Outside [postapocalyptic][femdom][rape]

*26th September 1983 was the beginning of the end. Stanislav Petrov, the officer on duty at Moscow’s Serpukhov 15 bunker was close to dozing off when he was awoken by the sharp siren that pierced through the dead of night. On his screen, five bright green fluorescent dots flashed off of the coast of America. Cursing and shaking, he picked up his phone.*

*News of the pending attack was escalated up the chain of command within a matter of minutes before the fateful decision for retaliation was made. Fourty minutes later, amid a storm of fire, explosion and radiation, millenia of human knowledge, wisdom and culture was erased from the Earth.*

**Or so I am told.**

I’ve always wondered if my teachers truly believe the story they preach us. It has been generations since the war. Those who were fortunate to survive fled underground and had been here since. The last of those who had memories of life before the war had long passed many generations ago. No one knows whats the surface is like and no one dares to set foot into it. The surface, just like the past, is an ideal that is not to be reached, but also too precious to forget.

The past always fascinated me with its wide open spaces, its sunshine, trees and its patriarchal society. Things have become very different since humanity moved underground. The high level of radiation, lack of sunshine, surface flora and fauna has forced our bodies to evolve to survive. Those who did not die of cancer became resistant to radiation. Our skin has become pale from the lack of sunshine. Our bodies has changed its nutritional requirements to survive on the underground diet. Most importantly, fertility has become the one single most important thing about underground life. The need to propagate life is seen as the collective objective of the whole species, and those who possess the ability to reproduce wields great power.

The irony is, the masculinity fueled war has destroyed masculinity itself. From the rubble of the society torn into bits by masculine rage, the gentle and nurturing femininity arose and took charge of the postwar society. The high levels of radiation from the fallout castrated postwar men, rendering their sex organs useless. The reduced level of circulating testosterone from the atrophied testicles meant that men no longer had physical advantages over women like they once did. Food were preferentially allocated to women, who had the honorable ability and responsibility for reproduction, allowing women to grow larger and stronger than their male counterparts. The once proud and dominating men has been reduced to weaklings who lived within the shadows of women. If it were not for the need for the male sperm in order the reproduce, they would have dwindled and become extinct as a gender. Over time the male psyche has evolved to accommodate for this new gender role, becoming docile and submissive, deriving pleasure out of their servitude of their female owners.

In this underground society, from the moment he is born, a male infant’s fate is already sealed. Motherly love is something he will never experience in his life. As soon as the umbilical cord is cut, he is given voluntarily to the State Nursery, to be raised with thousands of other male infants. When he is old enough to understand, he is indoctrinated with matriarchal education, and trained to service the state or his female owner. When they reach maturity, the boys’ paths finally diverge. Those blessed with good health, looks and physical condition maybe purchased by a woman who has chosen him from the State Nursery Trading House. His fate thereafter is completely dependent on his owner, some are tasked with assisting domestic duties, others become tools of sexual pleasure or breeding stock for his owner, or for some, both. Some maybe given more freedom and power by his owner through good service, and some men have rose to prominence this way, but this is dangerous waters to tread, as he can just as easily fall from grace when his owner is no longer satisfied by him. Those young men without good looks and physique will end up living a life of hard labour for the state until the end of their days. Some of them will also be subjected to whats colloquially called the “Dairy House” – a state run facility where young men are forcibly milked for their semen, with the assistance of a chemically induced erection and spermatogenesis, to be used for reproduction by women who do not have a breeding stock.

*It’s so close …*

I can see “the lid” getting ever so slightly closer with each further agonising step I take.

*I’m almost there …*

I push myself to keep climbing this seemingly endless spiral staircase. For all my life I have been staring at the lid, wondering about life above ground. I dreamed one day finally opening the lid, about the sky and how wonderful but also entirely bizarre it would feel to have *nothing* above your head, just empty space. Empty, blue, space.

*I can’t do this … I must do this … I’m almost there*

My legs feels like stone. It takes all my energy just to move a single step. Behind me, they are catching up fast. I can hear them shout my name now, the voice getting louder as they approach.

*Shit, shit, shit…*

I can hear their foot steps now. *Thump, thump, thump…*

*Then suddenly, black…*

“Yes second time now this month … yes she needs to do something about him … okay we’ll be taking him to the Dairy House until she comes to pick him up.” The policewoman hanged up the phone and looked at me with disdain, as I regained my consciousness.

“You little shit, next time I’m going to fucking kill you I swear”. The heavy set woman kicked me hard in the thigh with her heavy black boot. I remember officer Chapman from my first attempt to escape. She looked about fourty, with short blond hair that gave away an air of authority. Her thick muscular arms and thighs covered in leather armour, and a police baton dangling from her waist band. The blood on it, I assume, was from the back of my head.

I still remember the cigarette smell on her body, I could never forget. It took me a month to recover when she beat and raped me after my first escape attempt. I remember waking up to that disgusting cigarette smell, finding myself strapped down to a bed, while Chapman and her colleague sat on top of me, rubbing their pussies onto my lip and tongue and bouncing their fat asses on my cock. I could not even keep track of how many times they injected me to keep my cock hard for hours, as they took turns to use me like a piece of meat. I came countless times into their pussies with shameful pleasure until they were both satisfied. I was then tossed to the corner, half dead, until I was collected by mother.

“I’m gonna kill you so fast, your owner won’t even have a chance to make a complaint against me for damaging her property! Have fun in Dairy House you little fuck!” officer Chapman barked at me as another kicked landed on my thigh with searing pain. She hoisted me up completely as if I was a mannequin and threw me into the back of the dark cold van.

The smell of cum permeating the Dairy House was unmistakable, I was so familiar with it. Ever since mother bought me from the Trading House, cum, pussy juice, ass have become my daily life. Well, she isn’t my real mother, but she likes me to call her that. Of all the owners out there, mother is probably one of the kindest. I have come to know mother very well over the years, as long as I serve her needs well, I am given freedom to wander about and mingle with others. Thought I’m not so sure that will happen anymore after what I have done today. Only a handful of times have I seen mother’s harsh disciplinarian side, and it always happened when I have done things out of the line. But those are days that I will never forget.

Even though a woman of close to fifty years, mother has the vigor of a twenty year old. She has a liking of oral service, her preferred routine consists of a service of pussy and ass upon waking up so she can start the day with energy, as well as a service before bedtime, so she can have a good sleep. In particular she likes her pussy juice to be cleaned up orally after she has reached climax, so she can be comfortable in her underwear afterwards. Once or twice a week, mother demands cock service. Upon this request I am required to immediately become erect and service the hole that mother craves, which most often is the pussy, and occasionally her ass. If I am unable to immediately become erect, mother keeps a box of injections in her bedside table drawer, which give a immediate, intense and long lasting erection. For reasons that I will probably never find out, mother seems to have an almost religious belief of the health benefits of cum. I am milked at least once a day for her own consumption, often by her own hands, as she believes in the invigorating powers of the freshly milked male essence. Some times she even feeds it back to me because it’s “good for your own health”, which I always find quite funny.


The van suddenly ground to a halt, waking me up from my day dream. The doors opened with a heavy clank, as a white figure came into view. She was a beautiful young woman in nurse uniform. Her undersized uniform wrapped tightly around her body, her large breasts and round and perky ass almost bursting the seams of her uniform. Her pale blonde hair was tucked tightly under a white nurse’s hat, this combined with her pale white skin makes her look like a rubber doll.

She spoke with a cold sterility that matched with her sterile clinical attire. “Thank you officers, I will take over from here” she said as she led me by my hand cuff chain towards the the heavy steel doors of the Dairy House. She walked in front of me, ass swinging side to side, as she began orientating me to the facility. “This is the Dairy House, I’m sure you’ve heard of us before. There’s currently 2450 cows working here, and the job description is simple. We make you cum.” She looked back at me with a smirk.

“You’ll do 8 hour shifts, in the other 16 hours you are free do as you please within the compound.” We walked past rolls and rolls of doors leading to small rooms labelled Milking Room No X. A constant humming noise gets louder as we went deeper. “But remember, you belong to the Dairy House 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. That means you cum when I tell you to cum, you eat when I tell you to eat, you sleep when I tell you to sleep. Behave, and you will be rewarded, and vice versa.”

Her stiletto stopped clicking as we arrived at Milking Room No 325, she turned and gestured me to go in. It was a small white walled room, as sterile looking as the nurse. A gynaecologist chair sat in the middle of room, and a number of stainless steel instruments sat on a tray next to it. She gestured me to sit on the chair with her eyes, then began fastening a number of straps around my limbs and waist. I felt my hands and feet going numb as she tightened it with great force. Sensing my discomfort, she reassured me. “It’s an necessity, especially for a first timer, trust me. Now enjoy the beginning of it while you can.”

She smeared a layer of thick lubricant over her white gloved hands, then began fondling my flaccid cock. A trace of frustration appeared on her perfect doll like face when my cock did not get hard as she expected. She does not seem to understand that I was just beaten to an inch of my life. “Let’s see if this helps” she said as she put her full blood red lips around my cock. Inside I could feel the tip of her tongue doing circles around my cock, fondling and sucking. She had a great technique that could even make a dead man hard, it was not long before she is moving her lips up and down along the shaft of my now engorged cock.

“Very good” she sad as she slide my cock out of her mouth, a mixture of saliva and precum forming threads from her lip to my cock. She grasped my cock with her lubricated gloved hand and began stroking up and down. The white latex hand sliding smoothly over my shaft, sending pulses dopamine into my brain, bringing me fast towards a climax.

“Ah, you are getting there”, she read my face. She must be better at reading the faces of orgasming men than the alphabet, I thought to myself. Her hands grasping tighter and moving faster up and down my now heavily engorged and vascular cock. Precum now dripping from her hand down onto the floor, forming a small puddle. Then suddenly, I felt a searing pain as she rammed a large vibrator deep into my unprepared ass. I could feel it penetrate deep into my rectum, the tip pushing onto my prostate. The vibration so strong that my whole pelvis felt as if it has been electrified. “Stimulation of the prostate increases the amount of cum” she turned the vibration even higher, while moving it in and out of my ass, the tip pushing onto my prostate each time it is pushed in deep.

“Now, this is the automated milker. It’s basically a cow milker modified to fit the excited human cock.” She lowered a cylinder like device that was hanging from the ceiling by a hose, and slid it over my tender and pulsating cock. The warmed and lubricated milker had an undulating suction that sucked my cock in and out automatically, it felt almost better than the nurse’s mouth. Within seconds I came, harder than I have ever came. It felt like an eternity, as my cock spasmed time and time again, ejecting a large squirt of cum with each contraction. With each spasm a wave of shameful pleasure hit me like an intoxicating ecstasy. I felt as if I my spirit has drifted out of my body and looking down at my pathetic self from above. I could see my small and waste body bound to the chair below, my cock and ass violated simultaneously. I am a piece of meat, like thousands of others, a worthless piece of meat whose sole value is to serve the master female race. Yet, I feel a strange sense of pleasure. Knowing that what’s happening to me is completely out of my control. I am at the mercy of my master, to be played, ordered, fucked, and dumped, as she pleases.

As the initial pleasure passed, my body began writhing in pain. The auto milker and anal vibrator continues relentlessly, oblivious to my agonising face. “Now the work is just beginning” the nurse plunged a large needle into my arm. “This is a continuous infusion, which will force your cock to become involuntarily hard and speeds up sperm production in your little pathetic balls. See you in a few hours.” she said almost with pride. She tied a blindfold around my eyes, then I heard the sound of her stiletto grew more distant, before the door slammed shut.

I don’t know how many hours I lay there in the darkness. The infusion took the pain away and kept my cock artificially hard. The machines went on ruthlessly, forcing me into involuntary orgasms time and time again. Fifty? … One hundred? … Perhaps even a few hundred times? I could not keep count. The orgasmic overload sent me in to a state of trance. Shameful memories flashed before my blindfolded eyes. I could see myself kneeling in front of mother, licking her pussy and ass clean after serving her into an orgasm with my tongue. I could see the time when mother dressed me in body stockings and a wig, and fucked my ass with a strapon because she wanted me to become a girl. I could see the time when mother invited her friends to use me together, one of them smothering me in her heavy ass while the other crushing my pelvis as she bounded up and down on top of me. I could see myself cleaning the mess after they had their fun, while they sipped tea. Somehow … it felt good … somehow … it excited me.


I must have passed out because the next thing I remember mother was looking down at me. “Second. Time. This. Month” Her face was stern.

My vision coming back into focus now. I realise that I am in mother’s bedroom, which I had become so familiar with over the years of service to her. I had kneeled countless times on this dark red carpet, pleasuring her holes with my submissive and eager tongue. And now I lie on my back on this very same carpet, arms and legs locked in a four holed pillory, pointing at the ceiling. Like an overturned turtle, unable to get back onto its feet.

“You will be severely punished.” Mother’s gaze was unwavering and I knew that she meant business. She is dressed in an all too familiar black dominatrix attire. Her full and curvy figure sheathed in a nylon crotchless bodysuit. A corset pushes her large soft breasts up into a long and deep cleavage. Two high stilettos made her large figure even taller and more overpowering compared to my castrated pathetic body. Her big heavy ass shook with every confident stride she took as she approached me and stood astride over my face. Her pussy was in direct view above me, and I could tell that she was excited at the thought of punishing me. She was already moist, and her clitoris engorged and perky.

Mother squat down, her pussy stopping just an inch above my face. I can smell her now, a sense of ashame overwhelmed me as my cock starts to engorge at the smell of her raw unshowered pussy. My hand instinctively moved to try masturbate myself to the smell of mother’s pussy, only to realise that my limbs were completely bound by the pillory. “Do you want the outside, or this?” She asked, lowering her pussy within half an inch from my face.

*I want this …*

A golden jet sprayed from her urethra onto me. She sprayed into my open and waiting mouth, my nose, my eyes and my face. The familiar feeling of warmth, moistness and mother’s smell overwhelmed my every senses. I stick my tongue up trying to reach her, but she is just out of reach. My cock now aching, precum dripping down the shaft. “Do you want the outside, or this?” She asked again.

*I want this … please give me this…*

She sat down, lowering the entire weight of her plump ass over my face. Hips thrusting, she rubbed her pussy lips, her clitoris and all her lovely juices all over me. Her heavy ass and pussy blocking my nose mouth, but it didn’t matter. My desire for her has overwhelmed the primal instinct for air. After a minute my vision began dimming, and stars appeared as oxygen gradually depleted from my brain, but I did not care. My tongue kept searching, licking and tasting, trying my best to reach the deepest part of her sacred pussy. “Do you want the outside, or this?”

*This is what I want … this is what I was born for … this is my destiny…*

She got up and retrieved a large wooden spank. Without a word she starts swinging it without reserve. The wood landed on my ass cheeks with sharp clapping sound that filled the room. *Slap slap slap…* With each slap searing pain shoots through my body, but my cock only grew harder. *Right cheek, left cheek, balls, right cheek …* Spanks landed like rain drops. Blood start to seep through my skin. With a free hand she start to stroke my edging, pulsating and aching cock. Gripping the shaft tightly in her dominating hand, she stroked me up and down while continue to land spanks on my raw and bleeding ass.

*Up down up down …*

*Spank spank spank spank …*

*Up down up down …*

*Spank spank spank spank …*

It came to me like a tsunami. A wave of ecstasy rising up from my pelvis through the spinal cord into my brain. A flood of dopamine overwhelms the system. Neurons fire throughout the cortical network. It felt like an eternity as my body spasmed through the overwhelming pleasure. Jets of thick creamy cum ejected from my cock onto mother’s face, breasts, hair and corset. It took a full 10 minutes for the dopamine wave to pass through and I regain my consciousness. “Do you want the outside, or this?” Mother asked again, as she freed me from the pillory.

“I want this, mother…” I said quivering.

“Now serve me, boy.” Mother laid in bed, parting her legs in an almost horizontal split. “I’ve been very patient” she closed her eyes, ready for my oral service.

*I knelt down*

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/r45xqp/outside_postapocalypticfemdomrape