Harry Potter and the Flat of Fornication – Chapter 1 The Surprise – Part 1

This story is based in a post Voldemort HP world. You can read the setup [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/s0rtsg/harry_potter_and_the_post_voldemort_life/). Short Recap… Harry, Ron, and Hermione are living in a big flat in London together as they start jobs at the ministry, Ginny is back at Hogwarts for her last year. This got a little long so I am splitting the chapter into (at least) 2 parts.

It had been weeks since Harry had last seen Ginny when he got an owl that mad him happier than he had been since she had left. Ginny had gotten special permission to go home for a party her parents were throwing. They had all gotten their apparition licenses together just before the start of school and was given permission to go down to Hogs Mead after classes on Friday and apparate home for the weekend. Harry was ecstatic and wrote back to Ginny to let her know that we would request to leave work at the Ministry early on Friday so they could sneak away to the shed and have some ‘quiet time’ before everyone else started arriving to the party. He also let her know that he would plan on staying the weekend at the Burrow as well so they could spend more time together.


Ginny had been thinking about seeing Harry all week. She thought about which clothes of hers he seemed to like the best and couldn’t stop thinking about how much she longed to feel his body against hers again. When her class got out at 3 she rushed to her dormitory to grab her bag and drop off her cloak. With her scroll, signed by McGonagall, in hand, she darted through the doors and down the path, flashing it to any instructor that gave her a passing look. When she finally reached Hogs Mead she had to force her self to stop and take a deep breath. Giddiness, excitement, and anticipation of Harry’s touch were all flowing through her. She could feel her heart beating in her chest and she was so excited she was shaking. She remembered what her mother had taught her…deep breaths and complete concentration. If she screwed up this apparition, that would certainly spoil the fun.

She closed her eyes, pictured her destination and took a sharp breath in and Pop, she was there. She took a moment to be proud of her self and to regain her bearings, but only a few minutes. She knew Harry would be there any minute and she wanted to be ready for him…she wanted his lust for her to boil over as soon as he saw her. She set down her things and looked around for the perfect place to be. She didn’t want to be completely visible from the entrance, but she didn’t want him to have to hunt for her either. When she had found the perfect spot, she started to undress. She had spent hours looking through everything she owned for the perfect pair of panties and bra to make Harry’s desire rise, but was unhappy with everything, nothing seemed good enough. So, after pulling every item from her drawers out in frustration she had an epiphany, *Less is more*. So, after checking her watch to see how close Harry was, she stripped out of every last stich of clothing, folding in neatly on her bag and pushing them out of the way. The she sat, crossing on leg over the other at the knee and waited, hoping Harry would like her choice.


Harry’s eyes were watching the clock like a hawk. Every tick of the second hand felt like it was taking hours. Its was 3:14; he had just one more minute to go. Then a quick walk to the flat, change, grab his bag and he would be to the shed by 3:30 just like they had planned. When the second hand finally reached the top again and the minute hand jolted forward, Harry jumped from his seat. His briefcase had been packed since 3, so Harry was off and out to the elevator before his chair even stopped spinning. He had hoped the quick walk home would help him calm down and relax, but it wasn’t working. His mind was racing with thoughts of Ginny… her smile… her laugh … her touch… her taste… the way she moaned. Harry nearly walked into traffic day dreaming.

Harry opened the door to his flat in a rush and kicked the door closed behind him. He tossed his coat onto a hook and dropped his briefcase on the closet floor. His heart was pumping as he turned and darted past the living room toward his room. When he reached the bottom of the spiral stairs he stopped. There was a flash of something in his periphery as he had passed the living room, but he had been moving to fast to process it. *was that… could that… no…but* He turned back toward the living living, nearly gasping in surprise. Beautiful long red hair was flowing over the back couch. He moved slowly, unsure if what he was seeing was real and too shocked to speak. As he rounded the end of the couch she came into fully view. “Ginny” he cooed, he mouth hanging open as his eyes took in every inch of her exposed body, his cock twitching in his slacks “What are you doing her, we were….s…supposed to meet at the shed.”

Ginny smiled, Harry’s reaction was even more that she had expected and her body flooded with warmth and desire flooding out her remaining nerves. “I thought here would be a lot more comfortable and we wouldn’t have to try to be quiet” Harry nodded, “Much better” he agreed, suddenly finding his ability to talk and move returning. He rushed to her and pulled her to her feet and into a kiss, his hands quickly roaming over her smooth skin. Their lips pressed together and their tongues darted back and forth in a lustful dance. Not breaking from their kiss Ginny’s hands started to unbutton Harry’s shirt. Harry squeezed her ass making her moan into their kiss. He wondered if he should help her undress him, but decided it was so much sexier when she did it.

The broke their kiss only for a moment to pull Harry’s shirt off and toss it across the room. “God I’ve missed you” Ginny moaned as her hands ran down his chest. Harry tried to respond but before he could her lips were against his again. Her hands were on his belt and his were teasing her nipples making her fingers slip as her nipples hardened against his touch, sending jolts of pleasure through her. When she finally freed his belt and pant’s button she shoved them, along with his boxers, to the floor. Harry’s cock bounced free, already hard and begging to be touched. Ginny gently spun them around switching their positions and pushed Harry gently to a seat on the couch. Dropping to her knees she pulled off his shoes, freeing his pants and boxers and tossed them away. Harry spread his legs as Ginny crawled deeper between them until he could feel her hot breath on his shaft.

— Chapter 1 Part 2 coming soon, possibly today

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/s1gtza/harry_potter_and_the_flat_of_fornication_chapter