Claire lets me play with her tits and then sucks my cock as her husband watched from outside his office Part 1 [Str8] [oral] [cuck]

[This a repost of a story I put up several months ago. It was removed as Reddit thought is was spam.]

This is a break from my stories about Darla, the wife of my supervisor, with whom I had a 5 month affair. I am continuing to work on stories about that affair but recently something happened that brought back pleasant memories of my relationship with an absolutely lovely married woman from church. What happened to trigger these memories? I ran into my affair partners husband. Yes, he is still alive. Alas, she passed on several years ago.

This is a true story. I changed the names of all and some details to further disguise the identities of those in this story. The dialogues are to the best of my memory. It has been more than 45 years since this happened so I hope you will cut me some slack.

Tim was an accountant with a one man practice. He and Claire lived three blocks away from my family home in a small town in the Northeast. They went to the same church as did my family. That is where Claire and I started to flirt whenever the two of us were alone. The flirting was very exiting for me as Claire was one of the three best looking married women in our large congregation.

I was not a virgin at age 20 but always felt like a boy when I was near Claire (or the other two church beauties). Claire seemed to greatly enjoy our secret sexual banter and was always the one to initiate. She found reasons for the two of us to be alone at the many church functions we had in the 1960s:

She needed me to help her get something from a top shelf the storage area in the basement of the church. Would I be her knight in shining armor?

Could I help her bring in the folding chairs after a picnic behind the church and put them in the big dark (and isolated) closet in the first floor of the church?

Would I walk back with her to her home so I could carry a 20 lb bag of sugar she ‘forgot’ to bring to the church supper? It was surely to heavy for Tim to carry.

Would I please drive her to the supermarket to get some bags of ice.? They were too big for her to handle and she didn’t want to get wet.

Each time we had those brief moments alone we would start the sexual banter and quickly move on to kissing and touching each other. I kept trying to get my hands up her skirt but she would always fend my off.

But she was not adverse to touching my cock from the outside and stroking it. Her favorite phrase was “Oh, you’re hard again”! And then she would lean into me and start kissing me as one or both hands were rubbing my cock and balls. That was my cue to play with her boobs and ass (and it was a beautiful ass) while we kissed. Then, after a few minutes, she would pull away and say “What are you doing? I’m a married woman. Can’t you control yourself”? And I would say “No, I can’t control myself when I’m around you”. I would then move to her, take her in my arms again and begin rubbing my cock against her. After an all too short time she would tell me we had to stop and rejoin the others.

Enough with the back story. Here is the next major step in our relationship.

In the early summer of 1971 my mother asked me to take some charity donation slips to Tim’s office. The charity was the town’s Christmas in July event to raise money to help the local needy in the middle of the year. My mother was the secretary of the charity, Tim did the accounting.

I had come home from my summer job wearing cut off jeans and a tank top. My mother had a box of pledge slips ready along with a paper containing a count of the slips and the total number of dollars pledged. Tim with to give me a receipt confirming the slip count and pledged dollars.

I walked to Tim’s office. It was probably around 4:00PM. It was a warm day and my tank top was stuck to my body by my sweat. I walked into his air conditioned office and the first person I saw was Claire. She looked good enough to eat. She had on a thin sleeveless yellow and blue dress, sheer hose and white high heels. Her makeup was perfect as normal.

She was standing in the door way at the back of the front waiting room. She turned from Tim’s office area in the back to look at me. She smiled and then winked at me. She said “Well, Tim, look at what the cat dragged in”. In a few seconds the frosted glass center panel that was above the half wall that separated Tim’s office from the waiting area slid away and I saw Tim looking through the opening. He said “Hi, I guess you have the pledge slips”. I said I did.

Just then a truck pulled into a parking spot in front of Tim’s office. Tim got up, went around to the office door and squeezed past Claire. He ask if I could spare a few minutes as this was a paving contractor he needed to talk to. I told him to take his time. He looked at Claire and I and he said to Claire “It might take a while”. She said take your time. He walked out shutting the front door. Claire walked to the front door and locked it.

She turned and said “I guess we have a little time. Come back here” as she walked toward the office.

I walked in and she pointed to Tim’s desk indicating I was to sit there with my back to the front of the building. She walked directly in front of me and said “I can see him. This is perfect”. She moved between my legs and kissed me lightly. She pulled away and said “You look so strong” and kissed me much harder. Her tongue was in my mouth and her arms were on my shoulders. (Background: she had a fetish for wide shoulders. She had told me many times I had wide shoulders.)

I said I didn’t want to touch her as I had not washed up from work. She let out a breath and said “Put your arms around me now”. I said “He’ll know”. She said “He knew what we were going to do when he left. Put your arms around me”!

So I did. I ran my hands around that ass and squeeze her cheeks. We kissed sending our tongues back and forth. I moved my left hand to her small right boob. She leaned back and moved both hands to my bulge. She said the usual “Oh, you’re hard again”!

I reached behind her and unhooked the top of her dress and pulled down the zipper. She smiled and said “What are you doing? I’m a married woman. Can’t you control yourself”? And I said “No, I can’t control myself when I’m around you”. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes.

I slid the top of her dress down and pushed her bra straps down. I exposed her nipples and began to roll them between my fingers. She moaned “Oh that’s nice, don’t stop”. I leaned forward and started sucking her nipples. Left, right, left, right. She pushed me away. She looked over my shoulder and then at me. She said “I can’t stand it”. She told me to unzip and get my hard cock out. “I need to suck it. He is right out there. I want him to know I sucking your cock”. I pulled my cock out, she looked at me and smiled.

Then she began to deep throat me. Each time she went down she would keep it in her mouth longer. Then she stopped the deep throat action and got back to sucking the head and licking the shaft.

And then the licking and sucking stopped and she started jacking me off. She ordered me to look at what she was doing. She asked me if I liked watching her playing with my cock with the hand that had the rings on that Tim had given her. (I had never thought of that but once she said those words to me that image became burned into my brain. From that point on in my life I always wanted a married or engaged woman to jack me off with her left hand. Another fetish created.) I said yes that is very sexy.

She asked “Are you ready”? I said “Yes. Are you going to swallow it”? She smiled and said that is the only way she does it. She started to deep throat me again. I was getting very close. She pulled off of me and said “Grab my head. Fuck my mouth”. God that was so sexy and dirty.

I began to fuck that beautiful face. Her right hand was under her dress. I could smell her pussy. I guess she was playing or fingering herself. But I don’t know as I was focused on what she was doing to me.

And then I heard a knocking at the front door, Tim wanted to come in. That put me over the edge. I said “Here it comes. You beautiful cock sucker”. I started shooting in her mouth. She tried to get it all but, hey, I was 20 years old. I made a lot of sperm then. She choked a little but kept swallowing. Then she squealed and sort of collapsed. She pulled up off my cock and started to lick it. She said “Hmm, you are delicious. I knew you would taste good” while she continued to lick me.

Finally, she straightened up and said “That was a lot of cum. Do you always shoot like that”? I said only when I am really turned on. I said to her “Claire, I think you’re the sexiest woman I’ve been with”. She said “You are such a sweetie. Thank you”. She put her arms around me and we started to kiss again.

Tim started knocking on the door again. I guess he realized what we had done and that we were now finished. Claire and I ignored him and kept kissing for a little while. Then she stopped kissing me and looked at the clock. She said “I need to run. Mom will be bringing the kids to our house in 20 minutes”.

I told her to turn around. I got her bra up and hooked. I said wait a second. I got off the desk and put my cock away and zipped up. I grabbed her shoulders and turned her so she was facing Tim. I moved behind Claire and looked over her shoulders to see Tim watching through the front door. I put my hands over Claire’s small breasts and kissed her neck. (Yes, he could clearly see what I was doing.) She said “Hmm, he is watching us. Are you looking at him now”? I said “Yes I am. I want him to see what I am doing with you”. She said “That is so sexy. Thank you, lover”. (OK, now I am her lover.)

I pulled the top of her dress up, re-zipped it and re-hooked it. I said I would let him in.

I unlocked the door and he entered. His face was pale. There was a wet spot in the front of his pants. He seemed to be a bit unsteady as he walked back to the office. Claire was straightening her self in front of a mirror. I followed Tim in and said “Sorry to keep you waiting but as you saw, Claire and I were busy”.

Claire turned and smiled at Tim. She said she had to run home as the kids would be there soon. She walked over to Tim and gave him a tongue kiss. She then hugged him and said “I love you so much, thanks for that. I’ll see you at home. Don’t stay late”.

She the came to me and said “And thanks for that, to you too. I hope I see you around soon”. She kissed my cheek and gave me a hug. I patted her ass and said “Be good”. She sashayed out of the office like she owned the world.

I looked at Tim, he had a bemused look on his face. I said I should get going. He said “Hold up”. He sat down behind his desk, opened drawer and pulled out a book. He wrote somethings down, tore out a receipt and gave it to me.

He smiled at me and said “Thanks”. I said “Tim, you know it was my pleasure. You have a beautiful and sexy wife. You are a very lucky man”.

I walked back home, got a shower, ate supper and collapsed in bed. Claire was one hot, sexy cheating wife. I couldn’t wait to get with her again.

PS: It would be 6 years until Claire and I got together to consummate our affair. Life got in the way. Claire and Tim had another child. I started sneaking around with one of the other beautiful church ladies. (Actually, we had been fooling around for quite some time. I’ll probably post about our fun times in the future.) I graduated from college and moved out of state for a job. But we did still lust for each other. And when we did get together is was spectacular.

Tim was a full blown cuckold. I already knew that as he had watched Claire and I fool around with each other after church service. I found out in later years she had had many, mostly younger, lovers. She and her close friend were known to go to country and western concerts to pick up young men. Tim apparently knew and approved of her extra marital activities.


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