The Twin Part 1

This story takes place after The First but before The Enlarger. This is my third go at erotica and to be honest fictional writing in general so be gentle. Loosely based on real events. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

Andrew’s popularity as an up and coming young photographer was growing exponentially and talk of his talents had spread around his high school like wildfire. A prominent photography magazine had published an interview with him and had included some of his work in the article. It mostly focussed on his street photography and long term portrait project with his peers but there were a couple of artistic nude photos in there too. This article had been noticed by a couple of the local newspapers and they had decided to interview him as well. This more mainstream attention of course filtered down to his school. Who were the mysterious nude women in Andrew’s photos? Was one of them really Miss Hart the art teacher? Someone’s Dad reckons his brother once drew her nude at the library. It was all hearsay of course as involved parties were keeping tight lipped and also keeping their distance from each other at school, after school however was another story.

It was a very ordinary Friday night at Andew’s house, just after 7pm. Selena was out with her friends as per usual and Andrew was in his darkroom and had just finished developing the films he had just shot that week and was hanging them in the drying tent. He turned his stereo down and as soon as he did he heard the doorbell ring and ring and ring. He ran down the hall to the front door and as he went he thought to himself “Who the fuck is this? I’m not expecting anyone”. He turned on the outdoor light and opened the front door and there stood a girl from school. She was cute and blonde and a little on the short side but what she lacked in height she made up for in breasts. They were quite large for her frame and looked extra delicious this evening as they were trying their best to pop out of her uniform, the uniform for the local buffet restaurant. Now there was a problem with this encounter, you see the girl standing at his front door could be one of two people as she was an identical twin. Felicity and Natalie. To the untrained eye and if you had never met them or talked to them, they were absolutely identical, but to Andrew’s keenly trained eye and with the experience of interacting with both of them, he had a good idea of who was standing there. Natalie smiled more than Felicity, especially at Andrew. Felicity may have been slightly smarter than Natalie but Natalie was more artistic. Natalie was more of a free spirit and Felicity was more demanding and uptight. Felicity was slightly thinner than Natalie but Natalie had bigger breasts. They both worked at the buffet restaurant. “Hi Andrew!” said the twin, grinning from ear to ear. “Hi Natalie” said Andrew, “Please come in”, Natalie seemed to smile even more when he said her name. “Thank fuck I got that right” Andrew thought to himself.

Natalie was carrying a pizza box and she placed it on the table in the kitchen dining area. It smelt great. “Sorry to just turn up like this but I just finished work and didn’t get a chance to eat so I thought I’d come over”. She said, Andrew replied “Oh ok cool, I’ve been in the darkroom most of the afternoon so I am actually starving”. Andrew grabbed a couple of plates out of the cupboard and put them on the table. He put a couple of slices on each plate and handed one to Natalie. She smiled at him. He then got a couple of glasses out of the cupboard and put them on the table. “What would you like to drink?” asked Andrew. “Anything is fine” she replied. So he went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Diet Coke and filled both their glasses. He picked up his glass and held it up “Cheers” he said. Natalie picked up her glass and tapped it against his “Cheers” she said. Andrew and Natalie ate their pizza and she talked about her afternoon and night at work and Andrew told her about what he had been doing in the darkroom. At one point Andrew asked “How did you know where I lived, Natalie?” Natalie blushed a little and said “Reagan lives down the road from you and she once told me kind of where you lived” a slightly embarrassed look covered her face “I tied two other houses before I found you”. They both laughed. “Well I’m glad you made it” said Andrew. “It’s a very pleasant surprise” he added. Natalie smiled at Andrew and played with her hair a little. Andrew hoped that he had been subtle about looking at Natalie as she was quite beautiful and he could have sworn that more buttons at the top of her shirt were done up when she arrived. “Shall we go and sit in the lounge?” Asked Andrew”, Natalie nodded and said “Ok” and followed him into the lounge. Natalie sat down and Andrew turned on the stereo and dimmed the lights and sat down near her. They sat and listened to the music and made some small talk for a while and after an awkward pause Natalie sat up and adjusted herself and began to speak “Andrew, can I ask you something?”, “Of course” he said. “Have… have you ever kissed a girl?” Andrew nods. “Have you ever felt a girl up?” she asks, Andrew nods again “Have you ever touched a girl’s vagina?” Andews nods again. Natalie looks intrigued “Andrew, have you ever had sex?” Andrew nods again. “The girls at school” she pauses “My friends at school, most of them have had boyfriends and have done these things” she pauses again “I haven’t even been kissed!”. Andrew smiles and says “Do you want to try these things with me?. “Yes!” says Natalie.

Andrew stands up and sits down right next to Natalie on the couch and holds her hands for a moment, he then leans in and kisses her softly on the lips. “That was lovely” she said “Can I have another one?”. Andrew leans in and kisses her again on the lips, this time his mouth open a little wider and she kisses him back. They make out for a few minutes and eventually stop when the song playing on the radio ends, it was “November Rain” by Guns ‘n’ Roses. Natalie is looking a little flushed in the face. “Oh my!” she says, Andrew smiles and leans in and makes out with her some more. They are kissing very passionately and have started touching each other, Natalie is feeling Andrew’s chest and abs and Andrew is feeling Natalies waist and back. Andrew feels like it is time to check out these breasts so he runs his hand over one, it feels great and no reaction for Natalie so he decides to give it a bit of a squeeze, Natalie responds with a quiet “mmmm” while still kissing him. Andrew then grabs both breasts with both hands and gives them a good massage, Natalie lets out another slightly louder “Mmmm”. Andrew thinks it is probably like to let these puppies get some air so he starts by pulling Natalie’s shirt out of her pants, no reaction. He then starts unbuttoning Natalie’s shirt from the bottom up, a quick job as most of the buttons on the top half are already done, still no real reaction. He then reaches around behind Natalie and in one swift move and with one hand undoes her bra. “Oh!” she says with a surprise “I’m impressed!” she says. Andrew removes Natalie’s bra and opens her shirt wide, her breasts are so big and perky and Andrew admires her tan lines, he likes a girl in a bikini. He grabs both of them with both hands and gives them another bigger squeeze and Natalie giggles. They stop kissing for a moment and Andrew looks down at himself, Natalie has undone his shirt buttons exposing his chest and abs. Andrew grabs both of Natalie’s breasts again and starts kissing them, Natalie gives him an “Mmmm” of approval. He gives one nipple a little suck and bites on it ever so gently “Ouch” says Natalie, he then does the same to the other breast, this time no ouch. Andrew asks Natalie if he can take off her pants and she nods, she lifts herself up off the couch for a moment and Andrew whips them off with grace and precision. Natalie takes her shirt off and Andrew removes his shirt and then his pants. Natalie looks down and notices the bulge barely contained in Andrew’s underpants, reaches out and touches it and grabs it a few times “Oh my” she says and then leans back on the couch with her legs slightly apart. Andrew climbs onto the couch and onto Natalie, both with their underwear still on.

Andrew positioned himself on top of Natalie and between her legs. They are making out intensely, kissing passionately and feeling each other’s bodies. The bulge in Andrew’s underpants makes contact with Natalie’s pussy through her panties and she lets out a squeal, pushes Andrew off her and sits up. She catches her breath and says “Andrew, thank you, this has been amazing but I don’t think I am ready to go any further just yet”. Andrew nods in agreement and says “I understand completely”. Natalie looks for her pants, shirt and bra and puts them on, kisses Andrew on the cheek and leaves. Andrew is a little dumbfounded “Is this what blue balls is?” he thinks to himself. He picks up his pants and shirt and as he is walking down the hallway to his room he hears the doorbell, he turns around and heads to the door, using his clothes to cover the erection barely secured in his underpants. He opens the door and it is Miss Hart aka Emily. “I was starting to think she would never leave!” says Emily as she makes her way inside. She walks into the kitchen/dining area, Andrew follows and she opens the pizza box, picks up a slice and eats it. “How did you know she was here?” Asks Andrew. “Well I heard the music and the puffing and panting so I had a little peek through the window” says Emily. Andrew chuckles to himself thinking of that time at the library. “We are even now, you spied on me sat the library and now I have spied on you!” Andrew just about choked on her words and Emily smiles at Andrew and they have a laugh together about it. Emily grabs Andrew by the waist of his underpants and peeks in, she then turns around still holding on to his underpants and leads him into the lounge and says “Firstly let’s take care of this”. She pushes Andrew onto the couch and flops down beside him, she reaches into her handbag and pulls out a joint and a lighter. She puts the joint in her mouth, lights it and takes a couple of drags. She then puts the lit joint in Andrew’s mouth and he takes a couple of puffs. Emily lowers Andrew’s underpants revealing his cock, she grabs the joint out of his mouth with her right hand, puts it in her mouth and then begins to jerk him off. Andrew lets out a satisfying “mmmm” and Emily smiles. She reaches into her handbag again and pulls out a small bottle of lube and squirts some on Andrew’s dick and starts moving her hand up and down his shaft slowly, twisting as she goes. When she gets to the top of his dick she rubs her thumb and fingers around his knob, this drives Andrew crazy. She picks up the pace and her hand is gliding up and down his cock quite fast. Emily takes off her t-shirt exposing her bra-less perky tits. Andrew smiles, throws his head back and lets out a groan of pleasure and starts breathing heavily. “So soon?!” asks Emily and Andrew nods. She starts rubbing the underside of his throbbing cock with her thumb and Andrew lets out a groan and the first load oozes out and lands on Emily’s hand. The second shoots out into the air and lands on his chest, the third onto his abs and the subsequent loads land near the base of his penis. He takes the soggy joint out of Emily’s mouth and takes a puff and puts it in the ashtray on the coffee table. Andrew stands up and takes Emily by her jizzy hand and leads her into the bathroom.

The next morning as sun came up so did Andrew’s dick and Emily took this opportunity to give him a quick wake up blowjob before she left. Andrew heard her talking to Serena somewhere else in the house and he drifted back to sleep with the sun on him and had a wonderful dream about taking street photos in New York. Several hours later Andrew was woken by the doorbell ringing continuously. “Fucking Jehovahs” he thought to himself. As he was lying in bed contemplating getting up to see who it was Serena yells “ANDREW THERE IS SOMEONE AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!” and he hears her door slam. He gets up out of bed, puts on a pair of boxers and a t-shirt and staggers slightly to the front door. He opens it and there she is again, short blonde with her back to the door. “Hi Natalie” says Andrew. She turns around with her arms crossed and she has a very angry look on her face. “It’s Felicity” she says in a very serious tone. “This can’t be good” Andrew thinks to himself. “Oh shit, sorry, Hi Felicity!” says Andrew. Felicity barges past Andrew and stands in the lounge with her hands on her hips like an angry, busty, blonde sugar bowl. “Natalie told me all about what happened here last night!” she started to wave her finger at him, now she looked like a hot teapot. “She and I are twins and for all of our lives we have done everything together, we learned to walk together, talk together and we learned to ride bikes together” she takes a breath “And I can’t have her getting ahead!”. Andrew gets a slightly startled look on his face. “What you did to her last night you have to do to me!” Felicity demands. That wasn’t quite how Andrew thought this conversation would go. “Ok” he says “But you have to keep it down because my cousin is trying to sleep”. Felicity nods and Andrew indicates the direction of his room with his head.

They get into his room and Felicity starts sniffing “What is that smell?” she asks. Andrew sniffs and it smells musky like hot sweaty sex with good helping of impulse body spray and a hint of jizz. “Welcome to a boy’s room!” says Andrew as he sits on his bed. Felicity is standing there with her arms crossed. She is wearing a white t-shirt and blue shorts. Andrew pats the bed beside him and she sits down where his hand was. “Are you sure you want this?” He asks and she nods. He softly holds the side of her face and begins to kiss her. The stern angry young girl starts to melt a little inside. She starts kissing him back and their mouths are interlocked. She sticks her hand up Andrew’s t-shirt and starts feeling his abs. Not to be outdone he grabs Felicity’s tits from the outside of her t-shirt. They are definitely smaller than Nathalie’s, Felicity flinches a little but doesn’t say anything. Andrew takes off his t-shirt exposing his chiseled chest and Felicity runs her hand down it and smiles approvingly. Andrew grabs the bottom of Felicity’s t-shirt and begins to lift but she stops him. She has a concerned look on her face “Don’t take my bra off yet please” she begs and Andrew nods and says “Ok”. She allows him to lift her t-shirt off and Andrew takes her all in. As he suspected her tits are a bit smaller but she is also a bit slimmer. Andrew leans in and starts kissing her neck and gently gropes one of her breasts and she groans with delight. Andrew moves further up the bed and the two embrace with their whole bodies. The hard thing in Andrew’s boxers pushes against Felicity’s stomach and she looks down at it and gives it a little grab “Holy cow Andrew” and she starts jerking him off slowly. Andrew takes her hand off his cock and says “You can’t do that, Natalie didn’t really touch my dick like that”. Felicity almost looks sad. She sits up and takes off her bra. Her tits are definitely more shapely than Natalie’s. Andrew leans in and cups one of them while kissing it, he sucks on her nipple just a little bit and Felicity flinches again but not as much. He then grabs them both giving them a nice squeeze and Felicity responds with a soft “mmmmm”. Andrew tugs at Felicity’s shorts and says that they need to come off, she stands and slips them off revealing her knickers. She then climbs on top of Andrew and they start making out harder and faster. Felicity rubs her tits all over Andrew’s face and he fucking loves it. Andrew cups Felicity’s breasts as they hang down in front of him and she grinds her ass against his hard penis. She reaches around and grabs his dick and starts tugging it again. “Felicity no, we have to stop”. Felicity has a very determined look on her face. “We can’t stop now” she says and pouts. Andrew thinks for a moment and comes up with a solution. “How about we go one step further and that’s it for today?” Felicity agrees.

Andrew tells her to take her shorts off and lay on her back with her knees up at the edge of the bed and she does so. He stands beside her, sucks on his finger and and starts to gently rub the outside of her pussy, she groans with delight and Andrew shushes her. He runs his fingers up and down her labia and she relaxes her head and closes her eyes. He makes sure his index finger is nice and wet and he slowly sticks it in her. She lets out half of a groan but stops herself and puts her hand over her mouth. He fucks her with his finger for a few minutes and she is absolutely loving it. He introduces a second finger into her pussy and she is breathing quite heavily and groaning almost constantly. Andrew doesn’t notice her hand slipping up the leg of his boxers but he notices when she grabs his shaft firmly and starts jerking it back and forward. After a minute or two Felicity’s hand starts to fall out of rhythm and suddenly she stops and her whole body shudders and she lets out a muffled “Uuuuunnnhhhh” with her hand over her mouth, she has just cum. Andrew slows down his fingering, she grabs his hand and stops him from doing it completely. She looks at him with a look of pure shock “Did I just orgasm?” She asked. “Yup” Andrew replies and they both smile at each other. Andrew takes the fingers that were inside Felicity and puts them in his mouth to taste her, delicious. “Have you cum?” she asks with a very concerned look on her face, “Nope” Andrew replies and shakes his head. Felicity tries to pull down Andrew’s boxers and but he has to assist, she pulls herself closer to the edge of the bed and positions her tits underneath his cock and starts wanking him off again. After a minute or so Andrew tilts his head back and shoots a couple of loads onto Felicity’s rack, she squeals with delight. She dips her finger lightly in the cum on her tits and tastes it “I don’t know what all of the fuss is about, it doesn’t taste that bad” and tries some more. Andrew laughs and reaches for a paper towel beside the bed and asks “If you’re done I’ll clean up the rest”, Felicity pokes her chest up and out and Andrew wipes up the jizz on her lovely tits. He then takes her by her hand and leads her into the shower. A lot of squealing and giggling could be heard coming from the shower and Felicity even gave Andrew’s dick a bit of a suck while they were in there. They got out and Felicity could not wipe the smile from her face, they dried off, got dressed and Felicity kissed Andrew goodbye and she practically ran home. Andrew laid on his bed and thought to himself “I wonder when Natalie will come back”. He drifted off to sleep exhausted.



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