened by the news her Mom had died, at the time I wished I had gotten to know her a lot better. That aside, it was strangely fortuitous, my son had moved to Stockton, for his work a couple of years ago, less than an hour away from Sacramento and we were planning on going there for Xmas.

I spoke to Mary, my wife, she had read the gang bang story, thought it pretty good. When I told her of connecting with Toni, (I’ll keep calling her that,) Mary was quite happy to go along with me and meet her. When I asked Toni if she would like to meet up after New Year’s Day, she said she would have to discuss it with her husband and get back to me. Within an hour I got a message asking if we could be in Sacramento on the 2nd of January. We could spend the day and the night with them, if we found each other acceptable. I sent an image to her of Mary and myself and she sent back an image of her and Levon, her husband. She assured me he had a big cock and was a bottom for the right guy. Mary and I both love big cocks, so when I showed the image to Mary, she took one look at them and asked if Toni was into same sex relations as well. She was, I found out. Well, I would have thought so, given her early life experiences.

I couldn’t wait.

Driving down to Stockton wasn’t an option this time of year. Long ranged Xmas weather forecasts were saying cold and wet, with a possibility of snow and there is no way I’m driving that far in that kind of weather. Flying is not my preference, but circumstances meant for a more pleasant trip. Flying in to Sacramento, then got a hire car, drove to Stockton, enjoyed the Xmas-New Year period. Cold-ish, rained, but not that much, played with the grandkids, watched climbing figures of omicron infections and unbelievable wildfires in Colorado. I’m now wondering why people are not yet blaming Biden for this shit and why Republicans aren’t trying to stop Federal aid to Colorado. I did get to spend some real quality time with my daughter and her kids as well. (Husband is front line medical so couldn’t come.)

Said goodbye to the kids and grand-kids, then back to Sacramento on the Jan 2nd. I’m not familiar at all with Sacramento, only ever driven through it a couple of times since my son moved his family here. Google maps got me to where I wanted to go in Arden-Arcade. I pulled up out front of this place, nice house, big, double garage, lawns fronting the house, bricked drive and paths. A bungalow style house with a wide frontage, but no indication of how deep it goes into the block of land it sits on.

I looked at Mary, and she at me. We nodded together, telling ourselves it’s okay to go and ring the bell. We got out, I locked the car and walked up the drive way, turned towards the door and as we got to the porch, the large wooden door opened. A big man stepped out and with a big smile on his face said, “Welcome, welcome! Toni has been so excited to see you again!” He took me by the hand and shook it, virus be damned, apparently. “Your photos don’t do your beauty any justice at all, Mary!” Fuck, I thought, a smoothie, for sure. His hands were soft, so a PR or HR person, but there was power in that grip, confidence, certainty, a self-assurance. He shook Mary’s hand too, then raised it to his lips, “My, it’s wonderful to meet you both!” Yep, smooth as a baby’s ass. “Come in! Come in!” He said as he motioned us through the door.

I have to admit, well furnished, tasteful, chic, expensive and so on on yada-yada-yada, but warm and welcoming were right there. I had considered, looking at the frontage, this was a show house but no, it was a home first. We were ushered by Levon into a lounge, plush furniture, and before we had a chance to sit down, Toni came in with a tray of nibbles. I took a look at he and saw the young woman I knew, but more like how I remembered her mother. Still beautiful, but aged like a fine wine. I knew Mary took her in, and was seriously conflicted. Little things in Mary often send out huge signals, if you know what you’re looking at.

Toni put the tray down, and didn’t step towards me, but rather, to Mary. Toni reached out and hugged Mary, pulled Mary’s face to her breasts and kissed the side of Mary’s face she could reach. Toni is statuesque, taller than me and Mary is not that tall at all. “Welcome,” she said, “I’ve been looking forward to this since I read that story.” Mary pulled back a little and Toni leaned down a little to give Mary a proper kiss. The temperature in the room rose rather rapidly.

Breaking apart, Mary said, “Wow, that was unexpected. Nice, but unexpected. Do it again!” They kissed a second time, this time, Mary was giving as good as she was getting. I saw her hands begin to wander over Toni’s body, as Toni grabbed Mary’s ass pulling it to her. They broke again and Toni said, “Yes, that was nice.”

“I hope he’s been treating you well,” Toni said, looking at me.

“Always,” Mary replied.

“Mom did tell me that he was one of the nicer ones,” Toni said, “I know she really liked him.”

“If that story is correct, they met once, they fucked and she thought he was really nice?”

“Yes, she did, said he was a very kind and considerate person. She had a knack for people and if she hadn’t liked him they would never have fucked.”

“You’re okay with that?”

“Oh yes, are you?”

“That was before we met, so I’m not going to judge.” Toni nodded and then stepped to me, she then hugged me, “Really nice to see you again.” Then she kissed me, and what a kiss that was. It was obvious what my response was, all the blood in my head rushed to my dick! She let me go and stepped back, running her hand over my engorged tool, “Nice!” she said. “Now that introductions are over, Levon, if you would be so kind as to take drink orders. We have fresh ground coffee, teas of all sorts, there’s sodas or some fine wines and spirits.” Mary and I settled for coffees while Toni asked for a tea.

We started talking while we could hear Levon making drinks. I asked Toni what happened after Santa Barbara. Essentially, she went to high school had a bigger gang bang with the football team in her sophomore year, which probably cost them a game. She had to complete her schooling elsewhere. Her Mom was seriously annoyed with her, for being indiscreet. Went to Stanford, Earth Sciences, stayed out of trouble, met her first husband, married after graduation, but he turned out to be less than ideal.

“What about your own father?” Mary asked, “I don’t mean to pry, but-”

“Oh, no, it’s okay, Mary,” Toni said, “He first fucked me when I was nine and it wasn’t awful at all. It was wonderful. I know it’s supposed to be awful and leave me scarred for life, but it was really great sex and I loved it. I got careless about a year later, Mom got suspicious and she caught us. I didn’t mind, but she did. She let him know that he was gone, with nothing, except his life and his clothes, and I was angry at her for sending him away from me. What she did next though, that was brilliant. I would never had had the courage to do it, I can tell you. She sat me down and told me the truth of what was done. She also told me that I had the power to destroy my dad, he had given that to me. We talked about what happened, what we did and I told her it was great, I loved it. Then she apologized to me for taking that away from me, but by then, I knew it couldn’t go on. I told her how I loved sucking him, having him inside me, yes it hurt the first time, but only for a few moments, then it got better. The second time it didn’t hurt at all and it was such fun for me, having him licking me, then fucking me. I loved his shooting in me, my mouth, my pussy, it didn’t matter. I think even then I would have preferred that I spend my nights with both of them, but Mom wasn’t having any of it. She never did.

“By the time I met David, there was nothing I wouldn’t talk to her about. She bought me a vibrator for my eleventh birthday and made me promise I wouldn’t have sex with married guys. Said they were likely all liars and would say anything to get into my panties. I promised, and as soon as my period started, Mom had me on the pill. Then when I was eighteen, I asked her about married guys and she said that I would have to make up my own mind now. Whenever I was thinking of trying something new, I would talk to her first. I must admit I was very lucky to have avoided any kind of STD. By the time I was legal, I had so much experience that I knew exactly what I wanted and no-one was ever going to be able to take advantage of me.”

“I have to ask, a gang bang? What was that really like?”

“Well the first, you know about, it was okay, but not great. The second was much better, lots more dicks, loved it. My first husband, well he was an asshole. Talked me into doing it a third time, not that I needed much encouragement, but one of the guys let it slip he was being charged fifty bucks, they all were. I might be a slut, but I’m not a hooker. After that, it was only a matter of time for the end of my first marriage. I let loose, essentially slept with just about anyone and everyone I could, men, women, didn’t matter, it was all good fun. What about you?”

Mary had been a virgin when we met, I was her only lover, until we started swinging then began exploring our sexuality. Toni asked Mary questions, then the tables turned and Mary asked Toni questions, essentially filling the huge gaps in our knowledge of each other. Mary stopped and Toni said, “Darling, we’ve had guests her for more than an hour and you haven’t introduced yourself, properly.”

“Yes dear,” Levon said, “I was interested in listening to you and Mary.”

“Well,” Toni looking at me, “Then do so, please. I hope you don’t mind, David, but Levon has been dying to meet you”

Levon got up and stood in front of me, got onto his knees and reached out, pulled my jumper up, opened my belt, sliding the zip down he opened my jeans. “Hope you don’t mind,” he said. I smiled and replied, “Not at all.” I mean, what else was I going to say, really?

I slid my ass forward, lifting it slightly off the chair, allowing Levon to get my jeans and underwear down. There are times when I appreciate soft hands, and this was one of them. He took hold of my hardening prick and gently caressed it. He leaned forward and let it push his lips apart, giving me the feeling of entering a pussy. I love that simple thing, it’s a skill of a good cock sucker. Levon then gave me a long and gentle head job, his head bobbing up and down, sliding the whole length of my cock. There was no urgency, as I felt his lips, the inside f his cheeks and tongue caressing the length of my dick, giving me a lot of pleasure.

In the mean time, Toni had pulled Mary onto her lap, touching her, running her hands up and down Mary’s torso, caressing her breasts, the tops of her thighs, while Mary kissed Toni squeezing her breasts, undoing buttons, opening clothes wherever possible. Both took time out to watch Levon. I started getting a little close, and I didn’t want to cum just yet. I took hold of Levon’s head and said, “I know it’s early, but a bed may be more comfortable.” I wanted this to be a real foursome, not just me and Toni or me and Levon, but a real foursome.

Toni smiled and nodded, Mary stood and held her hand out to Toni, where Toni led her off to a passage way. Levon looked up and stopped sucking me, my cock feeling the cold air as it was no longer surrounded by a warm mouth. He stood and turned to follow the women, at which point I stood, nearly losing my jeans, and trailed after Levon.

Going through a door, I saw a room, not a bedroom but a room with a raised platform in the middle of it. On the ceiling was a very large mirror, two large screen TVs on two walls, a couple of stands, some cameras, tripods and other AV equipment. I must admit, I was stunned by this.

“This is our play room,” Toni said, “Levon built the bed, made a mattress, we ordered several sets of specially made linen, and it’s bigger than a king sized bed, it’s Emperor size, I call it.”

“How?” I asked Levon.

“Easy,” he said, “I got Queen size and Full XL latex mattresses, removed the edge support along one side each, brought them together with a latex glue, then hand stitched them with a flat stitch using a thick cotton string and a baling needle. The base supports the mattress all round, with a sturdy frame and accessible drawers underneath.”

I looked around and saw Toni’s magnificent breasts free and swinging. Okay, they weren’t as firm as they were all those years ago, but they definitely were not sagging around her waist. She stayed in good shape, better than me, anyway. Baby chewed nipples, but she is fucking gorgeous. I even heard Mary’s sharp intake of breath at watching Toni undress. We were all naked in moments, touching, kissing, fingers sliding into pussies, dicks wrapped by hands. The next forty odd minutes was a blur of flesh, changing positions, places, swapping partners.

I had my tongue on Toni’s clit, while Mary was sitting on her face with Levon’s dick in her mouth. We changed.

Levon was sucking my cock while I was fingering Mary who was sucking on Toni’s clit. Then it was changed to me sucking Levon’s really nice cock while Toni was being fingered by Levon as she was licking Mary’s pussy. We shifted again and Levon was licking Mary’s pussy while I started munching on Toni’s muff. She still tasted nice. Toni was lying on her back, her shoulders next to Mary’s, but their asses facing in different directions.

I heard Mary cumming first, as Levon was eating her. Then Toni as I was lapping her. I heard Toni demand Levon not cum in her, but in Mary so she could eat his cream pie. She also demanded I not cum in her, but in Levon’s mouth. Levon moved, pulled Mary tthe edge of the bed and standing, began fucking Mary in earnest. I know she cums with either a tongue or a dick, she is such a horny minx if we hadn’t had sex for a few days. It wasn’t long before she wrapped her legs around Levon, cumming, and demanding she be filled with his cum. I know her, she really wanted to cum again while Toni was eating Levon’s semen.

I was watching this, while riding Toni, doggy style. I had to pull out otherwise I was going to be filling Toni with my own juices, but I fingered her clit with one hand while driving fingers in and out of her with the other. Mary was on her back, Levon pumping on her pelvis, driving into her, I could see his long and hard dick in the space between their bodies as he pulled back, watched it disappear into Mary’s pussy. She was loving it. I felt I was sufficiently off the boil to be inside Toni so moved to my dick into her. I pumped and pushed in and out of her. Levon pumped harder, his breath ragged now, his actions less smooth as his body tensed and he cried out as he shot his cum into Mary.

Toni shifted a little and reached for Mary, lowered her head over Mary’s face and kissed her, even before Levon finished cumming. Levon’s eyelids fluttered as he shot his load. Was I worried about not using condoms? No. We have regular blood testing and other testing done, ever since Mary’s bouts with cancer and now our advancing years, so any anomaly, will be picked up. Toni has been the same, I learned, but for her, it has been because she has always been sexually active, so has paid serious attention to her health, demanding that Levon be the same. Much like us, Toni and Levon have settled on a smaller group of people they have sex with, people who are similar to us, aware of the potential issues and are proactive about them.

Toni crawled forward, disengaging me, as she positioned herself over Mary. Levon pulled out as Toni’s head pushed him back and Toni reached out, pulling his cum and semen covered cock into her mouth. After a few licks and slurps, Toni said, “Now, please be a dear and pleasure David, he is really needing it.” Levon didn’t need any encouragement, as he climbed onto the bed, crawled forward, rolled onto his back with his head over the edge. “Fuck my mouth,” he demanded.

I shuffled a little and it was just the right height for me to get my engorged cock into Levon’s eager mouth. I didn’t want to choke him, but his throat and mouth were in a straight line and I felt my cock slide down, past his tonsils and into the esophagus. I slowly pumped my cock in and out of his mouth, watching Toni and Mary in a sixty-niner. I could hear Toni’s slurping, eating her husband’s semen out of my wife’s pussy. No matter how many times I see that, it is still a massive turn on for me. I don’t watch a lot of porn, but I really prefer lesbian scenes and that they are in a sixty-niner. Good camera work is essential though. *(I know, ‘boring’ for a lot of people, but not for me.)*

I could feel Levon’s tongue working my knob, his cheeks on the coronal ridge, and every time it went through the tonsils, it was that little bit more exciting. My balls were gently smacking him on the bridge of his nose, his out breaths slightly warmer on the skin of my thighs. Between being sucked by someone who knows what they’re doing and watching two beautiful women licking each other, it wasn’t going to be long before I was shooting my load. I could feel it starting, that tingling in my ball sack, the skin tightening, the spreading excitement, flowing out towards my cock, up to the base of my stomach, infusing me with a renewed energy spike. I pushed in, sliding my dick along Levon’s willing throat, with scant regard to whether he could breath or not. Pulled out as far as I could, then pushed back in, not harshly, but in a steady rhythm, the best way to be fucking a mouth.

As I continued stroking Levon’s throat, my sense of urgency grew, I was paying less attention to the action in front of me than I was in holding my ejaculation as long as I could. My strokes grew more ragged, my muscles just zingling with the effort of holding my shoot and keep pumping. It grew and grew! I couldn’t hold it much longer and finally, allowed the release of goblets of semen, right into the throat of the man sucking my cock! I grunted and groaned at just how strong that was, feeling it from the depth of my balls to the tips of my fingers, toes and scalp. Again and again, I shot, the feelings of exhilaration sweeping all over me, groaning my cum for everyone to know.

I heard Mary cum again, under Toni’s tongue then saw her lifting her head, really tonguing and sucking on Toni’s clit, and then it was Toni’s turn to cum. That was a fucking sight, I tell you, love it.

And this was just the start of it. We were flying out the next day but that day, that night, next morning, it was free use heaven. Glad when it was over, even if we got to the airport later than we should have and nearly missed our flight, I was completely fucked out. Could barely walk and slept on the plane, never done that before on a short flight.

The best memory for me was something I really hadn’t ever thought I would enjoy. I had Levon fucking my ass, something I am not normally keen on, I had Toni sucking my dick, and my tongue was buried in Mary, what a way to fuck. I had eight holes to fill and I filled every one of them at least twice, I think, two holes to offer drank plenty of Levon’s cum, while being ass fucked by both Toni and Mary, not at the same time, but it was fun. My tongue found it’s way into pussies and asses, without any issue, without thought to anything other than pleasuring someone or being pleasured by someone. It’s okay to have a dick in my mouth, my dick in someone’s mouth and a tongue up my ass.

What a way to greet 2022!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/sgxtge/would_you_believe_mmff