Sophie and Peter Part 1 [Cuckold]

Sophie clasped Peter’s hand. A mischievous smirk crossed her lips as her heels clacked against the cobble city street. She sashayed her hips with each confident step, her perfect arse bouncing in rhythm. Her knowing smile stretched slightly further. She knew she looked stunning as she felt stares all over her body.

“So nice to get out and explore the city, baby,” she said to her boyfriend, Peter, as they enjoyed the second night of their vacation together. He was around 5’8, fit, and attractive, and she loved him with her whole heart. He was exactly what she’d been waiting for for so long in a long-term relationship: someone genuinely kind and understanding, intelligent, who had her back, who shared her sense of humor and passion for reading, traveling, and growing in life. And now that they were getting closer to 30, she was sure she wanted him as a life partner.

“Yea Soph, its been amazing. I know you’ve always wanted to visit here too, so I’m so happy we could finally make it happen,” Peter responded, rubbing Sophie’s hand affectionately as they walked.

“By the way baby, you look absolutely stunning. In fact, I think the locals here are really appreciating you,” Peter said with a wink and a laugh. Sophie smiled back and laughed as well.

“Yea, I may have noticed that as well,” Sophie laughed. “Oh, by the way babe, I looked into those really nice hiking trails for tomorrow! Right near the coast. We could check them out after breakfast!”

“Sounds awesome babe,” Peter said. “Although I have a feeling you’re going to get crazy tonight, and that trail is to be a bit of a challenge in the morning,” he smiled, teasing her.

Sophie playfully hit his arm, laughing. “Get crazy? I literally never go out! If anything you’re the one who’ll end up getting crazy!”

About the same height as her baby, Sophie stood around 6′ in her heels. She had been a college volleyball athlete and continued to lift and keep in great shape into her late 20’s. She was beautiful, a sweet smile with a hint of mischief in her gorgeous green eyes, smooth, sun-kissed skin, and long red hair.

She had been a bit of a party girl in college through her mid-20s, but had been more focused on her relationship, personal growth, and career since meeting Peter, having at most a few drinks with him on an odd night out.

She loved that he had subtly encouraged her to let loose and party a few times now. The truth was, she’d restrained any desire to go out with her girlfriends because she wanted him to see her as the perfect partner. She didn’t want to get drunk and do something stupid, anything that could jeapordize her relationship.

As she held his hand, she thought about him. All the times he’d been there for her, even the hardest times. Unlike anyone else she’d ever been with. How he’d make her laugh after a tough day, making sure she always felt loved. And now, encouraging her to party, to have fun, helping her past her self-imposed limitations. Limitations that had been holding her back from fully expressing herself. She looked to him and smiled quietly to herself: she knew in her heart this was the man she loved unlike anyone else, the man she was going to marry.

After a few more minutes of walking and fun chit chat, the loving couple finally got to the club they’d been walking towards. After getting in, they took a moment to admire the atmosphere: low, pulsing bass, dark, sensual lighting, many attractive people and a cool DJ in another corner of the club. Sophie and Peter held hands as they made it to the bar and ordered their first round.

Peter felt a pang of attraction as he watched his gorgeous girl loosen up after her first drink, her body naturally vibrating with the music. She noticed him admiring her and grabbed him for a kiss, her eyes drunk with love.

“This one is on the house,” the bartender said, sliding the couple a second round, offering a subtle, mysterious smile. Sophie gleamed with excitement as she thanked the bartender, handed Peter his glass and the couple took their drinks down.

The bartender, a sexy, punk-style blonde girl, started chatting with Sophie after the drink. They talked a bit about the city and their backgrounds, enjoying themselves as Peter relaxed and soaked in the unique vibe of the bar. He was happy Sophie seemed to hit it off with her new friend, noticing that after a few minutes she whispered something into Sophie’s ear, causing her to blush.

“Hey, guys,” the bartender, Kasia, said after around 10 minutes of chatting, speaking up loud enough so Peter could now hear her clearly too. “No worries at all if its not your thing, but my friend happens to be in possession of the best ecstasy I’ve ever come across tonight. Would make your special night even more memorable.”

Sophie’s eyebrows lifted. After a few moments of deliberation, the couple decided they were feeling adventurous enough – and trusted the bartender sufficiently – to split a single pill. Kasia assured them it would be enough to give them feelings of euphoria without any negative side effects.

“This is crazy babe,” Sophie laughed to Peter as Kasia left the bar to find her friend.

Kasia returned, a smirk and split-pill in hand, as well as a whole pill for herself. She gave it to the couple alongside two glasses of water. The couple looked to each other.

“Babe, if you’re not sure about it it’s not-” Peter started, before Sophie took her half and gulped it down. Kasia had done the same. Both the gorgeous women looked to Peter with a smile before he took his pill as well.

The effect was almost immediate: a blast of positive emotions. But something else as well. It seemed the pill caused sexual arousal, as Sophie and Peter both felt a slow, surging rush of horniness.

“Let me show you guys the dance floor!” Kasia said, nodding to another bartender that came to take her position. She grabbed Peter and Sophie by the hand and walked them to another section of the bar.

The lights, music, and energy of the dance floor was incredible, as the three laughed and moved freely in their circle. The sensation of peace, freedom, and joy was indescribable, a welcome release after several months of hard work.

“How are you feeling?” Kasia asked Peter, “We didn’t get to talk much before. But you seem like you have a really good energy.”

“Ah, thank you,” Peter responded, “you too! And thank you for being so open and hospitable with us. I feel really incredible, how about you?”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Kasia smiled. “Sophie speaks very highly of you, you know. Its obvious she really loves you.”

Peter smiled warmly. He could feel the love in his heart as well. His sweet girlfriend flashed him sweet smiles as she danced freely. Their connection was so electric, they didn’t even need to talk to communicate. He subconsciously noticed the latent, powerful sexuality laced in her movements, the eyes in the room that had begun to focus on her.

Kasia continued to talk with Peter. With the ecstasy, he was like an open book, totally easy to connect with. She enjoyed his empathetic nature, his humor, his little tells of protectiveness and care for his girl. He was clearly unique among men, no hint of false machismo or toxic masculinity. And as the conversation progressed, she sought to gain his trust further, to open his vulnerability.

She knew the special effect of the pills: they were specifically designed to increase horniness in addition to general euphoria. But there was a twist. This batch tended to have a slightly different impact on men and women. For women, it made them more actively sexual, lowered their inhibitions, and made them wilder.

For men, while it increased their horniness, it also made them mellow, even gentle, in a pleasant way. It was more of an intimate, slow style of arousal, than a “fucking” style of arousal. In fact, Peter felt the urge to slowly kiss his girl, before pampering and going down on her.

As Kasia continued to engage Peter in conversation, the effects on Sophie were becoming stronger. Without conscious intent, her dance moves were growing more sexual. During the most recent rap song-mix, she had even slightly bent over, subtly twerking with the bass. It was all instinctual, but her movements had really begun to catch some attention.

“You’re both very attractive,” Kasia told Peter as their conversation continued. “I’m sure you both have to fend off suitors,” she laughed.

Peter laughed, shyly brushing off the subject. The ecstasy was hitting him harder now and it was difficult to process complex thoughts. Kasia smiled back. She liked his shy side. She turned to Sophie and smiled wider, this time more mischievously. Suddenly, Kasia stepped closer to Peter, whispering in his ear.

“Sophie is dancing so sexy, watch her,” Kasia said sensually. Peter did as she asked, staring in a trance as he saw his stunning girlfriend move with the music.

“Can I ask you something, Peter? I have an idea,” Kasia said in Peter’s ear, before he nodded.

“Would you be ok with Sophie dancing with another guy? I think it would be really hot,” she said sincerely. Peter immediately blushed.

“Babe. She only loves you,” Kasia said, rubbing Peter’s arm to reassure him. “Trust me, girls know these things. But honestly. I think it would be harmless and fun to experiment a little. I’ve been right so far, haven’t I?”

“I don’t know, Kasia, I.. you’re probably right.. I just..”, Peter said. It was difficult to think clearly on the pill.

“That’s right: you said I’m probably right,” Kasia replied, her hands victoriously on her hips. “Well sweetie, I’m definitely right. Just relax and loosen up, ok? I’ll talk to Sophie and let her make the decision, ok?”

Peter took a moment to respond, offering something that could be interpreted as a light nod. Before he could retract it or respond further, Kasia interrupted him.

“Please go grab us another round, tell them its on Kasia’s tab. I’m going to talk to Sophie,” she said turning to Sophie and beginning to chat with her. Peter watched as the girls hugged and talked in glee. He was nervous as he wondered what they were talking about before turning to grab the drinks at the bar.

Peter returned 10 minutes later, seeing Kasia jump and laugh in excitement as a new rap song came on. She bent over and started twerking masterfully, showing off her sexy arse and body. Sophie’s eyes popped as Kasia danced, surprised by her skill at the scandalous movement, the punk aesthetic having so-far masked this side of the mysterious bartender.

“You can do it too, I’ll show you!” Kasia laughed, before shooting Peter a naughty, knowing glance. Sophie looked to her boyfriend and laughed too, so as to acknowledge the craziness of the situation. Sophie reached to grab Peter’s hand as the three took another shot, before she began to playfully mimic Kasia’s dance.

“Fuck.. look at that ass!” Kasia said with glee as Sophie laughed, bending it over and shaking it. Sophie’s red dress pulled up on her muscled thighs as Kasia encouraged her further, cheering and lightly patting Sophie’s butt. It was odd, but Sophie began to get even more turned on as she felt the lustful attention on her booty.

Suddenly, as Sophie was leaning back further, she felt a pair of strong hands firmly grab her hips. She gasped as she felt something large wedge between her soft, round cheeks. She gulped as she realized it was a man’s enormous bulge, stunned by his size.

Peter moved to step in and protect her before Kasia blocked him. “Just relax… and watch,” Kasia said erotically in his ear, “let’s see what happens.”

“Excuse me… I.. I can’t”, Sophie began to say as she slightly pushed away, turning to speak to the tall, muscular stranger. This random man had the audacity to get behind her as if he was going to take her doggy, right in front of everyone. His hardening cock was now brushing all across her round cheeks, his hands like vice grips on her hips. She was shocked by the man’s boldness and size, but even more shocked by how quickly she had become insanely turned on.

“Peter…” Sophie said under her lips. Her pussy was getting wetter by the instant. The ecstasy had hijacked her brain, making it so hard to think. Her eyes searched for him, but Kasia was standing in the way. Sophie tried to resist the man, pulling away, but he was too strong.

“I can’t.. I have a boyfriend,” Sophie said, as the man’s hands began to explore more adventurously. She felt his muscled torso against her back, his rough hands on her upper thighs and waist, before even slipping to brush her peachy bum.

She was so frustrated as she tried to pull away, worried she might hurt her beloved boyfriend, fighting against the extreme horniness this bad boy jerk was igniting in her. Peter, after all, had always been so sweet and respectful. This jerk was a total contrast, nothing romantic or sweet about him. So why did she want him to fuck her so bad?

“Peter..” Sophie called out, worried more for her baby’s feelings as she felt her instincts taking even stronger hold of her. “Fuck..” she thought, as she noticed she had unconsciously bent over deeper onto the man’s enormous, hard bulge, signalling her approval as he groped and caressed her.

“Kasia.. I.. have to protect Sophie,” Peter was in total shock, almost paralyzed with arousal and anxiety as the scene quickly escalated. The pill had hit him at its hardest at this point, making it nearly impossible to think clearly.

“Oh Peter.. sweetheart.. you don’t have to worry about protecting her,” Kasia said sensually in his ear. “She wants that hot stud’s big cock inside her.. can’t you tell?”

Kasia laughed as Peter blushed. She wanted to provoke him even further. “Oh.. you think she can’t feel his bulge on her ass right now?.. Oh honey… she knows he’s twice your size… and she wants to get pounded so bad… even if she’s too sweet to admit it.”

“Kasia, what the hell?” Peter said as he looked to the mysterious bartender in shock. What was happening? Had she planned this? Had she gotten close to him and Sophie just to screw with them?

“Oh honey.. relax.. like I already said, she only loves you,” Kasia sensed his emotions and became more assertive. “You think that douche has anything on your connection with her? No way in hell. Seriously. I wouldn’t have encouraged this if I didn’t know your bond was strong enough to handle it. Honestly, I think it will only make you closer.”

Peter looked down. “I don’t know,” he sighed. He was extremely aroused by the pill, his thoughts scattered all over the place. He knew he was more impressionable and vulnerable than normal, but couldn’t seem to summon a stronger resistance to Kasia’s framing of the situation.

“Look, you should be grateful,” Kasia continued. “So many guys have a fantasy like this. The woman of your dreams, loving you with her whole heart… a connection so strong that she can discretely have hot sex with bad boy studs on the side, but always come right back to you. Because you’re the only one she wants to be in a relationship with, her sweet boyfriend. Doesn’t that sound fun and hot? Why would you let societal expectations get in the way of that, if that’s the natural way your love expresses itself?”

Peter looked back to Kasia, “I.. I don’t know, Kasia.. its just a lot to take in.. but I guess.. maybe there’s something to it.” He looked to the ground and pondered further.

“I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier,” he continued. “I know that you’re sincere.. that you want the best for us.”

“Its ok,” Kasia responded, giving him a big, affectionate hug. “I know this is a lot. But seriously, look. Even right now, she’s trying to resist, even with her pussy screaming for that thick, juicy cock… So just relax, ok? Why not be the amazing boyfriend I know you are, secure enough in your relationship to let your amazing girlfriend be free and have fun? Instead of so uptight?”

Peter looked to her in contemplation, before looking down.

“Look, I’m going to go talk to her,” Kasia said, holding Peter’s hand. “She keeps trying to resist his kisses and I know how hard it must be for her. I’m going to tell her she has your permission.”

“I..” Peter began to respond before Kasia quickly strutted to Sophie and whispered in her ear. Sophie’s eyes shot open in shock.

But before she could say anything, the man shoved his mouth on hers, sensing her eagerness after so much resistance. His strong, hot tongue penetrated past her defenses, wrapping around hers and meeting her lips passionately. He spun her around, so she was facing him, melting in his powerful, 6’5″ frame. His thick, massive shaft pressed harder against her as his hands move down to fully cup her soft, delicious ass.

Peter stood and watched in shock. Kasia smiled to him. The man now made an even more audacious move. He pulled up Sophie’s dress from the back as he groped her, her bare bum in its thong now exposed to everyone. She gasped, wanting to fight it, but being so turned on by him, by the way he just took what he wanted like such a cocky jerk. As he palmed and groped her round cheeks, she perked her bare ass back onto his strong hands to reward him for his bad behavior. The image became seared into Peter’s mind as he watched, the man even arrogantly giving Sophie’s soft cheeks a slap! And her response was to surrender even deeper into his tongue kiss! The surreal moment seemed as if it would last an eternity.

“Oh, fuck!” Sophie thought, as she suddenly remembered her broader circumstances. “Peter!” she called out, using her whole strength in an attempt to push the man away. She started to cry as she reached out for her beloved boyfriend, devastated at the idea of hurting him.

“Don’t worry about him,” Kasia said in Sophie’s ear. “I know a private room in the back of the bar. How about you two go back there for a drink? Trust me, its fine, I already talked to him. I’ll make sure your sweet boyfriend is ok.”
