These cases are the real reason why the Internal Sex Bureau Gangland has been formed. Any case, name, event is purely fiction. Butt the search for the truth will continue! With ISB Gangland insurgents inserted into every facet of organized and gang type activities.
This is their case, their story…

Rolling up on the hospital. A common sight and one that every city has. The building is shaped just like a woman who is on her back in the missionary position, knees bent the whole deal the only difference is just like a statue the white paint covers the image. Thou these buildings have a tendency to take visitors breath away there service is top notch world wide leaving the rest of the hospitals in a race to try to catch-up.
Parking in the parking lot as Agent Rei and myself start the walk in between her legs. Yes just like every other hospital there are multiple entrances throughout the body. Butt how many times can you actually walk through a cunt?
“Looking at that mad house surrounding the information desk” perhaps that slipped out of my mouth. After a quick glance around my hand snagged one hospital employee. A woman of descent build with a hell of a chest. My eyes caught her name Nya Rose. “Excuse me” giving her my best smile and bedroom eyes. “Can you point us to the morgue? It is a little crazy around the info desk” seeing the smile on her lips. After a short conversation filled with giggles (manly from Mrs. Rose) she pointed us in the right direction. “Never knew that this week was the shrinks convention. And by her own words a mad house was funny. Must keep her on file for my next trip to Silk Stocking” yeh that last part I just mumbled. Who knew that La Mierda islands was the top spot for sexual encounters, grinning like a fool and seeing Rei taking offense. Cause I know how worked up Rei can get if she even suspects there is another woman in my life.

The moan of the elevator signalled our arrival. Pointing to the sign, “Death Door” straight ahead. Pinching Rei’s tush which got a smile, we continued down the hallway.

“There is something that I like about this medical examiner” looking at the ghoulish decorations that panted the door into the autopsy room. A knock, a push or to simply barge in that is the… I was standing there with my mouth hanging agape. With a heart attack cuming from behind!

“Mmm, such a cute little bum you have” Dr. Sam giggled. Instantly retracting my fingers after the pinch, after my long nails traced a hands space of five into one sinful grope. “Can I help you? What are we looking for today maybe I’ll have it on the slab” shrugging off the obvious age difference. “Yes you can cum in” giving him my approving growl. Donning my medical smock, tugging at my hair as I turn around to see if they followed… “Hello… Ah now I can see why the age difference” looking at both of their badges.
“Is this about the stiffy that was brought here last night? Or have you got a fresh one for me” winking at Agent RJ, squeezing my tits together. Noticing that Agent what’s her name was about ready to speak. I shoved the clip board in her hands while still staring at this hunk RJ.
“I can see you have a fresh one” I started to move. Circling around the gurnee. The snap of my latex gloves. Holding his eyes as I moved in. “And my gloves does not” the feel of warm lips. The feel of something happening to my body as I.. I…

The touch of our tongues. The inviting feeling as our body’s pressed together. This little business trip is turning… Feeling her breaths getting shorter, allowing my hand to drop down. To grip that cute bum she had even though there was a layer of clothing in the way. My grasp took in her whole cheek. My fingers were probing the wet spot on her smock! Her hands had wrapped around my neck, her nipples were rock hard as they scrapped against my chest! Pushing Dr. Sam back, hitting the stainless steel freezers. Pulling her lab smock down butt not off. Forcing her arms into a compromising position as I twisted the smock, pressing her body against the freezer while my tongue claimed victory over hers. “Dr. Sam are you always this passionate about your work” hooking her leg as I thrust my cock into that wet hole.

“Mmmmmmmmm” my body shook with excitement. To have someone who is not afraid of death. To have this attractive man taking charge! “Yes Yesss” was all I could say for my shorting breath only spelled one thing. “Fuck.. kiss me… Kiss me now!” Hoping that his passion was as deep as mine. My eyes closed, my body convulsed pushing against his! As, as I tried to breath. The only thing I was getting was short burst of air that escaped my mouth mixed with a new sound cuming from my throat… “Ooo Ooooh yesss OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss” was dislodged from my vocabulary. The feeling of a major O. The beating of my heart. The ragged breaths that arose from such a happening. My eyes they slowly opened as he was sucking on my bottom lip. The pulling that made me so wet if that was even possible at the moment.
Seeing his partner standing across the room slack jawed. One hand holding the clip board the other making herself cream! Me wanting to invite her into our sudden deadlock of passion. Butt, butt.. “Oh Mmm” in the next second my body went from a willing participant into a total orgasmic bottle rocket!
Lifting my other leg. Wrapping them both around his waist. Letting my clit drag on his cock till I could not stand it any longer. My mouth has gone rouge! Molesting his, pulling on his tongue, sucking on his bottom lip! My hips convulsed slamming into his!
“Ooo Ooooh yesss, fuckkk Mmm harder” I moaned!

Only serving as in our moto. Pushing that hot body against the freezer, dislodging her hands so I can grip those nice round tits! Pounding on her tight cunt. Pulling back so far thrusting forward till I swore I would break Dr. Sam. I would shattered her hips as my cock buried itself so deep causing even more tightness! Her tits they were begging to be played with, begging to be fondled! Even as I squeezed them her kiss deepened, her moans where breaking through! I kept on plowing that cunt till my hand had her ass. One hand gripped both cheeks. One hand with one finger played with her tight asshole, just on the surface.
Rimming it, giving it little spanks that only a middle finger could. Feeling her pull away. Watching her jack both of her tits. Squeezing them together, pressing them while pulling on her own nipples. Shaking her head, moaning so loud that, that everyone could hear it!

“Yesssssssss Ooooh fuckkk Mmmmmmmmm hard, harder.. harder… OooohOooohOooohOoooh!” Echoed in the autopsy room.
Shaking my head back to business at hand. Donning my lab smock as soon as I entered my own little piece of paradise. “Yes officer’s how can I help you” assuming that they were cuz of the huge age difference between the two and I’ve seen this before with other officers. Standing on the right side of the body, a fresh one that was brought in last night. With them a male in his mid forties and a younger female partner in her early twenties. Reading their badges then apologizing for my over sight.
“How can I help you agents?” After explaining that bleach had been used, a lot of it. To wipe down the body, to clean everything from his skin to his intestinal track. The only thing I could say was that this was “Mr. Sanchez” and he had been suffocated. Dying with a hard on was not the worst way to go in this life. “His nuts, they.. were fucked till every little drop of his seed was expelled. Blowing any same sex murder that you might have been thinking about. I did find some vaginal tissue butt do to the bleach any trace of who it belonged to is out of the question.” Watching as both of them walked back through Deaths Door and my mind kept drifting back to the wild fantasy that I had when I saw them get off the elevator. My hand moved to a drawer that held only one item. Gripping it, twisting the base as it reved up. The touch of my own cock to my clit sent chills down my spine. The vibrations they kept getting stronger, rubbing against my clit. Teasing my entrance, probing between my lips! I started to shake, my hips they.. they… “OooOoooOoooo yesss OooOoooOoooo!” Rocked my world!
Standing on the left side. His entrance was as stealthy as their exit. My face was stained with shame as I stared into his eyes. Cleaning my vibrator the only way I knew how, swallowing the head… Then the shaft. Watching as his cock was pounding, was begging for it to get the same treatment. Even as I placed my fake cock back in the drawer. One foot in front of the other. Till I was standing right there in front of Agent RJ and, and he did not look like he wanted to run! My face was flushed as I gazed into his eyes. “May, may I help you with something” giving him that same shy look that I have when ever I fantasize about someone like him. Swallowing, keep swallowing even though I’m now hold his…
