[FF] [Fdom] [Wrestling] Alissa learns a lesson

Alissa’s first match hadn’t gone as planned, but she did manage to get some offense in. That alone, against a beast like J.T., had secured her a spot in the Fantasy Wrestling League.

She knew, though, that she had to step it up. She had been informed her next match would be coming up. To get in the right headspace, she had a makeover thanks to her newfound access to the FWL hair and makeup department.

Her blonde hair had been dyed purple, pulled into two long pigtails on top of her head. She wore black lipstick and had purple glitter across her face. She hopes the new look would help her stand out from the others.

She made her entrance to a bit of smattering applause. Some people respected her showing against J.T., but a few were starting to form other opinions about her.

Her glittery look, tank top, incredibly small cloth short shorts and knee high socks didn’t help sway the people who were starting to think she was nothing more than a slut in over her head.

She rolled into the ring and made her way to one of the corners. There, she stretched her legs out, giving everyone a good view of her big ass, as her shorts rode up a bit while she bent over, touching her toes.

Rap music blared over the entrance speakers as her opponent made her entrance. The toned woman wore a sports bra and boxing shorts. She had a jacket on with the hood up, and bounced on her toes as she was announced.

“And from Charlotte, North Carolina, Lean, Mean, Marlina!”

Most of the crowd booed, but a minority cheered the woman as sparks rained down on her and she threw her hood back. Marlina had a reputation for brutality, and some in the crowd respected her for it. Her short blonde hair fell just above her chin and her light blue eyes had a steely look about them as she glared toward the ring.

She seemed to walk with a purpose, throwing off her jacket as she climbed the metal steps and crossed the ropes into the ring. She walked past Alissa and reached for a microphone from ringside. Once one was in hand, she turned to the pigtailed woman.

“Listen,” she said, her voice trembling with anger. “You don’t belong here, Handlebars,” she said, making a gesture toward Alissa’s hairdo. “You are just a street slut who managed to stumble through a match with J.T., and he still beat your ass! Literally. I watched him play with your ass in front of this crowd.”

Some of the crowd laughed and Alissa blushed behind her glittery, dark makeup.

Marlina continued.

“I’m going to show everyone what you really are. I’m gonna beat you within an inch of your life. I’m gonna make you cry and beg. Then, you’re gonna crawl back to whatever whore house you crawled out of and leave the fighting to the fighters.”

The crowd gasped at the harsh words. Marlina threw the mic to the ground. As it bounced out of the ring, a snarl crossed Alissa’s black-painted lips and she launched herself at Marlina as soon as the bell rang.

Marlina, being much more athletic than Alissa, easily dodged the thick woman’s charge. She reached out and grabbed one of Alissa’s pigtails and pulled her close, kneeing her viciously in her soft stomach.

“HYUCK,” spit flies from Alissa’s mouth and she falls to her knees, clutching at her stomach in pain. Marlina follows up by dropping to one knee and, when Alissa looks at her, punching her directly in the jaw.

Alissa dropped like a rock, flopping to the side, her arms falling against her meaty thighs as she lay still at Marlina’s feet, her face buried in the mat.

Marlina looked at her hand and saw some of Alissa’s glitter makeup got off on her hand. She reached down and wiped it off on her opponent’s tank top. As she did, Alissa stirred.

“Get up you fat bitch,” Marlina yelled at her as the ref pushed her back to a corner, before going to check on Alissa. With his helps, she is able to slowly get to her feet.

However, she is immediately tackled by Marlina, who tackles her into a corner, folding her between the ropes, causing her ass to stick out.

Marlina continued the assault with punch after punch to Alissa’s soft stomach. Her ass and thighs jiggled as she was pummeled, her face contorted in a mask of pain behind her smeared makeup. She tried to swing a haymaker, but Markind ducked under it and gave Alissa a massive uppercut to her jaw.

Spit spewed from Alissa’s mouth as her head jerked back. She fell to her knees again and fell forward, her face landing against Marlina’s upper thigh, her fat ass sticking out once again. Her arms dropped uselessly to her side.

Marlina grabbed one of her pigtails in each hand and, holding the woman’s head in place, grinded against her face.

“And this is why I called you handlebars,” she said to Alissa, whose arms swayed lightly as she was humiliated in front of the crowd. “You just stick to being a whore and leave the fighting to me, eh?”

She stopped grinding and backed up a bit, hitting Alissa with a spinning kick to the head before she could pitch forward.

The kick sent her to the mat, one arm wedged between her thick thighs and her ass slightly raised, almost inviting.

Marlina just shook her head, budging Alissa’s lifeless body onto her back. Her eyes were crossed and a thin line of drool fell down her mouth.

Marlina put a foot on one of Alissa’s tits as the ref counted to three.

The bell rang and Marlina looked down at Alissa’s cute face, makeup smeared and spit on her chin.

“I better not catch you in this ring again, okay? You don’t belong.”

And as the ref raised Marlina’s hand and Alissa started gently twitching under her foot, it was hard to disagree.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/r2yo3b/ff_fdom_wrestling_alissa_learns_a_lesson