Party out of bounds (MF) (Anal) (Rape)

The parties at Andy’s house were always awesome. Plenty of alcohol, great music, party games, a good ratio of girls to guys, and plenty of rooms in his big house to sneak off into when the mood hits. Being friends with Andy had its advantages at times, like tonight. David arrived to the party already in full swing. The front door opened into the hectic living room, the couches and plush loveseats already full of guys and girls all gathered around drinking and playing some card game probably designed to try and embarrass the players with its tasks. The TV hanging on the wall was showing some cheesy 80’s music videos even though that’s not the music that was currently playing. The speakers of the sound system were carefully tucked away on the built-in bookshelves in the room, currently blaring something sung by a man with a high pitched voice. Is that The Weeknd? Sam Smith? David didn’t know, he’d heard of them, but that’s just not his kind of music.

Behind one of the large couches was an area brightly lit by a large chandelier, the floor covered in some expensive area rug where a few couples were dancing and swaying, occasionally sipping on their drinks when they weren’t spilling them. Directly across from the entrance was a set of stairs leading up and a hallway leading to the back part of the house. To the left was an entrance to the formal dining room. Having been here many times before, David knew exactly where to go to find the beverages and start joining in the fun. Going through a small tangle of people, David stepped into the hallway. A cacophony of voices became barely audible over the music, emanating from a room up on the left, which David knew to be his destination, the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, David was met by maybe a dozen people, all holding some kind of drink. Some were sitting around a small round table, while others were standing around the kitchen island. There was one guy over in the corner messing around with the blender, trying to make some frozen concoction and failing miserably. On the long counter that spanned the outer wall was large collection of liquor bottles of all shapes and sizes. Walking in further, David reached up into one of the cabinets and took down a rocks glass. When he turned to head towards the ice, he accidentally bumped into a blonde woman with full, bright red lips and just a touch of eyeshadow. She was very pretty without being gorgeous, but had a self-confidence that just added to her sexiness.

“Whoops, excuse me,” she said politely. “Hi there! I’m Jemma, but you can call me Gem.”

David looked into her blue eyes which seemed to be glazed over a little. “I’m David,” he replied with a small smile. “Pardon me.” David side stepped Gem and headed over to the ice machine. After getting a little ice, David turned and once again accidentally bumped into Gem. “Oh, there you are again!” David said with a little annoyance in his voice, but the smile remained. This time he cast his eyes down her body, her breasts pushing lightly against the fabric of her white ribbed cotton V-neck shirt, showing ample cleavage, down to her tight blue jeans that covered her long legs before looking back into her ocean blue eyes. “Do you mind?” David said as he indicated with his glass that he wanted to head back to the counter where the liquor bottles were displayed.

“Oh, sorry again!” said Gem. This time, she stepped to the side. A quick side view revealed a nice little butt tucked away tightly in those jeans.

David looked back up and made a beeline for the bourbon he had seen on his way to the ice machine. He poured himself a few fingers of the golden brown liquor over the fresh ice in his glass. He took a moment to inhale deeply and enjoy the aroma of the fine bourbon before taking a long sip. Once more, David turned and was face to face with Gem. “Well, you’re just everywhere,” David said, deadpan. “Can I help you?”

“I’m Gem!” she said again, eyes sparkling. “What’s that you’re drinking?”

“Bourbon,” David replied, taking another long draw. Gem looked David up and down while he drank, assessing him.

“I’m drinking whatever this is,” Gem said happily as she swirled her orange looking concoction around in front of David’s face.

“That’s nice,” David said as he turned back around to pour himself some more. It’s going to be a long night, he thought.

“Do you wanna dance?” Gem asked innocently.

“Not particularly, no.” David topped off his rocks glass, turned and stepped past Gem. “Excuse me,” he said, his arm brushing her bosom lightly as he passed. David left the kitchen and returned to the hectic living room area, where he locked eyes with Andy, raising his glass. Andy returned the quiet toast and they both took a drink. Turning to his right, David walked into the formal dining room, where the music wasn’t as loud. Sitting at the glossy mahogany table were a few people, none of which David knew. As he drew closer, he could hear that they were talking politics, which he wanted nothing to do with. However, since they were quieter than the other room and they weren’t trying to draw him into their conversation, David decided to stay. He walked over to a corner where there was an empty ornate wooden chair and sat, leaned back and brought his drink to his lips.

Just then, Gem walked into the room. Her eyes scanned the room, looking everyone over, until they landed on David. She brightened when she saw him and started walking his way. She stumbled lightly over the edge of the area rug, spilling a little of her orange drink onto the rug, but that didn’t stop her from her target. Reaching David, she smiled brightly and said, “There’s where you are!”

David took a deep breath and let it out. He guessed he wasn’t going to get away that easily, so he might as well make the best of it. “Yup, here’s where I am!” he said with fake enthusiasm. From this vantage point, David could see that Gem wasn’t wearing a bra under that white ribbed cotton shirt and that her nipples were poking out a little. Her tight blue jeans did a great job of showing off her hips and he found himself wondering what color panties she might be wearing under them, if any at all.

Gem got down on her knees in front of David, stretching those jeans even tighter across her thighs. Looking up at David, she asked, “So, what do you do David?”

“I’m in industrial security; gates, guards, guns, stuff like that. You?”

“I’m in sales,” replied Gem happily. “Drug rep actually,” she said as she took her free hand and placed it on David’s leg. “I like travelling around the area, but it can make for a lonely life.” A man walked up behind Gem and carefully took her drink from her, adding more orange stuff from a pitcher to her glass. Gem looked back at the man and said, “Oh thank you, Trevor!” She brought the glass back up to her bright red lips and took a good long drink.

The conversation continued on for another hour or so, ranging from how they each knew Andy to some of the drugs that Gem was pushing this month, to favorite places to visit or go to on vacation. They both loved the beach, of course, and they talked about their favorite beaches. The whole time, Gem kept drinking and drinking, getting drunker and drunker, until her speech was very slurred and sometimes hard to understand. David had been nursing his bourbon and only had a lite buzz when Gem spilled a good bit of her drink onto the floor. “Oops,” she said as she giggled.

Taking her drink away from her, David said, “I think you’re good for the night, don’t you?”

“Wha evr you say, hansom,” Gem said barely understandable.

Helping Gem up from the floor, David caught Gem as she fell into him, saying “Whoa, the room is spinnin. Make it schtop, please.”

“Yup, we’ll take care of that right now. I’ve got you.” David tried to get her to walk towards the exit, but her legs just weren’t steady enough to be much help. So, David reached down to those legs he’d been admiring all night and picked her up. He then headed out of the room, turning towards the staircase. As he started up the stairs, there were a few cheers from the couches of the living area celebrating whatever game they were playing. David glanced over and happened to catch a few of the folks without shirts on, including a couple of the women. He might have to check into that later.

David went up the stairs, trying carefully not to hit Gem’s head on anything as he climbed. The upstairs landing was a bit dark, but David was pretty familiar with the layout. There were essentially 6 rooms up here, not counting the bathroom at the end of the hallway. In the dim light, David could see that two of the 6 rooms had their doors open. He picked the closest one, which was to his right, and went in. In one corner of the room, there was a small bedside lamp which was already lit, making it easy to see the queen size bed with a large, ornate headboard and matching chest of drawers, mirror, etc. Using his foot, David closed the door behind him and went to gently set Gem down on the bed. He turned to look for a trash can, thinking she might need that later. Behind him, he could hear Gem, “Ooooh, good idea!”

Finding the little trash can, David turned back towards Gem to see that she was trying to take off her cotton shirt. It was “stuck” on her head, her exposed breasts looking at him, inviting him to put his face between them.

“Whoa there Gem, what are you doing?”

“We’re gonna fuck now, righ? I wanna fuck you!” Her shirt was now up over her head, but she was having trouble removing her arms from the sleeves. Her breasts bouncing back and forth as she tugged on her sleeves. Getting one arm free, she raised her hand and made a come hither gesture to David. “Mere,” she commanded with as much attitude as she could muster in her current state.

David walked over, carrying the little trash can with him and placed it at the bedside. When he stood up, Gem immediately grabbed a hold of his belt at the buckle and pulled him over. She was strong for as drunk as she was. She took her other hand, still stuck in the shirt sleeve and brought it up behind David’s head, pulling him down for a kiss. The aroma of her drink of choice hit his nose like a punch to the face, but he was off balance and she had a good pull on him so he leaned into the kiss. Her tongue immediately darted out, parting David’s lips, deepening the kiss. Gem hummed in pleasure as her hand started fumbling to unbuckle David’s belt. She got pretty far before she just quit trying and grabbed David’s crotch from outside of his jeans.

“I wan that!” she mumbled while still kissing David.

David ducked out from under Gem’s arm that was around his neck and pulled the shirt the rest of the way off of her arm. “I know. I know, let me help you with that,” David muttered as he stood back up.

“Whoo!,” Gem clapped happily and then reached down to her jeans, unbuttoning them. Beneath her jeans were a frilly pair of light pink panties that barely covered her mound of blonde pubic hair. David chuckled as he remembered that he had guessed she was wearing something more like green lacey ones. Hooking her thumbs, Gem managed to slide off both the jeans and the panties in one easy push, until she got to her feet, where she got tangled up again. Bent over, grunting and struggling with her pants legs, David stared at Gem’s breasts dangling and swaying back and forth. They looked much like they would if he was right behind her, fucking her doggie style. With that thought, his penis began to swell. It had been months since his last sexual encounter and he had forgotten the ache that now grew within him. Walking around to the foot of the bed, David leaned over and helped Gem pull her pants the rest of the way off. When he stood back up, the bulge of his member against his pants was unmistakable. Gem saw it and exclaimed, “Oooh, bring tha here!” pointing at David’s crotch.

David walked back around to the side of the bed and Gem grabbed a hold of David’s belt with both hands, unbuckling it, then proceeded to unbutton his pants. As Gem fumbled with the zipper, David took her hands gently and said, “I’ll do it.” David looked down, unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor. He still had his shoes on, so he worked to kick them off so he could step out of his pants. David’s boxers tented with the poking of his pole, threatening to punch a hole through the cloth. Gem reached down to grab a hold of his cock before he could fully stand back up.

“Gimme,” she said as she pulled on the waistband of his boxers, pulling them part of the way down.

“Hold on a second, girl,” David exclaimed, smiling. He finished pulling them down and then stepped towards the door. “Be right back.” David walked over to the door, slipped off one of his socks and tied it on the outside door knob. He then closed and locked the door. Turning back towards the bed, he could see that Gem was laying down, completely naked, one of her arms laying across her belly, the other hanging off the bed. He watched her from here while he took off his other sock and dropped it to the floor. Her breasts looked perfect and she had a cute little triangle shaped blonde hairy mound just above her pussy that was pointing down to her entrance.

As David approached Gem, he could tell that she had passed out. “Well, fuck! What am I going to do with this?!” David stood there with his cock in his hand and thought about everything that had transpired in the last few minutes. The bourbon spoke to him now. *Clearly, she had made her desires known and he really didn’t want to stop. Nothing has change, she still wants it.* David stepped up to the bed and lightly slapped Gem’s cheek, trying to see if she would wake, but she was out cold.

“Fuck!” David exclaimed. He looked around the room briefly. *Curtains drawn, door locked, what the hell, why not,* he thought. David reached down with his left hand, in the direction of the point of the triangular mound, and started caressing Gem’s otherwise cleanly shaven pussy, his other hand lightly stroking his cock. Gem didn’t move. David stuck his fingers roughly inside Gem’s pussy, searching for her hole. He started swirling his fingers around, hoping to make her wet. David leaned over and started sucking on one of Gem’s tits, removing his right hand from his dick to reach up to her blonde hair. With his left hand, he started rubbing between Gem’s labia, occasionally pushing on her clit. Slowly, he started to feel her wetness grow. Changing tactics a little, he slid down some to better start finger fucking her, moving his right hand to her breast. Her response was almost immediate as her juices really started to flow.

David stopped rubbing Gem and moved to the head of the bed. He took his mostly hard dick and slapped it across Gem’s face, saying, “This is what you wanted isn’t it, you pretty little slut. Couldn’t leave me alone, just had to have my cock, didn’t you? Well, you’re about to get it whether you want it or not.”

David jumped up on the bed, spread her luscious legs and insert his cock into her now dripping hole. Her warm, wet pussy felt so good surrounding his plump cock. *God, it’s been so long,* he thought. Her breasts bounced freely with each thrust. After a few more thrusts, David had to adjust because Gem was sliding up the bed. To compensate, David leaned forward and grabbed Gem by the shoulders to hold her in place and returned thrusting. This put him in the perfect position to suck on her breasts while he continued to pound her warm, wet hole.

After a few minutes, David started to feel like this just wasn’t going to be enough for him to cum. I mean, it felt great but Gem wasn’t moving in sync with him, not making any noises and definitely not feeling as tight as he thought she might be. He imagined that she was a screamer and that could have been a lot of fun. David started getting discouraged which caused him to start to go limp. Then, he remembered that Andy had told him that there was always lube in each room and he got an idea. Dismounting Gem, David rolled across the bed to the night stand and opened its drawer. Inside was a tube of water based lube, just as promised. Crawling back across the bed, David set the lube down beside him. Then he got off of the bed and, as gently as he could, rolled Gem over onto her belly. David climbed back onto the bed and did his best to rearrange Gem’s arms so that they weren’t at such odd angles under her. Then, he worked to position Gem so that her knees were tucked up under her and her tight little ass was sticking out. David put a pillow on each side of Gem to help hold her up as he moved around back behind her on the bed. Picking up the lube, David squeezed the tube to pour a thick pile of lube near the top of Gem’s butt crack. The lube started slowly oozing down her crack toward her tight pink asshole. Using his thumb, David spread the lube around a little, paying particular attention to her sphincter. Adding a little more lube directly to it he then tested the tightness of Gem’s anus. His thumb slid in with some resistance, but not too bad. *Some more lube and finger work and she should be good to go,* he thought. *I wonder if she’s done this before?* He banished the thought from his mind and just continued to prepare her for what was to come. After a few more minutes and a bit more lube, David was sure she was ready to receive him.

David put down the lube and proceeded to insert his throbbing cock into Gem’s somewhat willing ass. “Oooohhhh, fuck yeah!” exclaimed David as he slowly pushed deeper into Gem. There was the tightness that he was looking for. David reached down and spread some more of the excess lube closer to their union as he continued to press into her. Once he had fully driven through Gem’s backdoor, he carefully pulled back out. David picked the lube back up and applied a little more directly to his cock before pushing it back into Gem. Feelings of immense pleasure overwhelmed David. In pure carnal lust, he dropped the lube, grabbed her wide hips with his hands and began to pump in and out of Gem’s tight, deep hole at a faster pace. David could feel his fingernails starting to cut into Gem’s hips as he rode her hard and deep, his balls slapping up against her pussy with each thrust. Just as David felt he was getting close, he swore that he heard Gem moan, sending him over the edge. He pulled his cock out of Gem’s ass as rope after rope of hot cum shot from him and onto Gem’s gorgeous round butt cheeks and lower back. David then collapsed onto the foot of the bed.

After taking a few minutes to catch his breath, David climbed off of the bed and beheld the mess he had made. He went to the dresser in the room, opened a drawer and pulled out a t-shirt he found there. David cleaned himself up with the t-shirt and tossed it to the floor. Then he walked to the head of the bed and checked to see if Gem was still breathing. Brushing a lock of her blonde hair to one side, David could see that she seemed to be breathing just fine, sleeping off whatever that was she had been indulging in downstairs. Looking down at Gem’s hips, little welts where his fingernails had been digging into her had formed. She would definitely feel some of that tomorrow, even with a hell of a hangover. David moved the pillows from her side back up to the head of the bed, untucked Gem’s legs out from under her and pulled a blanket over her still sleeping body.

David put his pants and shirt back on and went back downstairs to the now dwindling party. There were 3 couples on the couches now, all making out and in various stages of undress. Ignoring them, he went to the kitchen, grabbed a large glass of water and went back upstairs. Stopping in the bathroom at the end of the hall, David found the acetaminophen, poured out two of them and put the bottle away. He then went back to the room where he had left Gem placing the water and pain medicine on the night stand near her head. She was probably going to need more than that in the morning, but he’d leave that to her. Finally, he checked to make sure that the trash can was still at the head of the bed, ready and waiting should she need to use it. David leaned over and kissed Gem on the cheek then walked away from the bed, picking up his shoes on his way to the door. Walking out, David closed the door behind him, leaving his sock on the doorknob. He figured she had had enough for tonight.
