Made to succumb [M/F]

My eyes ease open to find a familiar ceiling above, once normally called my own. Yet something is off. Whereas normally sunlight would stream in through my windows on this Saturday morning, today shutters have blocked their rays from entrance. Whereas normally I would normally feel her warmth as she laid next to me, today that side of my bed is cold. Only when I try and roll over do I notice another curiosity–both hands has been bound to the other and together tied to the bedpost.

*What the?* I questioned, *Who–*

“Sleep well?”

Her voice leads me beyond the bed to where she stands, dressed in pajamas and a mischievous smile topped with black lipstick. Her dyed black hair, pulled back into a ponytail, hints to my awakening mind what is about to happen.

“Babe?” I asked, “Did you…”

She runs her tongue along her sin-black lips. “I wanted to try something new this morning and because you were being such a cutie last night I couldn’t resist.”

With two hands she yanked the covers off the bed to reveal my nakedness beneath.

“Don’t you think it’s a little early for this?” I asked.

She disregarded my question for her continued elaboration. “I know, I know, that’s what it looks like. How you do love me sucking you off when your hands are bound. I assure you however that this morning is going to take a slightly…different avenue to the same climax.” With the last word she grinned.

“What if I don’t want you to though?”

“Then there is your safeword. You can always use that–but I know you won’t. He’s already making that quite clear.”

She was right. Both because it was morning and due to the situation’s novelty my cock was already rising to its full stature, indecent thoughts flooding from its shaft into my mind about what could happen next. As she slowly slid of her pajamas it only further hardened. Even so I wanted little of this, although my curiosity and appreciation for a good fuck kept my mouth shut.

“I see he’s enjoying my show, isn’t he?” She noted after fully abandoning her vestments, “You are too, aren’t you babe?”

“I might be.” My gaze averted hers out of shame only enough that I didn’t see her place a finger against the tip of my shaft, causing a spasm of pleasure to shoot through my body.

“Good.” She swirled her finger around the tip, “Now, let me tell you exactly what’s going to happen. I’m going to suck you off among…other things. By the end you’re going to submit, beg for it. You won’t be able to control yourself in the slightest.”

I grunted, not wanting to give her that satisfaction. “We’ll see about that.”

“Oh, I know we will.” She smirked before suddenly lowering her head to my shaft’s base and running her tongue along its entire length then taking it into her throat. The pleasure was immense.

“What’s that?” She paused for a moment after hearing a moan escape my lips, “Worked up already?”

“Hardly.” I lied, “You’ll need to do a lot more than that if you want me to submit.”

“Oh, I know.” She slowly began working her hand up and down my cock, “We’ll get there, don’t worry.”

“Ahh.” I firmly shut my jaws, not wanting to show her that my body was already yearning for me to release, to submit. With each stroke of her hand my resolve slowly wavered, my body overtaking my mind in its pursuit of pleasure. Sometimes she would make my shaft wetter by running a finger from the bottom to the top and squeezing out more pre-cum, other times she would simply insert three or four fingers into her mouth and cover them with her saliva. When neither of those proved effective for her needs she would simply suck me off some more then continue stroking with her hand, eyes always focused on mine and a smile on her lips which were slowly losing their dark color.

At one point whatever force resided inside my cock and took control, causing me to thrust with my hips upward into her mouth. It was pleasurable, yes, by increasing the friction between us, but also a terrible mistake.

“What’s this?” She smiled as her hand replaced her mouth, “Thrusting into my mouth, are we? I thought you said you weren’t feeling it this morning?”

“I’m not really.” I misled, “That thrust wasn’t intentional. You haven’t made me submit. Not yet.”

“‘Not yet?'” She echoed, “So you mean that I will?”

“No, just…”

A gasp cut off my words as she took me into her mouth again and started sucking me off with abandon. Two more times during her ministrations she caused me to thrust into her mouth, once, than the other. After the second time she just opened her eyes and looked at me from atop my cock, grinning. I could feel myself losing control and she knew it.

“Had enough yet?” She teased.


“Good, because then I think it’s time for the next step.”

She quickly got up off the bed to admire her handiwork: Me, tied by my hands and feet to the bedposts, sweaty, my cheeks flushed with blood, and my cock harder than it had ever been before, still glistening in the morning light with her saliva.

“Aren’t you just a work of art, babe?” She fawned.

“I hardly feel like one.” Although I scarcely wanted to admit it all my attention was focused on my cock, desperate for release yet still lucid enough to not admit it. She was breaking me.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” She turned away and out of sight, giving me a beautiful view of her rear as she did. She returned with a smile on her face.

“Admiring these, are you?” She rubbed a hand against her tits, “I know you like them.”

“I do,” I admitted breathlessly, “But what is in your other hand?”

With a mischievous grin she revealed the piece of black silk to me, known to some as a sleeping mask and others as a blindfold. Soon it was over my eyes and I could see no more.

“There.” She whispered in my ear, followed by a quick nip, “I’ll take care of you. You’re going to submit, you just don’t know it yet. You’re already thrusting into my mouth, why not just admit what your body already craves? Do it, I know you want to.”

Yet instead of pleasure none came and for what felt like several minutes I simply laid there, bound and on display. My cock, yearning for release, even began to ooze precum which began to slowly trickle down my shaft in hopes of lubricating the release that might never come.

*Fuck me*. That primal instinct whispered, *Suck me off, please. Please.*

Suddenly it came and I felt her tongue again run along my shaft right before her entire mouth enveloped my cock. She was insatiable, relentless. And I began to thrust with her mouth around me, my mind no longer able to fully resist what my body craved. Just as soon as it began she then stopped, leaving me breathless and my cock blazing for release such that I felt myself thrust against the air after her mouth departed as if it would find those wet lips still within reach.

She laughed. “There’s no denying it now. That was a thrust, clear as day. Why don’t you just admit it already? You want to cum, to be mine, to feel that release. Submit. Give in already.”

“Is that all you’ve got?”

Although my words challenged her I knew their true meaning. They came from my cock, in truth asking that she go harder and stronger, to increase the pleasure I felt because in truth I needed it. She was right. My body had won, my mind just wasn’t ready to admit it yet. My only hope was to cum before my mind gave in too–at least I thought it was my mind wishing that.

My train of thought was cut abruptly short by the whir of a machine, novel yet perfectly identifiable. I had hardly a moment to consider what was going on before she placed the vibrator against the base of my shaft. It was uncomfortable, painful even as it began to over-stimulate my cock, but every time I tried to move to the side she would follow it there. Despite my poor acclimation to this new toy I could feel it working and slowly pushing me towards orgasm. I must have given some strange expression because the next moment I heard the machine stop and my blindfold was taken off to reveal my tormentor.

“I’m sorry.” She murmured with eyes full of concern, “I didn’t realize you’d have such a poor reaction to it.”

“It was just a bit unexpected, that’s all.” I panted.

“Are you sure?”

When I nodded a smile crept to her now un-painted lips. “I see. I guess that means I’ll just have to finish my job the old-fashioned way.”

Before I could say anything she had returned her fingers to her mouth and began working her now-lubricated hand back up and down my shaft, this time with more fervor than ever before. How my eyes pleaded with hers, to stop, to go faster, to do *anything* as to increase my pleasure. Occasionally she would go down on me again, bobbing her head up and down until I was gasping for breath. More and more often I felt something happening around my hips until I finally realized I was thrusting into her mouth again. This time however I was powerless to stop it.

“Stop thrusting.” I whispered, “Stop thrusting.”

“Hm?” She paused from sucking me off and let her hand continue the ministrations her mouth had just preformed, only to then feel my hips do the job for her.

“Stop thrusting.”

I could not. It was happening more and more frequently. Even though I could occasionally pull my body back from the brink it would then subvert me again and I would continue thrusting. Eventually however my begging shifting to that of a different sort.

“Please finish me.” I heard myself say.

“What’s that, babe?” She smirked as her hand continued sliding along my length.

“Please finish me off.” I begged, “Please suck me off. Please fuck me with your mouth. Make me cum, please.”

Victory dawned on her face as she continued sucking me off with abandon, eager to take what was rightfully hers. At one point she even simply held her mouth around me so the only pleasure I would get would be *if* I thrusted into her mouth. I did not disappoint her.

The end however came unexpectedly. When I was all but about to cum she suddenly undid the straps binding my hands together. As she did so she ground against my cock and let me suck on her nipples, the only form of release I could get during her exquisite torment. Her expression then said it all. Shamefully, needingly, my hand reached down to my cock as I began to stroke myself off, succumbed to the pleasure which she infused into me.

Right before my climax came she knocked my hand to the side and went down on me one last time so as much cum as possible entered her mouth. When it was over I was in such a daze that I barely felt her kiss me with those lips still wet with her and mine own fluids. For the next half hour she cuddled next to me, my cock still twitching due to its over-stimulation.

“You did a great job.” She whispered before planting a kindhearted kiss on my cheek, “That went even better than I thought it would.”
