Secrets in the Room of Requirement

**Part Two: Once is Never Enough**

Seventh-year finals had come and gone. Hermione was very pleased with her finals, feeling she had done well. There was now only a week or so left in the school year as the lower grades completed their final lessons and exams. On the morning of the exams, it was announced that Hogwarts would offer summer classes for seventh-year graduates as a head start on their advanced courses. The academic in Hermione was thrilled at the idea of staying at Hogwarts over the summer; after all, her first year of advanced courses was at Hogwarts.

Harry and Ron had no such plan to stay at Hogwarts over the summer. With Auror being their chosen careers, they immediately received internships with the Ministry of Magic. They decided that, to “celebrate the thought of maybe passing the exams,” as Ron put it, they would play a game or two of giant Wizard’s Chess. Since Hogwarts’ only game of giant Wizard’s Chess was destroyed during their first year, the only place to play was in the Room of Requirement. When they told Hermione and Ginny this, Hermione felt a little embarrassed. Remembering her night there, and began to blush.

“What’s the matter with you?” Ron asked.

“Nothing, Ron. It’s just warm in here. Is it really necessary for the fireplace to be lit this time of year? And why are we sitting so close?” Hermione responded.

She had decided not to tell Ginny and Luna about her late-night adventure. What was I thinking? She thought. I have no idea what came over me thinking I should tell them. And to invite them along? Wow! What would they have thought of me?

Each time Hermione thought of her night in the Room of Requirement, instead of feeling exhilarated and excited, she felt embarrassed and ashamed of herself. To let her desire overtake her like that in the pool and wanting to go back was unlike her. The reason she went to the Room of Requirement in the first place was purely to act out her dream so it would stop haunting her. Her logic was sound, wasn’t it? She began to question her logic. Maybe the dreams wore her down so much that she began to crave what was depicted in them, and those desires disguised themselves as logic. Maybe that was who she was; not a bright academic, but a foolish witch who pleased herself with plants inside enchanted rooms.

No, that wasn’t her. She was Hermione Granger: one of the brightest witches of her time, a top student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a muggle-born prodigy. What Hermione Granger most certainly was not was a selfish, desire-driven witch who experimented with plants to please herself.

She had no reason to be ashamed anymore. She did what she had to do and she knew she scored top marks on her exam because her mind was clear. She would not have to visit the Room of Requirement for that reason again. Her mind was clear now and she hadn’t had a dream of that nature since her night there. She would walk into the Room of Requirement with Harry, Ron and Ginny and not think twice of her last visit.

“Well?” Ron said.

“Well what?” Hermione asked.

“Were you even paying attention? Are you coming with us or not?” Ron repeated.

“Oh, sorry, I was thinking about what the summer courses would be like. Yes, I’ll go with you.” Hermione said.

“You’ve got to be mental wanting to stay here over the summer; but okay, we’re about to go to the Room of Requirement now.” Said Ron.

As they all approached the Room of Requirement, a large, arched double door emerged from the wall. Hermione couldn’t help herself feeling relieved when she saw the double door emerge because when she last visited the room, it presented a single arched door to her. As they approached the door, they saw an elegant design was etched into it that Hermione found rather beautiful. On each door, there was a pawn with swords drawn. Their swords overlapped each other in the center where the two doors met. A king stood in the center behind the pawns, half on one door and half on the other door.

“The pawns are protecting their king,” Hermione said.

Harry and Ron each pushed a door open and walked inside. They both gasped as they entered the room. Ginny followed and had the same reaction. Hermione stood back, working up the courage to enter the room. She hadn’t had any arousing thoughts on their trip to the Room of Requirement so it shouldn’t respond to her. Even still, she couldn’t shake the fear of what awaited her inside. When Hermione stepped into the room, she gasped at what awaited.

“Wow,” Harry and Ron said simultaneously.

“It looks so… So… Old,” Ron said, trying to find the words.

“Overgrown.” Ginny said

Inside the Room of Requirement was a large Wizard’s Chess board with all of the appropriate pieces. The board was worn and cracked with moss spilling out over most of the cracks. The chess pieces were darkened and worn with age with moss growing around their feet and dark lines and spots where moss had been before with cracks and chips dotting their surfaces. On either side of the board, there was a staircase leading to a tower that overlooked the chess board. Surrounding the chess board was a garden of beautiful flowers, ferns and short bushes. Surrounding the garden was an old stone pathway that cut into the garden on either side of the board leading to the staircases.

Along the walls were several old, stone benches that were elevated enough to provide a good view of the chess board. Behind the benches were wooden shelves with a large assortment of potted plants. Dark streaks went down the backs of the benches where moss or vines had grown from the pots, died and gone. Hermione couldn’t help but notice that, near the armrests of the benches, there were a few potted plants; and among them, at least one small pot of flitterbloom. As she scanned the shelves, she noticed several more pots of it. She felt herself blush.

She looked back at Harry and Ron and saw them bow and shake hands as a gesture of good sportsmanship. They turned away from each other and made their way to their respective towers. Hermione looked back to the benches and saw Ginny sitting, leaned against the armrest of the bench that was aligned with the center of the chess board. Hermione saw that there was a higher concentration of flitterbloom plants behind the center of the bench and figured she would be safest on the other side, near the other armrest. She looked at the shelf one last time and saw that the flitterbloom wasn’t moving at all. It seemed like any other plant in the room. Hermione sat.

As swords swung and spears plunged, debris flew and screams ensued. Harry and Ron were fierce in their playing strategies. Ginny and Hermione sat cheering and laughing; enjoying every second. The head of a pawn came flying from the chess board toward them. It smashed into the ground, throwing debris in every direction. Ginny and Hermione both threw themselves against the back of the bench, lifting their feet so they wouldn’t get cut. After screaming in shock, they began laughing. They leaned forward again and as Hermione moved, she felt something tug at her hair. She looked back at the plants and saw the slightest flicker of movement come from the flitterbloom. She wanted to watch the plant to see if it would move but just then, a knight’s arm smashed on the chess board and shot debris into the garden. Hermione turned and saw that Harry’s queen destroyed Ron’s knight, sending pieces in every direction. The knight’s head narrowly missed Ron.

Hermione leaned back again to continue watching the game. Harry and Ron were now so focused on the game that they weren’t even speaking. It seemed that any move by either of them would put them at risk of a checkmate, and they were very competitive at the moment. Hermione watched intently, trying to find a move that would be beneficial for either of them. She hardly noticed the slimy warmth of whatever it was that was rubbing the back of her neck. It pushed into the back of her shirt and she became aware that it was a flitterbloom tendril. Hermione then leaned forward, causing it to pull out of her shirt. After a while, she felt two more tendrils slide under the bottom of her shirt near her waist. The warmth on her back gave her goosebumps. What do I do? She thought. If I stand up, Ginny may notice the tendrils and realize what’s going on. She’s a very smart woman. She knows that the Room of Requirement acts in accordance with what you need or want. She’ll know that this is my doing.

That it was. Her doing. So, she stayed where she was and tried to will them away. They didn’t leave. It took a moment for Hermione to realize; but they weren’t going away because deep down inside, she didn’t want them to go away. The warm, slimy feeling on her back was oddly pleasurable and now, they were sliding around her waist. She felt a wave of heat as the tendrils caressed her stomach. Oh no, she thought. That’s my weakness! The tendrils wrapped around her stomach and pulled her back against the bench. Her head was flooded with different feelings and thoughts but the one that stood out the most to her was that she enjoyed how tightly they were holding her and deep down, she enjoyed being pulled around by them. The thought that she didn’t need to do anything but let them have their way made her feel like she didn’t control them.

The thought that she didn’t have control of them made her strangely happy. All her life, she needed to be in control. It made her happy when something she was in control of went well. She was happy knowing that it was her doing. The thing she was in control of went well, she was directly responsible for its success. But having all that control can be exhausting. She wasn’t in control of these flitterbloom tendrils; she didn’t plan this. The last time she was in the Room of Requirement, she was in control. Everything that happened was what she wanted to happen. But this time, she wasn’t in control; and she loved it.

Hermione scooted back against the bench and pulled her shirt so it was loose on her stomach. It was relaxing for her to just sit there and let the flitterbloom do as it pleased. Her breath was shaky now as the tendrils caressed her stomach. Each time the tendrils moved up and down, they would go slightly higher than the last time, closer to her breasts and then slightly lower, closer to her jewel and her entrance. One tendril stopped sliding up and down and wrapped itself tighter around her waist. Hermione closed her eyes as the other tendril slid upward. She was expecting it to stop just shy of her breasts but this time, it didn’t. The tendril slid up under her bra. As the other wrapped tighter around her waist, this one wrapped itself tightly around her breast.

“YES!” Ron shouted as his rook destroyed Harry’s knight.

“Yes…” Hermione whispered as the tendril moved closer to her nipple.

A new tendril brushed up against Hermione now. It pressed itself against the back of her neck then slid down the back of her shirt. The tendril slid under her arm and then under the middle of her bra as the one on her breast wrapped around and squeezed her nipple. The tendril didn’t stop at her breast as she expected it to. None of this is going as planned. Hermione thought. I…I like it. The tendril continued to slide down her stomach. It slid under the one wrapped around her waist. Feeling the tendril’s rough body rub hard against her stomach made her sigh in pleasure. It continued downward and into her pants. She noticed herself breathing harder. Ginny still hadn’t noticed. The tendril was now in her panties. It pressed itself hard against her jewel as it kept sliding downward to her entrance. Oh, please go in… She thought. But it didn’t. Keeping itself pressed against her, it slid over her entrance and kept going down. It curved with her body, sliding toward her bottom. The tendril continued, sliding into her bottom crevasse and then it pushed itself against her bottom entrance but continued to slide past it. It finally came to rest on her tail bone. Hermione felt the tendril tense up, pushing itself hard against her. As a whole, the tendril began writhing and sliding back and forth, rubbing her jewel, her front and bottom entrance all while wriggling along her stomach. She nearly lost control and began squirming with the tendril. She let out a small squeal and Ginny looked at her. Hermione looked back at her uncomfortably.

“I… I figured out how Ron could get checkmate and I thought Ron found out too. B-but he didn’t.” She said.

To Hermione, the game seemed to go on forever but at the same time too quickly. The game ended with Harry finally cornering Ron into a checkmate. Hermione was surprised her pants weren’t drenched by the time the game ended and the tendrils finished with her. She was a little upset that she hadn’t been brought to orgasm. She knew what they were doing. The flitterbloom was teasing her; bringing her to the brink of orgasm and pulling away just before. It was, however, a good thing that she didn’t. How would she explain the moan, she shaking legs, the drenched trousers? The flitterbloom teased her and it did a good job of it. She wanted more. She wanted the flitterbloom to take control. She wanted to walk back into the Room of Requirement and let the writhing mass of tentacles and tendrils do as they pleased and not stop until every single one of them had had its way with her. And so, she decided, she would.

After the game, the day seemed to crawl by. Hermione had to talk Harry and Ron out of going back to the Room of Requirement for another game of Wizard’s Chess because she felt she couldn’t handle a second encounter and still be secretive. When dinner time came around, she didn’t spend much time talking to everyone.

“What’s wrong, Hermione?” Harry asked, genuinely concerned.

“I’m just not feeling well is all.” She said.

“Oh, well is there anything we can do for you? To help you feel better? We can walk you to the hospital wing. I’m sure Madam Pomfrey should have something to make you feel better.” Harry said.

“I think sleep will do just fine.” Hermione said.

After dinner, they went back to the Gryffindor Common Room and Hermione went up to her dorm. She lay there in her bed for what seemed like hours. After a while, she looked around her room and saw that she was still alone. Will they ever go to bed? She thought. Her head was swimming with the thoughts from earlier. Her hand found its way into her pants and she didn’t bother to stop herself. She pushed her finger hard against her jewel, felt the pleasure then slid her hand across her entrance. She continued sliding her hand downward, following the curvature of her body. She pushed her hips up as her fingers slid into her bottom crevasse and rubbed against the entrance. Closing her eyes, Hermione imagined it was the tendril and sighed. She gripped her wand and muttered “Aguamenti.” Her fingers became wet and she slid one of them into her bottom entrance. She let go of her wand and slid her other hand down her pants. Hermione then slid two of her fingers into her drenched front entrance and pressed her thumb against her jewel. Her legs began to shake as her hips involuntarily thrusted. Suddenly, she heard talking coming from the staircase and she pulled her hands from her pants, grabbed her wand again and muttered “Tergeo.”

After a while, the girls began climbing into their beds. Not long after, she heard their soft breathing, indicating that they were all fast asleep. Hermione quietly sat up and put her slippers on. She made her way out the tower and down the corridors toward the Room of Requirement. Again, the door was visible. She pushed the door but it didn’t open. She pushed harder but it wouldn’t budge. Finally, she grabbed the handle and pulled. She felt stupid as the door creaked open. She walked in and the door nearly caught her heels closing behind her. Torches ignited, lighting the entire room and revealing the pool in the center of the room. Hermione looked into the pool and saw the writhing mass of flitterbloom. She smiled and felt her entrance become wet as she walked to the wall and removed her clothes. No thinking, she thought, just doing. No second thoughts. She turned to the pool and saw the staircase was revealed and the flitterbloom opened up a pathway to the center of the pool. Tendrils wrapped around Hermione’s legs and breasts and rubbed against her entrances as she walked down the stairs and through the pathway. The pathway closed behind her as she walked through it to the center of the pool. Now standing in the center, Hermione looked at one of the walls and, without a second thought, walked straight into it.

The wall of flitterbloom writhed and pulsed as it pressed against her as she moved forward. She felt a constant pressure in front of her as her body pushed through the mass of tentacles. The flitterbloom felt damp and warm as she walked through it. The smell was sweet; each breath sent a warm, tingling sensation through her body. The light from behind her dimmed slightly and she looked back to see the walls were converging, filling the gap in the center of the pool. Hermione turned forward again and continued, expectantly; waiting, wanting the tentacles to take her and take control.

The tentacles were pressing harder against her now. And it seemed as if each tentacle took care to lovingly caress her body. One stroked her inner thigh, rising up to brush against her entrance before sliding over her hips and then down her bottom. She felt it push itself into her crevasse slightly as it slid down the back of her leg. Another tentacle started at her entrance and slid upwards. She felt herself tremble as it slid up her stomach, in between her breasts and across her neck before it disappeared into the mass behind her. Each tentacle would leave behind a small amount of a clear, slimy substance as it passed over her body. While she walked, they would press themselves against the palms of her hands, seeming as if they wanted her to grip them. And she did. She squeezed several of them and slid her hand all the way up to their tips. They left behind a relatively large volume of the same clear, slimy substance. She stopped walking. Her body felt hot enough to burst into flames. She couldn’t contain herself anymore. She was hardly able to the moment the first tentacle brushed against her.

Hermione placed her hands on her legs and slid them upward, brushing against her entrance and her jewel with her thumbs, index and middle fingers. The slimy substance allowed her hands to glide up her body with little resistance to her breasts that she gripped firmly. She squeezed them, allowing her breasts to slide through her hands all the way until her nipples were caught between her thumb and forefinger, and then she squeezed them. As she repeated the process with one hand, she slid the other back down her stomach to her jewel. She was aware of every tentacle, every tendril that rubbed itself against her body. Each one leaving behind more of the slimy substance. As she rubbed herself, the tentacles and tendrils slithered to her feet and climbed her legs. She was covered in the slime now. She rubbed harder. Feeling her legs grow weak, Hemione fell to her knees.

Her knees hit the floor with a thump. She felt tentacles slide across her calves, slithering toward her. As they climbed the back of her thighs, she felt herself tremble with anticipation. She pushed two fingers into her entrance and began to wiggle them around inside herself. The tentacles now pushed themselves between her thighs. They wrapped around her legs twice before sliding upward to her entrance. She removed her hand. They each slithered around her entrance and up her stomach, giving her goosebumps. They stopped just shy of her breasts where they wrapped themselves around her again and pushed upward. Hermione felt the weight on her knees gradually lessen. Two more tentacles came from above, slid down the back of her neck, and separated to travel under her arms. She let go of her breast as the tentacles made their way toward them from either side. The tentacle on her left side slid under her left breast as the one on the right slid under her right breast. They crossed each other in the center of her chest and slid upwards above her breasts, where they continued under her arms again and around her back.

At once, all the tentacles that were wrapped around Hermione tightened their grip and pushed upward, lifting her into the air. She yelped in surprise as they tilted her backward. This is it! She thought as they opened her legs. A tentacle came from beneath her, pushed itself against her lower back and slid to her bottom. It pushed itself into her crevasse and followed the curvature of her body as it made its way to her front entrance. It began to squirm and writhe as it rubbed itself against Hermione’s body. She let out a moan in approval as she allowed her body to squirm with the tentacle. Unable to contain herself, Hermione grabbed the tentacle and pushed it down to her entrance. Before she could push it into her, one tentacle shot out from the wall, wrapped around her wrist and pulled her hand away. Before she could even move her other arm an inch, another tentacle grabbed that one as well. She looked at her hands and saw the tentacles place themselves into her palms. She squeezed them and started stroking.

Hermione felt small tendrils slither up her legs. They pushed themselves underneath the writhing tentacle and separated, slithering to both of her entrances. The tendrils teased her by rubbing along the brim of her entrances. She squeezed the tentacles in her hands harder. “Just…go…in already…” She mumbled. The tendrils must have heard her, or felt they teased her enough. Either way, they coiled up, lining the entire brim of her entrances and pushed themselves in.

To Hermione, it felt as if rings were pushed into her entrances. The tendrils pushed deeper. They pushed so deep that Hermione felt a small jolt of pain. They stopped their journey there. The body of the tendrils pushed in, lining her insides, then started spinning. Feeling them circle around inside her, Hermione’s eyes rolled up, her back arched and her exhalation could come out as nothing more than a trembling moan. The tendrils continued to spin as the tentacle continued writhing and squirming. Hermione’s body felt hot, her head felt light; she was on the edge and ready to jump, to let her pleasure consume her.

The tendrils suddenly pulled away from her.

“No…” Hermione moaned, “I was so close…”

The tentacle also stopped squirming and started pulling away, following the path it took earlier. It stopped at her entrance and pressed itself hard against it, then with one thrust, it pushed itself deep into her. Hermione let out a scream in both pain and pleasure as the flitterbloom repeated the motion of pulling itself almost completely out of her entrance, then thrusting itself deep into her. She looked at the tentacle, eager to watch it work, to see it pleasure her and was caught off guard when something sprayed her chest, shoulder and neck.

Hermione had completely forgotten that she was stroking the two tentacles that held her arms. One of them had ejaculated its sweet slime and juice onto her body. She felt the other begin to throb in her hand. Now staring intently at the throbbing tentacle, she began to stroke harder. Hermione opened her mouth just before it sprayed. The stream of sweet tasting juice first hit her neck, traveled up to her chin, then into her welcoming mouth. She swirled her tongue around, savoring the flavor. Having now been drained, the tentacles released her arms.

The instant Hermione’s hands were free, she slid them directly to her entrance. With one hand, she squeezed the lips of it against the thrusting tentacle and pulled upward. With the other, she vigorously rubbed her now exposed jewel. Her body bucked hard as waves of pleasure passed through her. It was a welcomed surprise when another tentacle pushed itself into her bottom entrance. She threw her head back and let out a shaky breath as the tentacles alternated in thrusting. One pushed as the other pulled. Her body was on fire, she was going to burst. Both tentacles pushed, with one final thrust, deep into Hermione’s entrances and filled her. It leaked from her bottom entrance as it sprayed, mixed with a clear, salty smelling juice from her other. She screamed as she reached climax.

The two tentacles, now having been depleted, removed themselves from her entrances and started retreating into the mass of flitterbloom. This isn’t over, Hermione thought. She reached out and grabbed them with both hands.

“Oh, no…” She said, her voice shaking, “I’m not finished with you yet.”

With all of the strength she could muster, she pushed both tentacles into her front entrance. They obediently thrusted alternatively. Her mouth fell open when they both began writhing around inside her. Before she could close it, a tentacle shot from the wall and pushed itself into her mouth. Her eyes opened wide in surprise and she could see the body of the tentacle. You wanted this, she thought to herself, they’re taking control, might as well go along with it. She grabbed it with both hands and began thrusting her head, sucking hard on the tentacle. She pushed one hand into the mass of flitterbloom; when she removed it, she was gripping another tentacle and an innumerable number of tiny tendrils had wrapped themselves around her hand, wrist and forearm. They crept up her arm as she slid her hand along the tentacle’s body. The tendrils wrapped around her torso, spiraling around her breasts until they reached her nipples. They continued down to her entrance where they wrapped tightly around her jewel. What would have been a gasp only came out as a muffled slurp sound as it forced Hermione to inadvertently suck harder, causing the tentacle to release a trickle of the sweet tasting juice she longed for.

As the tendrils followed the curvature of Hermione’s body, they slithered into her bottom crevasse and pushed outward, spreading it apart. Two small tentacles, moving lightning fast, pushed into her bottom entrance and began twisting around. The surprise caused her to attempt another gasp, but again, she only sucked harder. This time, the tentacle released its full volume of juice. Hermione’s eyes rolled back as she gulped the juice down, trying to swallow every drop.

Flipping her around every way possible, it seemed as if each and every tentacle of the giant flitterbloom plant took its turn entering each of Hermione’s entrances. She didn’t mind the salty taste when one would move from her front entrance to her mouth, but she greatly disliked every time one would move to her mouth from her bottom entrance. She found that if she started by sucking hard, the tentacle would release some of its slime and juice instantly, masking the taste.

Each tentacle would end its turn by either spraying its slime and juice in her or on her. By the time the final tentacles were finishing in and on Hermione, she couldn’t open her eyes and she wouldn’t breathe through her nose for fear of breathing in the slime. She did once and it burned terribly. The tentacles gently laid her down on the floor of the pool. The floor was warm. When she was finally able to wipe the slime from her eyes, she opened them to the sight of at least twenty tentacles, lumbering over her. Some of them slowly lowered themselves to lay on her body while others fell over top of her. Her head was swimming; she lost count of how many times she had climaxed. Her head fell to one side and she saw that she was lying in a large puddle of slime and juice. It smelled sweet. She lay there for what seemed like an eternity, her arms and legs were too weak to move but were perfectly content with frequent, involuntary twitches.

When Hermione was able to stand, she stumbled up the stairs and to the shower that had materialized next to her clothes. As the hot water washed the slime off her body, she found herself too weak to continue standing. She leaned until her back pressed against the wall and slid down to the floor. She placed her hands on her shoulders and slid them down her body. Her breasts and entrances were sensitive and sore. It may be a while before I come back… She thought. After she washed off and got dressed, she walked to the door and pushed it open. The corridor was dark. Hermione stepped out of the Room of Requirement and before pushing the door closed, she looked in one last time. The flitterbloom was completely still. She stared at the mass for a moment and it didn’t move. She remembered when she walked into the room, the giant flitterbloom plant was writhing and pulsing, expectantly waiting for her. Thinking back to her first encounter with the giant plant, she remembered it was still moving when she left the room. Wow, she thought I really must have drained every vine this time. She wondered how long it would take before the flitterbloom was ready for her again, knowing it would be at least a few days before she was ready for it again. She was jerked from her thought when she heard someone speak behind her.

“Hello, Hermione.”

Hermione spun around, slamming the door shut. In front of her was a dark silhouette that was her height with long, wavy hair that turned a dirty blond as her eyes adjusted. She saw silvery blue eyes gazing at her. Upon further inspection, she noticed the girl hadn’t been wearing shoes.

“Uh-hello, Luna. Where are your shoes?” Hermione said.

“I don’t know, I suspect the Nargles have taken them again. I’ve been looking for them for hours now. What were you doing with that flitterbloom?”

“Uh… Nothing, just observing them.” Hermione said. “I plan on taking Advanced Herbology over the summer. I wanted to see how they reacted to different stimuli.”

“I plan on taking Advanced Herbology as well as Advanced Magizoology over the summer.” Luna said, now taking small steps toward her. “Hermione, you know as well as I do that flitterbloom isn’t part of the Advanced Herbology curriculum.” Her face was now inches from Hermione’s. “You and I also know that the flitterbloom was ever so briefly mentioned in our Sex Ed class.”

She obviously didn’t get sorted into Ravenclaw by accident. Hermione thought as Luna slowly leaned in to whisper in her ear.

“This isn’t your first time here late at night, is it? I saw you leave Gryffindor Tower a few nights ago.” Hermione could feel her breath; Luna was so close she could almost feel her lips on her ear.

Luna whispered, almost inaudibly. “This is why you wanted to have a little bit of girl talk with Ginny and me, isn’t it?”

If Hermione hadn’t blushed blood red from embarrassment a couple of seconds ago, she most certainly had now. Her ears and face were on fire. What could she possibly say now? How could she possibly hope to get herself out of this one? As she whispered, Luna’s voice sounded almost indifferent but bordered sinister. Would she rat Hermione out? What was the purpose of this confrontation? Luna backed away and Hermione could see that she was smiling slightly. Luna reached out with one arm and gently grabbed Hermione’s wrist.

“We’re both going to be here all summer.” Luna said. “I don’t think we will be to terribly busy. We may have a lot of free time on our hands. I don’t think it would hurt at all if we… Experimented a little bit with what we learn in our classes. We may find out other things we will enjoy doing with our free time.” She paused, “If you don’t mind, I would very much like to join you next time.”

Hermione was lost for words. Luna Lovegood just asked her if she could join in next time she went to the Room of Requirement. For some reason, Hermione felt terrified. She searched for an excuse, for a way out, any way out but the only think she could say was:


The word shocked Hermione, she couldn’t believe she was agreeing to this. It seemed alright after her first night there, but she decided not to tell them because it would be strange. What would they do together in the pool filled with flitterbloom? The thought of how awkward it would be and the shame of it all is what stopped Hermione from asking in the first place. But now, it was decided for her; she would be going back to the Room of Requirement, and she wouldn’t be alone.

Luna smiled, showing her brilliant teeth, her eyes bright with excitement. She turned and skipped away, leaving Hermione at the door, still trying to make sense of it all.



  1. Damn. This was incredibly well done. Congrats and thanks for sharing such a naughty tale.

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