Meeting my owner. Nsfw. Noncon petplay abuse pain

The van rocked and shook along the gravel road. I had awaken in darkness a few hours ago, maybe not, maybe one a few minutes had passed. I can feel my face bound in somthing, it’s musty and smooth, maybe nylon? It invades my mouth so I can’t speak, not that I have dared to yet. The smooth device also covers my eyes maybe my entire head as I can feel somthing on my ears too.

Suddenly the vehicle stops.
I stiffen out of fear and I hear a mumble and a laugh. I think im being watched, last thing I rember I was at a party. It starts to get hazy from there,  I left with someone, I remember…giving them my phone and wallet. Why?

A sudden gush of cold air snaps me from my internal investigation and alerts me to the fact that I am only wearing my underwear, the rest of my body feels the uncaring blast of snow kissed air.  My nipples harden nearly painful in the icy wind.

I am pulled by my neck and after a short agonizing fall I land in fluffy bitter snow. One breast imearsed only for a second, as I struggle to stand. I struggle and try to find footing touching a cold metal protrusion, a bumper maybe or a trailer hitch. As I stand my feet deeper into the snow to stand I am pushed down again. My face is dipped into the cold powder before my neck jerks me back upward.


I don’t know if they yelled so I would grasp the seriousness or so I could hear through the item on my face but it made me shrink and shutter. I was breathing hard and fast but still shallow as the snow bit at my hands, knees, feet and nipples. Now all aching and hot in a searing pain.

I was led in my paniced State by my neck the snow was deep enough to hit my hanging boobs at times each time it did it drew another small noise from me that couldn’t leave my mouth. Finally I was pulled onto cold concrete, rough and cold but a thousand times better, not that I could really feel anything anymore. Then I was pulled through a door. More hard concrete below me hurting my knees and hands but it was out of the wind and I could feel the room buzzing with a heater.

Suddenly light floods my eyes as the device is pulled from me. It take a moment to adjust and I crouch there blinking trying to get a picture of where I am. Its…a barn…I think, it has stalls tables leads and the unmistakable smell of hay. I look down my skin is blue my boyshorts still have ice and snow in them I notice im shivering violently. Without warning a blast of water hits me knocking me over its not warm but it is warmer than outside for that I’m greatful but it’s hard blasting it feels like needles I’m my skin. My skin is pinking up and felt horrible enough like a leg waking up after falling asleep but this was everywhere especially in my tender discolored nipples. Now that same skin was assaulted with the high pressure water. The burning and static made me scream so violently I though my throat would bleed. My mouth was still open and the jet was aimed at my face making me choke on the merciless stream gaging and cough I wailed and cried.


I slumped into a puddle sobbing my body painfully collapsed.


This time I jolted from the added anger, and not knowing where I was or if there was even the chance of escape I reached back and aquwardly pulled my black boyshorts down with one hand as I shielded my body with the other.

I heard the water jet turn on again and though, oh god no.  But to my surprise the water was both softer and warmer.

“All fours. Face the wall, or I will turn the water up”

I did as the voice said trembling. The warmer stream concentrated on my now open legs spraying my pussy and asshole thoroughly. It felt strand and painful at times.  The  as quickly as it started the water stopped. And I was tossed a large fluffy towel.

“Dry off cunt”

The words hurt but I was happy for the towel my body shivering from the snow and water. I towled myself and snuggled into the blanket. As I finished I looked dark up to see an outstretched hand. Although I didn’t want to I gave up the damp towel. I was still cold but I know longer felt like I might lose a diget or die.  A cold and old leather collar was slapped onto my neck and locked shut.

“We will finish your processing tomorrow. You will be shaved, pierced, branded and fed tomorrow. For tonight this is your stall”

The person speaking was tall wore aheavy jacket, jeans and cowboy boots. His face my tanned and weathered but it wasn’t a ugly face, he had drank brown eyes and matching chestnut hair with a small kept beard.

He opened the door to a stall. Inside was a mound of hay, two bowls, one empty one with water, and a stiff wool horse blanket.

I crawling inside cold and sore.
“I..I…do..dont understand…please…please just let me go. I won’t tell anybody…I won’t ”

“Hush now cunt. It gets cold at night.”

Then the door closed and locked leaving me alone in the dark.
