The Orchard [M/F]

This is a repost of a story I had posted under a now defunct account. Any comments are welcome!

The warm air was a few weeks away from being seasonal, but the two young lovers in the car didn’t mind one bit. It was one of those warm spring nights that spoke of an amazing summer arriving early. The perfect night to drive around their small city aimlessly, enjoying each others company. There was no need for small talk to fill the night air. Just the music on the radio, and that comfortable familiarity that only two people in love can share.

Dean was driving, one hand on the steering wheel, the other resting on his leg. Jen was hanging one arm out the window, moving a hand up and down to ride the air currents flowing by the window. They had all the time in the world, and nowhere to go. Dean lived an hour away, and Jen’s house was always chaotic and filled with people. Hardly a place for privacy or relaxation. So they decided to see a movie, have some food, and take one of their many random road trips to nowhere in particular. As the moon rose, Dean looked over at Jen, and felt that familiar stirring inside. He cared about the girl yes, but right now all he felt was the primal urge to grab her, pull her close, and taste every inch of her body. His right hand left his lap, and reached over onto her left leg. Jen looked over and smiled. She knew him, knew his moves, and she welcomed this one gladly.

It was a type of game, I guess you could say. One they both loved. The city was small, but expansive, giving them lots of places to play. There were no losers in the game, so to speak. Just varying degrees of winning. Dean slowly moved his hand up, and dipped it down between her legs, slowly rubbing through the denim jeans she wore. Jen giggled and moved her legs slightly apart. She shot Dean a glance as she leaned her head back. Words weren’t needed, but Dean knew what it meant; The game was on, and she was ready to come out on top.

Stopping at a red light, Dean deftly used his hand to unbutton her jeans, and slowly slipped his hand inside her lace panties. He didn’t spare a glance to see which color they were. It hardly mattered. The point was to drive, focus on the road, act normal, and get her off. As the light turns green, Dean pulls forward, as his fingers start to feel the top of her clit, and the long slit below. Gently, slowly, he runs his index finger over the small button at the top of her womanhood, feeling the response from the organ itself, and from the woman playing the game opposite him. She let out a small sigh of contentment, easing her muscles and melting into a state of relaxation. Cars were passing them and being passed by them in turn. Dean kept it just above the speed limit, starting straight ahead, using his turn signal. Nothing out of the ordinary to anyone observing them as they drove. Jen, for her part, kept as much of a straight face as she could. She knew her part to play. To relax, enjoy the fingers rubbing slowly over her favorite part of her body, and to come. All while looking like anyone else sitting in the passenger seat.

They were both working towards the same goal, but were somehow adversarial in this. Neither one of them wanted to get caught, they both wanted to get off, and yet they both wanted to have the other person crack first. Random streets and businesses passed by. Dean’s finger now running circles around her clit, feeling the wetness come in waves, renewing the sensation there. He started moving his finger in a horseshoe shape over the top of it now, making sure to gently lift the hood to get to the most sensitive part underneath. Jen shuddered at that, back arching slightly making her ample breasts stick out more. Dean could see the small dots poking through the fabric, and smiled to himself. Jen’s legs spread even further apart, giving him more access. It wasn’t easy in this small coupe. They were both over 6 feet, and Jen in particular had long legs, so finding space inside the two seater was difficult at times. But that didn’t matter. They had both been absorbed by this game, by their loving time with each other. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Dean’s finger slowly moved down, down the crease of her pussy lips, and slowly slipped inside of her. Her hips pushed upward in her chair now, letting him get deeper in. The steady rumble of the road below them started to fade away and the entirety of her body’s sensations focused on this one area. Dean knew his lovers body, knew the progression of muscle contractions and shakes that preceeded her coming. It was a few minutes away yet, but he needed to start the second part of the game. His finger continued to alternate between a come hither motion inside of her, and moving up to circle and rub her clit. Dean pulled up to a red light, and kissed her next gently. Jen turned and kissed him deeply, stopping to take in a sharp inhale when his finger found her button again. Dean pulled away to smile, and noticed that next to them was a police cruiser. The officers were looking at them, and Dean shot them a smile. Jen noticed something was different, turned and saw what was going on. She laughed and waved and the two lovers turned their attention back to the red light. Deans finger slowly circled Jen’s clit, forcing her to tense up and suppress a moan. He knew he’d pay for this later, and was glad to. He hoped the officers wouldn’t figure out what was going on, just think it’s two lovers holding hands and kissing at a stop light. The air was full of tension, and he had never been more excited in his life.

The light turned green, and Dean began to make his left turn. Suddenly, blue and red lights flared up behind his rear view mirror! The look on Jen’s face was on of shock and horror. It wasn’t until they noticed the cop car had gone straight at the light instead of turning with them, that they both let out a sigh of relief. As the brief moment of panic left them, they both melted back into their hormonal tempest, and continued on. Dean continued to drive the car towards the reservoir, his other hand going faster and faster in its movement. Slowly bringing his index finger in while he was inside of her, as if to tell her to “come here”, then moving over her clit, circling and circling, then moving the opposite direction. He could feel her legs beginning to shake. The familiar muscle twitches that told of her coming. As they moved farther from the city center, towards the suburbs and relative sirentity of the reservoir, she began to moan more. “Oh god baby, make me cum” she whispered in his ear. His fingers moved at their pace, knowing where to go and when. He wished for nothing more than it to be his tongue instead of his fingers, but knew that would have to wait. He was dying to taste her, to feel her pressing her hips against his face. But for now, he knew what he had to do.

Her whole body began to shake as she fought off the orgasm, wanting to make this last longer. The car climbed the hill of the last suburban neighborhood they would need to drive through to their destination. Dean felt her contract and tighten up around his fingers as she came. A small gush of wetness hit his hand, and he continued to tell her to “come here” as she came. Shoulders shaking, head arched back against the seat, her right arm bracing herself against the roof of the car. He slowed down his fingers movements, knowing you never just stop when women finish, but slow down, like a roller coaster arriving back at the loading platform. Jen took a few deep breaths, recovered, and turned to Dean. Their eyes met, and Jen quickly surveyed where they were. Past the last of the houses, no one in sight.

A hungry looked flashed across her eyes, and she didn’t hesitate as she reached across and began to unbutton his pants and zip down his fly. Her left hand reached through this opening, into the boxers, and found what she was looking for. It wasn’t difficult, he had been hard since the first few minutes of the game. Some maneuvering and finally she freed her prize. It wasn’t the easiest task. Dean was quite sizable. Just over 7 inches and thicker than most.The purple of his helmet glistened with precum already, betraying his excitement at seeing her finish moments earlier. She stared for a moment, as she always did. She was fascinated by the shape of him. When she had first seen it, she said it should be a model for exactly what a penis looks like. Her hand ran slowly up the shaft, feeling every inch of it. Dean’s body tensed in anticipation as Jen slowly lowered her head and kissed the tip of him. Her tongue jutting out and licking underneath the ridge of his helmet. Her lips slowly enclosed over him and slowly moved down his shaft, as far as she could. The slight salty taste of precum was like honey to her, and she began to move up and down, taking pleasure in feeling his body tense up, hearing him gasp and let out a moan.

Dean kept driving, looking for the right spot to pull over. It was quite.. hard… to stay focused right now. The reservoir rose to the left of them, and the long winding road surrounding it led them deeper into the night. The moon was full, giving him some light. But he knew these roads. They had done this so many times before. Always driving till he almost came, and there, wherever “there” was, they would pull over and continue their love making. Sometimes it was sweet, sometimes it was rough and passionate. It was always satisfying for them both.

On a long stretch of road, Dean looked down, moved Jen’s hair aside and watched as she continued to suck on his cock. He could feel her tongue stud moving expertly around his tip, driving him wild. He needed to find a place to go, and soon. They had many fun new places under their belt from playing this game. On top of their car in a dirt parking lot of a general store. One time in a rocking chair on the general store’s porch itself. Hell one time they had even found the cab of a backhoe unlocked in a construction site and proceeded to fuck each other senseless inside the big piece of construction equipment.

But this was a night of passion and sweetness. He knew exactly where to go this time. His left hand continued to steer them toward their destination while Jen did her best to get him to his. She was going faster now, stopping every few minutes to simply stroke him, kiss the tip and catch her breathe.

“We’re here”, said Dean. Jen looked up and saw the trees stretching before her. Dean got out of the car, taking a moment to button up, and removed the chain in front of them. He got back in the car, put it into drive and pulled the car forward into the Apple Orchard. They had driven by it many times before, Jen always saying they should go in. Dean, being the guy he was, was always worried about being caught and arrested. But now, after all this time, he didn’t care. And she loved him for it. They drove about 45 seconds in silence to where the path turned. Dean did his best to turn the car around, leaving it just past the bend where no one from the road could see it. They sat a few moment in silence, listening, watching, to see if anyone from the adjacent farm house had heard them.

Nothing. Just them, the wind moving through the apple trees, and the song of the night insects. They got out of the car, and Dean opened the trunk to remove a large blanket he always kept there for the beach. They walked, hand in hand, deeper into the orchard, until they found the right spot. It was no different than any others, truth be told, but to them, it was the right spot, and that was all that mattered.

Dean spread out the blanket, Jen helping to straighten it. While she was unfurling the last corner she felt Dean move up to her, grab her, pull her close. Her hips pulled against his as he kissed her. Two lovers standing under the moonlight, locked in an embrace together. Eventually he began to kiss his way down her neck, stopping where the neck meets the collarbone, and she gave a small shudder. His hands found the small on her back, and gently held her close. Jen let out a small sigh, and a quiet “Mmmm” as he kissed her collar bone. His lips continued down her chest, all the while she felt his right hand dart up, and work the clasp of her bra. Dean had plenty of practice undressing her, she was happy to say, and the clasp proved nothing more than a momentary distraction. With a swift movement he removed her tank top and bra over her head, surprising her. He was ravenous with desire and wasn’t going to wait. His lips found her left nipple then, making her gasp out loud. His tongue swirling around the bump there, with a gentle pressure of him sucking on the areola. His left hand moved up and grasped her other breast, and even his large hand struggled to contain the D cup breast that it now held. Jen arched her neck back, drinking in the night air and the sensations now running from her nipples straight to her crotch. The wetness returned, and she could not wait for the rest of it to begin. Dean, sensing this, gently laid her down on the blanket. He lips kissed a trail down her stomach, to her hips, moving along the entirety of the top of the jeans. His teeth giving a small bite to the hip bones protruding their. He slipped her pants off then, letting her feel the air all over her body. The air mixed with the electricity of the moment was intoxicating. His lips found the top of her mound, and he slowly slipped her red panties down, his lips following behind them the entire way. He continued to kiss down her right thigh, then moved parallel, kissing the inside of them. She spread her legs happily, feeling the warmth of his breath there. Slowly his head moved up, small kisses the entire way, and just after she began to feel his breath on her womanhood, she felt his tongue.

He soaked in the taste as his tongue began to find her clit. He loved to go down on women, and luckily Jen was just as happy to receive. The warm sweetness there was everything to him, and he reveled in the moment. His tongue found her clit, began to circle again as his fingers had not 20 minutes before. His left hand continued to rest on her hips, and his right hand slowly snaked up, and he inserted two fingers into her. He heard her moan, louder than in the car, enjoying the solitude they shared. His tongue was a dart right now, the tip of it circling her clit over and over, going under the hood and feeling her body shake as he stimulated the hidden spot there. His fingers began to work now, gently moving in and out, not working in time with his tongue, but not working against it either. His tongue would become less rigid, fanning out like a leaf and take long, slow licks from where his fingers were, up to her clit. Dean knew Jen, knew her body, and knew staying with one speed or sensation for more than a moment before the very end would be disaster. He loved this, and wanted to make every moment last.

His tongue continued to go back and forth, circling over the top, stopping, and reversing, over and over. Slowly he picked up speed, his fingers going faster in response to Jen’s arched back and moans of pleasures. Her hands were in her hair, running through it. Then they’d be in his hair, pulling playfully. Her eyes were closed and she was lost to the moment. Dean kept his fingers moving inside of her as he came up for air, kissed her lips, her breasts, her hips, and inner thighs again. After a moment of teasing, he tongue got back to work, more and more circles over her most sensitive part. He could feel her getting close. Her legs pulled up, thighs pressing against his head. He couldn’t hear anything except the blood pounding in his ears. But he could feel. Feel her legs shake from holding her body tight, feel her shoulders twitch, her hips move in rhythm with his fingers. And he felt the release. The release of her juices, flooding over his face and over his tongue, the sweetest nectar her could ever ask for. He felt her muscles stiffen one last time and then relax. Feel her pussy contract over his fingers, keeping them from moving, then slowly release. As her thighs released his head, he could hear her let out one, long, protracted breathe of pleasure.

They sat for a moment. Jen managed to get out a “better have those clothes off when I’m done recovering”, and Dean was happy to oblige. Both their clothes now in a pile, Dean laid back on the blanket, his manhood sticking up into the night. Jen laid her head on his shoulders, and gently played with his cock, running a finger over it absentmindedly. They kissed then, and as they did, Dean moved on top of her. His tongue tangled with hers as she felt him enter her. A sensation she had been waiting for, but still didn’t expect. She gasped and then smiled and pulled him close to her. They kissed as Dean began to move his hips back and forth, sliding back and forth inside of her. Both hearts beating in their chest, inches from each other. Dean could feel her erect nipples as they glided over his chest. Could feel the warmth of the air around his shaft give way to the warmth of Jen. Slowly he moved back and forth, timing his thrust with Jen’s. It was, after all, still a game, and both players needed to play. He kissed her neck, hearing her breath release with the peak of each thrust. Moaning now, she relished the sensations all over her body. Her legs wrapped around his back as he picked up pace. His powerful hips thrusting into her over and over again. Her hips keeping time with his, listening to his breathe quicken and a guttural noise escape from his mouth. He kissed her again, this time reaching around and grabbing the back of her neck gently. With her legs still wrapped around his back, he rolled on his hips expertly, and suddenly she was on top of his lap, both of them sitting up, like the apple trees all around them. She slid up and down his hard shaft, hands wrapped around his neck and back, his hands wrapped around her supporting her. His face was in her chest now, teasing her nipples as he kept moving her up and down his manhood. She moaned loud now, her body filled with electricity as sensations glided around her. She could feel him begin to tremble as they moved quicker and quicker with each other, against each other, into each other. He was close, she knew that much, and she see him cum.

“Im… I’m close” he breathed out. She slid off, laid him back, and wrapped her hands around him stroking him. Her juices made her hand glide over his thick cock, and she saw his face tense up. She felt it coming before she saw it, and a second later he stiffened even more as he began to come, his seed flying out in a glorious eruption. She was turned on to know she did that to him, and watched as it flew and landed on his stomach. She kept stroking him, knowing she had to get out every bit. She leaned over and kissed him as she continued to stroke, feeling his contractions has the sensations continued. He kissed her back, happily, dreamily.

They slowly cleaned up, the moon light shining on their skin. Eventually, they dressed, and commented how sad it was the apples weren’t ripe yet. They could have enjoyed a few on the drive home. They walked back to the car, put the blanket away, kissed again, and slowly pulled out of the orchard, into the warm spring night that now shared their secret. They drove in silence, hand in hand. Two comfortable lovers, no words needed between them.
