Exploration of the new world… (part 1) (FM)

I watched as he lit up the bedchambers candles. The lights gently flickering their warm lights over the cabins walls. The central fire he had lit warming the entire three chambered cabin.

Not a word exchanged since he brought me here….and why would there be? Neither knew the others language. So vastly different I simply followed motions and kept quite. Drinking water when handed to me, and eating when fed. I hoped to escape this soon, but I don’t know where I would go, now that my home is surely gone.

His men having batted with my village and forcing them to relocate to a more secluded location, somewhere in those forests. I wasn’t able to escape, but instead of death I found myself being put on this mans horse. A captive. And after a days ride I was here…

Sitting on this mans bed, eating the tasteless bread he gave me. Afraid but I didn’t show it, not that he seemed to care. Paying no mind even when I grabbed his riffle and pointed it at him. My hands were shaking yet he only smirked. How did he know I didn’t know how to use it? Maybe it wasn’t loaded? Maybe it was in my eyes that told I couldn’t bear killing him…either way I only watched him take it back and put away, leaving me feeling embarrassed.

Finally finished lighting the candles I watched as he sat on foot of the bed. The large figure taking off his boots, and vest. Before glancing at me. Those bold blue eyes observing me just as intensely as I observed him. Then he did a motion with his hand. I took it as a sign of beckoning and must’ve been correct by how he stood up and took my hand with no hesitation.

I resisted a little but he didn’t stop and I wasn’t getting out of his grasp if he willed it. Finally he stopped. Pointing at a tub of water in a smaller room. It was Large and had been apparently warmed by the fireplace.

He pointed again and kept uttering similar sentences but I only looked on unsure. He continue saying things, and I didn’t budge. He nudged me and got more insistent but still I protested back in my tongue. We practically argued and I found myself pushing him.

This seemed too much and he shot me a glance unlike I’ve seen from him which made me afraid. And in one swift motion he reached towards me. Both hands grasping my buckskin dress and I could only yelp in shock as he tore it off my body. The leather straps snapping and he yanked it to the ground. My bare flesh in full view to him.

Before I could attempt to run he took me in his arms and put me In The water. I scramble to stabilize myself and saw the man, laughing at my expense. I desperately tried to cover myself but to no avail. He just stood there smiling expecting something. I stopped covering my self after a time and accepted it. Ashamed and humiliated. And He knew it.

“Soap” he said holding it in his palm. The man now kneeling besides me and waiting . I hated this but knew what this was. Taking it I looked away. Unable to look at the man , while gently rubbing it about my body.

Though I’d hate to admit it…it was comfortable. Warm and having unable to bath for a day, I felt somewhat relieved despite my situation.

“Good” he chimed in again. A hand having dipped into the water before brushing some hair out of my face. The mans hand gentle as it slid to my chin. Bringing my to face him. Our eyes locking again. Just as before, except his dawned the look of what could potentially be satisfaction. A deep contemplation of me.

There was nothing to say. I felt wrong being exposed to someone who I wasn’t married too, but there was no other thing to do. I simply washed myself as we stared in contemplation of who the other was.
And their intentions.
He cleared his throat a little after a time, and began humming somethinf. Slowly getting louder. A smile coming from him and soon his other hand came to me and caressed my hair.

Idk why…but I forced a smile back. Wanting to be on good terms, and showing I enjoyed the bath. I told myself it was nothing more but I felt something within me…I felt kind of good despite being so far from home.

“John.” He said simply. Repeating it again and then once more. I felt he was trying to get me to say it and finally copied his word. Though it must’ve not been very good seeing at how he laughed. Then he pointed at me…

“Ekinoma” I said, to which he immediately gave a “Eki-ek… Noma” I couldn’t help but smile back and nodded.

John repeated it a few more times. Slow and seeming to like sound. His eyes immediately falling to my breasts as they surfaced on the water. I sunk down a bit and he refocused on my eyes.

I blushed and looked down. Having never been this close to another man like this…my heart was picking up pace and I felt some kind of tingling sensation. That I couldn’t deny.

“Noma” he said again hushed and slow, as he lifted my head up again. This time drawing himself closer. I swore I could hear my heart beating and wondered if he heard it as well. He starred with a new look in his eyes. A hunger, a deep desire… as if he could see right through me. We locked eyes mere inches from each other… the home dead silent… before it happened.

“Mmm-“ I moaned in surprise as our lips collided together. My hands on his chest as he leaned over the tub and parted my lips with his tongue. So eager and myself too willing.

It was unlike anything I’ve ever known. We briefly stopped. As if he just wanted assurance I enjoyed it. My eyes closing agian must’ve been enough, since immediately his tongue entered my mouth. His left hand on my cheek while his other dove into the water with a loud splash.

I went wide eyed as he took a breast into his grasp. Squeezing, and gently holding it. Enjoying both as best a hand could. I moaned when his thumb began messaging my hardened nipple in circular motions. My back arching just a little and he took it as all the sign he needed.

He broke the kiss only to begin it again down my neck. The sensation so amazing I gave in and felt his mouth and tongue trail down me. He simultaneously took off his shirt and wrapped a hand around my back. Lifting me just a little of the water enough for my chest to be above the water.

I soon felt that tongue on my sensitive nipples. Watching him devour my ample exposed chest. His right hand feeling my thighs a moment but soon was gripping my ass in order to get a better hold of me as he sucked my bressts like an animal.

I loved it beyond words and voiced my pleasure to him. He knew what he was doing and after a while let up. Standing up and I watched as he undid his belt.

He pointed to his pants smirking and saying my name. I was unsure but reached out and put it there. Yanking and yanking to which he smiled and undid a button. The panties falling to the ground.

He pointed again at his under wear, and I didn’t hesitate to pull the piece off, only to stop in my tracks. Before me sprung out his cock. Nearly hitting my face as it stood to attention before me, the sight alone made my stomachs feel like butterflies.

I blushed and my hips involuntarily jolted just slightly, I can’t explain it. I looked into his eyes. Afraid…but In a good way. He knew it all to well and took my hsnd. While holding my cheek.

The moment so tense and quite. He slowly put my hand onto it. My breath heavy and i slowly got used to the thick warm length. A mans cock. I began to rub it. To which he groaned a little for me. I loved it and soon I was going faster. Watching it pulse and grow. Especially fun was his bslls which swayed about

He allowed this for a little while before he stopped my hand. His own hand on my chin, tilting it up to his so gentle. I smiled as he grinned back down on me. His hand leaving my cheek and gathering my hair.
I was unsure but didn’t mind him, until he took his cock in his hand and began moving to my face.
My eyes shot wide and I looked at him scared, but he didn’t stop. Only smiling and gripped my hair tilting my head back more. I watched as his leg lifted to the tube edge. His cock on my lips, and I tasted the slight salty flavors just enough. His musk driving me to a haze.

“Open” he commanded as he pushed forward. I didn’t need a translation, and mouth parting I felt his thick warm tip slide into my mouth. He grunted and stayed in the back of my mouth. I struggled at this litte act but still didn’t resist. His reaction was so rewarding.

Hearing his grunt as he shoved his manhood further and further made me smile. As well as I could anyways. I watched him stop part way before pulling out again.
Tip to my lips and I coughed up a little bit, but still opening wide.
He loved it and repeated it…again, and again, and again, and I lost track of it. Simply taking it, endlessly. I couldn’t believe it when his sack was soon on my chin. I felt proud.
And he must’ve been two…because when he pulled out that time, he didn’t put it back in.

I didn’t understand his words but I knew what it meant and stood up out of the water. He put the dry cloth on my as I stepped onto the floor, and we kissed as he dried my backside. My arms tight to his large frame.
I knew he didn’t understand but I wrapped my legs. Around him and he held me to him, and I told him how I Felt…into his ears. Head on his shoulders as he took me back to his bed chamber….

I hope that was enjoyable, or at least made sense in its depictions at least.
Would love to discuss or even roleplay this with anyone if they’re open to it :)

Thanks for reading!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/r4r94d/exploration_of_the_new_world_part_1_fm