Joana’s tinder dates always ended the same way – another throat for her cock, and another worshipper for her harem [futa on man][dom/sub][worship][gentle ending][hallucinogenic cum]



At age 28, Joana felt that she was growing soft. She was completing her morning run, reminiscing over the conquests of her youth. A line of broken men. But she’d rebuilt them into something better – her toys, lovers, assistants, and disciples. As she ran, she spotted a slender man playing on the ground with a dog. Cute, she thought.

At age 19, Ben wondered if he would ever kiss anyone. His morning run had been interrupted by the fluffiest golden retriever puppy escaping its owners and demanding his attention. On his back now, Ben looked up at the dog and felt a pang of self pity. This was the most physical affection he’d been shown in years.

Joana politely asked the dog to go back to its owners. Without hesitation the puppy obeyed. She looked down and held out a hand.

Ben saw a tall, beautiful woman standing over him. She was outlined by trees and blue skies.

“Hi, I’m Joana. I live in this building. Would you like to join me?”



He removed his shorts. She removed hers.

“Don’t feel bad, boy”, she teased. “I always win this game.”

Shock and awe spread through Ben’s awareness just as Joana’s growing cock spread across his vision. It towered over him, casting a shadow on his chest. Moving his head from behind the shaft to see Joana’s face, he said

“I… uh… what are you?”

She smirked and flexed her beautiful monster. His own much smaller cock twitched excitedly, betraying his body’s total submission. Pulses of clear, slick precum came at regular intervals. His vision was narrowed, his breathing shallow.

How could this be real? he thought. What was she doing to his body?

“Are you a goddess?”

Her nonchalance and obvious amusement sent chills down his spine.

“Yes. I am a Goddess. Will you serve me?”

Suppressing his fear, he peeled his eyes from the thing between her legs.

He gave a hesitant, silent nod.

“Good”, she said while repositioning his head. “I will use you. That’s the only thing you need to know.”

His face once again hidden behind her, she prepared to enter his throat. Ben’s mind reeled from the smell, he felt the heat radiating from her. His lips parted, and she was inside of him.

He began to gag, struggling to keep his face in the proper position for this act of submission. But rather than getting frustrated, he seemed focused, determined.

She began to withdraw, but he pulled her back in.

“Do you want to worship your goddess?”

“Yes. Please fuck me.”

She sheathed her cock in his throat. He twitched helplessly, upper body held stiff by the bulging cock inside of it, unable to move or breathe. In and out. With every thrust her cock head rammed past organs, sending waves of pleasure through her body.

Joana’s balls contracted on top of Ben’s face, releasing a slow flood of cum directly into his stomach. He felt the powerful muscles tighten again. Felt Joana’s load squeeze past his face, down the shaft embedded in his torso.

Ben writhed with pleasure underneath Joana. She watched him hump the air, try to jerk himself off, unable to see, his hand slippery from the continuous flow of precum. She finished shooting her load and grabbed his hands.

“Not like that”, she ordered. “I will make you cum. I control you, boy.” She held onto his neck with both hands, pumping herself into his throat again, stroking herself, using him like an fleshlight.

“Cum with your throat pussy, boy.”

Suffocating, vision fading, mind filled only with cock, he climaxed. His cock tensed in repeated spasms, his hidden face contorted in ecstasy. He was now limp, totally spent and unconscious.

She slid her long shaft out of his ravaged body. After a few moments, Ben started to move. He gasped for air and started coughing up globs of Joana’s load. Ben lay there before her, chest heaving, trying to regain control over his breathing.

“I thought I was going to die.”

She smiled.

“I would never harm you. How do your insides feel?”

Ben noted with surprise that the discomfort of his Goddess’s cock had given way to a warm numbness. It spread out from the pit of his stomach like rays of light. When it reached his head he felt like he might float away. His vision shimmered, objects outlined themselves in dancing auras.

“What… What’s happening to me?”

The woman smiled and put a hand on his head.

“You’re healing. You’ll be fine soon.”

It felt amazing. His breathing deepened, and his mind slipped away.

“You’re welcome”, she said softly. Joana ran her fingers through his hair as he lost consciousness. Now Ben twitched like a sleeping dog, making happy noises. She almost envied him.

The powerful hallucinogen was doing its work on the young man’s mind. In this trance state, his mind was flooded with thoughts of the events that had taken place just minutes before. He thought of the whole process of being fucked by a goddess, the feelings of submissiveness, and the after effect of sex. The events repeated, again and again.

Each loop took less time. Small details were left out. Pleasures were outlined in a fractal of interlacing emotional responses. Dozens and dozens of repetitions, his mind flooded with peak after peak of raw sensory input. Every moment laced with the smell of his Goddess, the sensation of her holy cock in his throat.

In this hypnotic replay, his throat seemed to gain a million nerves. His throat became a literal pussy. It gushed with every thrust. Ben’s entire torso had been transformed into a hot, welcoming cunt for his goddess.

Joana propped the young man’s head up in her lap and watched his face. Her followers called this the Trance. It was an experience beyond words. This more than anything is why they worshipped her as a true Goddess.

In her lap the trance seemed to have reached its climax. His body began to relax.

Joana loved this part. Ben curled up into her lap and they cuddled for a long while. His body was like a furnace, still in the grip of her drug. She stroked the hair on his forehead and wondered what he was feeling.

In the timeless post coital bliss of the cum induced trance, Ben experienced the smallest glimmerings of a vision. A future seemed to be there, waiting for him. Yes, it would be a much better future for everyone.

He felt her hand on his cheek.

“Goddess”, he whispered, and fell into a deep sleep.


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