I regret not walking into his hotel room. [F/M Fantasy] [Male Exhibitionism] [Missed opportunity] [Female Perspective]

We all have those silly regrets that stick in our mind, the ‘what-ifs’ so to speak. There is one that has stuck in my mind for quite a while, and its something that I have played out in exceptional detail in my mind for the years between then and now. I’m going to try to keep it brief, but as my job is in legal it may not be as concise as I’d like.

I was at a work conference in the summer, and coming in to the hotel in an Uber (or Towncar I guess back in those days). My flight landed just after 7pm so when I arrived at the hotel parking, it wasn’t quite fully dark yet there were cars lined up to get to the front door spreading almost 9 deep (Yes, I am crazy with details like this. I tend to count things almost obsessively).

I wasn’t going to wait, so I grabbed my bright blue rolling suitcase, and paid the driver.

I was walking towards the entrance, doing that counting thing that I was doing on the windows and at the one, two, third window up and one, two over to the right there he was. It was clearly someone who wanted to be seen, but a man with chest muscles I could see from the middle of that chilly parking lot was in nothing but a towel casually changing the channels on the TV… or texti…… or I couldn’t care less what he was doing he was just… there.

This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this. Men have this habit of getting themselves off in situations where their nudity is absolutely ‘accidental’, but this man wasn’t like any that I’ve seen before. It was clear that this bout of exhibitionism was intentional as I’ve not seen a man casually walk around in a towel at almost 8:30pm infront of a partially open hotel window.

He wanted me to see him. He told me this when he turned his head towards me then walked back towards what I would imagine to be the bathroom. He wasn’t shocked, he wasn’t surprised, he just casually walked away. To him, I’m sure that I just looked like an outlined figure walking through the parking lot.

This act often disgusts me. The amount of photos that male ‘friends’ have sent me ‘accidentally’ could fill a room yet there was something about this man that has just…. I can’t explain it.

With my sternum feeling lighter, I walked into the hotel with my eyes on that room hoping I would get a single, last glance. He was gone.

I checked in, and was directed to the elevators. The company I work for is a well known firm, yet the accommodation budget for my position is limited. I gathered my room cards, and went to the elevator, pressed the ‘3’ button. I was happy to finally be in my temporary ‘home’.

A few steps from the elevator and I was standing in front of a bland door with a sans serif font indicating I’ve arrived at Room 323. As I fumbled to get my keycard with my hands holding my purse, cards, cellphone and conference program, my husband called me, well my soon-to-be-ex husband to be more precise. I picked it up in a manner that I can only assume was aggravated as it clearly triggered him to the point where I just needed to apologize, and to get on with my evening.

As I opened my hotel door, there was the sound of the door behind me opening. I brought myself and bags over that unforgiving threshold that is at the bottom of every hotel door when I heard a mans voice.

“Are you okay?” The man said.

The voice was warm, and sultry. It sounded rehearsed and deliberate. I turned around to see who was speaking.

A beautiful, and I mean beautiful man was standing outside his room that was right across mine asking me a simple question.

“Hi, um” I couldn’t compose myself properly, “Absolutely”. He must have heard me talking to my husband.

He half smiled the way a Disney prince would. “Okay, just making sure. Have a good night” he said casually walking towards the elevator.

I smiled and went into my room. As the door was closing, I heard the same man call out “nice blue suitcase by the way”.

The moment the door locks clinked closed, I realized that I was on the third floor, and that was the man from the window. He said blue suitcase because that is what he saw from his window.

“No, It couldn’t be” I said to myself as I was counting the windows in my engrained memory. It must have been! I slowly opened the door to count the doors between the elevator and the rooms and it lined up.

The light feeling came back. My mind started building fantasies with him in it, and I was creating stories in my mind that brought his body onto mine. I wanted to feel his muscles resisting me, I wanted this man to bring out of me what my husband stopped doing. I wanted to feel his energy close to my body.

Hot and bothered, I left my room to meet with colleagues at the restaurant in the lobby. throughout general chatter and obligatory presentation conversation I noticed Mr. 321 at a table of what I assumed to be his work colleagues. My mind’s eye wondered as I was staring mindlessly. He must have caught me because there was a reciprocal stare for much longer than I was fully attentive.

I couldn’t’ help thinking about him. His body, his hair, his… perfectness.

We left the restaurant where my direct boss was explaining the schedule for tomorrow AM in the hotel lobby. We confirmed the details, and I walked towards the elevator. Three of my colleagues hopped on with me, and as the door was closing, 321 stopped the closing and the door.

He came on board.

We were the first stop on floor three, and he held the door open for me as I said goodbye to my friends. We walked to our respective rooms without saying anything except for a smile. I opened my door first and noticed that there was a delay in his cadence opening his.

I walked into my room, and closed the door as I looked across the hallway. 321 was looking right at me. We exchanged goodnights, and I shut the door and calmed down by breathing.

I almost immediately looked through the door viewer and in brilliant ‘fisheye’ perspective, watched him go into his room and turn before he closed the door.

Clink. His door closed.

Still calming my heart rate, I moved away from the door, then looked back out for a moment. I’m not sure what I was expecting to see, or hoping for, but nothing happened. I left the door lens again to start getting ready for bed, when I heard a door in the hallway open. I walked towards the lens again, and saw my neighbours door cracked open with the lights on. It was held open by the bar lock of course.

I saw the door lense on room 321 go dark, then light and dark again.

“Shit” I said to myself as I dropped to the floor. He was able to see me watching him the entire time. he opened the door as an invitation for me to make the move.

I placed my hand on the door handle, and paused. I wanted this so badly, but what if I were wrong? What if I were to go in and this wasn’t meant for me. My mind started on me, and I forced myself to bed.

Soon after, I heard the doorway across from me close and we were both asleep.

I am an early riser, and I love to run in the woods by my house at dawn. Where we were was unfortunately the middle of corporate America and the scenery was less than Ideal. I did a few mile pace to prep for the day and as I rounded the corner and had the hotel in sight, my eyes were of course glued to the third window up.

Nothing. No towel man, no morning light, just a dark room with semi closed blinds.

I walked the last few hundred feet, checking my watch for my stats and completing the run on my app. I paused near the entrance, and my heart-rate started to move faster. Not for the run, but I noticed that the curtains three windows up were propped open, and were moving as if someone was peaking. Then they closed.

I went back to my floor, and as i got off the elevator and rounded the corner I noticed that 321’s door was jarred open again.

“He saw me come back” I said to myself as I walked towards my room.

I think I’ll need to explain the room layout in detail here for you to fully understand this next part. There is a bathroom is next to the door, and the toilet is on the hallway side of the bathroom where the glass shower is to the opposite side. This is for i’m sure for privacy incase you’re ever on the toilet and someone walks in.

Lucky for me, the shower was just in peeking view of the door crack.

The shower was running.

I was frozen in the middle of the hallway with only a small sliver of doorway to see into. It was all light coloured, and glass with steam. I inadvertently moved my body to get different perspectives to see if I could replace the bathroom shine with the tonality of a body, yet I didn’t need to.

At that moment, 321 walked into the bathroom with his back towards the door and took off his towel as if he knew there was an audience. I could only see what the door jar would allow, yet through some strategic swaying, I was able to see his entire back, his shoulder muscles, his strong butt with the dimples on the side. his entire body seemed illuminated and perfectly contoured with the hotel bathroom light.

I might have imagined this, but I think as he entered the shower stall, he slightly watched the door with the side of his eyes to see if anyone was there. Of course he must have known I was there by looking at me through the window, and the door peep hole.

He entered the shower, and my god…. the chest muscles were hit with the light and the water at the most perfect of times.

It was just before 6:30AM and I knew that people wouldn’t be walking the hallway. My eyes needed more, and my body made the decision to move closer to the door, closer to his naked body.

My hand was touching the door yet pushing it would mean I would be submitting, so I ‘accidentally’ pressed the door with my foot enough that I could get a complete view.

He was illuminated with daylight hotel lights, and with the exception of a few steam marks on the shower glass, his entire body was there for me to take in. i could see the ripples of water coming down his back, I watched his arms rise over his head stretching his ribs up and turning his hipbones into the most perfect shape. I followed his hips with my eyes as he turned and I watched his semi erect manhood appear.

He knew I was there. He must have known I was there.

I followed his body down with my eyes stopping on his ass dimples and his muscular legs all the way down to his calves. My god, his calves were perfect. I couldn’t ever imagine… Suddenly, I noticed the calves turn slightly, and I froze. My eyes moved up past all the perfection I’ve witnessed and I locked eyes with him.

He saw me watching him showering his body.

This was of course his intention, but scary as fuck none the less. So much was rushing through my head at this time. What should I do, should I go in like ‘porno girls’ do, should I wait to see what he thinks? Should I open the door?

Open the door.

Open the fucking door, Joyce.

We stared for an eternity, and I ran into my room, embarrassed.

His door stayed open for a little while, and I decided to leave it be. I was married at the time, and I didn’t know how to bridge any conversation. I figured that since we were at the same conference, we would see each other again like we did the night before.

After I attended the conference sessions later that day, I headed back to my room and shortly after I closed the door, I heard the door in the hallway open. I’ve been thinking about him all day and I’m going to approach him the next time I see him, casually, but to let him know that we both know what happened, and let him take the lead.

When the door across the hall clinked, I opened my door to see an elderly couple leaving the room that 321 was in.

He had left. Checked out.

My husband and I split a year after 321, and I have been with two other men since my seperation, but there is something about this missed opportunity that I’ve just never been able to shake. I’ve fantasied and came more times to 321 than anyone else in my life, and I’ve finished it in every way imaginable. I ache knowing that it was an absolute certainty that I could have fulfilled these thoughts, but maybe it’s the way it was supposed to be.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ry1dts/i_regret_not_walking_into_his_hotel_room_fm