“Will, there’s some woman calling in. I told her you were busy, but she says it’s urgent?” The receptionist, Marlene, leaned through the door into the conference room. “Says her name is Erica.”
I made a pained expression, then flashed an apologetic shrug to the room — a half dozen of my colleagues. “Erica, no last name? She say who she’s with?”
“Nuh-uh,” Marlene shook her head. “She wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Something about a listing, but I thought Tony said you weren’t doing listings anymore.”
“I’m not,” I said, “Give it to Pam.” Pam had taken the sales spot I’d vacated last month.
Marlene hesitated. “Umm. She said she only would talk to you. She was pretty clear about that.”
I sighed.
“She said something about being in your pocket,” Marlene continued, “Or from your pocket or something. I didn’t understand.”
Pocket? What?
“It’s ok, Will,” said Freddie, my boss, “We could use a break anyway. My coffee’s run out.”
Then the pieces began to click, my eyes began to widen. “Thanks, Freddie, everyone,” I mumbled, distracted. Erica Cheung, my wife Nancy’s co-worker, who last month at a dinner party shoved her panties in my pocket. “I’ll, uh, reschedule this.”
Marlene pointed at the conference phone in the middle of the table. “I can put the call through to here.”
“No!” I shouted, too loud. Calm yourself. Act normal. “Uh, I’ll take the call in my office. Please. Thank you.”
Marlene gave me a look like I was crazy. “Sure thing,” she drawled.
Why the fuck was Erica calling me? And at my office? I barely knew the woman. Sure, we’d fucked, but that was a mistake, a moment of weakness. I loved my wife, we had a great marriage, very fulfilling. Erica and I hadn’t ever met before that night, and had never spoken since. How did she even know where I worked? What did she want? Why was I getting horny?
I made it to my office and closed the door. Maybe I slammed it. I was tense, it was a mistake. I closed the blinds.
Then I sat, watching the light on my handset blink. I sucked in a breath and steeled myself.
I picked up the phone. “Hello?”
“Speaking.” My hand trembled.
Erica chuckled. “Everything all right? You sound nervous.”
“I’m fine.” I said. A pause, I didn’t need to be rude. “How are you?”
“Oh, you know,” she said, her tone easy, confident, authoritative, “Just sitting here, in the office next to Nancy, keeping myself busy.”
“What do you want?”
“I want you to show me a house.”
“I’m interested in a listing,” she said, “You are a real estate broker, aren’t you?”
I gritted my teeth. “I don’t do showings anymore. I’m in management now.”
She didn’t even slow down. “So that means you’re still in the business. Let me tell you the address–”
“I can put you in contact with one of my agents,” I said, “But more than that, I cannot help you.”
“Oh, Will,” she said, “No no, I don’t want an ‘agent,’” she said the word like it was poisoned, “I want you.”
“I can’t. I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
“You’re disappointing me, Will. I thought we had a connection.”
“It was a mistake.”
“I don’t know,” she said, “Mistakes happen. But eating pussy by mistake? That’s a new one.”
I squeezed my eyes shut. “I’m not a cheater. That’s not who I am.”
“Are you sure, Will? I seem to remember you shoving your fat cock into me. Kinda seems like cheating, if you ask me.”
“It was a mistake,” I repeated, dangerously close to whining.
“I see,” Erica purred, “So does that mean you’ve come clean to Nancy? That you’ve told her about your ‘mistake’ and made your amends? That if I walk the five feet over to her office and tell her that, in her own house, while she was downstairs, chatting with her friends, her husband was upstairs, fucking my ass — that she’d tell me that she’s already forgiven you?”
I whimpered.
She continued, “Or do you want to show me a house?”
## ## ##
I turned off my car. A black luxury sedan had just pulled up behind me. Erica Cheung stepped out in a fashionable cherry red dress and high heels, her hair still short and straight and perfect, her expression still severe and withering.
“Erica,” I said, joining her on the curb. She was slender and long-legged, and it took effort to suppress the pang of lust swirling inside me.
“Will.” Her eyes scanned me up and down.
I was in one of my everyday suits, a slim-cut blue linen fabric set. I looked pretty sharp, if I’m allowed to say so. “This home is listed for five-point-seven mil. What’s your budget?”
She rolled her eyes. “Just show me the house.” Burgundy lipstick and dark eyeliner completed her look.
I shook my head and led her down the sculpted pathway to the front door.
The house was a hillside 4,500-square-foot split-level on a private culdesac overlooking the beach. It was done in a Spanish style, with bright stucco walls and a rusty red terracotta tile floor and matching roof. It was a beautiful home, but I doubted that Erica, even if she was getting paid significantly more than Nancy, could afford a place this extravagant.
“Monthly maintenance and utilities on this home will run you a few thousand,” I said, popping apart the lockbox and opening the door.
The home was staged and immaculate, every bookcase arranged just so, every surface bright and polished.
“Mmm,” Erica said, surveying. “The owners aren’t home?”
I followed her down the hall. As she walked, I could see her ass muscles flexing through her dress’ fabric. “This was a second home, they never lived here,” I said, “It’s move-in ready.”
She went from room to room, peeking through doorways, glancing through windows. We passed an interior courtyard with an adobe brick oven in the middle. What business did a frame that slender have with an ass that round?
“Great for entertaining, too,” I said.
She found the kitchen and paused. From there, we got our first views of the cliffs and ocean that made this home special. It was a breathtaking scene, even from over the kitchen sink. The home curved in a crescent, living room on one extreme, bedrooms on the other, with this kitchen in the middle. Enclosed by the home’s curve was the backyard.
“Very nice,” Erica said. She slid open the door and stepped down to the patio, the first level of terraced landscaping. She moved with an elegant deliberateness, every motion as precise as the strands of hair on her head.
“This is really the home’s highlight,” I said, sinking into my old real estate agent habits, “The lanai comes with palm-frond ceiling fans and an outdoor cooking area. The pool below is heated and gated, and beyond that, there’s a path leading down to the–”
“Will,” Erica cut me off, “Come here.”
She was leaning against the half-height stucco wall separating the dining area from the pool, the warm afternoon breeze sending waves down the frill of her dress. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I was attracted to her something fierce.
I leaned on the wall beside her.
“Bring back any memories?”
“Huh?” Her and I didn’t have any memories. Except… oh yes. Of course. When I banged her bent over the balcony rail at my house and pumped her full of cum. My cock twitched. “Oh.”
“Yes,” she smiled. It wasn’t mean, not quite, but it was … triumphant? She came in, kissing me.
I shouldn’t have, but her lips were soft and she was cute and I kissed her back.
“I’ve been craving your cock, Will” Her voice was husky, lips nearly touching mine. “You fucked me like you meant it. The memories can only get me by for so long.”
She pressed into me, a leg between mine, her hands on my ass.
I watched myself as if a spectator in my own skin. I stroked her back, pulled her tight, slipped her dress straps off her shoulders.
“You’re bored with Nancy,” Erica said. It wasn’t a question. “I make your dick harder than its been for years.”
“Yes,” I murmured.
Her bra was red lace, her tits slender, nipples hard. I fondled them through the fabric while my tongue darted around her mouth. Her heat radiated into me, my heartbeat pounded in my ears.
There was a stone patio dining table, a massive fixture with an inlaid mosaic tile top. Erica swung around and sat on its edge, pulling me with her.
“Fucking me made you feel like a man,” she said.
“Like an animal,” I hissed, sliding my hand up her thigh.
“You called it a mistake, but you needed it just as much as I did.” She was wearing a red thong.
I yanked it to the side, brushing my fingers over her sex. “You’re so fucking hot.”
“Do you fuck Nancy’s ass?” We were eye to eye. I could see the smooth texture of her skin, the faint freckles invisible from any more distant. “I can’t imagine that bitch lets you.”
I snarled my response. “Don’t talk about her.”
She smirked. “Didn’t think so.”
Her pussy was wet and hot. I slid my fingers inside her. She shivered, gasping.
She continued, “I’m not going to let you, either.”
I growled and slid my hand in farther, my fingers searching inside her, feeling her heat, seeing what made her react. Her high cheekbones were reddening, a sheen of sweat growing.
“If you’re lucky,” she said, “I’ll let you cum.”
I twisted my grip, finding her g-spot.
Her back wrenched and she moaned. “Fuck! Eat my pussy.”
It was a command. I obeyed.
Kneeling between her thighs, I teased her with my fingers. Her pussy was plump and pink and bare. “You prepared,” I said, realizing how much of this she’d planned.
“Waxed and bleached last week,” she said, pride clear in her tone, “You’re going to eat my ass, too.”
My eyes went wide, but she grabbed my head and pulled me into her.
Her pussy was so sweet, her smell so heady. With my tongue I caressed her, with my fingers I teased. I drank her down, her moans mixing with the roar of waves in the distance.
Erica leaned back on her elbows, watching me with a pleased look.
“Fuck, you’re delicious.”
“Shut up and eat,” she said, “Worship me with your tongue. I am your goddess, prove to me your worthiness.”
The stuff she was saying, it was weird. Nancy was always just silent during sex, and it had been so long since I’d been with anyone else, I’d nearly forgotten there were other ways to fuck.
Erica pressed my head down. “You’re doing good, slave. But your master demands more. Pay your respects to my ass.”
The strange thing was, her insults got me mad, but I was also eager for more. I needed her commands, her derision. I was getting off on being her servant, and it was pissing me off while turning me on.
I licked her asshole and thumbed her clit. Her legs quivered, her hips bucked.
“Fuck, you’re pathetic,” she groaned, “You don’t deserve a treasure like me. You shame me just by your presence.”
My cock was rock hard. Her pussy juice oozed, smearing across my face.
“You’re such a sad waste,” Erica continued, panting and writhing, “Driving all the way out to the coast just to eat ass.” She shuddered. “I bet Nancy has your balls so fucking blue, they’re rotting off.”
Her ass spasmed as I licked it.
“You impotent fuck,” she mocked between sucked in breaths, “I bet you can’t even get it up. Nancy probably fucks other guys and makes you watch.”
I broke.
I stood up and barked, “Shut the fuck up about my wife!”
“Make me,” she snapped back, a disapproving sneer on her face. Her gaze was on my crotch, where my erection was yearning to stand straight, bulging against my slacks. In that moment, I hated her. But she was so fucking hot.
I undid my belt and shoved my pants to the ground. My cock soared thick and stiff and deep red, angry and demanding. My swollen shaft was a symbol, my taut sac a reminder. I was the man, I was the one who’s needs were going to be met.
I pushed my cock against her, rubbing my glistening head against her asshole.
Erica’s lip curled. “You don’t have the fucking balls.”
“Fuck you,” I growled, shoving inside her. Tight and hot, she felt amazing. I slid in deeper.
Her limbs went stiff, her eyelids fluttered. She moaned.
“You think you’re special,” I spat, my hips working up a rhythm, “You’re just another cock-thirsty bitch.”
She whimpered.
“I fuck Nancy whenever I want.” This was not true. “And I’ve already got a side thing at the office.” Neither was this. “I’m just here doing charity work, donating my sperm to your desperate ass.”
I thrust hard. Erica groaned and collapsed onto the table, back arching. I thumbed her clit, she screamed.
“Look at you,” I said, “Getting off when someone else’s man smashes your asshole, can’t even find your own guy.”
I grabbed her waist, holding her in place as I pounded her with quick, ruthless jabs. My cock was in bliss, my balls ached for release. I was close.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” I muttered, breathing hard, pressing my weight onto her. Her limbs had gone slack, her eyes rolled back in her head. I seethed, “Look at me as I cum in you.”
She gritted her teeth and looked me in the eye.
And that’s how I came, my face inches from hers as my cock surged and pumped her ass full of spunk. I groaned, taking my time. Until I gave her a last thrust, squeezing my dick empty.
“Get off me,” she said, “Go fuck yourself.” She pulled her dress together and stomped off.
## ## ##
I didn’t hear from her again for another month. Thinking about her still turned me on, but I was fine having her out of my life. She was too wild, too risky. So when I saw her name on the phone’s display, I grimaced.
“What?” I grumbled into the handset.
“I want you to show me another listing.”
“Don’t make us play this stupid game again,” she said, “Just show the fuck up in an hour.” She told me an address.
I sighed. It was a penthouse unit in a tower downtown, listed in the tens of millions. Most agents couldn’t even tour it. Those that could needed an escort. But I wasn’t most agents, I could pull some strings, say I needed to protect my client’s anonymity.
Luxury was an understatement. Tall, vaulted ceilings with panoramic views out over the city, a height so great it made you dizzy, soaring over the clouds themselves. Twenty rooms with real marble floors, gold fixtures, a gallery, library, every bedroom an en suite, private elevator, maids’ quarters, an indoor pool, and all with a maintenance payment higher than my mortgage. I’d sold high-end before, but this topped it all. Erica and I didn’t belong here.
Not that she was here at all. For twenty minutes, I sat on a breakfast stool, looking out at the view, wondering where the fuck was Erica. Wondering if making me wait was for her amusement.
Well, I wasn’t going to play. I got up and walked back to the foyer, popped into my mouth one of the mints from the jar, and was about to open the door when the bell chimed.
I swung open the heavy, oaken front door.
“That was quick,” Erica said, “Were you waiting for me?”
“Fuck you.”
She grinned. “That’s what I’m here to do.” She stalked off into the unit, her heels clacking on the tile. “Nice place.”
I clenched my teeth and followed her.
Her round ass was wrapped snug in a black pencil skirt, a matching jacket above. She wore white leggings, and looked the very image of professional. Hot, but professional.
She threw her jacket over the couch and walked up to the windows. “These views just keep getting better and better.” She turned around, looked at me. She was wearing a white blouse, full sleeves, buttoned all the way to her neck. It was slim, showed off her slender figure. “I don’t have much time today, Will, you’ll have to make this one a quickie.” She smirked. “Not that you ever last all that long, anyway.”
I glared at her. Then I grabbed her wrists.
She gasped. Gripping hard with one hand, I held her arms over her head and pushed her against the glass. Her breath quickened, eyes going wide as her instincts tried to recoil from the heights. But I was stronger than her and held her in place.
I pushed her down to her quaking knees and unzipped my fly, pulling my halfway hard cock out.
For once, she didn’t say anything, just shot me a doe-eyed look.
“Suck on it,” I said.
Compliant and unusually timid, her lips parted and she pulled me into her mouth. She bobbed her head on my shaft, licking me erect. It was amazing, watching myself grow hard in her mouth.
“That’s right,” I said, “Show me what you’re good for.”
She made a muffled gurgling as she sucked on my cock, her tongue sliding back and forth under my shaft.
“You sucked a lot of cock to get where you are, haven’t you.” I leaned into her.
She pulled her head back, it bumped against the window. Her eyes went wider.
I began thrusting my hips, gently at first, letting her still do most the work. But as I got into it, and I pushed into her, she found herself with nowhere to go, pinned in place by my cock in her mouth.
“A bitch like you,” I said, “You’ve swallowed a lot of cum, thinking it would be a shortcut to success.”
I fucked her face, my cock knocking against her throat, making her gag and cough.
“But you’re not successful,” I continued, “You’re just a fuck toy, a diversion, a fun place to jizz before tossing you out.”
Seeing Erica like this, subservient, cowering to my lust, not even fighting back as I used her for my own pleasure, was a bigger turn-on than the blowjob itself. Not to speak ill of the blowjob, she was fantastic at sucking cock, really putting effort into pleasing my dick. Her eyes were fixed on my crotch, a shocked look, like she didn’t believe what she was doing.
I laughed. “Look at you, it’s almost pitiful how eager you are.”
I pushed myself in farther, my cock forcing its way down her throat. She choked, spluttering, eyes watering, makeup smearing. I groaned in pleasure, “Take it! Take my dick!”
One, two, three thrusts in her throat, and it was enough.
I pulled my cock from her. My grip still pinning her hands over her head, she gasped, fighting to catch her breath. With my free hand I stroked my shaft, pumping my cum onto her cheekbones, her nose, her lips. It oozed and flowed, mixing with her spit and tears as it dripped down her face.
Finally spent, I let go of her, collapsing back onto a couch.
She looked at herself in shock, then glared at me. “Fuck you, you’ve made me late.” My cum hung from her chin.
“Get out of here,” I said, “Go.”
She walked over to the kitchen and wiped herself off. “You asshole.”
I grinned. “Until next time.”
## ## ##
Next time was only a week later. Another phone call, another address, another gorgeous, unaffordable house listed on the market.
“No,” I said.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” I gave her a different address, heard the sound of fingers on a keyboard.
“That’s not listed.”
“I know,” I said, “It’s a rental.”
“A rental?” She was thick with skepticism.
“Trust me.”
“Don’t make this about trust, Will.”
She met me there the next day, early in the morning.
“What is this place?” she said, breath puffing in the cold.
I pushed the button, the wrought iron gate rolling open between two stone pillars, part of a wall stretching off into the foliage.
“You’ll like it.”
“What makes you think you know what I’ll like?”
I grinned. “You’ll see.”
I drove through manicured gardens, down a lengthy driveway, Erica following in her sedan. We parked under a large overhang, the kind seen more often in hotels than homes.
She looked around. “No valet?” she said sarcastically. She was damn hot in a close-fitting turtleneck and slacks that were even tighter. High heels accentuated her legs, and her lack of panty-line thrilled me.
I shook my head. “Groundskeeper has the day off. We’ve got the estate to ourselves. I’ll show you around.”
Brick stairs up to a massive front door, a marble foyer, a palatial scale grand hall. “I told them you’re a location scout,” I said, “For the film industry. They do that, sometimes, shoot movies here.”
“Anything good?”
“I didn’t ask.” We walked into a library, two stories tall, lined with books and plaster busts of classical philosophers.
“Who’s stuff is all this?” she said, spinning a globe, nations of the world inlaid with gold leaf.
“Used to belong to some ultra-wealthy someone-or-another. Story is, they died without heirs. Ownership fell into their trust. Now the trust runs it as an income-generating property.”
“For movies?” she said, stepping into a gallery. Portraits covered the walls, floor to ceiling.
“That, yeah,” I said, “And parties. Weddings. Fancy galas. Society events.”
Her gaze swept the space, circling around, returning to me. “So where do you wanna fuck?”
I grinned. “Follow me.”
I led her through a nondescript door and down a flight of stairs, then flicked on the lightswitch.
“Whoa,” she said, “Exactly what type of movies do they shoot here?”
Even with the lights on, the room was dim, except for one spot right in the middle, lit by spotlights. In that spot, shackles and manacles gleamed, hanging from chains. Something like a pommel horse sat to the side — a high leather bench with metal hooks and loops. A mobile cart rested beside it.
I walked over and picked up an item, then showed it to Erica. “Feeling adventurous?”
Her eyes went wide. Then she opened her mouth and let me insert the ball gag. I clasped the straps in place and grinned at her hungrily. The incongruity between her professional outfit and the red ball gag made my dick twitch. But, however hot it was, those clothes were just getting in the way.
“Strip,” I said, “All the way.”
Soon, I had Erica bound in place, wrists and ankles chained to the floor, back bent over the leather bench. A metal bar between her knees kept her legs spread, the mineral oil I’d coated her with made her skin glisten.
My one hand rubbed her slender tits, tweaking her nipples, massaging in the oil. My other hand held a vibrating wand to her pussy, forcing yet another orgasm into her.
She quivered and writhed, twisting and pulling against the bonds, knowing it was useless but being unable to stop herself. And with her every twitch, my cock grew harder.
Another coat of oil and shuddering orgasm later, Erica’s eyes were starting to glaze over, and my cock — it was so hard, the hardest it’d ever been, I’ve seen iron pipes with more give.
“You know, Erica,” I said, fondling her breasts, “All this craziness, and I’ve never actually given you a proper lay. This sweet little puss of yours,” I slapped her sex, gently, making her groan, “Has yet to meet my cock. I think it’s time we change that.”
She whimpered.
I stood between her legs, grinning at her glistening pussy, basking in her helplessness. Her trust.
Then I shoved myself in.
She was so incredibly tight, I’d never felt anything like it. My cock was in paradise, addicted on the first hit. I fucked her with my full shaft, each thrust from tip to base, the entire length of my cock tasting that hot bliss.
She was crying out, moaning, writhing. I pushed the vibrator against her clit, held it there, turned it up higher. She screamed. I fucked her harder.
When I came, when my dick bulged and my spunk filled her pussy — I don’t know how long it had been, it could have been a minute, it could have been a year — it was an explosion of ecstasy, of feral release. My fingers dug into her hips and I roared like a wild animal. I was inside her to the hilt and still shoving into her, needing more. I kept fucking until my cock went limp.
## ## ##
Later, back on the driveway, I held the door for Erica while she climbed into her car.
“This was a nice place, Will,” she said, “But we won’t be able to top this. Next time, just come to my apartment.”
I smirked. “What makes you think there’ll be a next time?”
She glared at me, then grabbed my balls and squeezed. “There’ll be a next time.” Her abuse made my dick stir. She noticed. “Jesus, Will.” She unzipped my pants, pulled my cock out, slid it into her mouth.
She sucked, and I was hard instantly. I still needed her. There would be a next time.
Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/r6rqod/my_wifes_coworker_and_i_had_an_instant_connection
This is a direct sequel to this story: https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/nvj2nu/my_wifes_coworker_and_i_had_an_instant_connection/
If you liked this, my post history is all sexy stories, or they’re sorted and indexed on this free blog https://terriblyeasy.wordpress.com/tags/
Please continue this!!!