The spanking she needed

A gentle knock on my door met the reply to wait until I was ready for her. Five minutes to worry about her fate. She had been here before and knew she would be leaving with a well warmed posterior. Her previous spankings had been administered by my hands in the traditional over the knee fashion. They had clearly not been effective as here she was again. The end of the academic year was on the horizon. It was time to give her a punishment she wouldn’t forget. The punishment I had been looking forward to administering since the first time she went over my knee.

She closed my office door gently and stood with head bowed. She knew I would be staring at her intently. Curls of bleach blonde hair covered her face. Her white beauticians’ tunic had been taken in to emphasise her slim waist and ample bosom. Likewise, the navy-blue trousers emphasised her long legs. With matching high heeled wedges, she was nearly as tall as me.

Following my command, she sat on the stool I had placed facing me, subordinate as I stood in front of my desk. I knew perfectly well why she had been sent to me but I wanted to hear her tell me. She recounted how her mind had drifted during the make-up theory class. As her mind drifted back to the night before with the latest boyfriend, her hand drifted below the desk. Having lost awareness, it slipped into her trousers to rub away the increasing itch. Her orgasm arrived with a sigh; stifled, but obvious enough to the tutor who had been treated to this diversion regularly throughout the year.

I let her sit silent for a moment, revelling in her humiliation. Feigning disappointment and exasperation I pulled out her file and recounted each of the reasons for previous visits to my office; screwing her boyfriend in a store cupboard; flashing her knickers to our rather elderly general studies tutor; flashing the same elderly tutor while not wearing any panties at all; and playing with herself under the desk in the make-up theory class – in October, December, January, March and now again in April.

Each time she had been sent to me for punishment. Clearly, they had not been severe enough. Her time at the college was nearly over so this may be my last chance to get through to her. Pausing to let her work out that I intended this punishment to be more severe than anything else she had received before I followed with a command to look up at the wall to her left. She stared motionless at the wall. My cock twitched at her obvious panic. I explained that in a moment she would choose which of the three hanging implements I would use to administer the punishment. In the middle was a traditional school cane with a curved handle allowing it to be perched over the master’s shoulder. Its thickness would create a dull thud and leave bruising to serve as a reminder over the coming weeks. On one side, a much thinner straight bamboo cane with red string wrapped around one end to serve as a handle. Being so thin it would not bruise as much but it would sting much more and leave striped welts which would be painful to sit on until at least the weekend. On the other side was an old leather school Tawse – the dread of school pupils throughout the country until being banned for its brutality. Should she not choose, then I would use each one until I was satisfied I had got through to her.

After a moment, I told her to stand. Staring intently at the faded brown carpet tiles as if to shut out her predicament she raised slowly to her feet. I stepped forward and undid the single button of her trousers causing her to gasp and look directly at me. I would soon beat out the defiance in those heavily made-up eyes. Ignoring her I slid the zipper all the way down. They were so tight around her hips and perfectly rounded arse that they didn’t move. Taking my chance, I slid my hands under the waist-band and eased them down over those inviting fleshy globes. Those globes that turned all the guys’ heads; those globes that strained against her trousers as she sauntered down the corridor; those globes that would soon be enflamed, striped and the entire focus of her being. Enjoying the feel of those globes I had desired for months, I slid her trousers down, past her knees and let them fall around her ankles.

Never before had she been punished on the bare, and never with an implement. Her G-string would offer no protection. Her trembling confirmed she realised this was going to be the real thing. For the next bit of her humiliation, I took the few paces to the far corner of my office and commanded her to choose her implement of choice; the school cane, the bamboo cane or the Tawse. She stood motionless, confused. I confirmed my command to bring it to me. With trousers round her ankles and wedges she could only inch forward to the wall. The pathetic shuffling only added to my amusement and her humiliation. At the wall she hesitated. Looking at each implement, she chose the thinner of the canes. Her thinking was obvious – suck up the pain and avoid lasting marks or bruises which would be difficult to explain on the frequent occasions those globes would be bared for some lucky bastard to enjoy. She held it, not knowing what to do next. I let her stew in confusion for a moment before impatiently ordering her to bring it to me.

Facing me with the cane in her hand she again had to shuffle the length of my office – her face beaming bright red in anger as she realised I was purposefully humiliating her. My smile confirmed I was enjoying the show. As soon as she reached me, I took the cane and stepped behind the stool facing my desk. I could see the fear in her eyes as she realised I was going to punish her over it which, of course, meant shuffling back the full length of the office. I positioned her facing the stool and moved round to face her, the stool directly between us. Taking both her hands, I placed them at either side of the bare wooden stool, bending her over at well past a right angle. Returning to my position behind her, I was rewarded with a view of her two fleshy globes and the slightest hint of delicate pussy lips.

I swished the cane through the air just over her head. Its swish caused her to tense then visibly tremble. The first blow took her completely by surprise. A sharp intake of breath and an involuntary ow initiated her into the world of corporal punishment. The second caused her to buckle at the knees. The third, and hardest by far, gave rise to a squeal and an instant welt tracing a straight line across both cheeks. My comment that the welts would remain for longer than any bruises from the thick cane was met with a cry of anguish. A brief pause after the sixth stroke let me check on her. Good, tears were flowing freely. Her sobs confirmed her will was well on the way to being broken. Then I would have her where I had wanted ever since that first visit to my office all those months ago. I had held this scene in my mind so many times. I wanted to break her completely. I wanted to render her a sobbing, pleading mess at my feet. I wanted her to promise me anything I wanted, whenever I wanted it.

Those were wild days: those six months spent screwing my way through every casual hookup I could find. Read the full story in Friends With Benefits – How I Played the Game.
