The First

A couple of years before the event in The Enlarger. This is my second go at erotica and to be honest fictional writing in general so be gentle. Loosely based on real events. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and no so innocent.

The First

As you know Andrew, was a talented and young photographer and at this time there was a big emphasis on young and he had not quite landed the success, fame and fortune weren’t even a thought. He had begun to catch the eye of the photographic world with his long term portrait project and gritty street photographs but he was also inspired by the nude work of Edward Weston, Helmut Newton, Tyler Shields and of course Playboy. He had an itch that he couldn’t scratch, he thought about asking some of his female high school friends to pose for him but he didn’t think any of them would be into it and if anyone found out, who knows what kind of trouble he would get in. He had become friendly with one of the art teachers at school, no he wasn’t going to ask her but they had discussed life drawing before so he decided he would approach Miss Hart. Miss Hart was absolutely gorgeous, tall, leggy and a bit of a hippy. She had this mass of brunette hair that she kept half up and half down and Andrew had noticed that she had an amazing pair of breasts one class when she was braless and wore this very loose shirt to school once. Andrew waited for everyone to leave art class and he approached her, “Miss Hart, I was wondering if you knew of any life drawing classes in the area?”. Miss Hart’s interest was piqued but she also seemed to be blushing a little. “Well Andrew there is one at the library near the shopping centre tonight and every other Wednesday night, problem is tonight I am posing for that class so it wouldn’t be very appropriate for you to go. But how about I tell you when I am not there and then it won’t be weird?”. Andrew was annoyed but said “Sure”.

As soon as Andrew got home from school he rang the library “Hi I was wondering what time the life drawing class was tonight?”. The librarian told him it started at 7pm, was $30 and they provided the art supplies, he thanked them and hung up the phone. The library was only a short 10min walk from Andrew’s house so at 7pm he put on his darkest clothing and set off towards the library. When he got there the blinds were down on the window near the front door so something was definitely going on. He knew it wouldn’t be a good idea to go in so he thought he would check each window to see if he could catch a glimpse of her. The first window was no good. The second window allowed him to see someone’s drawing of her but it was obviously her back side, she had a nice ass but he wanted to catch another glimpse of her rack, so he trampled through the garden to the other side. Perfect, one of the windows on the other side of the library had an ill fitting blind and he pushed his face against the glass to get a good look. There she was, exactly as he had imagined her many times, those breasts were fantastic but then something else caught his eye, as she was holding her mop of hair up as part of her pose, it was her underarms, there was hair there. He immediately tracked down her body to between her legs and there was even more hair, it was something out of a 70s porno, she was definitely a hippy. He stood there for several minutes taking all of her in and when he noticed that his pants were getting a little tight in the crotch area he left. When he got home he jerked off and never had he cum that quickly before.

A week went by and Andew went to Miss Hart’s staff room after his last class and caught her attention, as she was coming outside Andrew could not help but think about her amazing body and naturally hairy pussy. “Hi Miss Hart, I was wondering if it was safe for me to go to the life drawing class tonight? Miss Hart smiled “Yes it is, my friend Fleur is posing tonight”. “Ok cool, thank you Miss Hart, catch you later” said Andew and Miss Hart replied “Bye Andrew, have fun”. Andrew walked away still thinking about Miss Hart’s body. When he got home he started practicing drawing the girls in his magazines, decided to have a quick wank and at about 6:45pm he headed towards the library. When he arrived he handed them his $30 and noticed the chairs and easels set up around a platform in the middle of the room. He picked a spot and sat down, there were a couple of people already there and the room began to slowly fill. At just after 7 a very average looking older woman appears through a door, Andrew hopes she is not the model and his fears were allayed as she introduced herself as the art teacher. She explained how the night would work for a few minutes and then poked her head into the door that she came through and called out to someone. A couple of moments later Fleur walked into the room. She was wearing a white bathrobe and had this amazing flowing curly red hair, like something out of a pre-Raphaelite painting. She walked to the middle of the room and disrobed. Andrew could hardly believe his eyes, she was so pale and her body was amazing and had curves in all of the right places. She wasn’t as thin as Miss Hart and was definitely younger, not that Miss Hart was old. She reminded him of Marilyn Monroe. Her breasts were big but not too big and there wasn’t a hair, mark or spot on her entire body including no pubic or under arm hair. Andrew drew her like a man possessed, he used charcoal for shading and white chalk for highlights. His dick was semi hard for most of the class. His drawing was so good that the teacher showed the rest of the class and everyone including Fleur was impressed. When the class was over Andrew waited until Fleur put her robe back on and cautiously approached her and asked her if he could take some photos of her in his studio and showed her some photocopied examples in his notebook. She agreed and they arranged for her to be at his place at 11 on Saturday morning. Andrew wrote his address on the drawing he made of her and gave it to her, she blushed a little. They said goodbye to each other and Andrew set off for home.

The next two days at school flew by and Andrew managed to avoid running into Miss Hart just in case she had spoken to Fleur. On Saturday morning Andrew got up and did a quick tidy of the house and vacuumed the floor, he also checked all of his cameras and moved them into the studio and took his film out of the fridge. Andrew checked the clock and it was almost 11, he looked outside and saw a green VW Beetle pull up and Fleur was driving it. She got out and was wearing an amazing form fitting bright orange sun dress which complimented her complexion and red hair perfectly. She approached the front door and rang the doorbell, Andrew approached the screen door and noticed that she was not wearing a bra, perfect he thought, as there won’t be any marks on her body in the photos. “Hi Fleur” he said, “Please come in”, she smiled at him and as she got close she hugged him and said “Hi Andrew” so he hugged her back. Her body felt amazing and he got a little tingle in his crotch. They sat in the lounge for a bit and Andrew complimented her on her dress. They drank some juice and discussed her rate, he also asked her if she could recommend any other women to pose for him and she told him she had friends that also posed nude and that she would ask them. He showed her to the studio near the back of the house and she seemed impressed. She looked at his cameras on the table “Oh my god! Is that a Hasselblad?” She said, Andrew nodded. As she played with it she said “I am doing photography at uni but our gear isn’t this good, we just have Bronicas and Minoltas”. She put down the ‘Blad and picked up the Leica and looked it over. She then noticed some of Andrew’s prints on the wall, studied them for a moment and stared at Andrew. “You’re that kid that everyone talks about, aren’t you, you do that street photography stuff with that weird camera!”. Andrew nodded, “That’s me” he said. She studied his prints on the wall closer while holding his Leica, he was very conscious of the way she was handling it and of the time that was being wasted. “Fleur?” He said, she turned around, “Would you mind if we got started?. She smiled at him and said “Oh yes of course” and slipped the straps of the sundress off her shoulders and it fell to the floor. The second thing to hit the floor was Andrew’s jaw and he felt the blood start rushing to his groin. She looked even more beautiful in the studio without the harsh lighting of the library. “Oh” Andrew said, “I was thinking we should take some photos of you in that amazing dress as a warm up”. Fleur looked a little embarrassed as she picked her dress off the floor and put it on again. “Sorry” she said “Most people are in a rush and want to get straight into it”. She smiled at Andrew.

Andrew turned on the radio, He put out a stool for her and asked her to sit, he played with the studio lights for a bit and took some test Polaroids of her and showed them to her. She liked them a lot. He then shot a few frames on a couple of different cameras, Fleur was definitely into it and had definitely done this before. She played with her hair and tried different poses, Andrew asked her to stand, took away the stool and he took more photos of her on different cameras in various poses. He then asked her if she would mind taking the dress off and she obliged. The blood once again headed towards his cock, but he was prepared by wearing a pair of particularly tight underpants. He took some full length photos of her nude front and back. They were having fun. Andrew then pulled over a small platform on wheels for her to pose on. He pulled down the black background, adjusted the studio lights and described to her how he wanted her to pose, knees up, back arched and chin up. He took some test Polaroids on the ‘Blad with a Polaroid back and showed her, they looked good but not amazing. He showed her some more examples in a couple of photography books and she knew what was missing. “Got any baby oil?” She said, Andrew’s eyes lit up, thought for a moment and basically ran to the bathroom. His cousin that lived with him used this tanning oil that smells like coconut, he grabbed the bottle and ran back to the studio. Andrew showed the bottle of oil to Fleur and she nodded, he then handed it to her and she just laid there and shook her head. “You can put it on me” she said without flinching.

Andrew stared at this beautiful woman laying naked open his studio and knew what he had to do. He tipped some tanning oil into his hand and the overwhelming smell of coconut helped etch this moment into his memory forever. He rubbed it on her stomach first, it wasn’t flat like Miss Harts but it felt good, his dick was three quarters hard. This was the first time he had touched a woman. He rubbed the oil into her pelvic region and saw his first live pussy, he then continued down her legs to her feet and she giggled a bit when he touched them. He was then faced with her breasts, he put some more oil in his hands and began rubbing it into them, holy fuck that felt amazing, they were soft yet firm and were a completely different shape when she was laying down compared to when she was sitting up. Her nipples went hard after he put oil on them. He then applied oil to her arms, shoulders and neck, the look on her face was that of approval. When he was done she rolled over. He tipped oil directly onto her back and rubbed it in, then onto her shoulders and the back of her arms and neck. He then worked his way down to her lower back and she let out a little groan and said “I should be paying you for this!” Andrew laughed. His cock was ready to burst out of his pants. He quickly applied oil to her very squeezable butt which looked like two large bread buns that he resisted biting into and down the back of her legs to her feet again. “Done!” he exclaimed and walked awkwardly trying to conceal his full erection in his pants towards the darkroom so he could wash his hands. When he came back she was in her original pose, Andrew took a light meter reading, adjusted the lights and took a couple more Polaroid tests. When he showed them to her she said “Holy shit! That looks amazing!” and looked genuinely excited.

He took shot after shot of her, she would adjust her pose and Andrew would adjust the lighting and switch cameras and angles. They were having a lot of fun, goofing off, laughing and singing along with the radio. The style of photography evolved or devolved depending on how you look at it from artistic nudes to some kind of artistic faux pornography. Fleur was playing with her breasts and pretending to touch herself for the camera. Andrew was having so much fun that he didn’t even really notice when Fleur switched from pretending to masturbate to actual masturbation, he just kept happily taking photos until she told him to stop. He asked her if she wanted him to leave and she grabbed his wrist and held it tight and placed his hand on one of her breasts.He gave it a little squeeze and it felt like heaven. She closed her eyes and a look of deep concentration showed on her face. He just stood and watched her for what seemed like an eternity with a bulge in his pants that looked like he had several pairs of socks stuffed in there. He wished he had several pairs of socks In there to soak up the pre cum that had been coming out of him all day. And then, just like that, on the platform in the middle of his studio she orgasmed and it was the most amazing thing he had seen and heard in his life. Her body convulsed and trembled and she arched her back further than she had all day, he took a photo of her as it happened as it looked absolutely perfect. She opened her eyes and looked up at him and then at the bulge and wet patch in his pants and as she was catching her breath she said “Now it’s your turn”.

Before he had time to react she had sat up, pulled his pants and underpants down to his ankles and she had his dick in her mouth, he looked down just in time to see her mouth reach the base of his penis. ”Jesus Christ“ he thought, “is it in her throat?” She looked up at him with her big green eyes, made eye contact with him and she moved her head back until just the head of his cock was in her mouth and slid her mouth all the way down to the base again. She moved her head back again this time she let his dick leave her mouth and she gasped for air “Holy fuck you’re big!” she said. “Emily said she thought you were big but I wasn’t expecting this!”. She started fucking his dick with her mouth fast, back and forward making slurping sounds and the occasional “mmmm” of approval. As this was happening Andrew thought to himself “Who the fuck is Emily? Is that Miss Hart?”. He felt a sensation in his dick, looked down at the beautiful redhead sucking his dick and only managed to say “I’m going to” before releasing his load into her mouth. She looked up at him with a shocked look on her face, grabbed his ass and kept going at it a little faster than before. He shot load after load of hot cum into her mouth. When she thought he was done she moved her head back and a final rope of cum landed on her chin. She swallowed the cum that was in her mouth and scooped the cum off her chin with her finger and sucked it off of it, she then licked the last droplet of cum off the end of his penis. “Holy shit” Andrew said. “Mmmmmmm hmmmmm” said Fleur in agreement with a very satisfied look on her face. “I’m going to go have a shower and wash this oil off and then you’re going to fuck me with that dick of yours!”. Andrew somehow managed to nod and she stood up, walked to the door to the hallway. “Use my ensuite!” he yelled “Turn right, door at the end of hall”.

Andrew went to the main bathroom, splashed some water on his face and stared at himself in the mirror. “What the fuck just happened?” He thought. He looked down at his dick and it was still hard. Thank god Serena was not at home. He thought about washing his cock in the sink but then decided to have a shower also. When he finished he dried himself off and headed to his room, when he opened the door there she was, laying in the middle of his bed, her kees up and her legs apart. She looked over at him and then down to his cock, which had softened at some point during his shower but since entering the room had started on it’s upwards trend again. “Don’t just stand there, come over here an fuck me!” said Fleur. “Ok then” said Andrew as he walked towards the bed, he climbed on, moved Fleur’s knees apart just a little bit more, he could still smell the coconut tanning oil, positioned the head of his cock in front of her pussy, moved it around to find the sweet spot and leaned into her getting the whole thing into her in one go. Fleur let out a very low and deep moan. He started pulling his dick out and then pushed it in again, she let out another moan, he figured she didn’t say “Stop” or “Ow” so he kept at it, picking up the pace a little. He looked down at her tits and they were doing an amazing impression of a couple of partially set puddings with a couple of cherries on top. The warmth of Fleur’s cunt around his cock felt amazing. At times felt very snug and warm and at other times it felt very tight and wanted to kick him out. The look on Fleur’s face was that of pure ecstasy, her eyes were not completely closed and he could only really see the whites of her eyes. Just as he started to get a good rhythm on, she threw her legs around him tight, so tight he could hardly get his trust on but he tried anyway. Fleur said “Don’t fucking stop, I’m going to cum again” so Andrew tried his hardest to keep pumping into her, it was hard work but he was young and virile and up to the task. He fucked and fucked with all of his might and Fleur started moaning more and more often. Suddenly she stopped and Andrew looked down at her, her eyes and mouth were wide open and a couple of moments later she let out a massive screaming orgasm. He stopped laying into her and she yelled “Fucking don’t stop! Keep going!”, so he did, when she stopped cumming he stopped fucking her.

Only a moment had passed and Fleur got on her hands and knees and presented her rear end to him. He grabbed her on both sides of her arse and stuck his cock in her again, it somehow felt different but still amazing. Fleur started moving her ass back and forward and this time her pussy was extra tight around his dick. His balls were slapping against her. He leaned forward and grabbed one of her tits from behind and it felt like a lovely, large, soft marshmallow. He gave it an extra hard squeeze and Fleur let out a little squeal. Andrew loved watching her ass jiggle every time he pounded into her and wishes he was able to see her tits shake as he fucked her. After a few minutes of relentlessly fucking her doggy style Andrew started to get that familiar feeling in his groin and his rhythm was completely out the window. A minute or so later he could feel himself about to cum and just as he did he pulled out, Fleur dropped onto her stomach and Andrew began to cum. He was hoping to unload onto her arse but unfortunately the first rope load hit the headboard and some got in Fleur’s amazing red hair, another rope landed squarely on her back, another on her lower back and then the subsequent ropes landed on her arse. Fleur turned her head around and said “Fuck how much did you cum again?” Andrew laughed and pointed at the cum that had hit the headboard. Fleur licked it up. Andrew scooped up some of his cum in Fleur’s lower back with his finger and offered it to her and she sucked on his finger very hard. Andrew grabbed a couple of paper towels from his bedside table and wiped up all of the spunk from Fleur’s back and put them on the bedside table. Andrew’s cock passed by Fleur’s face closely and she took the opportunity to give it one last quick suck. She couldn’t stop smiling and neither could Andrew. He was no longer a virgin and had successfully, he thought, fucked his first woman. Fleur had another shower and while she was in there Andrew retrieved her sundress from the studio. She got out, dried herself and put it on. “Let me know when you have developed and proofed the films!” she said. “It won’t take long, why don’t you come back later tonight?” said Andrew. Fleur blushed, smiled and said “Ok then”.

The following Monday at school Andrew had art for last period with Miss Hart and he kept catching her looking at him a lot during the class. The bell rang and school was over, as everyone was getting up to leave Miss Hart asked Andrew to stay behind. Once everyone left Miss Hart sat at the teacher’s desk and Andrew approached her. “Fleur showed me the photos you took of her on the weekend Andrew, they are pretty amazing!” Andrew smiled and said “Thank you Miss Hart, she was a very accommodating model” he said with a smirk. Miss Hart added “You are very talented Andrew and I just want you to know that if you are looking for someone else to pose for you I am available”. “Cool” said Andrew, “That would be very cool”. Andrew excused himself, they said goodbye to each other and he started walking towards the door. As he was about to leave he heard “Oh and Andrew, I will be wanting all of the same treatment you gave Fleur”, he turned around and she was smirking this time. “ALL of the same treatment” she added. “Are you free on Saturday morning?” asked Andrew. Miss Hart nodded and Andrew left the classroom with a very cheeky look on his face.



  1. Hot! Please continue the story! Request: detailed descriptions of how the women experience and enjoy the large dick, as well as details for how it feels for Andrew as his huge cock slides in and out of mouths, pussies, and tits.

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