New Year, New Me [Fm] [Fdom] [Oral] [Disabled]

Daniel sighed as the van bumped along the ill-maintained road. Would it kill whatever passed for a city council to shell out some money to fix the streets? Having his caretaker dodge all the potholes threatened to put him in an even worse condition than he was already in. Though what could be worse than being paralyzed from the neck down, he struggled to imagine. If he thought about it long enough, he pondered if death might perhaps be an improvement over a life sentence trapped in a body he could not control. Nope, he thought to himself as he shook the intrusive musings from his mind. Tonight was the night to party. 

At long last, he and June arrived at the bar. He’d never been to a bar. Most caretakers were a little iffy on giving their clients alcohol. Even fewer were willing to drive his van. Nursing agencies had too many restrictions. His own body was enough of a restriction. He didn’t need some company telling him how much of the human experience he was allowed to have. That all changed with June. Daniel had gone through several agencies and assisted living programs in his pursuit of independence over the past several years. Most people struck out on their own at 18, but he had to spend his mid-20’s just trying to find a way to get out of the house. He was on a ventilator and couldn’t go without someone watching him every five minutes. It took him ages to not only find someone who would be his live-in caretaker, but also give him the freedom to be his own person. June was an angel from above and she had no idea. 

The establishment, a dive he’d ridden past a dozen times in the past, but never entered, wasn’t the most handicap accessible place in the world. The entry had a big step leading in that June had to push him to get over. The music hit him as he drove in. It was so loud. Some song he’d never heard before blared out over speakers in a struggle for dominance with the general chatter of the bar. The second thing he noticed was the smell. Cigarette smoke, booze, food, and a hundred other scents assailed his senses. And it was so crowded! He figured that New Year’s Eve would be a hell of a time to party, but Daniel never imagined seeing so many people packed together. In an instant, Daniel was in love. Spending every day alone, outside caretakers, he was unaccustomed to all that life had to offer. The world seemed so far away, yet he was finally in it. He felt intoxicated without having swallowed a single drop of liquor. 
Daniel drove his mouth-controlled wheelchair through the crowd and up to the bar. From his chair, the bar came up to his chest. He looked so small compared to everyone else sitting in higher seats. He could feel the customary stares that followed everywhere he was bound to go, but he didn’t care. Daniel was here to end the year with a bang and let the momentum follow him into the next year. The bartender saw Daniel and June, who sat at his side, and rushed over to take their order. 

“What can I get ya?” The man asked, skipping Daniel and addressing June. 

“Oh, no. It’s all him,” June said, gesturing to me.

The bartender turned to Daniel, surprised that a cripple could drink. Everywhere Daniel went, he was treated like this. He couldn’t move his body, but he was still human. People always acted like he was just supposed to sit there and drool. He was half a man to everybody. It pissed him off, but Daniel was determined to make this a good night. 

“Jack and Coke, please. No ice.”

The bartender set about mixing up the drink while June gave Daniel a sympathetic look. 

“Nothing a little whiskey can’t fix, right?” Daniel joked. 

June giggled as the bartender returned, drink in hand. There wasn’t a straw in the glass. Yeah, June could give him a drink the old-fashioned way, but that was hard. And she could spill. And alcohol was costly. Daniel immediately felt his heart sink. The bartender already thought less of him. He didn’t want to ask for a straw. He just felt awkward being so demanding, even though his condition required him to be.

“Could we get a straw, please?” June asked, sensing his discomfort. 

The bartender pulled one out of his apron and handed it over. It was a two second exchange. Why did he have to overthink something so simple? It was just a straw. Ask, you idiot. 

June gave Daniel a drink of the concoction. Delicious to drink, but the aftertaste was killer. How much liquor was in this? Daniel knew this was going to hit him hard later, but he was excited. He didn’t drink often, but he did enjoy his spirits when he got the opportunity. 

“I’m going to head to the bathroom real quick. Please don’t pop your vent off while I’m gone.”

June dashed off and Daniel was left alone. He didn’t mind being alone, but a bit more liquor in his system would have helped still his nerves a bit more. He felt awkward being in a sea of strangers. A breath later and one of those very same strangers came up to him. A woman, and a gorgeous one at that. She looked a few years older than him, but not enough to be unattractive. 

“Can I give you a drink?” She offered. 

Daniel fumbled over his words. “O-oh, no. That’s okay. I already have a drink.”

She smiled, a sight more intoxicating than the alcohol. “I meant yours.”

“Oh, um, sure.”

She sat in June’s seat and lifted the glass. The straw reached his lips and he took a drink, looking back at this mysterious woman. It was a simple act. Caretakers gave him drinks all the time. How else would he drink anything? But something about this sexy stranger just made it feel so…intimate. Daniel took a few greedy swallows, hoping the alcohol could take effect and settle his anxiety. 

“I didn’t see your wife around and I hated seeing you left stranded here.”

“I’m not married. That’s just my caretaker. She ran off to the bathroom.”

“I’m Ruby.”

“Daniel,” he replied in what felt like a whisper. 

“I hope you don’t mind my intrusion. My ex husband was a quadriplegic. I kind of understand what you’re going through, so I thought I’d help out.”

“Ex?” Daniel said, immediately regretting his lack of tact. 

Ruby smiled. “He passed away 10 years ago.”

Daniel felt like an ass. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”

“Who is your friend, Dan?”

June showed back up. Daniel felt a mixture of relief and sadness. Ruby would probably leave now. Nothing would ever happen between them, but it felt good to talk to a girl. Outside caretakers, Daniel didn’t get to do that often. 

“This is Ruby. She was offering me a drink.”

“Replacing me already, huh?”

He gave June a look, trying to convey with his eyes to leave him alone. June nodded almost imperceptibly. She pointed to a nearby unoccupied table. 

“I’ll sit over there and give you two to some room. Holler if you need me, though I think you’re in good hands.”

June walked away and left Daniel, once again, with Ruby. He offered her a smile, but he knew that it wasn’t as charming as he meant it. He was so inexperienced. Ruby was so stunning, his nightmare made flesh. Long, crimson curls over a figure that was unheard of. At least in his experience. She wasn’t skinny or fat. She was just perfect. In every way. She was tall. Daniel had a thing for tall girls. And those breasts. Fucking hell, he felt like a pervert looking her over, yet when his eyes returned to hers, she looked amused. She leaned forward slightly, her cleavage about to spill out of her top. 

“So tell me about you, Dan. I’m interested.”

Daniel regretted sending June away. His heart was racing and his face felt hot. Why? She hadn’t done anything. Ruby was just talking, so why was he trying to make more of it? No girl could want him, he told himself, yet a small voice persisted. 

“I do odd jobs. Freelance type things. I’m pretty good with a computer. I’ve actually never been to a bar before. Just wanted to end the year on a good note, you know?”

“Oh, I understand perfectly. I get pretty lonely during the holidays. I was pretty tired of feeling sorry for myself, so I thought I would go out, get a drink.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up any sad thoughts.”

“Don’t worry about me, hun. What about you? Any ladies in your life?”

Ruby gave him another drink and he finished off my glass before answering. “Dating isn’t the easiest thing when you’re paralyzed. Girls tend to see the chair first. Maybe someday. You know, if it snows in hell.”

Ruby called to get Daniel’s glass refilled. “I’m sorry to hear that. You’re very cute, actually.”

“Tell more people that. I’ve been paralyzed a decade now. Single for all of it. Something about being disabled just isn’t a turn-on, I guess.”

“Girls are cruel. I’ll have you know that I strongly disagree. I was married to a quadriplegic, remember?”

Another drink. Daniel didn’t know if it was the liquor making him loose-lipped or if he just felt comfortable in Ruby’s presence, but he felt the confessions spilling forth before he could stop them. 

“He was a lucky guy. I didn’t date much before my accident either. It sounds utterly pathetic, but I’ve never even kissed a girl, let alone fucked one.”

“Would you like to?”

The offer blew right over Daniel’s head. “Well, of course. Most guys have already kissed a girl by my age.”

Ruby smirked. “And the fucking? Would you like that?”

He blushed, hard. “Uh, um, yes? I don’t even know if I can, honestly.”

Ruby leaned in close, nearly touching him. He could see right down her shirt. He hated himself for it, but damn, his eyes were glued. 

“You can. I used to fuck my husband all the time. He didn’t need to move for me to ride him, after all. Would you like that? I haven’t been with somebody in a decade, Dan. Want to help each other out?”

Daniel stammered, eventually giving up on speaking entirely, and instead opting for a simple nod. He was dreaming. He had to be. There was no way this was real. Regardless, he was going to see this dream through or die trying. 

He gave Ruby his address then called June back over. A few minutes later, he left and was on his way back home. He was sweating on the ride home. He didn’t tell June the specifics, but he told her that Ruby would be celebrating the new year with them. She accepted the news without any further comment. June wasn’t stupid. She had to know what was about to happen, but she wasn’t about to ruin this for Daniel. 

The pair got back home and proceeded back to Daniel’s bedroom. June got him in bed since he’d been in his chair all day. She did his nightly routine and prepared him for bed. She kept him clothed since it wasn’t yet time for bed, but she sat up the head of his adjustable bed to make him comfortable. 

Not long after, the doorbell rang. Ruby had agreed to lag behind a bit before coming over to give Daniel time to prepare. A part of him didn’t think Ruby would keep her word and show up, but here she was. 

June greeted her and escorted her back to his room. His room had a couch, so Ruby sat down. June gave us the option to keep her around or give us privacy. Daniel opted for privacy, naturally. Moments later, they were alone. 

“So, how was the drive?” Daniel began awkwardly. 

Ruby chuckled and stood up. She didn’t answer, instead wordlessly removing her coat. She strolled in front of the bed and turned away. She lifted up her shirt, removing it, but hiding her breasts from his sight. She bent over and removed her pants teasingly slowly. She wiggled her ass at him, taking pleasure in the sweet agony she was putting him in. Finally, she turned back around to give him his first good glance of her breasts.

“Oh, my fucking God. Ruby, you’re…”

While Daniel struggled to find the words to describe this perfect woman in front of him, she made her way to him. She cut him off mid-sentence with a kiss, his first. He didn’t know what to do, but he tried to let instinct guide him. He barely needed to participate, as she kissed him with a passionate frenzy that he’d only seen in movies. He was drunk on the taste of her lips and tongue. She swirled her tongue around his almost desperately. This was finally real to him.

“I-I want your breasts. Please.”

Ruby cupped his face in her hands and looked into his eyes. “Say tits, Daniel.”

He let out a soft moan at her dominance. “P-please, let me suck on your tits.”

She gave him the most condescending smile he’d ever seen. He could feel his heart beating in his throat. His mouth was dry. She had him under some kind of spell. 

“Good boy,” Ruby whispered. 

She straddled him, careful to avoid putting too much pressure on his body, and thrust her chest in his face. She was only just out of his reach. He struggled to reach her, those pillows of flesh so tantalizingly out of range. Ruby grabbed Daniel’s head and pulled him to her breast -no, tit- and he latched on to her nipple immediately. What Daniel lacked in technique, he made up for in enthusiasm. He sucked and licked like his life depended on it. Ruby moaned and the sound was unlike anything he’d ever heard. A woman was moaning because of him. Emboldened, he lightly bit at the tit in his mouth. Ruby gasped softly in pleasure before gently pulling him off her by the hair. 

“Naughty boy. I thought you were going to behave. Shall I get dressed?”

“No!” Daniel nearly shouted before getting his voice back under control. “I’ll be good. Let me please you, please.”

Ruby smiled that impossibly arousing smile. She lowered his head back onto the bed. Standing up, but staying on the bed, she hooked her thumbs into the fabric of her panties. Daniel’s eyes widened. 

“Do you want to know one thing that makes a quadriplegic an infinitely better lover than any other man?”

Daniel was enraptured by her voice and the seductive trance she had him in. “Wh-what?”

She slid her panties down and cast them aside. “You have a machine that breathes for you. You don’t need to come up for air.”

Daniel was confused, but his confusion was cleared as Ruby lowered herself closer to his face. He’d never seen a pussy so close. He couldn’t blink. Only his ventilator kept his lungs working because the sight took his breath away. Ruby pressed her pussy against Daniel’s waiting mouth. Just as before, where he lacked in experience, he more than made up for with enthusiasm. He flattened his tongue, running it from the base of her pussy to the top. He moved his head as much as his limited range of movement allowed, desperately trying to do a good job. What he couldn’t reach, Ruby helped by grinding her pussy against his mouth and tongue. This went on for several minutes as Ruby used his face for her own pleasure. Daniel had lost his mind in the ecstasy of the moment and almost aggressively licked at her most sensitive areas. He needed no air and he gave Ruby every bit of attention she deserved. It wasn’t long until her moans reached a new pitch and her grinding became more forceful and insistent. 

At last she reached the peak of her orgasm as she pulled at Daniel’s hair. His sensitive scalp screamed in pain, but it only turned him on more. The sensation of feeling her cum against his face made his face burn with pleasure. He felt a peak of his own. It was a feeling totally alien to him, but his disability had taught his body to redefine sexual pleasure. His face had new erogenous zones from the heightened sense of touch of where he could still feel. Eating Ruby out had brought an equal amount of satisfaction out in him. If he could form a single rational thought, he would have wondered if he just came too. Pleasure was mental, not physical for him. He very well could have. 

Ruby climbed off of Daniel’s now drenched face, panting heavily. “Oh my…oh…oh my fucking god. Daniel, are you positive you’ve never been with a woman before?”

Daniel could only let out a light chuckle. “Was it good?”

“You were amazing. Are you ready to officially quit calling yourself a virgin?”

Daniel nodded. Ruby stripped away his pants and took off his depend. He couldn’t even get embarrassed over her seeing that. She saw him as a sexual being, and not a freak. He had nothing to feel ashamed about. He felt totally comfortable with her. She sprung his cock free and began to massage it with a lustful, almost predatory look in her eyes. 

“Your turn to talk dirty.”

Ruby chuckled as she stroked him. He couldn’t feel the sensation of her hand, of course, but the sight alone was impossibly erotic. She bent down and gave his cock a light kiss before looking up at him. 

“You want me to tell you how I’m going to stuff this thick cock of yours into my dripping pussy, is that it? Wanting me to tell you how I’m going bounce on that dick of yours until I break you?”

Daniel moaned. “Hell yes!”

“Only because you’ve been good,” she said, plunging Daniel’s member inside of her with a sharp intake of breath. 

As before, he couldn’t feel the direct sensations, but his brain still registered phantom pleasure. And it was more than he could have ever imagined. His face heated up and his pulse skyrocketed as Ruby rode him like he was the last man on earth. The bed groaned and the two of them moaned.

Absent-mindedly, he wondered if this would hurt his brittle bones. He quickly realized he didn’t care. He’d spend an eternity in the hospital if it meant it was from Ruby fucking the life out of him. She leaned forward, once more putting her tits in his face. He couldn’t get ahold of them, but her nipples brushed across his face, stimulating all of his own unique erogenous zones. His pleasure was heightened tenfold and he had never fathomed anything so exhilarating, so erotic.

Ruby reached down, rubbing her clit furiously, her moans reaching a pitch and intensity sure to reach June at the other end of the house. He felt similarly to how he felt when eating her out previously. His own orgasm was building alongside hers. Ruby suddenly froze in place, shivering violently as she had the most intense orgasm Daniel had ever seen. He was so close to reaching his peak. 

“K-kiss around my jaws. I need to feel something!”

Daniel pleaded, on the cusp of an orgasm himself. 
Ruby wasted no time, kissing his neck and running her tongue up to his jawline. The buildup was too great. The sights, sounds, and mental pleasure all exploded into one as Daniel felt the most intense sensation of his life. If before wasn’t an orgasm, then this definitely was. His cock was still semi-hard and no cum leaked from him, but he’d orgasmed the way that his condition allowed. He wasn’t disabled anymore. At that moment, he felt like a new man.

Ruby gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered in his ear, “Happy New Year.”
