Office Proposition


Sara returned to my office before leaving for the day. She closed the door again, as this needed to be kept private.

Sara smiled and asked “are you up for it”?
Me; “I need for few things to cover my ass. I don’t want to put my job in jeopardy.
Sara; “what do you have in mind”
Me; I need to following from each of you before we proceed.
1. a topless pic, face included, from each woman, stating she wants my cock.
2. Each woman must list 3 things she willing to do sexually.
3. Each woman must type out in the text that I can take any pics or video I want.
We will work something out for each one that completes those tasks. Does that sound reasonable to you?
Sara; sounds good to me. I’ll pass it along.
Me; great! We’ll go from there.

3 days later and I have topless pics from all 4 women. Sara, Laurie, Brooke and Jennifer. (Yes there is a fifth woman listed, get to her in a minute).
So Sara and I start to come up with a plan to make this happen. Sara’s house is on minutes away from work. She’s agreed that to have it take place there, even tho she’s married.

While planning, one of them mentions this to another friend at work and she wants in to.
Sara comes to me and explains what had happened. This new woman is Michelle. She is married to my wife’s ex husband. I hate that SOB! So I’m like fuck it! I’ll let her in just so I can fuck with her. She’s not bad looking either.

I tell Sara she has to do all 3 tasks before she can be included.
Not surprisingly I had her topless pic and texts within an hour. I’ve always heard she was a slut.

So back to planning. Sara’s house was the destination, we’d do this on a lunch hour the next Friday.


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