Conference Discord [FF] [Coworkers] [Enemies]

Brooklyn and Beth had been at odds since they minute they met each other. They were the top two highest performing members of their team at the sales company they worked for, and were both fiercely competitive and incredibly driven. They were very much the same in this regard, which one would think would make them natural friends. But some times, when people are too similar in this type of environment, this might as well be synonymous with conflict.

Tensions persisted but came to an all-new height with an announcement that would begin their journey to redefining their relationship forever; in every sense of the word.

“Next Monday you will all be attending a mandatory sales conference out of state. We will be providing hotel rooms for you, as it will take place over several days. Also, our highest performing members will each be holding discussion-based panels in their respective fields of expertise.

Brooklyn and Beth smirked, knowing that it would be them. Brooklyn’s area of expertise was in customer relations, while Beth’s was upselling and growth. They were both expert in each other’s areas as well no doubt, and in many ways were comparably equal masters of both; but this was one area a sort of truce had been reached as this conflict came up often. They would each remain the point person for their respective area when conflict arose; the one rule in their rivalry that was never broken.

One more announcement. Due to budget constraints, you will each be sharing hotel rooms with one of your coworkers.”

Groans resounded through the office.

“I know, I know. But no exceptions. Think of it as team-building, good for morale. Get to know one another outside the workplace. Your partner assignments have been emailed to you. That is all.”

Everyone rushed quickly back to their desks to check their emails. Brooklyn pulled hers up and didn’t have to look far down the list to find her name, and, her partner… Beth. Of course. Alphabetical.

She turned slightly in her chair to glance at her rival, with whom she met eye contact. Beth broke away quickly, and had clearly been staring at her before Brooklyn had noticed. She had a slight smile on her lips, which Brooklyn would have assumed it was a smirk, but it wasn’t quite, and the way she turned quickly made her think twice.

But what else could it have been. They would be forced to share a room together as well as attend the same conference. Brooklyn was not looking forward to this.

The first day of the conference went on about as interesting as one would imagine. That night is where the story really began.

The hotel rooms were clearly budget. So much so, that despite forcing employees to share a room, there was only one queen bed.

Both in their underwear and without much conversation having taken place at all in the room after the conference, they agreed to go to bed. Brooklyn got under the covers on the further side of the bed, and Beth hopped in on the other, each staying a respectful distance away from each other.

Beth seemed to go to bed soon after the lights turned out, but Brooklyn was having difficulty. She eventually turned around, facing towards Beth’s side. She opened her eyes slightly and saw the silhouette of her body, her back turned to her… but closer than she had remembered; maybe just the darkness playing tricks. However, as she finally drifted off to sleep, the last thing she remembered was the smell of Beth’s hair.

Brooklyn was the first to wake up the next morning. She did so slowly and begrudgingly, as she had had tremendous sleep and amazing dreams, not that she remembered them exactly, all the stress of the conference and the accommodations not withstanding. It seemed to have all melted away.

Until she regained her bearings, opened her eyes and realized she had awoken spooning Beth. She felt Beth’s chest gently expand and contract as she breathed slowly, clearly still asleep. She looked around, and realized that Beth had migrated over to Brooklyn’s own side in the night. She was going to wake her up and confront her, when she made a few more shocking realizations. First, that not only was her body pressed against her rival’s, but that her hand was wrapped around her and on her bare breast, pushed up under Beth’s top. And second; that her panties were soaking wet.

She knew she couldn’t confront Beth like that and pretend to be completely innocent. Maybe it was just an accident; that they had both just ended up like that, no one’s fault. Maybe a confusing dream.

She slowly pulled her hand away from Beth’s breast, and a thought intruded into her mind as she moved her hand slowly across her skin of just how soft it was. She fought it off and focused lest she wake Beth and cause an explosively awkward scene. She succeeded, and slowly pulled her body away from Beth’s and out from under the blanket and walked quickly to the bathroom and closed the door, all as silent as she could. She looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t believe it. She looked down and touched her panties; they were soaked. She mentally decided to make use of her morning grogginess and just slipped them off as mindlessly as she could and hopped into the shower, doing her best to rinse all these thoughts from her mind.

When she had finished and stepped out to get her close, she saw Beth stir and sit up out of bed, stretching her arms as she yawned before rubbing her eyes.

“Good morning” she said.

“Good morning,” Brooklyn said back, as cordially as she could. She had a moment of thought how vulnerable her rival looked in this state, just like this morning, but tore her eyes away from her and turned to her suitcase and began to get dressed.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Beth reach down and adjust her top to pull it back down over her exposed breast, and then head to the bathroom. She tried to hide the redness in her face. But she had other things to think of today, as she would be leading the panel on customer relations. She had spent a significant amount of time preparing on this topic, knowing that Beth had done the same, each intending to be the decisive panel of this conference for the purpose of outdoing the other.

Brooklyn’s panel would be first, first of the day in fact, with Beth’s heading off the third and final day after. The time soon came. Brooklyn had gone over her notes diligently, and was ready to take the stage, when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Hold on a moment.”

She whirled around upset. It was her boss. “Beth’s going to be taking this one.

“But… but… this is customer relations! That’s mine!”

“Not anymore. Beth came to the directors last week with a proposal for a new approach to our customers for the company and they loved it. I’m sorry. I know you’ve worked hard…”

“Worked hard?” She hissed. “I’ve been doing nothing but research this day and night, preparing answers, anticipating questions, studying new market materials, I’m certainly fluent in whatever informations she found and more, I…. UUGGGHHHH.”

With that, Brooklyn stormed out of the convention center and across the street for a drink. She stayed there until she knew the panel would be over, and though it was well past lunch time, she had no semblance of an appetite.

Fuming, she finally made her way back to the hotel and entered the room. She opened the door and heard the shower turn off and the curtain open.

The door to the bathroom was ajar. She stepped in, not caring about any sense of boundaries.

“What the hell was that?” She spat, fire in her voice.

Beth finished wrapping the towel around her and faced the mirror.

“I’m shocked you didn’t do the same. It’s up to you to keep the directors informed on the new developments in your area. If you had done so, they wouldn’t have deferred to me.”

“You know I was speaking on the exact same issues. And you know this is my area. This is low even for you, stepping into my arena.”

“Honestly I’m shocked you didn’t think of this first.”

Brooklyn was fuming. She couldn’t believe the blatant audacity Beth was showing her. She didn’t even grant Brooklyn the decency of turning to look at her; she just keep looking herself in the mirror and going about her routine as if other was happening. This only made Brooklyn madder, and so she stepped forward into the steamy bathroom.

“Everything’s different now. After this, at work, whatever it was before…”

She didn’t get a chance to finish. Beth dropped her towel completely to the floor and stepped up to meet Brooklyn. She was so close, her breasts transferred water to Brooklyn’s top. She stopped mid way through her sentence in shock, stammering and her eyes transfixed on her body. Beth smirked.

“Whatever. Do your worst. I’ve already got your specialty, and soon you’ll just be a member of my department.”

Brooklyn turned red and tore her eyes away from Beth. She couldn’t believe what was happening. She also couldn’t believe herself; how she was reacting to this girl’s naked body edging on pressing against hers as it had the other night.

As her eyes had ricochet off Beth’s breasts, they landed on the counter, and landed on an object lying there by the sink. It was a pair of panties. It was *her* pair of panties that she had soaked and dropped on the floor that morning before her shower. Beth must have found them.

Her eyes grew wide as they forcibly reconnected with Beth’s, and Beth’s smirk grew into a full on dastardly smile, knowing that she knew she knew. She blew her a kiss smugly, and turned slightly to go back to her routine at the counter.

Brooklyn’s arms shot out and spun her back around and into her body. She looked down at her face and stammered with fury,

“You… You little…”

Their lips plowed into each other. After a moment, Brooklyn pulled away, analyzing what had happened and realized *she* was the one who had done it. Maybe it was the alcohol, or… she just didn’t know what. She looked at Beth with a sense of terror in her eyes, feeling like she had just given her the ultimate trump card, and expecting that sinister smile to grace her face more than ever, as if letting Brooklyn know she was contemplating all the cruel things she could leverage this moment into.

The smile soon came, but it was the word that followed that Brooklyn did not expect.


They both each pulled back in to the kiss and emotion cracked as they did. Brooklyn’s fury transmuted into passion in its rawest form, channeling itself through the current circumstances. It surged through her body in a massive tidal wave and she lifted Beth up under her butt and placed her on the counter. She pulled away and grabbed the back of Beth’s head with one hand, maintaining eye contact as she plunged the other down her own throat, and then sent it down between Beth’s legs. She shrieked in ecstasy as Brooklyn’s fingers plunged palm-up into her and then curled upwards into her g-spot.

“Unggghhhh!!!” Beth cried, not expecting that at all, though her entryway had been wet, clearly in anticipation of something for some time. Brooklyn went in and out of her, her eyes furiously fixated on Beth’s face as she writhed, her mind trying to account for the sudden influx of ecstasy.

It wasn’t long at all before Beth came to her climax, shrieking and wrapping her shuddering legs tight around Brooklyn, pulling her into her against the counter, her head collapsing into her shoulder.

Brooklyn didn’t miss a beat to savor the moment, picking her up again and carrying her hastily out of the bathroom and plopping her down hard on the bed. Beth squeaked, and she jumped on top of her, placing her leg between Beth’s and pushing up against her, straddling Beth’s leg with her own in the process.

She let out a strong and dominant moan as she ground her pussy against the soft flesh of Beth’s thigh. Beth mewled and soon raised her eyes to meet Brooklyn’s. Her visage bared down at her, her hands bracketing her in, grinding up and down with fury. Beth maintained a submissive contact, her head angling down more and more as her second climax built until she couldn’t bear it and shut her eyes fast and bent her head against her chest. Brooklyn continued harder and harder as Beth remained nearly paralyzed and twitching with pleasure until they both burst and cried out with pleasure in a magical mutual climax.

Sweat dripped, and Brooklyn huffed primally. Her trance was broken only when she felt Beth’s hands perch on her shoulders. She opened her eyes and transfixed them with Beth’s, ready for nearly anything as Beth’s mouth opened up to speak.

“H.. hey. Brookie, I… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that, at the conference. I wanted to get to you, but I shouldn’t have…”

Beth’s eyes, which at first had, as a result of summoned courage met her lover’s now drooped down as she fumbled her words.

“It’s okay.”

Beth’s eyes rose back up, still sheepishly, but with speed from her surprise. Brooklyn moved in for a slow and intimate kiss, disrupting the raw passion that had guided their sexual encounter up till now. Beth slowly shut her eyes and breathed in the kiss, the one now to be being comforted by Brooklyn.

They continued the renewed pace of their sexual encounter. Their raw passion had opened the door for the sweet and deeply founded intimacy from their experiences with each other coming to a head. To know each other in the rival capacity for such a long time and to get past all of that in a virtual instant in such a manner resulted in an intimate clarity unrivaled by any other sense of closeness either of them had previously experienced.

Beth and Brooklyn held their heads close together and held each others hair and heads with their hands, breaking their eyes’ gaze on each others’ faces only long enough to close them and savor the intimacy of a kiss.

It was now Beth’s turn. She pulled away and again rested her hands on Brooklyn’s shoulders and smiled ever so slightly, this time, ever so sweetly. She lowered herself and regained eye contact just as she made contact with Brooklyn’s right breast, sucking it gently at first, but building consistently a steady and pleasurable rhythm, pulling gently on her nipple with the suction of her mouth, applying intermittent pressure with her teeth and using the pressure to apply her tongue to suckle it.

Brooklyn inhaled and exhaled deeply, letting her eyes close and head roll back with the pleasure. She kept one hand playing with the back of Beth’s head, her fingers flowing through her thick hair, and the other caressing her back down her spine. Eventually she brought her head back up and brought her lips back down to the top of Beth’s head, kissing deeply and inhaling the scent of her hair that excited her so, and rubbing her back

After sucking her right breast and massaging the soft, plump fullness of the other with her opposing hand, Beth in time released herself from her pipeline to Brooklyn’s intimate center and descended down to another, taking a moment to examine her mound and clitoris before making initial contact with her tongue. She did so once, and looked up at Brooklyn, who instinctively broke from her eye-closed state of pleasure to look down at her and appreciate the moment. Beth closed her own eyes, set firmly upon her own task at hand, and would continue to do so until she was finished. She licked up her clit, again and again. Brooklyn groaned harder, and more still as Beth soon involved her lips.

Brooklyn’s womanhood dripped with love, and Beth brought her fingers in to the action accordingly. Soon, she was pumping them steadily in and out while orally expressing her love on Brooklyn’s intimate area.

This all too soon proved too much for Brooklyn. Her moans and groans built up into a vocal explosion representing her pleasure, and fell steeply down to where she wanted nothing more than to run her hands and lips over her lover, savoring every touch. She pulled and Beth rose back up and gave her a kiss before resting her head on Brooklyn’s chest. They both lay there panting until their breathing finally slowed, and they were both calm, rejoicing in the bliss they had inflicted on each other and savoring the presence of their partner.

“Brookie. I loved it when you called me that, Beth.”

“Hmm. Me too. Thank you for letting me call you that, Brookie.”

They soon fell asleep, Beth resting her sweet head on Brooklyn’s chest, moving gently as it rose and fell with her breathing. Brooklyn’s hands held her against her and played with her thick hair, her lips giving her a gentle kiss on her head, and whispering to her lover reassuring words; wishes of new beginnings, and of sweet dreams.
