My first time was in the woods part 1 [virginity, nonfiction]

“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” asked Jen as Kevin turned off the highway onto an old dirt road.

“Quite sure,” he replied. Kevin is my older brother. He met Jen at school and they’d been seeing each other for a few months now. Summer vacation had just started and he said he knew of a nice place to go swim for the day to beat the heat. It sounded like a good idea at the time, but as we go further down this road, the woods aren’t the only thing that’s looking shady.

I look over at Cathy, sitting next to me in the back seat. Cathy is Jen’s younger sister; she’s the reason I’m along on this trip. She convinced Jen that it would be better to bring her along than leave her alone all day at home. I was brought along to keep her company.

My name is Mark. I’m the same age as Jen. Due to the oddities of the school districts, we went to different schools even though we live down the street from each other. It’s another oddity why Kevin and Jen didn’t bother to introduce us earlier.

She is looking around at the deep woods and the decrepit roadway. Then she notices me watching her and gives me a nice smile. I grin back. I’m never sure how to act around girls anymore. Last year, I could just ignore them. Now, I find the shape of their bodies and movements fascinating while at the same time being scared to death of interacting with them. Maybe that’s why Kevin never mentioned Cathy to me before.

“We’re here,” Kevin says as he drives his Jeep into an open clearing.

“Oh, wow! This is beautiful,” gasps Cathy as she looks around. The old dirt road we had been following opened up into a grass-covered clearing. Off that clearing is a still lake with a tall waterfall crashing into it on the far side.

“This used to be an old campground a dozen years ago, but it closed down and was forgotten,” Kevin explained. “It’s a nice quiet place, and the water is cool and good for swimming. A friend told me about it during graduation.”

As we all got out, Jen walked over towards Kevin and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Well, this is beautiful,” she said and gave Kevin a deep kiss.

I glanced awkwardly around and went to the back of the Jeep to pick up the basket and towels. Cathy turned towards the water on the other side of the clearing. She peeled off her shirt and shorts, revealing a yellow bikini. The color complemented her sandy-brown hair and her light skin nicely. I also noticed that she was curvier than I first thought. She looked back at me and shouted, “Race you to the water,” and took off towards the shore.

Kevin and Jen immediately striped down to their swimsuits and took off after Cathy. I was stuck holding the blankets watching them run off. I tossed the blankets in a pile in the middle of the clearing, peeled off my shirt, and ran after them. By the time I got to the edge of the water, Cathy was half-way across the lake, while the other pair was splashing water at each other in the shallows.

I swam out towards Cathy but when I got near the middle of the lake and lifted my head up, she was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, I hear a “Got you!” from behind me as Cathy jumped on my back from behind, pushing me down under the water.

I tried to turn around and get back to the surface. I could see Cathy ahead of me and surfaced right next to her, drenching her with a splash. After the initial expression of shock crossed her face, we both started laughing. I particularly liked the way her chest bounced when she laughed.

We swam around the lake together, enjoying the cool water. The waterfall on the other side of the lake was really nice. It was so tall that the flow of water when reached the bottom was scattered enough that it was like being in a light rain shower. Under that shower, when we were swimming close together, she darted in and gave me a quick smooch, before swimming away out of reach.

“Want to head to shore for a snack,” I offered, hoping to make some use of that basket of treats I’d been forced to carry.

“Sure,” Cathy said.

We reached the shore and the pile of towels that I dumped. As I toweled off, I realized that we hadn’t seen Kevin or Jen in a while. As I looked around, I saw Cathy over by the edge of the clearing, near some bushes. She was waving in my direction, and as I started towards her, she indicated to be quiet.

“What’s up,” I asked quietly when I got over to her. Cathy pointed towards a gap in the bushes and I looked through.

Behind the bushes in a small clearing, I could see Kevin and Jen. Jen was lying flat on her back. Her bikini top was untied and lying to either side of her generous breasts. Kevin was kneeling over her, holding both breasts with his hands, kneading them slowly. As we watched, he bent down and started licking one of her tits. Jen’s head was slowly rolling back and forth and you could hear little sighing sounds coming from her.

Both of us were watching with rapt attention and breathing faster. “Are they supposed to be doing that?” I asked.

“I wonder what that would feel like,” Cathy mumbled.

Her comment broke my reverie. “What?”

“Why don’t you try it? I know how you’ve been looking at my tits.”

Well, why not? I reached out towards her breasts, taking one in each hand. I could feel their weight and firmness, even through the damp bikini top. There was also a hard point right in the middle. Cathy gasped sharply when my thumb ran over that bump. I jerked my hands away at the noise. “Are you okay?”

“Fine… it was just intense,” she nodded. “Keep doing it.”

I put my hands back over her tits, giving them little squeezes. After a moment, Cathy reached back and untied the string holding the top on. The material fell away in my hands and then onto the ground. My hands were now directly on her tits and it felt much smoother and warmer. I could see the little pink circles in the middle with the tiny nipple points sticking up. It’s odd how the nipples could be so hard when the rest of the breast was so soft.

I leaned down towards one of the nipples, watching for any signs of disapproval from Cathy, and put my mouth around her left nipple. She gave another gasp as my tongue touched her skin, and sucked on the nipple point.

Cathy wasn’t sitting idle during this either. I felt her hands move down my body towards my swim trunks. When her hand glanced against the bulge of my cock, I instinctively jumped back.

Cathy motioned back towards the bushes and I looked over. Kevin was kneeling straight up now, with Jen sitting up in front of her. She had pulled his trunks down to his feet and was moving her hands all over his cock which was sticking straight out in front of him.

I was sitting on the ground now and Cathy crawls over towards me and says, “Let me see too. Is yours that large too?” She reached out towards me, her tits hanging in front of my face, mesmerizing me, and grabbed the waistband of my trunks, pulling them off me.

My cock sprang out in front of me. Maybe it wasn’t quite as large as Kevin’s (just like Cathy’s tits weren’t quite as large as Jen’s), but this close, it seemed to make quite the impression on Cathy. She seemed as uncertain about what to do with it as I had about her tits. Cathy reached one of her hands out and touched the tip, flinching back when this caused my cock to twitch involuntarily.

Cathy looked back at what Jen was doing and then reached out her hand and put it around. “It’s so soft,” she said, “but so hard at the same time.” Her hand started slowly moving up and down the outside. I was leaning back, just taking in the feel of this. It felt way better than when I touched it myself.

part 2 [](
