Jessica woke up from a weird sex-dream with her ex, which had aroused conflicting and confusing emotions in her. The first thing she noticed was her pussy was wet. The second was that her new weighted blanket, which she had already fondly nicknamed “WB”, short for Weighted Blanket, was holding her down a tad too heavily.

She moved to shift it.

But she couldn’t. She couldn’t move, and WB wouldn’t shift. It was drawn up high up to her neckline, completely covering her arms by her sides, torso and legs, just leaving her feet bare. She could look from side to side, and wiggle her toes, but that was it.

As her brain froze in terror, she wriggled futilely trying to break free from WB’s grasp. She screamed out for help, but she lived alone. She hadn’t been dating for a while.

She couldn’t even reach her arms out from under WB to grasp her cellphone. She burst into sobs, and found her herself begging, “please please, let me go. Please WB”.

Almost immediately, she felt WB’s firm grip on her slacking. She caught her breath, and intensified her struggle to break free. As if in response, WB stiffened around her limbs, holding them tightly once more.

Jessica stopped crying. Cautiously she said “WB? Please stop holding me so tightly.”

She wasn’t imagining it. The weighted blanket shifted, and the pressure on her loosened.

Jessica’s mind was racing. She remembered all the incredibly stupid jokes she had made about not needing a man anymore, WB helped her sleep and feel safe and hugged and loved like no other man. Together with Johnny her vibrator, also brand new, she was set for life, she joked. They were her ersatz boyfriends, she joked. No more men.

Thinking about Johnny, with whom she had been playing with rather too enthusiastically last night before falling asleep made her turn her head. He was no longer on her nightstand where she was sure she had left him.

“WB?” she asked softly. “Where is Johnny?”

In response, WB tightened his grip, but not over her whole body. The thick heavy fabric crinkled and gripped her breasts and pussy tightened. Jessica gasped. “WB!”

WB responded by slacking even more, so that her arms and upper chest and thighs were completely free now, and she could have rolled over if she wished. But she didn’t want to. His simultaneous strong grip on both her nipples and pussy was too pleasurable and unlike anything either Johnny or her exes had been able to deliver. “Oh WB” she sighed.

Taking her sigh as consent, WB began firmly kneading her, everywhere all at the same time. Jessica groaned and lifted up her pussy and breasts the better to receive attention. As she moved and adjusted, she caught sight of Johnny, shattered into irrecoverable pieces on the floor. It was the last thing she noticed before she convulsed in ecstasy, throwing her head back as she clawed WB in pure blinding delight.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/r48c0p/wb