Truth Or Dare at sleepover [Part 1] [M/F/F/F] [Long]

(If you wanna go straight to the sex, go to the ***)

It was a pretty exciting friday evening, Mathilda invited a good part of our friend group over for a sleepover, we were going to be me, Thomas, Emily, Jonathan, Mathilda of course, Kyle, and Laura. Now i like Laura, and she likes me too, but we agreed to take it slowly. I was one of the first to get there, when the door opened i was greeted by Mathilda and Emily. Emily was hot as fuck, she was wearing her black top, that showed quite a lot of cleavage, and a pretty short skirt. Mathilda was just wearing her standard hoodie. Emily explained that her boyfriend Thomas sadly got sick and therefore couldn’t come, and Mathilda said that her boyfriend Jonathan decided to hang out with his friend Robin. Recently, Kyle and Mathilda had a falling out, so he wasn’t joining either. So it seemed it would just be me and the girls. About 5 minutes later Laura arrived. And holy shit, i was stunned. She had worn her favorite outfit, and it was deffinetly mine too.

She was wearing a black hoodie but it was not too oversized, so it showed a bit of figure. Other than that, she was wearing a a pretty short black skirt, that only went to her thighs. Lastly, she was wearing knee high socks which is a big turn-on of mine.

After we had all said hello, we decided to sit down and watch a movie. As usual Mathilda voted for horror movie, and the rest of us said no. We decided to watch How To Train Your Dragon. Mathilda sat in the middle of the couch with Emily on her left and Laura on her right, and as per usual i sat in the corner.

A little bit into the movie Laura moved a bit closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder. I put an arm around her and we just sat and cuddled like that for a good while, as the movie progressed. After a bit we reached the scene where Hiccup and Astrid had their romantic flight, and during the entire thing i was just looking at Laura, she was so beautiful. Mathilda quickly glanced over, and noticed, and just sent me a wicked smile and focused back on the movie. After the two characters had landed, i remembered that Astrid was about to kiss Hiccup, and because the room was dark, and i had just had my moment before with Laura. I poked her on the shoulder and made her look up at me, and then i gave her a quick kiss at the same time as the movie. She giggled a bit and then went back to her resting position. Mathilda and Emily both definetly heard us, and both looked over at us, laughed a bit, and then went back to watching movie.

As the movie progressed all i could think about was that kiss with Laura, her lips tasted so sweet, and i really wanted to do it again. So as a lot of action was happening on screen, I poked Laura quickly again, this time she knew what i meant and was prepared for it. The kiss lasted a few seconds and then we broke it off. We had also now moved into a more comfortable position for both of us. As the movie got closer to it’s end, i began to try and sneak in some more quick kisses with Laura. And i loved it, Mathilda and Emily could hear us, but had just decided to ignore us at this point. As the final scene of the movie came up, i gave Laura one last kiss for now, but i wanted to make it special, so while i kissed Laura i sneaked my hand down below and gave her ass a little squeze, before we broke the kiss off. Mathilda looked over again, and mimed the word “damn” and did a thumbs up. We decided to marathon and just watch the next movie. This time me and Laura wasn’t really hiding it, we just kissed every once in a while, and we were both getting a bit more touchy.

At some point, while me and Laura did an extra long kiss, Mathilda just said.

“Would you guys get a room already”

I laughed and responded

“Are you just annoyed at the fact that for the first time ever, you don’t have anyone to kiss with?”

Mathilda then said.

“I do”

She then looked over at Emily who just smiled and shrugged.

Mathilda leant over to Emily and started making out with her, tounge and everything. I wasn’t looking too much, but i think i saw Mathilda breifly feel on Emilys top.

As soon as they began making out i decided that i would not get outdone, and i started making out with Laura. I quickly broke off the kiss to ask if i could do something and Laura suspiciously said yes. So when we kissed again i sneaked my hand up her hoodie, untill i felt her bra. I gave her tit a little squeze and then let go. At first Laura was about to break off the kiss, but as soon as i squezed she just moned and intensified the kiss. After we broke it off, we heard some noises over from the others direction. Laura was sitting with her back against them, but i think i saw Emily hastily putting her top back on. Meanwhile, Laura pulled off her hoodie, and god damn. This was the first time i had ever seen her in a top. She seemed to have pretty large breastd, but the top wasn’t all that revealing so it was hard to tell. We all just kinda laughed and i said

“Well that happened”

We decided that we wanted to stop watching movie for now. Emily then proposed the idea of truth or dare, when i was sure noone was looking i mimed “Thank you” to her. We decided to just stay in the sofa. It was my turn to start.

“Emily, truth or dare?”


“Hmmmmm, okay, i got one. Was it just the shadows or did i see you putting your top back on after you made out with Mathilda?”

Emily laughed and said

“That is a good question, maybe i did do it, but who knows”

Emilys turn now

“Laura, truth or dare?”

“I pick dare”

“Oooooh interesting, well then. I dare you to either let Felix play a game of brandmand on you, or you play a game of brandmand on him”

“I don’t know what brandmand is”

We all just started laughing and Mathilda explained it to her. Laura looked a bit scared but in the end she said, okay, i will let him do one on me. At that moment my dick was hard as a rock, if i was lucky, Laura wouldn’t back out, and that sounded fun. So i went for it. Normally i take it slow and make it real dirty, to make sure people back out. This time i moved my hand fairly quick, as my hand reached her inner thighs i leant up and kissed Laura as my hand reached the final destination. Emily looking from the back said:

“And Laura wins”

I laughed and just before i let go, i poked with a finger where i assumed Lauras pussy was

It was Lauras turn now

“Okay Mathilda, truth or dare”

“I pick dare”

“Ok then, i dare you to flash Emily or flash Felix.”

Mathilda immeadietly blushed, but after a bit of thinking they said.

“Okay Felix come with me.”

I followed Mathilda into her room and Mathilda told me to turn around. After i did, i could hear some clothes shuffeling, and then i heard a bra unclasp. Mathilda turned back around, she was now just wearing a t-shirt.

“Are you ready”

I just nodded. Mathilda then took her hands to the bottom of the t-shirt and lifted it up, till her neck. And wow, did she have some great tits. They were a bit bigger than i had expected but still small, with some perfect perky pink nipples at the end, but Mathilda had previously told me she wears sport-bras to look more flat. Mathilda had her shirt up for about 5 seconds before she let it go again. I just stood there and looked, then we just both laughed, and went back to the living room.

Now it was Mathildas turn

“Felix, truth or dare”

“Well i am never shy for a truth so why not truth”

“Okay, Felix, have you ever, masturbated to anyone in this room, and if so, who?”

Everyone in the room immeadietly looked at me, waiting for my response. Now the thing is, i had previously had a crush on both Mathilda and Emily, and they both knew, so i answered.

“Wellll, yes. Yes I have”

“And who?”

I just laughed a bit

“Uhmm, every single one of you”

Emily was the first to respond, with

“Felix you dirty little one”

I knew i had to defend myself a bit

“To be fair, it was quite a while ago since last time i did it, i haven’t done it in a good while”

Mathilda looked at me

“Oh, how long excactly”

I sighed and mumbled:

“Well i kinda did it earlier today before i left to go here”

They all just started laughing.

My turn now.

“Laura truth or dare”


“Okai okai, have you ever masturbated to me, or Mathilda”

Laura blushed

“I have masturbated to Mathilda before yes”

Mathilda just started dying of laughter. I looked over at Laura and said.

“Hmm, naughty girl huh, but why not me?”

And planted a deep kiss on her lips.

Lauras turn now.

“Emily, truth or dare”

“I think im gonna pick dare this time”

“Ok, let me think”

“Take your time”

“Ok i got it, i dare you to either fondle Mathildas tits through her shirt, or go out in the bathroom and rub one out”

Emily thought about it for a bit and then said

“Im gonna go to the bathroom”

I could feel my boxers slowly getting wet from precum, i was so turned on by everything going on. Emily talked again

“But, before i go there, i need to ask a a truth or dare first. Mathilda, truth or dare?”

“Finally me again. Hmmmmm. I think i will pick dare again, last one was pretty funny.”

“Okay then. I dare you to go into your room and then we rub one out together, or, you sit here with your tits out and Felix and Laura being free to do with them as they wish while im gone.”

“Well, i would certainly not want to sit here and freeze for 5 minutes, so i guess i will join you”

We all just kinda laughed, and then the two walked away. As they turned around the corner, Emily closed a door and said

“No peeking”

Me and Laura just sat there in disbeleif. I was the first one to talk.

“Soooooo, what do we do n…”

I was interupted by Laura jumping on top of me and throwing me down on the couch. She sat on my stomach, and she was too heavy to move. Besides, i liked her there. She started making out with me, because of the angle, i basicly had a free view of her cleavage. She broke the kiss off to breathe a bit and noticed where is was looking. She smiled.

“Ok fine, i’ll do it”

And in one quick movement, her top was off. She was now only wearing a bra. She was about to unclasp it when i stopped her.

“Is it ok if i do that?”

She nodded and sat herself in a way that made it easy for me. I unclasped it, and watched it fall down. And holy cow. She had the single greatest pair of boobs i had ever seen, they were not the biggest, i had seen, but they were far from small too. They were almost milk-white, with a cute nipple at the end. I reached out my hand.

“May I?”

She responded by going back to making out with me, i could see the two boobs dangeling in under her, so i did what anyone in my position would’ve done. I grabbed them, and i could instantly hear her moan, this was the first time i had ever felt boobs, and it was amazing! I massaged the boobs, and i could hear her breathing getting heavier. I then moved my hand over and pinched her nipple. She moaned very loudly. And then i heard two other moans coming from the other room. Laura went back to making out with me, and i grabbed her tits again. But i noticed that one of her hands had left my face. So i opnened my eyes and looked for the hand. And there it was, snuck down the waistband of Lauras skirt and moving a bit. I looked over at her face, and she was fully focused on the wall of Mathildas room. After a bit her breathing got heavier and she started moaning more and more. And then we heard two giant moans coming from the room next door, it seemed they were done in there. I decided that i would also have some fun out of it, so as i heard them cum, i pinched Lauras nipple and bit her lip. She moaned extremely loud, and i am sure the others heard. We heard the first door opening in the others room so she finally took the hand out of herself and reached it over to me. I licked every single finger. We both giggled, and Laura hastily put her top back on. I noticed that her bra was laying in the open so i quickly snatched it, and hid it behind a pillow. Me and Laura went back to cuddling and after a few seconds the door opened and Emily and Mathilda, came back both looking sweaty and with messy hair. I couldn’t help myself.

“I have a feeling you switched the game from singleplayer to coop”

We all started laughing. And i saw Laura quickly glance at the bulge in my pants.

We decided to continue with truth or dare, since we hadn’t really played for that long, it was Mathildas turn now.

“Felix, truth or dare”

“Sure, dare, why not”

“Okay, i dare you to, go into my room, and masturbate, or, stick your hand down anyhwere you want in Lauras pants.”

At first i was about to pick the latter option, why wouldn’t I? But then i realized the potential of the first one.

“Okay, i pick the first one, but i wanna get a truth or dare out first.”


“Laura, truth or dare?”


“Laura, i dare you to suck on Mathildas nipple for 10 seconds, or go with me to the room so i have something to look at.”

“I think i will go with the second one”

YES! It played out perfectly.

Lauras turn now

“Before i leave i should also send a quick truth or dare, so Mathilda truth or dare?”


“I dare you to have some fun while we’re gone.”

And with that said we left, i immitated Emily, and looked her in the eyes as i closed the door. Me and Laura walked into the room and both just sat on the bed. After a bit of awkward silence, Laura, started taking off her top. I had almost forgotten that she never put her bra back on, so i could very quickly see her tits. This time though, her hair was hanging down in front of them, on purpose obviously, but i could still see some of them. She quickly brushed her hair aside and for a few moments i got a glimpse of her tits. That was it. I started taking off my pants, and Laura made her self comfortable in the bed. I was now sitting in boxer shorts. I took a deep breath.

“Here we go i guess”

And then i took off my boxers, my dick was already standing straight up. I know i don’t have a particularly big dick, it was probably around 5,5 inches, and then it had a pretty wierd bend, that always made it go to the left, when it was hard. But in the moment it didn’t matter all too much, i was way too horny to care. I got a little closer to Laura and reached out for her left breast. She stopped my hand midair.

“Nuh uh uhhh, only looking, no touching”

She said and laughed. I lifted an eyebrow at her, but she wouldn’t budge.

“Fine, but at least give me a good show”

“Oki doki”

I started slowly stroking my cock, i mostly stared at her tits but also looked her in the eyes a few times. After a bit Laura shook her shoulders and got her hair behind her back, i now had full vision of her boobs. They were definetly something, and i was so disappointed that i couldn’t touch them. After that, she leant back against the wall and took one of her hands and started massaging her breast. As she started doing that, i picked up the pace, Laura saw that and decided to pick up her pace a bit too. After a bit she decided to slip a hand down her pants and started fingering herself, it was incredibly hot. I could slowly feel myself getting close, but i really tried to hold it back, since i hoped i could get Laura to cum before me. A little bit later i could feel that i couldn’t hold it back anymore.

“Im gonna cum”

“Im almost there”

“Is it ok if i cum on you”


And with that said, i couldn’t hold it back anymore. I blew my load over Lauras gorgeous tits. After that, i was about to leave, but then Laura said:

“Felix, i need you to get something for me. In Mathildas bottom drawer, in the far back, to the right.”

She was studdering a bit, since she never stopped masturbating, but i got the general message.


I walked over to the drawer and searched a bit, before i found what she meant. Mathilda had a 7 inch dildo. I grabbed it, and handed it to Laura. She finally took off her pants, and was now only wearing panties. She stood up, and lifted the panties down. But just before that, she turned around, and i got a good view of her ass. Now, i have never been much of an ass guy, i am more to boobs. But god damn, was i close to converting. Her ass was perfect. She spanked it once and turned around again. And there is was, her glorious pussy. It seemed it was trimmed, with a few small stubs of hair. She lied back down on the bed, and took the dildo up to her entrance. I just sat in amazement and watched her body engulf the entire thing. She started pulling it in and out. And she moaned loudly for each time. I was so aroused, but i wasn’t feeling like masturbating again, i just sat there and watched. She looked over at me and smiled. She started picking up her pace and after a minute or two she finally came. She took the dildo out and handed it to me.

“Can you please clean it up, i don’t want Mathilda to know i used it”

“No problem”

I took the dildo into my mouth and licked off all of her juices. It was the best thing i had ever tasted. It was kinda sweet, but also a bit salty. I loved it. After i was done i dried of the dildo in Mathildas bedsheets, and hid it back where i found it. Me and Laura got our clothes back on, and entered back into the living room.

And what a sight to return to. Emily was sitting on the couch almost naked, wearing only her black skirt, and massaging her breasts, while Mathilda had dropped down between her legs and was eating her out. I was absolutely stunned. I instantly felt my dick rising back up. I tried to get their attention and Mathilda heard me. She whispered something to Emily and they both started moving. Im pretty sure i saw Mathilda pull down her shirt. Emily took it like a champ and just stood up and started taking her clothes on. At first she was facing away from me so i could only see her ass. But then she turned around to pick up something and holy shit, what a sight. Earlier this year Emily flashed me a few times as a joke, but this was completely different. Her breasts were covered in sweat and her nipples were hard. This time she also almost wasn’t wearing anything so it seemed way more intimate than just lifting up your shirt. She picked up her bra, and gave her tits a little squeze before putting it on. She then got the rest of her clothes back on and we all sat back in our previous positions.



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