[Best way to fix a fight is sex!] (Uhm first try at erotica!)

Sorry formatting will be off I’m on mobile!

He’s been trying to get her attention all day to no luck. So he bust in and pleads with her more
anyways she’s still ignoring him.
So he starts feeling her leg up pleading more, trying to get her to make any noise at all. Finally he gets desperate and starts rubbing her slit through her thin leggings earning a gasp which she tries to cover up quickly with a well placed hand to mouth, but alas too late.

He smiles and rubs hard as she manages to hold in her whimpers.
Still begging for her to talk to him. He dips his hands into her leggings making her wince and tug at his shirt with pleading eyes, he continues begging her to speak, say something, anything to him. that sensation was building in her lower half, her eyes fluttered, closing them gently she’s almost there, covering her mouth to make sure no sound leaked out this time, he stops.

Her eyes pop open, confused and a little disappointed, she sits her hand down back on the bed, he jams a quick finger in hole, her eyes widen, she quickly moves her hand back up to her mouth trying to stifle the inevitable yelp, he catches it. Quick movements reward him with a crystal clear audio of her sweet voice, making him crave more. She shifts her lower body and pushes against his hand and nods eagerly, Signaling it’s fine to continue thinking, that’s why he stopped.

He shakes his head, “Not good enough…Becks, Tell me with your voice, What do you want?” she frowns and squeezes her eyes tight, shaking her head in the air slightly, she doesn’t want to give up yet. He starts up again, fingering that one spot, she could never reach on her own. She’s close to seeing stars, he stops once more. “Beg me for it.” His eyes, serious, as she stares back into them.

A beat..He looks away and down slightly observing their situation, second thoughts cloud his mind, as he retracts his fingers out of her-. “Ah..” a few words mumbled out of her mouth, his ears perked up from the sudden break of silence. “Hm? I didn’t hear you, I’m sorry” she whimpers, making the boner he didn’t realize he had a little harder, as she grabs his shirt, tugging him closer, staring into his eyes. “Please.. make me cum, Ethan.” (Pulling random name dunno)
Enough to drive any man into overdrive.

Leggings slipped off in the struggle and fury of kisses. He primed himself at her entrance, she braced for impact. Squeezing her eyes closed again, no impact, nothing, she looks up again. “You’re quiet again.” He frowns, pushing his tip in, she audibly sucks in air as they stare at each other. He leans down to her ear “ I want you to say nothing but my name, until we stop. Okay?” As he speaks he pushes into her agonizingly slow, she nods violently while spilling whimpers and moans of agreements, anything to make this torture end.

He pulls back, a big grin plastered on his face. looking into her flustered face, her eyes teary from the pleasure. “Say the magic word.”
..she pauses and looks away shamefully. “Ethan.” He pumps away, slamming into her earning another louder screech of his name.
Round After round, the only word she could muster was his name. Until she quite literally collapsed.

She jolted up. He was asleep next to her..”Hey” or not.. “Hi.” She shifted “Where do you think you’re going?” he grabbed her before she could roll out of bed. He softly tugs her hair exposing her neck. Kissing it slightly, “wait, don’t leave any mar-“ he bites down, and hard. A mix of arousal and pain, made her attempt to writhe as he held her, he pulled away. “Hm? What were you saying?” Genuine voice, from what she could tell. “Nevermind.” He loosens his grip being briefly caught off guard by her sudden dismissal.

She makes her escape as he does and rolls away off the bed, sitting up, standing one foot pushing herself forward, she collapses. “Dammit.” She curses, he chuckles. “This is your fault, asshole don’t laugh!” Clearly not amused “Well I told I was gonna fuck you until you couldn’t walk without my help” he hops off the bed and looms over her.

“Help me dude!”.. a familiar silence fills the room, A mischievous look is stuck to his face once more. “We just had a conversation about using the magic word” she bites her lip nervously, feeling helpless, damsel in distress. “Help me please, Ethan” he smiles “You didn’t have to say please. But! I think you should have to do something extra for the disrespect, beck“

“I physically can’t take more of your pounding, Ethan and I can’t use my hands, my arms feel like noodles” her cheeks light up, her brown skin doesn’t help hide her blush well at all. “ That’s okay. Your mouth works perfectly fine still, hm?..” rhetorical question. He bends down to her level “Suck me off and I’ll help you deal?” She nods ashamed, no talk back. He grabs her hands, intertwining them with his and lifts her arms as he stands at full height, he pins her arms to the bed behind her, briefly removing one of his hands from hers to pull his boxer down to pop his cock out.

“Don’t want you straining your arms by accident” he smirks and she blushes and nods again, staring at him.. well little him up close. He had been in her stirring up her insides for at least an hour or so, she gulped and she bit her lip once more, she would probably.. taste herself on his cock. Confused by the sudden pause he inches himself closer worried he’d strain her neck as she moved forward as her tongue and mouth made contact with him . A strain “Beck” passed his lips making her gain confidence in her new found skills, she picks up the pace . He presses her hands into the mattress more trying to hold himself back from shoving his cock down her throat more. He came in no time. Pull away quickly to look at her.

He ponders, his evil smirk, a rare occasion made an appearance for a split second, he couches on her level again. Grabbing her chin gently “swallow.” She stares into his eyes and does what she’s told and opens wide for an inspection. He smiles, taking advantage of her open mouth to shove his tongue deep into her throat for a last minute sloppy make out session. Pulling away, he swiftly picks her up to sit her in the restroom. The end because my hand hurts from typing

I do have two short stories more of these characters if you’re interested in reading some other smut/erotica I wrote that’s a bit more into detail, again this was my first try! Let me know what you think in the comments please!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/rhne27/best_way_to_fix_a_fight_is_sex_uhm_first_try_at